Numbers 4:18
Numbers 4:18
"See that the Kohathite tribal clans are not destroyed from among the Levites.

"Do not let the Kohathite clans be destroyed from among the Levites!

“Let not the tribe of the clans of the Kohathites be destroyed from among the Levites,

"Do not let the tribe of the families of the Kohathites be cut off from among the Levites.

Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:

Do not allow the Kohathite tribal clans to be wiped out from the Levites.

"You are not to eliminate the tribe of the families of the descendants of Kohath from the descendants of Levi.

"Do not allow the tribe of the families of the Kohathites to be cut off from among the Levites;

"Don't let the Kohathite families from Levi's tribe be destroyed.

Ye shall not cut off the tribe of the families of Kohath from among the Levites,

Cut not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:

Cut you not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:

Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites;

Destroy not the people of Caath from the midst of the Levites:

Ye shall not cut off the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites,

Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:

Cut ye not off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites:

"Don't cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites;

'Ye do not cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathite from the midst of the Levites;

Numrat 4:18
Kini kujdes që klani i familjeve të Kehathitëve të mos shfaroset në mes të Levitëve;

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 4:18
لا تقرضا سبط عشائر القهاتيين من بين اللاويين.

De Zalrach 4:18
Schaugtß drauf, däß de Keheter nit umkemmend!

Числа 4:18
Да не изтребите измежду левитите племето на семействата на Каатовците;

民 數 記 4:18
你 們 不 可 將 哥 轄 人 的 支 派 從 利 未 人 中 剪 除 。

你 们 不 可 将 哥 辖 人 的 支 派 从 利 未 人 中 剪 除 。



Numbers 4:18
Ne dopustite da nestane pleme rodova Kehatovih između levita.

Numeri 4:18
Hleďtež, abyste nevyhladili pokolení čeledi Kahat z prostředku Levítů.

4 Mosebog 4:18
Sørg for, at Kehatiternes Slægters Stamme ikke udryddes af Leviternes Midte!

Numberi 4:18
Gij zult den stam van de geslachten der Kahathieten niet laten uitgeroeid worden, uit het midden der Levieten;

במדבר 4:18
אַל־תַּכְרִ֕יתוּ אֶת־שֵׁ֖בֶט מִשְׁפְּחֹ֣ת הַקְּהָתִ֑י מִתֹּ֖וךְ הַלְוִיִּֽם׃

יח אל תכריתו את שבט משפחת הקהתי מתוך הלוים

אל־תכריתו את־שבט משפחת הקהתי מתוך הלוים׃

4 Mózes 4:18
A Kéhátiták nemzetségének törzsét ne [engedjétek] kiirtani a léviták közül;

Moseo 4: Nombroj 4:18
Ne pereigu la tribon de la familioj Kehatidaj inter la Levidoj;

Ei teidän pidä Kahatilaisten sukukuntain sikiöitä hävittämän Leviläisten seasta.

Nombres 4:18
Ne faites pas que la tribu des familles des Kehathites soit retranchée d'entre les Lévites;

N'exposez point la race des familles des Kehathites à être retranchée du milieu des Lévites.

Ne donnez point occasion que la race des familles de Kéhath soit retranchée d'entre les Lévites.

4 Mose 4:18
Ihr sollt den Stamm des Geschlechts der Kahathiter nicht lassen sich verderben unter den Leviten;

Ihr sollt den Stamm der Geschlechter der Kahathiter nicht lassen sich verderben unter den Leviten;

Laßt es nicht geschehen, daß der Stamm der Geschlechter der Kahathiter mitten aus den Leviten weggetilgt werde.

Numeri 4:18
Badate che la tribù delle famiglie dei Kehathiti non abbia ad essere sterminata di fra i Leviti;

Non fate sì che la tribù delle famiglie de’ Chehatiti sia sterminata d’infra i Leviti.

Ingatlah baik-baik, janganlah suku bangsa orang Kehat itu ditumpas dari antara orang-orang Lewi!

민수기 4:18
너희는 고핫 족속의 지파를 레위인 중에서 끊어지게 말지니

Numeri 4:18
nolite perdere populum Caath de medio Levitarum

Skaièiø knyga 4:18
“Neleiskite kehatų giminei žūti.

Numbers 4:18
Kei hatepea atu e koutou te iwi o nga hapu o nga Kohati i roto i nga Riwaiti:

4 Mosebok 4:18
La ikke kahatittenes ættegren bli utryddet av levittenes stamme,

Números 4:18
No permitáis que la tribu de las familias de los coatitas sea cortada de entre los levitas.

"No permitan que la tribu de las familias de los Coatitas sea exterminada de entre los Levitas.

No cortaréis la tribu de las familias de Coat de entre los levitas;

No cortaréis la tribu de las familias de Coath de entre los Levitas;

No cortaréis la tribu de las familias de Coat de entre los levitas;

Números 4:18
“Não elimineis do número dos levitas a tribo dos clãs coatitas.

Não cortareis a tribo das famílias dos coatitas do meio dos levitas;   

Numeri 4:18
,,Să nu cumva să puneţi neamul familiilor Chehatiţilor în primejdie să fie nimicit din mijlocul Leviţilor.

Числа 4:18
не погубите колена племен Каафовых из среды левитов,

не погубите колена племен Каафовых из среды левитов,[]

4 Mosebok 4:18
Låten icke kehatiternas släktgren utrotas ur leviternas stam.

Numbers 4:18
Huwag ninyong ihiwalay ang lipi ng mga angkan ng mga Coathita sa gitna ng mga Levita.

กันดารวิถี 4:18

Çölde Sayım 4:18
‹‹Kehat boylarının Levililerin arasından yok olmasına yol açmayın.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 4:18
Hãy làm thể nào cho tông tộc Kê-hát chớ bị truất khỏi chi phái Lê-vi,

Numbers 4:17
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