Numbers 4:27
Numbers 4:27
All their service, whether carrying or doing other work, is to be done under the direction of Aaron and his sons. You shall assign to them as their responsibility all they are to carry.

Aaron and his sons will direct the Gershonites regarding all their duties, whether it involves moving the equipment or doing other work. They must assign the Gershonites responsibility for the loads they are to carry.

All the service of the sons of the Gershonites shall be at the command of Aaron and his sons, in all that they are to carry and in all that they have to do. And you shall assign to their charge all that they are to carry.

"All the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their loads and in all their work, shall be performed at the command of Aaron and his sons; and you shall assign to them as a duty all their loads.

At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service: and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens.

All the service of the Gershonites, all their transportation duties and all their other work, is to be done at the command of Aaron and his sons; you are to assign to them all that they are responsible to carry.

The descendants of Gershon are to carry out the instructions of Aaron and his sons. You are to assign them their responsibilities to carry out.

"All the service of the Gershonites, whether carrying loads or for any of their work, will be at the direction of Aaron and his sons. You will assign them all their tasks as their responsibility.

All their work, whatever they carry and all their duties, will be done under the direction of Aaron and his sons. You are in charge of telling them everything they're supposed to carry.

According to the word of Aaron and his sons shall be all the ministry of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens and in all their service; and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burdens.

At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service: and you shall appoint unto them the task of all their burdens.

At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service: and you shall appoint to them in charge all their burdens.

At the commandment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burden, and in all their service; and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burden.

The sons of Gerson shall carry, by the commandment of Aaron and his sons: and each man shall know to what burden he must be assigned.

At the commandment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their carrying, and in all their service; and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their carrying.

At the commandment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burden, and in all their service: and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their burden.

At the appointment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burdens, and in all their service: and ye shall appoint to them in charge all their burdens.

At the commandment of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites, in all their burden, and in all their service; and you shall appoint their duty to them in all their responsibilities.

'By the command of Aaron and his sons is all the service of the sons of the Gershonite in all their burden, and in all their service; and ye have laid a charge on them concerning the charge of all their burden.

Numrat 4:27
Tërë shërbimi i bijve të Gershonitëve, të gjitha gjërat që duhet të bartin dhe të gjitha gjërat që duhet të kryejnë, do të bëhen me urdhër të Aaronit dhe të bijve të tij; ju do t'u ngarkoni atyre përgjegjësinë për tërë gjërat që duhet të bartin.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 4:27
حسب قول هرون وبنيه تكون جميع خدمة بني الجرشونيين من كل حملهم ومن كل خدمتهم. وتوكّلهم بحراسة كل احمالهم.

De Zalrach 4:27
Allss, was de Gerschoner zo n Tuenn und Tragn habnd, werd ien gnaun von n Ärenn und seine Sün angschafft. Machen tuend dann allss die.

Числа 4:27
Всичкото служене на Гирсоновците, относно всичкото им [носене на] товари и всичкото им слугуване, ще бъде според повелението на Аарона и на синовете му; и вие ще им определяте всяко нещо, което те са длъжни да носят.

民 數 記 4:27
革 順 的 子 孫 在 一 切 抬 物 辦 事 之 上 都 要 憑 亞 倫 和 他 兒 子 的 吩 咐 ; 他 們 所 當 抬 的 , 要 派 他 們 看 守 。

革 顺 的 子 孙 在 一 切 抬 物 办 事 之 上 都 要 凭 亚 伦 和 他 儿 子 的 吩 咐 ; 他 们 所 当 抬 的 , 要 派 他 们 看 守 。



Numbers 4:27
Neka Geršonovci obavljaju sve svoje dužnosti - sve što imaju nositi i sve što imaju raditi - po nalogu Arona i njegovih sinova. Njihovoj brizi povjerite sve što treba da nose.

Numeri 4:27
Vedlé rozkazu Aronova a synů jeho konati budou všecky služby své synové Gersonovi při všech pracech svých, a při všech službách svých, a svěříte jim k ostříhání všecka břemena jejich.

4 Mosebog 4:27
Efter Arons og hans Sønners Bud skal Gersoniterne udføre deres Arbejde baade med det, de skal bære, og med det, de skal gøre; og I skal anvise dem alt, hvad de skal bære, Stykke for Stykke.

Numberi 4:27
De gehele dienst van de zonen der Gersonieten, in al hun last, en in al hun dienst, zal zijn naar het bevel van Aaron en van zijn zonen; en gijlieden zult hun ter bewaring al hun last bevelen.

במדבר 4:27
עַל־פִּי֩ אַהֲרֹ֨ן וּבָנָ֜יו תִּהְיֶ֗ה כָּל־עֲבֹדַת֙ בְּנֵ֣י הַגֵּרְשֻׁנִּ֔י לְכָל־מַשָּׂאָ֔ם וּלְכֹ֖ל עֲבֹדָתָ֑ם וּפְקַדְתֶּ֤ם עֲלֵהֶם֙ בְּמִשְׁמֶ֔רֶת אֵ֖ת כָּל־מַשָּׂאָֽם׃

כז על פי אהרן ובניו תהיה כל עבדת בני הגרשני לכל משאם ולכל עבדתם ופקדתם עלהם במשמרת את כל משאם

על־פי אהרן ובניו תהיה כל־עבדת בני הגרשני לכל־משאם ולכל עבדתם ופקדתם עלהם במשמרת את כל־משאם׃

4 Mózes 4:27
Áronnak és az õ fiainak beszéde szerint legyen a Gersoniták fiainak minden szolgálatjok, minden terhökre és minden szolgálatjokra nézve; minden terhöket pedig az õ õrizetökre bízzátok.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 4:27
Laux la ordono de Aaron kaj de liaj filoj estu la tuta laborado de la Gersxonidoj, koncerne cxian ilian portadon kaj cxian ilian laboradon; kaj metu sub ilian gardadon cxion, kion ili portas.

Aaronin ja hänen poikainsa sanan jälkeen pitää kaikkein Gersonin poikain virka tehtämän, kaikki mitä heidän kantaman ja korjaaman pitää; ja teidän pitää katsoman, että he ottaisivat vaarin kaikista kuormistansa.

Nombres 4:27
Tout le service des fils des Guershonites, dans tout ce qu'ils portent et dans tout leur service, sera selon les ordres d'Aaron et de ses fils; et vous leur donnerez en charge tout ce qu'ils doivent porter.

Dans leurs fonctions, les fils des Guerschonites seront sous les ordres d'Aaron et de ses fils, pour tout ce qu'ils porteront et pour tout le service qu'ils devront faire; vous remettrez à leurs soins tout ce qu'ils ont à porter.

Tout le service des enfants de Guerson en tout ce qu'ils doivent porter, et en tout ce à quoi ils doivent servir, sera [réglé] par les ordres d'Aaron et de ses fils, et vous les chargerez d'observer tout ce qu'ils doivent porter.

4 Mose 4:27
Nach dem Wort Aarons und seiner Söhne soll alles Amt der Kinder Gerson gehen, alles, was sie tragen und schaffen sollen; und ihr sollt zusehen, daß sie aller ihrer Last warten.

Nach dem Wort Aarons und seiner Söhne soll alles Amt der Kinder Gerson geschehen, alles, was sie tragen und schaffen sollen, und ihr sollt zusehen, daß sie aller ihrer Last warten.

Nach dem Befehl Aarons und seiner Söhne sollen alle Verrichtungen der Gersoniter stattfinden, bezüglich alles dessen, was sie zu tragen, und alles dessen, was sie zu verrichten haben; und zwar sollt ihr ihnen alles, was sie zu tragen haben, namentlich anweisen.

Numeri 4:27
Tutto il servizio dei figliuoli dei Ghersoniti sarà sotto gli ordini di Aaronne e dei suoi figliuoli per tutto quello che dovranno portare e per tutto quello che dovranno fare; voi affiderete alla loro cura tutto quello che debbon portare.

Tutto il servigio de’ figliuoli di Gherson, in tutto ciò che devono portare, e in tutti i servigi che devono fare, sia secondo l’ordine di Aaronne e de’ suoi figliuoli; e voi darete loro il carico di tutto ciò che dovranno portare.

Setuju dengan perintah Harun dan anak-anaknya hendaklah diperbuat anak-anak Gerson akan segala pekerjaannya, dari pada barang yang hendak dipikulnya dan barang yang hendak diperbuatnya; maka hendaklah kamu memberi perintah kepada mereka itu, supaya diperbuatnya segala pekerjaan pikulannya.

민수기 4:27
게르손 자손은 그 모든 일 곧 멜 것과 처리할 것에 아론과 그 아들들의 명대로 할 것이니 너희는 그들의 멜 짐을 그들에게 맡길 것이니라

Numeri 4:27
iubente Aaron et filiis eius portabunt filii Gerson et scient singuli cui debeant oneri mancipari

Skaièiø knyga 4:27
Geršonai neš, ką lieps Aaronas ir jo sūnūs. Darbai jiems bus nurodyti ir paskirstyti.

Numbers 4:27
Kei a Arona ratou ko ana tama te tikanga mo nga mahi katoa a nga tama a nga Kerehoni, mo a ratou amohanga katoa, mo a ratou mahi katoa: ma koutou hoki e whakarite ki a ratou te tikanga mo nga mea katoa e amo ai ratou.

4 Mosebok 4:27
Efter Arons og hans sønners ord skal all tjeneste utføres som Gersons barn har å gjøre, både med alt det de har å bære, og med hele deres tjeneste; og I skal overgi til deres varetekt alt det de har å bære.

Números 4:27
Bajo las órdenes de Aarón y de sus hijos estará todo el ministerio de los hijos de los gersonitas, en relación con todas sus cargas y todo su trabajo; y tú les asignarás como responsabilidad todas sus cargas.

"Bajo las órdenes de Aarón y de sus hijos estará todo el ministerio de los hijos de los Gersonitas, en relación con todas sus cargas y todo su trabajo; y tú les asignarás como responsabilidad todas sus cargas.

Según la orden de Aarón y de sus hijos será todo el ministerio de los hijos de Gersón en todos sus cargos, y en todo su servicio: y les encomendaréis en guarda todos sus cargos.

Según la orden de Aarón y de sus hijos será todo el ministerio de los hijos de Gersón en todos sus cargos, y en todo su servicio: y les encomendaréis en guarda todos sus cargos.

Conforme al dicho de Aarón y de sus hijos será todo el ministerio de los hijos de Gersón en todas sus cargas, y en todo su servicio; y les encomendaréis en guarda todas sus cargas.

Números 4:27
Todo esse trabalho dos filhos de Gérson, com seus encargos e transportes, se fará sob as ordens de Arão e dos seus filhos: e vós determinareis, expressamente, o que devem carregar.

Todo o trabalho dos filhos dos gersonitas, em todo o seu cargo, e em todo o seu serviço, será segundo o mandado de Arão e de seus filhos; e lhes designareis os cargos em que deverão servir.   

Numeri 4:27
În slujbele lor, fiii Gherşoniţilor să fie subt poruncile lui Aaron şi fiilor lui, pentru tot ce vor duce şi pentru toată slujba pe care vor trebui s'o facă; în grija lor să daţi tot ce au de dus.

Числа 4:27
по повелению Аарона и сынов его должны производиться все службы сынов Гирсоновых при всяком ношении тяжестей и всякой работе их, и поручите их хранению все, что они носят;

по повелению Аарона и сынов его должны производиться все службы сынов Гирсоновых при всяком ношении тяжестей и всякой работе их, и поручите их хранению все, что они носят;[]

4 Mosebok 4:27
På det sätt Aron och hans söner bestämma skall Gersons barns hela tjänstgöring försiggå, i fråga om allt vad de hava att bära och göra; och I skolen överlämna i deras vård allt vad de hava att bära.

Numbers 4:27
Mapapasa kapangyarihan ni Aaron at ng kaniyang mga anak ang buong paglilingkod ng mga anak ng mga Gersonita sa buong kanilang pasanin, at sa buong kanilang paglilingkod: at inyong ituturo sa kanila ang mga nauukol sa kanilang buong pasanin.

กันดารวิถี 4:27
ให้อาโรนและบุตรชายทั้งหลายของอาโรนบังคับบัญชาบุตรชายทั้งหลายของเกอร์โชนเรื่องทุกสิ่งที่เขาจะต้องขน และงานทุกอย่างที่เขาจะต้องกระทำ และเจ้าจะต้องกำหนดทุกสิ่งที่เขาจะต้องขน

Çölde Sayım 4:27
Yapacakları bütün hizmetler -yük taşıma ya da başka bir iş- Harunla oğullarının yönetimi altında yapılacaktır. Taşıyacakları yükten Gerşonoğullarını sorumlu tutacaksınız.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 4:27
Hết thảy công việc của con cháu Ghẹt-sôn, món chi họ phải khiêng đi, và việc chi họ phải làm điều sẽ theo lịnh A-rôn và các con trai người chỉ biểu; người phải giao cho họ coi sóc mọi món chi phải khiêng đi.

Numbers 4:26
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