Isaiah 45:24 Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men comeā¦ God s power over mankind is exerted in a way of grace, although it is also true that His power is put forth in a way of judgment towards those who reject His mercy. I read, with delight, the expressions of my text as the decrees, and determinations, and promises, and declarations of the God of grace, who affirms that men shall say, "In the Lord have we righteousness and strength," &c. There are five Divine declarations in the text. I. THERE SHALL BE A PEOPLE WHO SHALL OWN THE TRUTH CONCERNING GOD. Our version says, "Surely, shall one say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength"; but there are other readings which appear to be more accurate. "Men shall say, In the Lord is righteousness and strength," would be quite as correct a rendering, or even more so. It means that there shall be a people who shall confess that in God there is righteousness and strength. 1. They shall see these to be His attributes. 2. They will see that all their righteousness and strength must be found in God. 3. They shall be prepared openly to avow it. "Surely shall one say," &c. II. Men will not only own the truth concerning God, but THEY WILL ACT UPON IT. "Even to Him shall men come." III. THOSE WHO DO COME SHALL BE ASHAMED OF THEIR FORMER OPPOSITION. "All that are incensed against Him shall be ashamed." 1. There are some who are angry with God's providence. 2. Some are incensed against God because of His law and its penalty, 3. Others are incensed against God because of the great plan of salvation. 4. Some are even incensed against the Saviour Himself. IV. The fourth Divine declaration is, that THE LORD'S PEOPLE SHALL ALL BE JUSTIFIED. "In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified." V. THOSE WHO COME TO CHRIST, AND ARE JUSTIFIED IN HIM, SHALL GLORY. What does the text mean when it says that they shall glory? Sometimes, when I have been preaching in Wales, or among Methodists, when I have set before them good, rich, Gospel truth, perhaps two or three have shouted, at the same time, "Glory!" And though it has not increased the solemnity of the service, it has added a good deal of vivacity to it. And, really, when we see what Divine grace has done for us, we often feel inclined to cry out, "Glory! Glory be to God!" 1. Have not many of you felt the glory in your soul, even if you have not uttered it with your mouth? 2. But the Lord's true people will not keep that glory all to themselves. They shall so glory that they shall speak about it to others. 3. Those who truly know Christ will glory in Him alone. ( C. H. Spurgeon.) Parallel Verses KJV: Surely, shall one say, in the LORD have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. |