Zephaniah 1:13
Zephaniah 1:13
Their wealth will be plundered, their houses demolished. Though they build houses, they will not live in them; though they plant vineyards, they will not drink the wine."

So their property will be plundered, their homes will be ransacked. They will build new homes but never live in them. They will plant vineyards but never drink wine from them.

Their goods shall be plundered, and their houses laid waste. Though they build houses, they shall not inhabit them; though they plant vineyards, they shall not drink wine from them.”

"Moreover, their wealth will become plunder And their houses desolate; Yes, they will build houses but not inhabit them, And plant vineyards but not drink their wine."

Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.

Their wealth will become plunder and their houses a ruin. They will build houses but never live in them, plant vineyards but never drink their wine.

Therefore their possessions will be seized as plunder and their homes left in ruins. They may build houses, but they won't live in them. They may plant vineyards, but they won't drink their wine."

Their wealth will be stolen and their houses ruined! They will not live in the houses they have built, nor will they drink the wine from the vineyards they have planted.

Their wealth will be looted. Their homes will be demolished. They will build houses, but they won't live in them. They will plant vineyards, but they won't drink their wine."

Therefore their goods shall become a spoil, and their houses a desolation: they shall build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.

Therefore their goods shall become booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink their wine.

Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.

And their wealth shall become a spoil, and their houses a desolation: yea, they shall build houses, but shall not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but shall not drink the wine thereof.

And their strength shall become a booty, and their houses as a desert: and they shall build houses, and shall not dwell in them: and they shall plant vineyards, and shall not drink the wine of them.

And their wealth shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation; and they shall build houses, and not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and not drink the wine thereof.

And their wealth shall become a spoil, and their houses a desolation: yea, they shall build houses, but shall not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but shall not drink the wine thereof.

Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine of them.

Their wealth will become a spoil, and their houses a desolation. Yes, they will build houses, but won't inhabit them. They will plant vineyards, but won't drink their wine.

And their wealth hath been for a spoil, And their houses for desolation, And they have built houses, and do not inhabit, And they have planted vineyards, And they do not drink their wine.

Sofonia 1:13
Prandaj pasuritë e tyre do të bëhen plaçkë lufte dhe shtëpitë e tyre do të shkretohen. Do të ndërtojnë shtëpi, do të mbjellin vreshta, por nuk do pinë verën e tyre".

ﺻﻔﻨﻴﺎ 1:13
فتكون ثروتهم غنيمة وبيوتهم خرابا ويبنون بيوتا ولا يسكنونها ويغرسون كروما ولا يشربون خمرها

Dyr Zefynies 1:13
Von Noetn werdnd ienerne Reichtüemer plündert und ienerne Häuser über und z über gstürt. Wenn s ayn Haus baund, ist s für Anderne; und wenn s aynn Weinberg anlögnd, seghnd s von n Wein dyrvon nixn.

Софоний 1:13
Затова имотът им ще бъде разграбен, И къщите им запустени; Да! ще построят къщи, но няма да живеят в тях. И ще насадят лозя, но няма да пият виното им.

西 番 雅 書 1:13
他 們 的 財 寶 必 成 為 掠 物 ; 他 們 的 房 屋 必 變 為 荒 場 。 他 們 必 建 造 房 屋 , 卻 不 得 住 在 其 內 ; 栽 種 葡 萄 園 , 卻 不 得 喝 所 出 的 酒 。

他 们 的 财 宝 必 成 为 掠 物 ; 他 们 的 房 屋 必 变 为 荒 场 。 他 们 必 建 造 房 屋 , 却 不 得 住 在 其 内 ; 栽 种 葡 萄 园 , 却 不 得 喝 所 出 的 酒 。



Zephaniah 1:13
Blago njihovo bit će prepušteno pljački, njihove kuće pustošenju. Oni su gradili kuće - neće u njima stanovati; sadili su vinograde - iz njih vina neće piti.

Sofoniáše 1:13
Nebo přijde statek jejich na rozchvátání, a domové jejich na zpuštění. Stavějí zajisté domy, ale nebudou v nich bydliti; a štěpují vinice, ale nebudou píti vína z nich.

Zefanias 1:13
Deres Gods skal gøres til Bytte, deres Huse skal ødelægges. De skal vel bygge Huse, men ej bo deri, vel plante Vingaarde, men Vinen skal de ikke drikke.

Zefanja 1:13
Daarom zal hun vermogen ten roof worden, en hun huizen tot verwoesting; zij bouwen wel huizen, maar zij zullen ze niet bewonen; en zij planten wijngaarden, maar zij zullen derzelver wijn niet drinken.

צפניה 1:13
וְהָיָ֤ה חֵילָם֙ לִמְשִׁסָּ֔ה וּבָתֵּיהֶ֖ם לִשְׁמָמָ֑ה וּבָנ֤וּ בָתִּים֙ וְלֹ֣א יֵשֵׁ֔בוּ וְנָטְע֣וּ כְרָמִ֔ים וְלֹ֥א יִשְׁתּ֖וּ אֶת־יֵינָֽם׃

יג והיה חילם למשסה ובתיהם לשממה ובנו בתים ולא ישבו ונטעו כרמים ולא ישתו את יינם

והיה חילם למשסה ובתיהם לשממה ובנו בתים ולא ישבו ונטעו כרמים ולא ישתו את־יינם׃

Sofoniás 1:13
És gazdagságuk prédává lesz, házaik pedig pusztává. Építnek házakat, de nem lakják, és plántálnak szõlõket, de nem iszszák azoknak borát.

Cefanja 1:13
Ilia havajxo farigxos rabajxo, kaj iliaj domoj farigxos ruinoj; ili konstruos domojn, sed ne logxos en ili, ili plantos vinbergxardenojn, sed ne trinkos ilian vinon.

Ja heidän tavaransa pitää raatelukseksi tuleman ja huoneensa autioksi; he rakentavat huonetta, ja ei saa niissä asua, ja istuttavat viinapuita, mutta ei he saa niistä viinaa juoda.

Sophonie 1:13
Et leurs biens deviendront une proie, et leurs maisons, une désolation, et ils bâtiront des maisons et ne les habiteront pas, et il planteront des vignes et n'en boiront pas le vin.

Leurs biens seront au pillage, Et leurs maisons seront dévastées; Ils auront bâti des maisons, qu'ils n'habiteront plus, Ils auront planté des vignes, dont ils ne boiront plus le vin.

Et leurs biens seront au pillage, et leurs maisons en désolation, et ils auront bâti des maisons, mais ils n'y habiteront point; et ils auront planté des vignes, mais ils n'en boiront pas le vin.

Zephanja 1:13
Und sollen ihre Güter zum Raube werden und ihre Häuser zur Wüste. Sie werden Häuser bauen und nicht drinnen wohnen; sie werden Weinberge pflanzen und keinen Wein davon trinken.

Und ihre Güter sollen zum Raub werden und ihre Häuser zur Wüste. Sie werden Häuser bauen, und nicht darin wohnen; sie werden Weinberge pflanzen, und keinen Wein davon trinken.

Da werden dann ihre Güter der Plünderung und ihre Häuser der Verödung anheimfallen; und bauen sie Häuser, so sollen sie nicht darin wohnen, und pflanzen sie Weingärten, so sollen sie doch keinen Wein davon trinken!

Sofonia 1:13
Le loro ricchezze saranno abbandonate al saccheggio, e le loro case ridotte in una desolazione; essi avranno costruito delle case, ma non le abiteranno; avran piantato delle vigne, ma non ne berranno il vino.

E le lor facoltà saranno in preda, e le lor case in desolazione; ed avranno edificate delle case, e non vi abiteranno; e piantate delle vigne, e non ne berranno il vino.

Sebab itu maka harta benda mereka itu akan jadi rampasan dan segala rumah mereka itu akan kebinasaan; bahwa dibangunkannya rumah, tetapi tiada mereka itu akan duduk dalamnya; ditanamnya pokok anggur, tetapi tiada mereka itu akan minum air anggurnya.

스바냐 1:13
그들의 재물이 노략되며 그들의 집이 황무할 것이라 그들이 집을 건축하나 거기 거하지 못하며 포도원을 심으나 그 포도주를 마시지 못하리라

Sophonias 1:13
et erit fortitudo eorum in direptionem et domus eorum in desertum et aedificabunt domos et non habitabunt et plantabunt vineas et non bibent vinum earum

Sofonijo knyga 1:13
Jų turtas bus išplėštas ir namai liks tušti. Jie pasistatys namus, bet negyvens juose, užveis vynuogynų, bet negers jų vyno.

Zephaniah 1:13
Na hei mea parau o ratou rawa; o ratou whare hei ururua: ae ra, ka hanga whare ratou; a e kore e nohoia e ratou, ka whakato i te mara waina, otiia e kore e inu i te waina.

Sefanias 1:13
Og deres gods skal bli til rov, og deres hus ødelegges; de skal bygge hus, men ikke bo i dem, og plante vingårder, men ikke drikke vin fra dem.

Sofonías 1:13
Sus riquezas se convertirán en despojos, y sus casas en desolación; edificarán casas, mas no las habitarán, plantarán viñas, mas no beberán su vino.

Sus riquezas se convertirán en despojos, Y sus casas en desolación; Edificarán casas, pero no las habitarán, Plantarán viñas, pero no beberán su vino."

Será por tanto saqueada su hacienda, y sus casas asoladas; y edificarán casas, mas no las habitarán; y plantarán viñas, mas no beberán el vino de ellas.

Será por tanto saqueada su hacienda, y sus casas asoladas: y edificarán casas, mas no las habitarán; y plantarán viñas, mas no beberán el vino de ellas.

Será por tanto, saqueada su hacienda, y sus casas asoladas; y edificarán casas, mas no las habitarán; y plantarán viñas, mas no beberán el vino de ellas.

Sofonias 1:13
Por isso a riqueza deles será saqueada, e suas casas, destruídas; se esforçarão na tentativa de construir novas casas, porém nelas não morarão; plantarão vinhas e vinhas, mas não beberão do vinho.

Por isso as riquezas deles se tornarão em despojo e as suas casas em desolação; e edificarão casas, mas não habitarão nelas; e plantarão vinhas, mas não lhes beberão o vinho.   

Tefania 1:13
Averile lor vor fi de jaf, şi casele lor vor fi pustiite; vor zidi case şi nu le vor locui, vor sădi vii, şi nu vor bea vin din ele.``

Софония 1:13
И обратятся богатства их в добычу и домы их – в запустение; они построят домы, а жить в них не будут, насадят виноградники, а вина из них небудут пить.

И обратятся богатства их в добычу и домы их--в запустение; они построят домы, а жить в них не будут, насадят виноградники, а вина из них не будут пить.[]

Sefanja 1:13
Deras ägodelar skola då lämnas till plundring och deras hus till ödeläggelse. Om de bygga sig hus, skola de ej få bo i dem, och om de plantera vingårdar, skola de ej få dricka vin från dem.

Zephaniah 1:13
At ang kanilang kayamanan ay magiging samsam, at ang kanilang mga bahay ay kasiraan: oo, sila'y mangagtatayo ng mga bahay, nguni't hindi nila titirahan; at sila'y mag-uubasan, nguni't hindi sila magsisiinom ng alak niyaon.

เศฟันยาห์ 1:13
ฉะนั้นทรัพย์สิ่งของของเขาจะถูกปล้น และเรือนของเขาจะรกร้าง ถึงเขาจะสร้างเรือน เขาก็จะไม่ได้อยู่ในเรือนนั้น ถึงเขาจะปลูกสวนองุ่น เขาจะไม่ได้ดื่มน้ำองุ่นจากสวนนั้น"

Sefanya 1:13
RABbin büyük günü yaklaştı,
Yaklaştı ve çabucak geliyor.
Dinleyin, RABbin gününde
En yiğit asker bile acı acı feryat edecek.[]

Soâ-phoâ-ni 1:13
Của cải chúng nó sẽ bị cướp, nhà cửa chúng nó sẽ hoang vu; chúng nó sẽ xây nhà mà không được ở, trồng nho mà không được uống rượu.

Zephaniah 1:12
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