Revelation 4:5
Revelation 4:5
From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.

From the throne came flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder. And in front of the throne were seven torches with burning flames. This is the sevenfold Spirit of God.

From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings and peals of thunder, and before the throne were burning seven torches of fire, which are the seven spirits of God,

Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Flashes of lightning and rumblings of thunder came from the throne. Seven fiery torches were burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.

Flashes of lightning, noises, and peals of thunder came from the throne. Burning in front of the throne were seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God.

From the throne came out flashes of lightning and roaring and crashes of thunder. Seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God, were burning in front of the throne

And from the throne proceed thunders and lightnings and voices, and seven lamps were burning before that throne, which are The Seven Spirits of God.

Lightning, noise, and thunder came from the throne. Seven flaming torches were burning in front of the throne. These are the seven spirits of God.

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices; and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

And out of the throne proceeded lightning and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

And out of the throne proceeded lightning and thunder and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

And out of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders. And there was'seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

And from the throne proceeded lightnings, and voices, and thunders; and there were seven lamps burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.

And out of the throne go forth lightnings, and voices, and thunders; and seven lamps of fire, burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

And out of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;

And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Out from the throne there came flashes of lightning, and voices, and peals of thunder, while in front of the throne seven blazing lamps were burning, which are the seven Spirits of God.

Out of the throne proceed lightnings, sounds, and thunders. There were seven lamps of fire burning before his throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

and out of the throne proceed do lightnings, and thunders, and voices; and seven lamps of fire are burning before the throne, which are the Seven Spirits of God,

Zbulesa 4:5
dhe nga froni shpërthenin vetëtima, bubullima dhe zëra; dhe përpara fronit ishin shtatë llamba të ndezura, që janë të shtatë Frymërat e Perëndisë.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺭﺅﻳﺎ 4:5
ومن العرش يخرج بروق ورعود واصوات. وامام العرش سبعة مصابيح نار متّقدة هي سبعة ارواح الله.

Գահէն կ՚ելլէին փայլակներ, ձայներ եւ որոտումներ, ու գահին առջեւ կային եօթը հրավառ ջահեր, որոնք Աստուծոյ եօթը Հոգիներն են:

Apocacalypsea. 4:5
Eta thronotic ilkiten ciraden chistmistac: eta ciraden çazpi lampa suz çachetenic throno aitzinean, cein baitirade Iaincoaren çazpi spirituac.

D Offnbarung 4:5
Von dönn Troon giengend Blitz, Dunder und Stimmenn aus. Und sibn loderete Fackln brannend vor dönn Troon, nömlich de sibn Geister Gottes.

Откровение 4:5
И от престола излизаха светкавици и гласове и гърмежи. И пред престола горяха седем огнени светила, които са седемте Божии духове.

启 示 录 4:5
有 閃 電 、 聲 音 、 雷 轟 從 寶 座 中 發 出 ; 又 有 七 盞 火 燈 在 寶 座 前 點 著 ; 這 七 燈 就 是 神 的 七 靈 。

有 闪 电 、 声 音 、 雷 轰 从 宝 座 中 发 出 ; 又 有 七 盏 火 灯 在 宝 座 前 点 着 ; 这 七 灯 就 是 神 的 七 灵 。





Otkrivenje 4:5
Od prijestolja izlaze munje, i glasovi, i gromovi; pred prijestoljem gori sedam ognjenih zubalja, to jest sedam duhova Božjih,

Zjevení Janovo 4:5
A z toho trůnu pocházelo blýskání, a hromobití, a hlasové. A sedm lamp ohnivých hořících před trůnem, jenž jsou sedm Duchů Božích.

Aabenbaringen 4:5
Og fra Tronen udgaar der Lyn og Røster og Tordener, og syv Ildfakler brænde foran Tronen, hvilke ere de syv Guds Aander.

Openbaring 4:5
En van den troon gingen uit bliksemen, en donderslagen, en stemmen; en zeven vurige lampen waren brandende voor den troon, welke zijn de zeven geesten Gods.

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί· καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου, ἅ εἰσιν τὰ ἑπτὰ Πνεύματα τοῦ Θεοῦ·

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί· καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου, ἅ εἰσιν τὰ ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ θεοῦ,

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί· καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου, ἅ εἰσιν τὰ ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ θεοῦ,

Καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί. Καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου αὐτοῦ, αἵ εἰσιν ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ θεοῦ·

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί· καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου, ἅ εἰσι τὰ ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ Θεοῦ·

καί ἐκ ὁ θρόνος ἐκπορεύομαι ἀστραπή καί φωνή καί βροντή καί ἑπτά λαμπάς πῦρ καίω ἐνώπιον ὁ θρόνος ὅς εἰμί ὁ ἑπτά πνεῦμα ὁ θεός

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ βρονταί καὶ φωναὶ. καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου, αἵ εἰσι τὰ ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ Θεοῦ·

καὶ ἐκ τοῦ θρόνου ἐκπορεύονται ἀστραπαὶ καὶ βρονταί καὶ φωναὶ καὶ ἑπτὰ λαμπάδες πυρὸς καιόμεναι ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου αἵ εἰσιν τὰ ἑπτὰ πνεύματα τοῦ θεοῦ

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και φωναι και βρονται και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου α εισιν τα επτα πνευματα του θεου

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και φωναι και βρονται και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου α εισιν τα επτα πνευματα του θεου

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και βρονται και φωναι και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου αι εισιν τα επτα πνευματα του θεου

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και βρονται και φωναι. και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου, αι εισι τα επτα πνευματα του Θεου·

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και φωναι και βρονται και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου αυτου αι εισιν επτα πνευματα του θεου

και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και φωναι και βρονται και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου α εισιν τα επτα πνευματα του θεου

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai; kai hepta lampades pyros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou, ha eisin ta hepta Pneumata tou Theou;

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phonai kai brontai; kai hepta lampades pyros kaiomenai enopion tou thronou, ha eisin ta hepta Pneumata tou Theou;

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai; kai hepta lampades pyros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou, ha eisin ta hepta pneumata tou theou,

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phonai kai brontai; kai hepta lampades pyros kaiomenai enopion tou thronou, ha eisin ta hepta pneumata tou theou,

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phOnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou autou ai eisin epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phOnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou autou ai eisin epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai brontai kai phōnai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou ai eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai brontai kai phOnai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou ai eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai brontai kai phōnai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou ai eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai brontai kai phOnai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou ai eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phOnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phōnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enōpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

kai ek tou thronou ekporeuontai astrapai kai phOnai kai brontai kai epta lampades puros kaiomenai enOpion tou thronou a eisin ta epta pneumata tou theou

Jelenések 4:5
A királyiszékbõl pedig villámlások és mennydörgések és szózatok jõnek [vala] ki. És hét tûzlámpás ég [vala] a királyiszék elõtt, a mely az Istennek hét lelke;

Apokalipso de sankta Johano 4:5
Kaj el la trono eliris fulmoj kaj vocxoj kaj tondroj. Kaj antaux la trono brulis sep fajraj torcxoj, kiuj estas la sep Spiritoj de Dio;

Johanneksen ilmestys 4:5
Ja istuimesta kävivät ulos leimaukset ja pitkäiset ja äänet, ja seitsemän tulista lamppua paloi istuimen edessä, jotka seitsemän Jumalan henkeä ovat.

Apocalypse 4:5
Et du trône sortent des éclairs et des voix et des tonnerres; et il y a sept lampes de feu, brûlant devant le trône, qui sont les sept Esprits de Dieu;

Du trône sortent des éclairs, des voix et des tonnerres. Devant le trône brûlent sept lampes ardentes, qui sont les sept esprits de Dieu.

Et du trône sortaient des éclairs et des tonnerres, et des voix; et il y avait devant le trône sept lampes de feu ardentes, qui sont les sept Esprits de Dieu.

Offenbarung 4:5
Und von dem Stuhl gingen aus Blitze, Donner und Stimmen; und sieben Fackeln mit Feuer brannten vor dem Stuhl, welches sind die sieben Geister Gottes.

Und von dem Stuhl gingen aus Blitze, Donner und Stimmen; und sieben Fackeln mit Feuer brannten vor dem Stuhl, welches sind die sieben Geister Gottes.

Und von dem Throne giengen aus Blitz und Schall und Donner, und sieben Feuerfackeln brannten vor dem Throne, das sind die sieben Geister Gottes.

Apocalisse 4:5
E dal trono procedevano lampi e voci e tuoni; e davanti al trono c’erano sette lampade ardenti, che sono i sette Spiriti di Dio;

E dal trono procedevano folgori, e suoni, e tuoni; e v’erano sette lampane ardenti davanti al trono, le quali sono i sette spiriti di Dio.

Maka keluarlah dari dalam arasy itu kilat dan beberapa suara dan guruh; dan ada tujuh buah pelita berpasang di hadapan arasy itu; yaitu ketujuh Roh Allah.

Revelation 4:5
Seg ukersi-agi n lḥekma țeffɣen-d lebruq, tuɣac akk-d ṛṛɛud. Zdat-es ceɛlent sebɛa teftilin ireqqen yellan d sebɛa n Leṛwaḥ n Sidi Ṛebbi.

요한계시록 4:5
보좌로부터 번개와 음성과 뇌성이 나고 보좌 앞에 일곱 등불 켠 것이 있으니 이는 하나님의 일곱 영이라

Apocalypsis 4:5
et de throno procedunt fulgura et voces et tonitrua et septem lampades ardentes ante thronum quae sunt septem spiritus Dei

Atklāsmes grāmata 4:5
Un no troņa šāvās zibeņi un balsis, un pērkoni; troņa priekšā dega septiņas lāpas, kas ir septiņi Dieva gari.

Apreiðkimo Jonui knyga 4:5
Nuo sosto ėjo žaibai, aidėjo balsai ir griaustiniai; septyni deglai liepsnojo prieš sostą, o tai yra septynios Dievo Dvasios.

Revelation 4:5
Na ka puta mai i roto i te torona he uira, he reo, he whatitiri. A tera nga rama ahi e whitu e ka ana i mua i te torona; ko nga Wairua e whitu enei o te Atua;

Apenbaring 4:5
Og fra tronen går det ut lyn og røster og tordener, og foran tronen brenner syv ildfakler, som er de syv Guds ånder.

Apocalipsis 4:5
Del trono salían relámpagos, voces y truenos; y delante del trono había siete lámparas de fuego ardiendo, que son los siete Espíritus de Dios.

Del trono salían relámpagos, voces, y truenos. Delante del trono había siete lámparas de fuego ardiendo, que son los siete Espíritus de Dios.

Y del trono salían relámpagos y truenos y voces; y delante del trono ardían siete lámparas de fuego, las cuales son los siete Espíritus de Dios.

Y del trono salían relámpagos y truenos y voces: y siete lámparas de fuego estaban ardiendo delante del trono, las cuales son los siete Espíritus de Dios.

Y del trono salían relámpagos y truenos y voces; y siete lámparas de fuego estaban ardiendo delante del trono, las cuales son los siete Espíritus de Dios.

Apocalipse 4:5
Do trono emanavam relâmpagos, vozes e trovões. Perante Ele estavam acesas sete lâmpadas de fogo, que são os sete espíritos de Deus.

E do trono saíam relâmpagos, e vozes, e trovões; e diante do trono ardiam sete lâmpadas de fogo, as quais são os sete espíritos de Deus;   

Apocalipsa 4:5
Din scaunul de domnie ieşeau fulgere, glasuri şi tunete. Înaintea scaunului de domnie ardeau şapte lămpi de foc, cari sînt cele şapte Duhuri ale lui Dumnezeu.

Откровение 4:5
И от престола исходили молнии и громы и гласы, и семь светильников огненных горели перед престолом, которыесуть семь духов Божиих;

И от престола исходили молнии и громы и гласы, и семь светильников огненных горели перед престолом, которые суть семь духов Божиих;

Revelation 4:5
Akuptainiumia peemsha ipiamtasha untsummasha Jφiniarmai. Tura nu pujutainium naka siati shirikip kearmai. Nusha siati Yusa Wakaninti.

Uppenbarelseboken 4:5
Och från tronen utgingo ljungeldar och dunder och tordön; och framför tronen brunno sju eldbloss, det är Guds sju andar.

Ufunua was Yohana 4:5
Umeme, sauti na ngurumo, vilikuwa vinatoka kwenye hicho kiti cha enzi. Taa saba za moto zilikuwa zinawaka mbele ya hicho kiti cha enzi. Taa hizo ni roho saba za Mungu.

Pahayag 4:5
At mula sa luklukan ay may lumalabas na kidlat, at mga tinig at mga kulog. At may pitong ilawang apoy na mga nagliliyab sa harapan ng luklukan, na siyang pitong Espiritu ng Dios;

วิวรณ์ 4:5
มีฟ้าแลบฟ้าร้อง และเสียงต่างๆดังออกมาจากพระที่นั่งนั้น และมีประทีปเจ็ดดวงจุดไว้ตรงหน้าพระที่นั่ง ซึ่งเป็นพระวิญญาณทั้งเจ็ดของพระเจ้า

Vahiy 4:5
Tahttan şimşekler çakıyor, uğultular, gök gürlemeleri işitiliyordu. Tahtın önünde alev alev yanan yedi meşale vardı. Bunlar Tanrının yedi ruhudur.

Откровение 4:5
А з того престола виходять блискавки, громи і голоси; і сїм сьвічників огняних горять перед престолом, а се сїм духів Божих:

Revelation 4:5
Ngkai Pohuraa to hi laintongo' toe mparangkihi hini kila', mparapere' moni kuna to moridi'. Hi nyanyoa Pohuraa toe, ria pitu meha' hulu' to baa. Hulu' toe mpobatuai Inoha' Alata'ala to Pitu.

Khaûi-huyeàn 4:5
Từ ngôi ra những chớp nhoáng, những tiếng cùng sấm; và bảy ngọn đèn sáng rực thắp trước ngôi: đó là bảy vì thần của Ðức Chúa Trời.

Revelation 4:4
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