Numbers 5:13
Numbers 5:13
so that another man has sexual relations with her, and this is hidden from her husband and her impurity is undetected (since there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act),

and has sex with another man, but neither her husband nor anyone else knows about it. She has defiled herself, even though there was no witness and she was not caught in the act.

if a man lies with her sexually, and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband, and she is undetected though she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her, since she was not taken in the act,

and a man has intercourse with her and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband and she is undetected, although she has defiled herself, and there is no witness against her and she has not been caught in the act,

And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

and sleeps with another, but it is concealed from her husband, and she is undetected, even though she has defiled herself, since there is no witness against her, and she wasn't caught in the act;

a man has sexual relations with her and she conceals it from her husband, keeping it secret although she has defiled herself with there being no witnesses against her, but she was caught anyway.

and a man has sexual relations with her without her husband knowing it, and it is hidden that she has defiled herself, since there was no witness against her, nor was she caught--

and may have had sexual intercourse with another man without her husband's knowledge. She may have kept it secret if there were no witnesses to accuse her and she wasn't caught in the act.

and a man lies with her carnally, and it is hid from the eyes of her husband because she contaminated herself in secret, and there is no witness against her, neither was she taken in the act;

And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept secret, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither was she taken in the act;

And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

and a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, and she be not taken in the act;

Shall have slept with another man, and her husband cannot discover it, but the adultery is secret, and cannot be proved by witnesses, because she was not found in the adultery:

and a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and she be defiled in secret, and there be no witness against her, and she have not been caught;

and a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken in the act;

And a man shall lie with her carnally, and it shall be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

and a man lies with her carnally, and it is hidden from the eyes of her husband, and is kept close, and she is defiled, and there is no witness against her, and she isn't taken in the act;

and a man hath lain with her with the seed of copulation, and it hath been hid from the eyes of her husband, and concealed, and she hath been defiled, and there is no witness against her, and she hath not been caught,

Numrat 5:13
dhe një burrë ka marrëdhënie seksuale me të, por kjo gjë është bërë fshehurazi nga burri i saj; kur fëlliqësia e saj mbetet e fshehtë, sepse nuk ka asnjë dëshmitar kundër saj dhe nuk është kapur në flagrancë,

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 5:13
واضطجع معها رجل اضطجاع زرع وأخفي ذلك عن عيني رجلها واستترت وهي نجسة وليس شاهد عليها وهي لم تؤخذ.

De Zalrach 5:13

Числа 5:13
като лежи някой с нея и излее семе, и това се укрие от очите на мъжа й, и тя се оскверни тайно, без да има свидетел против нея, и без да бъде хваната [в делото],

民 數 記 5:13
有 人 與 他 行 淫 , 事 情 嚴 密 , 瞞 過 他 丈 夫 , 而 且 他 被 玷 污 , 沒 有 作 見 證 的 人 , 當 他 行 淫 的 時 候 也 沒 有 被 捉 住 ,

有 人 与 他 行 淫 , 事 情 严 密 , 瞒 过 他 丈 夫 , 而 且 他 被 玷 污 , 没 有 作 见 证 的 人 , 当 他 行 淫 的 时 候 也 没 有 被 捉 住 ,



Numbers 5:13
i netko s njom legne, ali to ostane sakriveno očima njezina muža i žena ostane neotkrivena iako se oskvrnula te protiv nje ne bude svjedoka budući da u činu nije bila uhvaćena -

Numeri 5:13
Tak že by obýval někdo jiný s ní, a bylo by to skryto před očima muže jejího, a tajila by se, jsuci poškvrněna, a svědka by nebylo proti ní, a ona nebyla by postižena;

4 Mosebog 5:13
idet en anden Mand har Samleje med hende, uden at det er kommet til hendes Mands Kundskab, og uden at det er blevet opdaget, skønt hun har besmittet sig, og uden at der er noget Vidne imod hende, da hun ikke er grebet paa fersk Gerning,

Numberi 5:13
Dat een man bij haar door bijligging des zaads zal gelegen hebben, en het voor de ogen haars mans zal verborgen zijn, en zij zich verheeld zal hebben, zijnde nochtans onrein geworden; en geen getuige tegen haar is, en zij niet betrapt is;

במדבר 5:13
וְשָׁכַ֨ב אִ֣ישׁ אֹתָהּ֮ שִׁכְבַת־זֶרַע֒ וְנֶעְלַם֙ מֵעֵינֵ֣י אִישָׁ֔הּ וְנִסְתְּרָ֖ה וְהִ֣יא נִטְמָ֑אָה וְעֵד֙ אֵ֣ין בָּ֔הּ וְהִ֖וא לֹ֥א נִתְפָּֽשָׂה׃

יג ושכב איש אתה שכבת זרע ונעלם מעיני אישה ונסתרה והיא נטמאה ועד אין בה והוא לא נתפשה

ושכב איש אתה שכבת־זרע ונעלם מעיני אישה ונסתרה והיא נטמאה ועד אין בה והוא לא נתפשה׃

4 Mózes 5:13
És hál valaki õ vele közösülve, és az õ férje elõtt titok marad, és elrejtetik, hogy õ megfertõztetett; bizonyság pedig nincs ellene, sem a [bûnön] nem kapták;

Moseo 4: Nombroj 5:13
kaj iu viro kusxos kun sxi sekskunigxe, kaj tio estos kasxita antaux sxia edzo, cxar sxi malpurigxis kasxe, kaj ne estos atestanto pri sxi kaj sxi ne estos kaptita;

Ja jos joku makaa hänen, ja se on hänen miehensä silmäin edestä salattu ja peitetty, että hän on itsensä saastuttanut, ja ei ole todistusta häntä vastaan, eikä hän ole siinä löydetty,

Nombres 5:13
et qu'un homme couche avec elle, ayant commerce avec elle, et que cela soit caché aux yeux de son mari, et qu'elle se soit rendue impure en secret, et qu'il n'y ait pas de témoin contre elle, et qu'elle n'ait pas été surprise;

si un autre a commerce avec elle, et que la chose soit cachée aux yeux de son mari; si elle s'est souillée en secret, sans qu'il y ait de témoin contre elle, et sans qu'elle ait été prise sur le fait; -

Et que quelqu'un aura couché avec elle, et l'aura connue, sans que son mari en ait rien su; mais qu'elle se soit cachée, et qu'elle se soit souillée, et qu'il n'y ait point de témoin contr'elle, et qu'elle n'ait point été surprise;

4 Mose 5:13
und jemand sie fleischlich beschläft, und würde doch dem Manne verborgen vor seinen Augen und würde verdeckt, daß sie unrein worden ist, und kann sie nicht überzeugen, denn sie ist nicht drinnen begriffen,

und jemand bei ihr liegt, und es würde doch dem Manne verborgen vor seinen Augen und würde entdeckt, daß sie unrein geworden ist, und er kann sie nicht überführen, denn sie ist nicht dabei ergriffen, {~}

so daß sich einer fleischlich mit ihr vermischt, ihr Mann aber nichts davon erfährt, und sie unentdeckt bleibt, obschon sie sich verunreinigt hat, auch kein Zeuge wider sie vorhanden ist, indem sie nicht auf der That ertappt ward,

Numeri 5:13
se uno ha relazioni carnali con lei e la cosa è nascosta agli occhi del marito; s’ella si è contaminata in segreto senza che vi sian testimoni contro di lei o ch’ella sia stata còlta sul fatto,

e alcuno sarà giaciuto carnalmente con lei, di nascosto dal marito; ed ella si sarà celatamente contaminata, senza che vi sia alcun testimonio contro a lei nè che sia stata colta in sul fatto;

sehingga seorang laki-laki telah berbaring dengan dia dan berseketiduran dengan dia, tetapi tersembunyilah perkara itu dari pada mata lakinya dan telah dicemarkannya dirinya dengan sembunyi-sembunyi, sehingga tiadalah saksi atasnya dan salahnyapun tiada kedapatan,

민수기 5:13
타인과 정교를 하였으나 그 남편의 눈에 숨겨 드러나지 아니하였고 그 여자의 더러워진 일에 증인도 없고 그가 잡히지 아니하였어도

Numeri 5:13
dormierit cum altero viro et hoc maritus deprehendere non quiverit sed latet adulterium et testibus argui non potest quia non est inventa in stupro

Skaièiø knyga 5:13
ir kitas vyras gulėtų su ja ir ją suterštų, tačiau tai įvyktų slaptai ir būtų paslėpta nuo jos vyro akių, ir nebūtų liudytojų, nes ji nebūtų sugauta,

Numbers 5:13
A ka takoto, ka puremu tetahi ki a ia, a ka ngaro i nga kanohi o tana tahu, ka huna, a ka poke te wahine, kahore ano hoki he kaiwhakaatu mo tona he, kahore ano ia i mau rawa;

4 Mosebok 5:13
og en annen mann har samleie med henne, men hennes mann ikke vet om det, fordi hun har latt sig vanære i lønndom, og der ikke er noget vidne mot henne, og hun ikke er grepet på fersk gjerning,

Números 5:13
teniendo alguno relaciones carnales con ella sin que su marido se dé cuenta, ni sea descubierta (aunque ella se haya contaminado y no haya testigo contra ella, ni haya sido sorprendida en el acto mismo ),

teniendo relaciones carnales con otro sin que su marido se dé cuenta, ni sea descubierta, aunque ella se haya contaminado y no haya testigo contra ella, ni haya sido sorprendida en el acto mismo ,

y alguno hubiere tenido relación carnal con ella, y su marido no lo hubiese visto por haberse ella amancillado ocultamente, y no hubiere testigo contra ella, ni ella hubiere sido tomada en el acto;

Que alguno se hubiere echado con ella en carnal ayuntamiento, y su marido no lo hubiese visto por haberse ella contaminado ocultamente, ni hubiere testigo contra ella, ni ella hubiere sido cogida en el acto;

que alguno se hubiere echado con ella por ayuntamiento de simiente, y su marido no lo hubiese visto por haberse ella contaminado ocultamente, ni hubiere testigo contra ella, ni ella hubiere sido cogida en el acto;

Números 5:13
tendo relações sexuais com outro homem, tornando-se assim impura; porém sem o conhecimento do marido, pois não houve testemunhas, e, portanto, ela não foi apanhada no ato;

e algum homem se deitar com ela, sendo isso oculto aos olhos de seu marido e conservado encoberto, se ela se tiver contaminado, e contra ela não houver testemunha, por não ter sido apanhada em flagrante;   

Numeri 5:13
dacă altul se culcă cu ea, şi lucrul este ascuns de bărbatul ei; dacă ea s'a pîngărit în ascuns, fără să fie vreun martor împotriva ei, şi fără să fie prinsă asupra faptului; -

Числа 5:13
и переспит кто с ней и излиет семя, и это будет скрыто от глаз мужа ее, и она осквернится тайно, и не будет на нее свидетеля, ине будет уличена,

и переспит кто с ней и излиет семя, и это будет скрыто от глаз мужа ее, и она осквернится тайно, и не будет на нее свидетеля, и не будет уличена,[]

4 Mosebok 5:13
i det att någon annan har legat hos henne och beblandat sig med henne, utan att hennes man har fått veta därav, och utan att hon har blivit röjd, fastän hon verkligen har låtit skända sig; om alltså intet vittne finnes mot henne och hon icke har blivit gripen på bar gärning,

Numbers 5:13
At ang ibang lalake ay sisiping sa kaniya, at ito'y makukubli sa mga mata ng kaniyang asawa at ang bagay ay malilihim, at ang babae ay madudumhan at walang saksi laban sa kaniya, o hindi man matututop siya sa pagkakasala;

กันดารวิถี 5:13
มีชายอื่นมานอนร่วมกับนางพ้นตาสามีของนาง แม้นางได้กระทำตัวให้เป็นมลทินแล้ว แต่ไม่มีใครรู้เห็นและยังไม่มีพยาน เพราะจับไม่ได้คาที่

Çölde Sayım 5:13
başka bir adamla yatar, kirlendiği halde bu olayı kocasından gizlerse ve tanık olmadığı için kadının yaptığı ortaya çıkmazsa,[]

Daân-soá Kyù 5:13
nếu có một người nam gian dâm cùng nàng mà việc nhẹm khuất mắt chồng; nếu nàng bị ô uế kín nhiệm, không có chứng cớ đối cùng nàng, và nàng không bị bắt tại trận;

Numbers 5:12
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