Psalm 57:2
Psalm 57:2
I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me.

I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.

I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.

I will cry to God Most High, To God who accomplishes all things for me.

I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

I call to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me.

I call upon the God Most High; to the God who completes what he began in me.

I cry out for help to the sovereign God, to the God who vindicates me.

I shall call to God, The Highest, and to God my Savior.

I call to God Most High, to the God who does everything for me.

I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performs all things for me.

I will cry unto God most high; unto God who performs all things for me.

I will cry to God most high; to God that performes all things for me.

I will cry unto God Most High, Unto God that performeth all things for me.

I will cry to God the most High; to God who hath done good to me.

I will call unto God, the Most High; unto ùGod that performeth all for me.

I will cry unto God Most High; unto God that performeth all things for me.

I will cry to God most high; to God that performeth all things for me.

I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me.

I call to God Most High, To God who is perfecting for me.

Psalmet 57:2
Unë do t'i thërras Perëndisë, Shumë të Lartit, Perëndisë që kryen çdo gjë për mua.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 57:2
‎اصرخ الى الله العلي الى الله المحامي عني‎.

D Sälm 57:2
I ruef zo n Allerhoehstn, dönn Got, der wo myr hilfft.

Псалми 57:2
Ще викам към Всевишния Бог, Към Бога, Който действува за мене.

詩 篇 57:2
我 要 求 告 至 高 的   神 , 就 是 為 我 成 全 諸 事 的   神 。

我 要 求 告 至 高 的   神 , 就 是 为 我 成 全 诸 事 的   神 。



Psalm 57:2
Vapijem Bogu višnjemu, Bogu koji mi čini dobro.

Žalmů 57:2
Volati budu k Bohu nejvyššímu, k Bohu silnému, kterýž dokonává za mne.

Salme 57:2
Gud, den Højeste, paakalder jeg, den Gud, der gør vel imod mig;

Psalmen 57:2
Ik zal roepen tot God, den Allerhoogste, tot God, Die het aan mij voleinden zal.

תהילים 57:2
אֶ֭קְרָא לֵֽאלֹהִ֣ים עֶלְיֹ֑ון לָ֝אֵ֗ל גֹּמֵ֥ר עָלָֽי׃

ג אקרא לאלהים עליון  לאל גמר עלי

אקרא לאלהים עליון לאל גמר עלי׃

Zsoltárok 57:2
A magasságos Istenhez kiáltok; Istenhez, a ki jót végez felõlem.

La psalmaro 57:2
Mi vokas al Dio Plejalta, Al Dio, kiu decidas pri mi.

Minä huudan korkeimman Jumalan tykö, sen Jumalan tykö, joka minun vaivani päälle lopun tekee.

Psaume 57:2
Je crierai au Dieu Très-haut, à *Dieu qui mène tout à bonne fin pour moi.

Je crie au Dieu Très-Haut, Au Dieu qui agit en ma faveur.

Je crierai au Dieu souverain, au [Dieu] Fort, qui accomplit [son œuvre] pour moi.

Psalm 57:2
Sei mir gnädig, Gott, sei mir gnädig! Denn auf dich trauet meine Seele und unter dem Schatten deiner Flügel habe ich Zuflucht, bis daß das Unglück vorübergehe.

Ich rufe zu Gott, dem Allerhöchsten, zu Gott, der meines Jammers ein Ende macht.

Ich rufe zu Gott, dem Höchsten, zu Gott, der es für mich hinausführt.

Salmi 57:2
Io griderò all’Iddio altissimo: a Dio, che compie i suoi disegni su me.

Io griderò all’Iddio altissimo; A Dio che dà compimento a’ fatti miei.

Bahwa aku berseru kepada Allah taala, kepada Allah, yang kelak menyempurnakan-Nya bagiku.

시편 57:2
내가 지극히 높으신 하나님께 부르짖음이여, 곧 나를 위하여 모든 것을 이루시는 하나님께로다

Psalmi 57:2
(56-4) mittet de caelo et salvabit me exprobrabit conculcantibus me semper mittet Deus misericordiam suam et veritatem suam

Psalmynas 57:2
Šauksiuosi aukščiausiojo Dievo, kuris man gera daro.

Psalm 57:2
Ka karanga ahau ki te Atua, ki te Runga Rawa, ki te Atua e oti ai aku mea katoa.

Salmenes 57:2
Jeg roper til Gud, den Høieste, til den Gud som fullfører sin gjerning for mig.

Salmos 57:2
Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, al Dios que todo lo hace para mí.

Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, Al Dios que todo lo hace para mí.

Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, al Dios que me favorece.

Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, Al Dios que me favorece.

Clamaré al Dios Altísimo, al Dios que me galardona.

Salmos 57:2
Clamo a Deus, o Altíssimo, ao Deus que sempre me dispensou sua proteção.

Clamarei ao Deus altíssimo, ao Deus que por mim tudo executa.   

Psalmi 57:2
Eu strig către Dumnezeu, către Cel Prea Înalt, către Dumnezeu, care lucrează pentru mine.

Псалтирь 57:2
(56:3) Воззову к Богу Всевышнему, Богу, благодетельствующему мне;

(56-3) Воззову к Богу Всевышнему, Богу, благодетельствующему мне;[]

Psaltaren 57:2
Jag ropar till Gud den Högste, till Gud, som fullbordar sitt verk för mig.

Psalm 57:2
Ako'y dadaing sa Dios na Kataastaasan; sa Dios na nagsagawa ng lahat na mga bagay sa akin.

เพลงสดุดี 57:2
ข้าพเจ้าจะร้องทูลต่อพระเจ้าองค์ผู้สูงสุด ต่อพระเจ้าผู้ทรงกระทำการทั้งสิ้นให้สำเร็จเพื่อข้าพเจ้า

Mezmurlar 57:2
Yüce Tanrıya,
Benim için her şeyi yapan Tanrıya sesleniyorum.[]

Thi-thieân 57:2
Tôi sẽ kêu cầu cùng Ðức Chúa Trời Chí cao, Tức là Ðức Chúa Trời làm thành mọi việc cho tôi.

Psalm 57:1
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