And the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD to minister to Him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be His servants--all who keep the Sabbath without profaning it and who hold fast to My covenant-- Sermons
The sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, etc. This word is often degraded in human speech. "Service" is con-sidereal humiliating, and only mastership is glorious. But "the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." We are all of us " debtors" to others; we owe them much, and we owe Christ all. I. SERVICE CALLS OUT WHAT IS BEST IN MEN. 1. Their unselfishness. 2. Their heroism. 3. Their patience. II. SERVICE CHARACTERIZES THE NOBLEST AND THE BEST OF MEN. 1. Think of the world's great leaders. 2. Think of the Church's sufferers and martyrs. III. SERVICE IS EMBODIED IN MANY FORMS. There is a service of gift; a service of speech; a service of submission. "They also serve who only stand and wait." All God's universe is alive with blest activity. The idler is out of harmony with the entire creation of God. - W.M.S. Also the sons of the stranger. This is a clear prophecy of the call of the Gentiles into the Church of Christ. Let us attend to this description of those who are objects of the Divine favour, and entitled to the privileges of His house. 1. They join themselves to the Lord. This supposes a former distance and alienation from Him. But that is removed by humble repentance and returning to the Lord. It includes, renouncing all their idols; forsaking all their sin, everything contrary to the nature and will of God: a deliberate choice of Him, as their portion and felicity; and of His people, as their friends and associates. 2. The design of their thus joining themselves unto the Lord is to serve Him. This is further expressed in the phrase, to be His servants; not only to serve Him occasionally, or for a while, but perpetually; to adhere to Him and His ways, from a deep conviction that nothing can be more reasonable, important, and advantageous than to hear what He saith, and to do it. 3. It is added, and to love the name of the Lord. They take delight in His service; they perform it not from fear and a servile dread, but from a sincere and strong affection. They love His name; that is, they love him, His worship and His ways, and pursue His work with delight. It is opposed to narrow; selfish, mercenary views, which render the service less acceptable and comfortable. They esteem it their meat and drink to do His will. 4. Another thing-expected from God's people is, that they keep His Sabbath from polluting it. This is an essential character, a distinguishing mark, of good men. 5. God's people take hold of His covenant. They enter into serious, deliberate, solemn engagements to observe and keep His laws, in order to obtain the blessings which He hath promised; and which, in so doing, they cheerfully expect. They take hold of it; which implies a hearty consent to God's terms, a cheerful approbation and acceptance of them and delight in them. It likewise implies a steady resolution. They take hold of it, as those who are determined not to let it go. () The text — I. HOLDS OUT UNIVERSAL ENCOURAGEMENT TO MAN. 1. By the transfer of the priesthood from Aaron to Christ. 2. By the change of sacrifice. From the blood of bulls and of goats to the precious blood of the Son of God. 3. By the removal of place. From Jerusalem to the temple of the universe. 4. By a change of worship. From ritual to spiritual. What an encouraging prospect! (Ephesians 2:11-22.) II. INCULCATES UNIVERSAL PIETY, Piety in heart and practice. The duties enumerated may be divided into three classes. 1. Those which relate to Christ, expressed by taking hold of His covenant — accepting — agreeing to it. 2. Those which relate to God as the Governor of the world. (1)His servants. (2)Walk by His laws. (3)Keep His Sabbaths. 3. Those which relate to the Church. III. PROMISES UNIVERSAL HAPPINESS. 1. Access to heaven. "I will bring them to My holy mountain." 2. Joyfulness in His service. "I will make them joyful in My house of prayer." 3. The Divine acceptance of their religious engagements. "Their burnt-offerings and sacrifices shall be accepted upon Mine altar." () People IsaiahPlaces JerusalemTopics Agreement, Alien, Aliens, Bind, Covenant, Desecrating, Fast, Foreigners, Hold, Holdeth, Holds, Holy, Honour, Join, Joined, Keeper, Keepeth, Keeping, Keeps, Love, Minister, Polluting, Profane, Profaning, Sabbath, Servants, Serve, Sons, Strange, Stranger, Taketh, Themselves, WorshipOutline 1. The prophet exhorts to sanctification 3. He promises it shall be general, without respect of persons 9. He protests against blind watchmen
Dictionary of Bible Themes Isaiah 56:6 7160 servants of the Lord Isaiah 56:3-7 7271 Zion, as symbol Isaiah 56:4-7 7470 temple, significance Isaiah 56:6-7 6603 acceptance, divine 7436 sacrifice, NT fulfilment 8208 commitment, to God 8271 holiness, purpose Isaiah 56:6-8 7031 unity, God's goal 7145 remnant 7511 Gentiles, in OT 7949 mission, of Israel 8151 revival, corporate Library We Sure of To-Morrow? a New Year's Sermon 'To-morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.'--ISAIAH lvi. 12. These words, as they stand, are the call of boon companions to new revelry. They are part of the prophet's picture of a corrupt age when the men of influence and position had thrown away their sense of duty, and had given themselves over, as aristocracies and plutocracies are ever tempted to do, to mere luxury and good living. They are summoning one another to their coarse orgies. The roystering speaker says, 'Do not be afraid … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy ScriptureConcerning the Sacrament of Baptism Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to the riches of His mercy has at least preserved this one sacrament in His Church uninjured and uncontaminated by the devices of men, and has made it free to all nations and to men of every class. He has not suffered it to be overwhelmed with the foul and impious monstrosities of avarice and superstition; doubtless having this purpose, that He would have little children, incapable of avarice and superstition, to be initiated into … Martin Luther—First Principles of the Reformation Nor Indeed Hath the Holy Spirit Failed to Speak what Should be of Open... 25. Nor indeed hath the Holy Spirit failed to speak what should be of open and unshaken avail against these men, most shamelessly and madly obstinate, and should repel their assault, as of wild beasts, from His sheep-fold, by defences that may not be stormed. For, after He had said concerning eunuchs, "I will give unto them in My house and in My wall a named place, much better than of sons and daughters;" [2069] lest any too carnal should think that there was any thing temporal to be hoped for in … St. Augustine—Of Holy Virginity. The House of Prayer. --Isaiah Lvi. 7 The House of Prayer.--Isaiah lvi. 7. "My House shall be an House of Prayer For all that live, to worship there:" Thus saith the Lord:--how answer we? "Thine House, our House of Prayer shall be." "Wherever I my Name record, There will I meet Thee," saith the Lord; Thee in Thine House of Prayer we meet; Now bless us from the Mercy-seat. Thus spake the Lord--"My Son, to Thee Swear every tongue, bow every knee:" Father, by us Thy will be done, We bow the knee and "Kiss the Son." His throne and kingdom … James Montgomery—Sacred Poems and Hymns Lastly, Let us Hear the Lord Himself Delivering Most Plain Judgment on this Matter. ... 23. Lastly, let us hear the Lord Himself delivering most plain judgment on this matter. For, upon His speaking after a divine and fearful manner concerning husband and wife not separating, save on account of fornication, His disciples said to Him, "If the case be such with a wife, it is not good to marry." [2066] To whom He saith, "Not all receive this saying. For there are eunuchs who were so born: but there are others who were made by men: and there are eunuchs, who made themselves eunuchs for … St. Augustine—Of Holy Virginity. That the Ruler Should be Discreet in Keeping Silence, Profitable in Speech. The ruler should be discreet in keeping silence, profitable in speech; lest he either utter what ought to be suppressed or suppress what he ought to utter. For, as incautious speaking leads into error, so indiscreet silence leaves in error those who might have been instructed. For often improvident rulers, fearing to lose human favour, shrink timidly from speaking freely the things that are right; and, according to the voice of the Truth (Joh. x. 12), serve unto the custody of the flock by no means … Leo the Great—Writings of Leo the Great That the Unskilful Venture not to Approach an Office of Authority. No one presumes to teach an art till he has first, with intent meditation, learnt it. What rashness is it, then, for the unskilful to assume pastoral authority, since the government of souls is the art of arts! For who can be ignorant that the sores of the thoughts of men are more occult than the sores of the bowels? And yet how often do men who have no knowledge whatever of spiritual precepts fearlessly profess themselves physicians of the heart, though those who are ignorant of the effect of … Leo the Great—Writings of Leo the Great The History of the Prophetic Sermons, Epistles, and Apocalypses [Sidenote: Real character and aims of the prophets] To understand and rightly interpret the prophetic writings of the Old Testament it is necessary to cast aside a false impression as to the character of the prophets which is widely prevalent. They were not foretellers, but forth-tellers. Instead of being vague dreamers, in imagination living far in the distant future, they were most emphatically men of their own times, enlightened and devoted patriots, social and ethical reformers, and spiritual … Charles Foster Kent—The Origin & Permanent Value of the Old Testament How those are to be Admonished who have had Experience of the Sins of the Flesh, and those who have Not. (Admonition 29.) Differently to be admonished are those who are conscious of sins of the flesh, and those who know them not. For those who have had experience of the sins of the flesh are to be admonished that, at any rate after shipwreck, they should fear the sea, and feel horror at their risk of perdition at least when it has become known to them; lest, having been mercifully preserved after evil deeds committed, by wickedly repeating the same they die. Whence to the soul that sins and never … Leo the Great—Writings of Leo the Great "And if Christ be in You, the Body is Dead Because of Sin; but the Spirit is Life Because of Righteousness. " Rom. viii. 10.--"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness." God's presence is his working. His presence in a soul by his Spirit is his working in such a soul in some special manner, not common to all men, but peculiar to them whom he hath chosen. Now his dwelling is nothing else but a continued, familiar and endless working in a soul, till he hath conformed all within to the image of his Son. The soul is the office house, or workhouse, … Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning Covenanting Confers Obligation. As it has been shown that all duty, and that alone, ought to be vowed to God in covenant, it is manifest that what is lawfully engaged to in swearing by the name of God is enjoined in the moral law, and, because of the authority of that law, ought to be performed as a duty. But it is now to be proved that what is promised to God by vow or oath, ought to be performed also because of the act of Covenanting. The performance of that exercise is commanded, and the same law which enjoins that the duties … John Cunningham—The Ordinance of Covenanting Ye Also who have not yet Made this Vow... 30. Ye also who have not yet made this vow, who are able to receive it, receive it. [2093] Run with perseverance, that ye may obtain. [2094] Take ye each his sacrifices, and enter ye into the courts [2095] of the Lord, not of necessity, having power over your own will. [2096] For not as, "Thou shall not commit adultery, Thou shall not kill," [2097] can it so be said, Thou shalt not wed. The former are demanded, the latter are offered. If the latter are done, they are praised: unless the former are … St. Augustine—Of Holy Virginity. The Cavils of the Pharisees Concerning Purification, and the Teaching of the Lord Concerning Purity - the Traditions Concerning Hand-Washing' and Vows. ' As we follow the narrative, confirmatory evidence of what had preceded springs up at almost every step. It is quite in accordance with the abrupt departure of Jesus from Capernaum, and its motives, that when, so far from finding rest and privacy at Bethsaida (east of the Jordan), a greater multitude than ever had there gathered around Him, which would fain have proclaimed Him King, He resolved on immediate return to the western shore, with the view of seeking a quieter retreat, even though it were … Alfred Edersheim—The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Barren Fig-Tree. Temple Cleansed. (Road from Bethany and Jerusalem. Monday, April 4, a.d. 30.) ^A Matt. XXI. 18, 19, 12, 13; ^B Mark XI. 12-18; ^C Luke XIX. 45-48. ^b 12 And ^a 18 Now ^b on the morrow [on the Monday following the triumphal entry], ^a in the morning ^b when they were come out from Bethany, ^a as he returned to the city [Jerusalem], he hungered. [Breakfast with the Jews came late in the forenoon, and these closing days of our Lord's ministry were full of activity that did not have time to tarry at Bethany for it. Our … J. W. McGarvey—The Four-Fold Gospel Manner of Covenanting. Previous to an examination of the manner of engaging in the exercise of Covenanting, the consideration of God's procedure towards his people while performing the service seems to claim regard. Of the manner in which the great Supreme as God acts, as well as of Himself, our knowledge is limited. Yet though even of the effects on creatures of His doings we know little, we have reason to rejoice that, in His word He has informed us, and in His providence illustrated by that word, he has given us to … John Cunningham—The Ordinance of Covenanting Covenanting Adapted to the Moral Constitution of Man. The law of God originates in his nature, but the attributes of his creatures are due to his sovereignty. The former is, accordingly, to be viewed as necessarily obligatory on the moral subjects of his government, and the latter--which are all consistent with the holiness of the Divine nature, are to be considered as called into exercise according to his appointment. Hence, also, the law of God is independent of his creatures, though made known on their account; but the operation of their attributes … John Cunningham—The Ordinance of Covenanting Adoption 'As many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.' John 1:12. Having spoken of the great points of faith and justification, we come next to adoption. The qualification of the persons is, As many as received him.' Receiving is put for believing, as is clear by the last words, to them that believe in his name.' The specification of the privilege is, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.' The Greek word for power, exousia, signifies … Thomas Watson—A Body of Divinity An Appendix to the Beatitudes His commandments are not grievous 1 John 5:3 You have seen what Christ calls for poverty of spirit, pureness of heart, meekness, mercifulness, cheerfulness in suffering persecution, etc. Now that none may hesitate or be troubled at these commands of Christ, I thought good (as a closure to the former discourse) to take off the surmises and prejudices in men's spirits by this sweet, mollifying Scripture, His commandments are not grievous.' The censuring world objects against religion that it is difficult … Thomas Watson—The Beatitudes: An Exposition of Matthew 5:1-12 Love The rule of obedience being the moral law, comprehended in the Ten Commandments, the next question is: What is the sum of the Ten Commandments? The sum of the Ten Commandments is, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and our neighbour as ourselves. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.' Deut 6: 5. The duty called for is love, yea, the strength of love, with all … Thomas Watson—The Ten Commandments Ten Reasons Demonstrating the Commandment of the Sabbath to be Moral. 1. Because all the reasons of this commandment are moral and perpetual; and God has bound us to the obedience of this commandment with more forcible reasons than to any of the rest--First, because he foresaw that irreligious men would either more carelessly neglect, or more boldly break this commandment than any other; secondly, because that in the practice of this commandment the keeping of all the other consists; which makes God so often complain that all his worship is neglected or overthrown, … Lewis Bayly—The Practice of Piety Links Isaiah 56:6 NIV Isaiah 56:6 NLT Isaiah 56:6 ESV Isaiah 56:6 NASB Isaiah 56:6 KJV
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