Numbers 5:3
Numbers 5:3
Send away male and female alike; send them outside the camp so they will not defile their camp, where I dwell among them."

This command applies to men and women alike. Remove them so they will not defile the camp in which I live among them."

You shall put out both male and female, putting them outside the camp, that they may not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell.”

"You shall send away both male and female; you shall send them outside the camp so that they will not defile their camp where I dwell in their midst."

Both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camps, in the midst whereof I dwell.

You must send away both male or female; send them outside the camp, so that they will not defile their camps where I dwell among them."

Whether male or female, send them outside the camp so that they won't defile their camp, because I live among them."

You must expel both men and women; you must put them outside the camp, so that they will not defile their camps, among which I live."

Send all of these unclean men and women outside the camp. They must not make this camp where I live among you unclean."

Both male and female shall ye put out; ye shall put them outside the camp; that they not defile the camp of those among whom I dwell.

Both male and female shall you put out, outside the camp shall you put them; that they defile not their camps, in the midst of which I dwell.

Both male and female shall you put out, without the camp shall you put them; that they defile not their camps, in the middle whereof I dwell.

both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camp, in the midst whereof I dwell.

Whether it be man or woman, cast ye them out of the camp, lest they defile it when I shall dwell with you.

both male and female shall ye put out; outside the camp shall ye put them, that they defile not their camps, in the midst whereof I dwell.

both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camp, in the midst whereof I dwell.

Both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camps, in the midst of which I dwell.

Both you shall put male and female outside of the camp; that they not defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell."

from male unto female ye do send out; unto the outside of the camp ye do send them; and they defile not their camps in the midst of which I do tabernacle.'

Numrat 5:3
Dëboni jashtë kampit qoftë meshkujt, qoftë femrat; do t'i dëboni jashtë kampit për të mos ndotur kampin në mes të të cilit unë banoj".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 5:3
الذكر والانثى تنفون. الى خارج المحلّة تنفوهم لكي لا ينجسوا محلاتهم حيث انا ساكن في وسطهم.

De Zalrach 5:3
Sei s ayn Man older Weib, sö müessnd aushin vür s Lager, weil s dös Lager, in dönn wo i mittn unter ien won, nit unrain machen sollnd.

Числа 5:3
Както от мъжки, така и от женски пол изваждайте ги; вън из стана ги извеждайте, за да не мърсят становете си, всред които Аз обитавам.

民 數 記 5:3
無 論 男 女 都 要 使 他 們 出 到 營 外 , 免 得 污 穢 他 們 的 營 ; 這 營 是 我 所 住 的 。

无 论 男 女 都 要 使 他 们 出 到 营 外 , 免 得 污 秽 他 们 的 营 ; 这 营 是 我 所 住 的 。



Numbers 5:3
Odstranite i muške i ženske! Izvan tabora ih istjerajte da ne onečiste svoje tabore u kojima ja boravim među njima."

Numeri 5:3
I muže i ženu vyženete, ven za stany vyženete je, aby nepoškvrňovali vojska těch, mezi nimiž já přebývám.

4 Mosebog 5:3
baade Mænd og Kvinder skal I fjerne og føre uden for Lejren, for at de ikke skal gøre deres Lejr uren, hvor jeg bor midt iblandt dem.

Numberi 5:3
Van het mannelijke tot het vrouwelijke zult gij hen wegzenden; tot buiten het leger zult gij hen wegzenden; opdat zij niet verontreinigen hun legers, in welker midden Ik wone.

במדבר 5:3
מִזָּכָ֤ר עַד־נְקֵבָה֙ תְּשַׁלֵּ֔חוּ אֶל־מִח֥וּץ לַֽמַּחֲנֶ֖ה תְּשַׁלְּח֑וּם וְלֹ֤א יְטַמְּאוּ֙ אֶת־מַ֣חֲנֵיהֶ֔ם אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֲנִ֖י שֹׁכֵ֥ן בְּתֹוכָֽם׃

ג מזכר עד נקבה תשלחו אל מחוץ למחנה תשלחום ולא יטמאו את מחניהם אשר אני שכן בתוכם

מזכר עד־נקבה תשלחו אל־מחוץ למחנה תשלחום ולא יטמאו את־מחניהם אשר אני שכן בתוכם׃

4 Mózes 5:3
Ûzzétek azt ki akár férfi, akár asszony; a táboron kivül ûzzétek õket, hogy tisztátalanná ne tegyék az õ táborukat, mivelhogy én közöttök lakozom.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 5:3
Kiel virojn, tiel ankaux virinojn elsendu, ekster la tendaron elsendu ilin, por ke ili ne malpurigu siajn tendarojn, inter kiuj Mi logxas.

Sekä miehet että vaimot pitää teidän ajaman ulos: leiristä ne pitää teidän ajaman ulos, ettei he leiriänsä saastuttaisi, kussa minä heidän keskellänsä asun.

Nombres 5:3
Tant homme que femme, vous les mettrez dehors; vous les mettrez hors du camp, afin qu'ils ne rendent pas impurs leurs camps, au milieu desquels j'habite.

Hommes ou femmes, vous les renverrez, vous les renverrez hors du camp, afin qu'ils ne souillent pas le camp au milieu duquel j'ai ma demeure.

Vous les mettrez dehors, tant l'homme que la femme, vous les mettrez, [dis-je], hors du camp, afin qu'ils ne souillent point le camp de ceux au milieu desquels j'habite.

4 Mose 5:3
Beide Mann und Weib sollen sie hinaustun vor das Lager, daß sie nicht ihre Lager verunreinigen, darinnen ich unter ihnen wohne.

Beide, Mann und Weib, sollt ihr hinaustun vor das Lager, daß sie nicht ihr Lager verunreinigen, darin ich unter ihnen wohne. {~}

Sowohl Männer, als Weiber sollt ihr hinausschaffen; hinaus vor das Lager sollt ihr sie schaffen, damit sie ihr Lager nicht verunreinigen, da doch ich unter ihnen wohne.

Numeri 5:3
Maschi o femmine che siano, li manderete fuori; li manderete fuori del campo perché non contaminino il loro campo in mezzo al quale io abito".

Mandateli fuori, così maschi, come femmine; mandateli fuor del campo; acciocchè non contaminino il campo loro, nel mezzo del quale io abito.

Baik orang perempuan baik orang laki-laki, hendaklah kausuruh pergi, sampai di luar tempat tentara hendaklah kausuruh mereka itu pergi, supaya jangan dinajiskannya tempat tentaranya, yang di tengahnya Aku ini ada duduk.

민수기 5:3
무론 남녀하고 다 진 밖으로 내어 보내어 그들로 진을 더럽히게 말라 내가 그 진 가운데 거하느니라 하시매

Numeri 5:3
tam masculum quam feminam eicite de castris ne contaminent ea cum habitaverim vobiscum

Skaièiø knyga 5:3
Pašalinkite tokius vyrus ir tokias moteris, kad jie nesuteptų stovyklos, kurios viduryje Aš gyvenu”.

Numbers 5:3
Ko te tane, ko te wahine, me ngare atu, me ngare e koutou ki waho o te puni: kei poke i a ratou o ratou puni e nohoia nei e ahau.

4 Mosebok 5:3
Både mann og kvinne skal I sende bort; utenfor leiren skal I sende dem, forat de ikke skal gjøre deres leir uren, der hvor jeg bor midt iblandt dem.

Números 5:3
Echaréis tanto a hombres como a mujeres; los echaréis fuera del campamento para que no contaminen su campamento, donde yo habito en medio de ellos.

"Ustedes echarán tanto a hombres como a mujeres. Los echarán fuera del campamento para que no contaminen su campamento, donde Yo habito en medio de ellos."

Así hombres como mujeres echaréis, fuera del campamento los echaréis; para que no contaminen el campamento de aquellos entre los cuales yo habito.

Así hombres como mujeres echaréis, fuera del campo los echaréis; porque no contaminen el campo de aquellos entre los cuales yo habito.

Así hombres como mujeres echaréis, fuera del campamento los echaréis; para que no contaminen el campamento de aquellos entre los cuales yo habito.

Números 5:3
Homem e mulher, os afastareis e os colocareis fora do acampamento. Assim os filhos de Israel não contaminarão seu acampamento, no meio do qual Eu habito!”

tanto homem como mulher os lançareis para fora, sim, para fora do arraial os lançareis; para que não contaminem o seu arraial, no meio do qual eu habito.   

Numeri 5:3
Fie bărbaţi fie femei, să -i scoateţi afară din tabără; să -i scoateţi afară, ca să nu spurce tabăra în mijlocul căreia Îmi am Eu locuinţa.``

Числа 5:3
и мужчин и женщин вышлите, за стан вышлите их, чтобы не оскверняли они станов своих, среди которых Я живу.

и мужчин и женщин вышлите, за стан вышлите их, чтобы не оскверняли они станов своих, среди которых Я живу.[]

4 Mosebok 5:3
En sådan, vare sig man eller kvinna, skolen I skaffa bort; till något ställe utanför lägret skolen I skicka honom, för att han icke må orena deras läger; jag har ju min boning mitt ibland dem.

Numbers 5:3
Lalake at babae ay kapuwa ninyo ilalabas, sa labas ng kampamento ilalagay ninyo sila; upang huwag nilang ihawa ang kanilang kampamento na aking tinatahanan sa gitna.

กันดารวิถี 5:3
เจ้าจงสั่งทั้งผู้ชายและผู้หญิงให้ไปนอกค่าย เพื่อมิให้เขากระทำให้ค่ายของเขาซึ่งเราสถิตอยู่ท่ามกลางนั้นเป็นมลทิน"

Çölde Sayım 5:3
Erkeği de kadını da çıkaracaksınız. Aralarında yaşadığım ordugahlarını kirletmemeleri için onları ordugahın dışına çıkaracaksınız.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 5:3
Bất luận nam hay nữ, các ngươi phải đuổi họ ra ngoài trại quân, hầu cho họ không làm cho trại quân bị ô uế, là nơi ta ngự ở trong.

Numbers 5:2
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