Numbers 5:7
Numbers 5:7
and must confess the sin they have committed. They must make full restitution for the wrong they have done, add a fifth of the value to it and give it all to the person they have wronged.

They must confess their sin and make full restitution for what they have done, adding an additional 20 percent and returning it to the person who was wronged.

he shall confess his sin that he has committed. And he shall make full restitution for his wrong, adding a fifth to it and giving it to him to whom he did the wrong.

then he shall confess his sins which he has committed, and he shall make restitution in full for his wrong and add to it one-fifth of it, and give it to him whom he has wronged.

Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall recompense his trespass with the principal thereof, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he hath trespassed.

The person is to confess the sin he has committed. He is to pay full compensation, add a fifth of its value to it, and give it to the individual he has wronged.

He is to confess the sin that he had committed, pay its full compensation, add one fifth to it, and give the compensation to whomever he offended.

then he must confess his sin that he has committed and must make full reparation, add one fifth to it, and give it to whomever he wronged.

you must confess your sin, pay in full for what you did wrong, add one-fifth to it, and give it to the person who was wronged.

then they shall confess their sin which they have done, and he shall recompense his guilt with the principal thereof and add unto it the fifth part thereof and give it unto him against whom he is guilty.

Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall make restitution for his trespass with the principal thereof, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he has trespassed.

Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall recompense his trespass with the principal thereof, and add to it the fifth part thereof, and give it to him against whom he has trespassed.

then he shall confess his sin which he hath done: and he shall make restitution for his guilt in full, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him in respect of whom he hath been guilty.

They shall confess their sin, and restore the principal itself, and the fifth part over and above, to him against whom they have sinned.

then they shall confess their sin which they have done; and he shall recompense his trespass according to the principal thereof, and shall add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he hath trespassed.

then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall make restitution for his guilt in full, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him in respect of whom he hath been guilty.

Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall recompense his trespass with the principal of it, and add to it the fifth part of it, and give it to him against whom he hath trespassed.

then he shall confess his sin which he has done, and he shall make restitution for his guilt in full, and add to it the fifth part of it, and give it to him in respect of whom he has been guilty.

and they have confessed their sin which they have done, then he hath restored his guilt in its principal, and its fifth is adding to it, and hath given it to him in reference to whom he hath been guilty.

Numrat 5:7
ai do ta njohë fyerjen që ka bërë dhe do të shpërblejë plotësisht dëmin e bërë, duke i shtuar një të pestën dhe duke ia dhënë personit që ka fyer.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 5:7
فلتقرّ بخطيتها التي عملت وتردّ ما اذنبت به بعينه وتزد عليه خمسه وتدفعه للذي اذنبت اليه.

De Zalrach 5:7
Sö sollnd s bekennen und yn n Schädigling d Schadbuess zaln und non ayn Fümftl drauflögn.

Числа 5:7
тогава да изповяда греха, който е сторил, и да повърне онова, за което е виновен и, като притури на него една пета част, да го даде на онзи, пред когото се е провинил.

民 數 記 5:7
他 要 承 認 所 犯 的 罪 , 將 所 虧 負 人 的 , 如 數 賠 還 , 另 外 加 上 五 分 之 一 , 也 歸 與 所 虧 負 的 人 。

他 要 承 认 所 犯 的 罪 , 将 所 亏 负 人 的 , 如 数 赔 还 , 另 外 加 上 五 分 之 一 , 也 归 与 所 亏 负 的 人 。



Numbers 5:7
neka prizna počinjeni grijeh, nadoknadi štetu što bolje može te još doda tome petinu i dadne onome kome je nanio nepravdu.

Numeri 5:7
Tedy vyzná hřích svůj, kterýž učinil, navrátí pak to, čímž vinen byl, v cele, a pátý díl přidá nad to, a dá tomu, proti komuž zavinil.

4 Mosebog 5:7
saa skal de bekende Synden, de har begaaet, og Gerningsmanden skal erstatte det, han har forbrudt sig med, efter dets fulde Værdi med Tillæg af en Femtedel og give det til den, han har forbrudt sig imod.

Numberi 5:7
En zij zullen hun zonde, welke zij gedaan hebben, belijden; daarna zal hij zijn schuld weder uitkeren, naar de hoofdsom daarvan, en derzelver vijfde deel zal hij daarboven toedoen, en zal het dien geven, aan wien hij zich verschuldigd heeft.

במדבר 5:7
וְהִתְוַדּ֗וּ אֶֽת־חַטָּאתָם֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר עָשׂוּ֒ וְהֵשִׁ֤יב אֶת־אֲשָׁמֹו֙ בְּרֹאשֹׁ֔ו וַחֲמִישִׁתֹ֖ו יֹסֵ֣ף עָלָ֑יו וְנָתַ֕ן לַאֲשֶׁ֖ר אָשַׁ֥ם לֹֽו׃

ז והתודו את חטאתם אשר עשו והשיב את אשמו בראשו וחמישתו יסף עליו ונתן לאשר אשם לו

והתודו את־חטאתם אשר עשו והשיב את־אשמו בראשו וחמישתו יסף עליו ונתן לאשר אשם לו׃

4 Mózes 5:7
Vallja meg azért az õ bûnét, a melyet elkövetett, és fizesse meg a kárt, [a mit okozott,] teljes értékében, azután toldja ahhoz annak ötödrészét, és adja annak, a kinek kárt tett.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 5:7
tiam ili konfesu sian pekon, kiun ili faris, kaj ili kompensu sian kulpon plene kaj aldonu gxian kvinonon, kaj donu al tiu, kontraux kiu ili kulpigxis.

Heidän pitää tunnustaman rikoksensa, jonka he tehneet ovat, ja pitää päänänsä sovittaman vikansa, ja vielä lisäämän viidennen osan, ja antaman sille, jota vastaan he rikkoneet ovat.

Nombres 5:7
ils confesseront leur péché qu'ils ont commis; et le coupable restituera en principal ce en quoi il s'est rendu coupable, et il y ajoutera un cinquième, et le donnera à celui envers qui il s'est rendu coupable.

il confessera son péché, et il restituera dans son entier l'objet mal acquis, en y ajoutant un cinquième; il le remettra à celui envers qui il s'est rendu coupable.

Alors ils confesseront leur péché, qu'ils auront commis; et [le coupable] restituera la somme totale de ce en quoi il aura été trouvé coupable, et il y ajoutera un cinquième par-dessus, et le donnera à celui contre lequel il aura commis le délit.

4 Mose 5:7
und sie sollen ihre Sünde bekennen, die sie getan haben, und sollen ihre Schuld versöhnen mit der Hauptsumma, und darüber das fünfte Teil dazu tun und dem geben, an dem sie sich verschuldiget haben.

und sie sollen ihre Sünde bekennen, die sie getan haben, und sollen ihre Schuld versöhnen mit der Hauptsumme und darüber den fünften Teil dazutun und dem geben, an dem sie sich versündigt haben.

so sollen sie die Sünde, die sie begangen haben, bekennen und sollen das von ihnen Veruntreute nach seinem vollen Werte zurückerstatten und noch ein Fünftel des Betrags darauf legen, und sollen es dem geben, gegen den sie sich verschuldet haben.

Numeri 5:7
ella confesserà il peccato commesso, restituirà per intero il corpo del delitto, aggiungendovi in più un quinto, e lo darà a colui verso il quale si è resa colpevole.

Se confessa il suo peccato che avrà commesso, restituisca il capitale di ciò intorno a che avrà misfatto; e vi sopraggiunga il quinto, e dialo a colui contro a cui avrà misfatto.

maka hendaklah diakunya dosanya yang telah dibuatnya, lalu dipulangkannya barang yang patut kepada orang yang empunya setelah dipertambahkan dengan seperlimanya dahulu, maka ia itu dipulangkan kepada orang yang ia berhutang kepadanya.

민수기 5:7
그 지은 죄를 자복하고 그 죄 값을 온전히 갚되 오분지 일을 더하여 그가 죄를 얻었던 그 본주에게 돌려 줄 것이요

Numeri 5:7
confitebuntur peccatum suum et reddent ipsum caput quintamque partem desuper ei in quem peccaverint

Skaièiø knyga 5:7
tai jis prisipažins kaltas ir atlygins tam, kuriam nusikalto, atiduos tą patį daiktą ir, be to, pridės penktą dalį jo vertės.

Numbers 5:7
Na me whaki to ratou hara i hara ai: me whakahoki e ia te mea i he ai ia, te tino mea, me tapiri ano ki tona whakarima, ka hoatu ai ki te tangata i hara nei ia ki a ia.

4 Mosebok 5:7
da skal de bekjenne den synd som de har gjort, og godtgjøre det de med urette har tatt, med dets fulle verd og enda legge til femtedelen; de skal gi det til den som de har syndet mot.

Números 5:7
entonces confesará los pecados que ha cometido, y hará completa restitución por el daño causado, añadirá un quinto y lo dará al que él perjudicó.

entonces confesará los pecados que ha cometido, y hará completa restitución por el daño causado, añadirá un quinto y lo dará al que él perjudicó.

Confesarán su pecado que cometieron, y compensarán su ofensa enteramente, y añadirán una quinta parte sobre ello, y lo darán a aquel contra quien pecaron.

Confesarán su pecado que cometieron, y compensarán su ofensa enteramente, y añadirán su quinto sobre ello, y lo darán á aquel contra quien pecaron.

confesarán su pecado que cometieron, y restituirán su ofensa enteramente, y añadirán sobre ello la quinta parte , y lo darán a aquel contra quien pecaron.

Números 5:7
Confessará o pecado cometido e restituirá o valor correspondente ao que é devedor, acrescido de um quinto. Restituirá àquele a quem prejudicou.

confessará o pecado que tiver cometido, e pela sua culpa fará plena restituição, e ainda lhe acrescentará a sua quinta parte; e a dará àquele contra quem se fez culpado.   

Numeri 5:7
să-şi mărturisească păcatul, şi să dea înapoi în întregime preţul lucrului cîştigat prin mijloace necinstite, adăugînd a cincea parte; să -l dea aceluia faţă de care s -a făcut vinovat.

Числа 5:7
то пусть исповедаются во грехе своем, который они сделали, и возвратят сполна то, в чем виновны, и прибавят к тому пятую часть и отдадуттому, против кого согрешили;

то пусть исповедаются во грехе своем, который они сделали, и возвратят сполна то, в чем виновны, и прибавят к тому пятую часть и отдадут тому, против кого согрешили;[]

4 Mosebok 5:7
så skall han bekänna den synd han har begått, och ersätta det han har förbrutit sig på till dess fulla belopp och lägga femtedelen av värdet därtill; och detta skall han giva åt den som han har förbrutit sig emot.

Numbers 5:7
Ay kaniyang isusulit nga ang kaniyang kasalanang nagawa: at kaniyang pagbabayarang lubos ang kaniyang sala, at dadagdagan pa niya ng ikalimang bahagi at ibibigay sa pinagkasalahan.

กันดารวิถี 5:7
ก็ให้ผู้นั้นสารภาพความผิดที่เขาได้กระทำ และให้เขาคืนสิ่งที่ละเมิดซึ่งเขาได้มานั้นเต็มตามเดิม ทั้งเพิ่มอีกหนึ่งในห้าส่วนให้แก่เจ้าของเดิมผู้ที่เขาได้กระทำการละเมิดต่อนั้น

Çölde Sayım 5:7
İşlediği günahı itiraf etmeli. Karşılığını, beşte birini üzerine ekleyerek suç işlediği kişiye ödeyecek.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 5:7
thì người ấy phải xưng tội mình đã phạm ra, và trả tang vật lại đủ, và thêm một phần năm giá vật mà giao cho người mình đã mắc tội cùng.

Numbers 5:6
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