Zephaniah 2:14
Zephaniah 2:14
Flocks and herds will lie down there, creatures of every kind. The desert owl and the screech owl will roost on her columns. Their hooting will echo through the windows, rubble will fill the doorways, the beams of cedar will be exposed.

The proud city will become a pasture for flocks and herds, and all sorts of wild animals will settle there. The desert owl and screech owl will roost on its ruined columns, their calls echoing through the gaping windows. Rubble will block all the doorways, and the cedar paneling will be exposed to the weather.

Herds shall lie down in her midst, all kinds of beasts; even the owl and the hedgehog shall lodge in her capitals; a voice shall hoot in the window; devastation will be on the threshold; for her cedar work will be laid bare.

Flocks will lie down in her midst, All beasts which range in herds; Both the pelican and the hedgehog Will lodge in the tops of her pillars; Birds will sing in the window, Desolation will be on the threshold; For He has laid bare the cedar work.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work.

Herds will lie down in the middle of it, every kind of wild animal. Both the desert owl and the screech owl will roost in the capitals of its pillars. Their calls will sound from the window, but devastation will be on the threshold, for He will expose the cedar work.

Flocks will lie down in her midst, along with animals of every kind. Desert owls and screeching owls will nest at the top of the pillars, hooting through the vacant windows, 'Ruin sits at these doorsills,' for he will expose even the cedar framework.

Flocks and herds will lie down in the middle of it, as well as every kind of wild animal. Owls will sleep in the tops of its support pillars; they will hoot through the windows. Rubble will cover the thresholds; even the cedar work will be exposed to the elements.

Flocks will lie down in it along with animals of every kind. Even pelicans and herons will nest on top of its columns. Listen! A bird will sing in a window. The doorway will be in ruins, because the LORD will expose the cedar beams.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the Gentiles; both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in her thresholds; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the gates: for her cedar work shall be uncovered.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the vulture and the hedgehog shall lodge in her capitals; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall lay bare her cedar work.

And flocks shall lie down in the middle of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds; for he shall uncover the cedar work.

And herds shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the pelican and the porcupine shall lodge in the capitals thereof; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he hath laid bare the cedar-work.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst thereof, all the beasts of the nations: and the bittern and the urchin shall lodge in the threshold thereof: the voice of the singing bird in the window, the raven on the upper post, for I will consume her strength.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the crowd of beasts; both the pelican and the bittern shall lodge in the chapiters thereof; a voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be on the thresholds: for he hath laid bare the cedar work.

And herds shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the pelican and the porcupine shall lodge in the chapiters thereof: their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds; for he hath laid bare the cedar work.

And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the threshholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work.

Herds will lie down in the midst of her, all the animals of the nations. Both the pelican and the porcupine will lodge in its capitals. Their calls will echo through the windows. Desolation will be in the thresholds, for he has laid bare the cedar beams.

And crouched in her midst have droves, Every beast of the nation, Both pelican and hedge-hog in her knobs lodge, A voice doth sing at the window, 'Destruction is at the threshold, For the cedar-work is exposed.'

Sofonia 2:14
Në mes të tij do të struken kopetë, tërë kafshët e kombeve; si pelikani ashtu dhe çafka do të kalojnë natën mbi kapitelet e shtyllave të tij; zëri i tyre do të dëgjohet në dritare; shkretimi do të jetë mbi pragje, sepse do të shkatërrojë veshjen me panela kedri.

ﺻﻔﻨﻴﺎ 2:14
فتربض في وسطها القطعان كل طوائف الحيوان. القوق ايضا والقنفذ يأويان الى تيجان عمدها. صوت ينعب في الكوى. خراب على الاعتاب لانه قد تعرّى أرزيّها.

Dyr Zefynies 2:14
Daadl lagert allerlai Vih und ruckt it, und auf de Säulnhaeupter nächtignend Eignen und Dähln. Dyr Wind pfeifft durch d Fenster, und ayn Kraah krägetzt auf n Drischübl. De Zöderntäferlung habnd s allss abhergrissn.

Софоний 2:14
Черди ще лежат всред нея, Всякакъв вид животни; Пеликанът и ежът ще обитават в капителите й; Гласът им ще екне в прозорците; Пустота ще има в праговете, Защото Той ще я лиши от кедровите [изделия].

西 番 雅 書 2:14
群 畜 , 就 是 各 國 ( 國 : 或 譯 類 ) 的 走 獸 必 臥 在 其 中 ; 鵜 鶘 和 箭 豬 要 宿 在 柱 頂 上 。 在 窗 戶 內 有 鳴 叫 的 聲 音 ; 門 檻 都 必 毀 壞 , 香 柏 木 已 經 露 出 。

群 畜 , 就 是 各 国 ( 国 : 或 译 类 ) 的 走 兽 必 卧 在 其 中 ; 鹈 鹕 和 箭 猪 要 宿 在 柱 顶 上 。 在 窗 户 内 有 鸣 叫 的 声 音 ; 门 槛 都 必 毁 坏 , 香 柏 木 已 经 露 出 。



Zephaniah 2:14
Usred nje će stado ležati, zvijeri svakojake; čaplje i pelikani počivat će noću na glavicama stupova, sova će hukati na prozoru, gavran graktati na pragu.

Sofoniáše 2:14
I budou u prostřed něho léhati stáda, všecky šelmy národů, pelikán i výr na makovicích jeho nocovati budou; hlas zníti bude na okně, pustina na veřeji, když cedroví jeho obnaží.

Zefanias 2:14
Hjorde skal lejre sig deri, hvert Slettens Dyr; paa dets Søjlehoveder sover Pelikan og Rørdrum, i Vinduet skriger Uglen, Ravnen paa Tærsklen.

Zefanja 2:14
En in het midden van haar zullen den kudden legeren, al het gedierte der volken; ook de roerdomp, ook de nachtuil zullen op haar granaatappelen vernachten; een stem zal in het venster zingen, verwoesting zal in den dorpel zijn, als Hij haar cederwerk zal ontbloot hebben.

צפניה 2:14
וְרָבְצ֨וּ בְתֹוכָ֤הּ עֲדָרִים֙ כָּל־חַיְתֹו־גֹ֔וי גַּם־קָאַת֙ גַּם־קִפֹּ֔ד בְּכַפְתֹּרֶ֖יהָ יָלִ֑ינוּ קֹ֠ול יְשֹׁורֵ֤ר בַּֽחַלֹּון֙ חֹ֣רֶב בַּסַּ֔ף כִּ֥י אַרְזָ֖ה עֵרָֽה׃

יד ורבצו בתוכה עדרים כל חיתו גוי--גם קאת גם קפד בכפתריה ילינו קול ישורר בחלון חרב בסף כי ארזה ערה

ורבצו בתוכה עדרים כל־חיתו־גוי גם־קאת גם־קפד בכפתריה ילינו קול ישורר בחלון חרב בסף כי ארזה ערה׃

Sofoniás 2:14
És nyájak heverésznek bensejében, mindenféle állatok serege: pelikán és sündisznó hálnak párkányain, az ablakban [azoknak] szava hangzik, a küszöbön omladék lészen, mert lefosztatott a czédrus!

Cefanja 2:14
Kaj ripozados en gxi amasoj da cxiuspecaj bestoj; ecx pelikanoj kaj botauxroj noktos en gxiaj kapiteloj, kaj ilia vocxo estos auxdata tra la fenestroj; la sojloj estos ruinigitaj, cxar la cedraj tabuloj estos forsxiritaj.

Ja laumat pitää keskellä sitä makaaman, niiden pakanain kaikkinaiset eläimet; niin myös ruovonpäristäjät ja tarhapöllöt pitää heidän torneissansa asuman, ja äänen pitää laulaman heidän akkunissansa, ja hävitys heidän kynnyksillänsä; sillä sedrilaudat pitää revittämän pois.

Sophonie 2:14
Et les troupeaux se coucheront au milieu d'elle, toutes les bêtes, en foule; le pélican aussi, et le butor, passeront la nuit sur ses chapiteaux; il y aura la voix des oiseaux qui chantent aux fenêtres, la désolation sera sur le seuil; car il a mis à nu les lambris de cèdre.

Des troupeaux se coucheront au milieu d'elle, Des animaux de toute espèce; Le pélican et le hérisson Habiteront parmi les chapiteaux de ses colonnes; Des cris retentiront aux fenêtres; La dévastation sera sur le seuil, Car les lambris de cèdre seront arrachés.

Et les troupeaux feront leur gîte au milieu d'elle, et toutes les bêtes des nations, même le cormoran, et le butor logeront dans ses porteaux, la voix des oiseaux retentira à la fenêtre, la désolation sera au seuil, parce qu'il en aura abbatu des cèdres.

Zephanja 2:14
daß drinnen sich lagern werden allerlei Tiere unter den Heiden; auch Rohrdommeln und Igel werden wohnen auf ihren Türmen und werden in den Fenstern singen und die Raben auf den Balken; denn die Zedernbretter sollen abgerissen werden.

daß darin sich lagern werden allerlei Tiere bei Haufen; auch Rohrdommeln und Igel werden wohnen in ihren Säulenknäufen, und Vögel werden in den Fenstern singen, und auf der Schwelle wird Verwüstung sein; denn die Zedernbretter sollen abgerissen werden.

daß mitten darin Herden lagern, allerlei Getier des Feldes: Pelikan und Rohrdommel werden auf seinen Säulenknäufen nächtigen. Horch! da singt's im Fensterloch! Trümmerhaufen auf der Schwelle, denn ihr Cedernwerk hat man bloßgelegt!

Sofonia 2:14
E in mezzo a lei giaceranno greggi e animali d’ogni specie; perfino il pellicano ed il riccio pernotteranno tra i suoi capitelli; s’udranno canti d’uccelli dalle finestre; la devastazione sarà sulle soglie, perché sarà spogliata dei suoi rivestimenti di cedro.

E le gregge, tutte le bestie delle genti giaceranno nel mezzo di lei; e il pellicano, e la civetta albergheranno ne’ frontispizii de’ lor portali; canteranno con la lor voce sopra le finestre; desolazione sarà nelle soglie; perciocchè quella sarà spogliata de’ suoi cedri.

Dan di tengahnya akan berkaparan segala kawan domba dan suatu kawan binatang hutan; demikianpun burung enggang dan burung hantu akan bermalam dalam karangan bunga rumahnya, bunyinya akan garau dari dalam tingkap-tingkapnya; segala ambang pintu sudah ditimpa kerobohan batu dan segala karangan dari pada kayu araz sudah tersentak.

스바냐 2:14
각양 짐승이 그 가운데 떼로 누울 것이며 창에서 울 것이며 문턱이 적막하리니 백향목으로 지은 것이 벗겨졌음이라

Sophonias 2:14
et accubabunt in medio eius greges omnes bestiae gentium et onocrotalus et ericius in liminibus eius morabuntur vox cantantis in fenestra corvus in superliminari quoniam adtenuabo robur eius

Sofonijo knyga 2:14
ji bus ganykla bandoms ir poilsio vieta visiems žvėrims. Vanagai ir apuokai nakvos ant kolonų, jų balsai girdėsis languose. Slenksčiai bus nuniokoti, kedro lentos bus nuplėštos.

Zephaniah 2:14
A ka tapapa nga kahui ki waenganui ona, nga kirehe katoa o nga tauiwi; ka noho te kawau raua ko te matuku ki ona puku whakapaipai; ka puaki to raua reo i nga matapihi; ka ururuatia nga kuwaha: no te mea ka tu tahanga nga mea hita i a ia.

Sefanias 2:14
Der skal hjorder hvile; alle slags villdyrflokker, både pelikaner og pinnsvin, skal overnatte på søilehodene der; fuglesang høres i vinduene, grus ligger på dørtreskelen, for sederpanelet er revet av.

Sofonías 2:14
y se echarán en medio de ella los rebaños, toda clase de animales, tanto el pelícano como el erizo pasarán la noche en los capiteles; el ave cantará en la ventana, habrá desolación en el umbral, porque El ha dejado al descubierto el entablado de cedro.

Los rebaños se echarán en medio de ella, Toda clase de animales. Tanto el pelícano como el erizo Pasarán la noche en los capiteles; El ave cantará en la ventana, Habrá desolación en el umbral, Porque El ha dejado al descubierto el entablado de cedro.

Y rebaños de ganado reposarán en ella, todas las bestias de las naciones; el pelícano y también el erizo dormirán en sus umbrales; su voz cantará en las ventanas; asolación será en las puertas, porque su enmaderamiento de cedro será descubierto.

Y rebaños de ganado harán en ella majada, todas las bestias de las gentes; el onocrótalo también y el erizo dormirán en sus umbrales: su voz cantará en las ventanas; asolación será en las puertas, porque su enmaderamiento de cedro será descubierto.

Y rebaños de ganado harán en ella majada, todas las bestias de los gentiles; el onocrótalo también y el erizo dormirán en sus umbrales; su voz cantará en las ventanas; y asolación será en las puertas, porque su enmaderamiento de cedro será descubierto.

Sofonias 2:14
No meio dela se deitarão rebanhos, e diversos tipos de animais silvestres. Até a coruja do deserto e os corvos se empoleirarão no topo de suas colunas. Gritos ecoarão pelas janelas afora. Haverá montões de entulhos nas estradas, e as vigas de cedro ficarão todas expostas.

E no meio dela se deitarão manadas, todas as feras do campo; e alojar-se-ão nos capitéis dela tanto o pelicano como o ouriço; a voz das aves se ouvirá nas janelas; e haverá desolação nos limiares; pois ele tem posto a descoberto a obra de cedro.   

Tefania 2:14
În mijlocul cetăţii se vor culca turme de vite de tot felul; pelicanul şi ariciul vor rămînea noaptea pe coperişurile stîlpilor ei. La ferestre se vor auzi ţipetele lor, pustiirea va fi în prag, căci căptuşala de cedru va fi scoasă.

Софония 2:14
и покоиться будут среди нее стада и всякого родаживотные; пеликан и еж будут ночевать в резных украшениях ее; голос их будет раздаваться в окнах, разрушение обнаружится на дверных столбах, ибо не станет на них кедровойобшивки.

и покоиться будут среди нее стада и всякого рода животные; пеликан и еж будут ночевать в резных украшениях ее; голос их будет раздаваться в окнах, разрушение обнаружится на дверных столбах, ибо не станет на них кедровой обшивки.[]

Sefanja 2:14
Och därinne skola hjordar lägra sig, allahanda vilda djur i skaror; pelikaner och rördrommar skola taga natthärbärge på pelarhuvudena därinne; fåglalåt skall ljuda i fönstren och förödelse bo på trösklarna, nu då cederpanelningen är bortriven.

Zephaniah 2:14
At mga bakaha'y hihiga sa gitna niyaon, lahat ng hayop ng mga bansa: ang pelikano at gayon din ang erizo ay tatahan sa mga kapitel niyaon; kanilang tinig ay huhuni sa mga dungawan; kasiraa'y sasapit sa mga pasukan; sapagka't kaniyang sinira ang mga yaring kahoy na cedro.

เศฟันยาห์ 2:14
ฝูงสัตว์ทั้งหลายจะนอนอยู่ท่ามกลางที่นั้น สัตว์ป่าในประชาชาติทั้งสิ้น ทั้งนกกระทุงและอีกาบ้านจะอาศัยอยู่ที่หัวเสาทั้งหลายของเมืองนั้น เสียงของพวกมันจะร้องอยู่ที่หน้าต่าง ความรกร้างจะอยู่ที่ธรณีประตู เพราะพระองค์จะทรงกระทำให้งานที่ทำด้วยไม้สนสีดาร์เปิดโล่งออก

Sefanya 2:14
Orası sürülerin, her türlü hayvanın yattığı yer olacak.
Sütun başlıklarında ishakkuşları, kır baykuşları barınacak.
Sesleri pencerelerde yankılanacak,
Yıkıntılar dolduracak eşiklerin önünü,
Sedir kirişler ortaya çıkacak.[]

Soâ-phoâ-ni 2:14
Những bầy thú vật sẽ nằm ở giữa nó; hết thảy các loài thú khác, cả đến chim bò nông và con nhím cũng ở trên những đầu trụ nó. Tiếng chim kêu nghe nơi cửa sổ, sự hoang vu ở nơi ngạch cửa, và những mái gỗ bá hương đã bị dỡ đi.

Zephaniah 2:13
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