Numbers 4:15
Numbers 4:15
"After Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy furnishings and all the holy articles, and when the camp is ready to move, only then are the Kohathites to come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy things or they will die. The Kohathites are to carry those things that are in the tent of meeting.

The camp will be ready to move when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the sacred articles. The Kohathites will come and carry these things to the next destination. But they must not touch the sacred objects, or they will die. So these are the things from the Tabernacle that the Kohathites must carry.

And when Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, as the camp sets out, after that the sons of Kohath shall come to carry these, but they must not touch the holy things, lest they die. These are the things of the tent of meeting that the sons of Kohath are to carry.

"When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy objects and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set out, after that the sons of Kohath shall come to carry them, so that they will not touch the holy objects and die. These are the things in the tent of meeting which the sons of Kohath are to carry.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

Aaron and his sons are to finish covering the holy objects and all their equipment whenever the camp is to move on. The Kohathites will come and carry them, but they are not to touch the holy objects or they will die. These are the transportation duties of the Kohathites regarding the tent of meeting."

"When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the utensils of the sanctuary, and the camp is about to travel, then the descendants of Kohath are to come and carry them, but they are not to touch the most sacred objects, so they won't die. These are the duties of the descendants of Kohath at the Tent of Meeting."

"When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, when the camp is ready to journey, then the Kohathites will come to carry them; but they must not touch any holy thing, or they will die. These are the responsibilities of the Kohathites with the tent of meeting.

"When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy things and the camp is ready to move, the Kohathites will come to carry all the holy articles. They must never touch the holy things, or they will die. The Kohathites will carry all the things from the tent of meeting.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary when the camp is to set forward, after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it, but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the testimony.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, as the camp is to move forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of meeting.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting.

And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped up the sanctuary and the vessels thereof at the removing of the camp, then shall the sons of Caath enter in to carry the things wrapped up: and they shall not touch the vessels of the sanctuary, lest they die. These are the burdens of the sons of Caath: in the tabernacle of the covenant:

And when Aaron and his sons have ended covering the sanctuary, and all the utensils of the sanctuary, when the camp setteth forward, then afterwards the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it; but they shall not touch the holy things, lest they die. This is what the sons of Kohath have to carry in the tent of meeting.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting.

And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to move forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation.

"When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary, and all the furniture of the sanctuary, as the camp moves forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to carry it: but they shall not touch the sanctuary, lest they die. These things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the Tent of Meeting.

And Aaron hath finished -- his sons also -- covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, in the journeying of the camp, and afterwards do the sons of Kohath come in to bear it, and they do not come unto the holy thing, that they have died; these things are the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting.

Numrat 4:15
Pasi që Aaroni dhe bijtë e tij të kenë mbaruar së mbuluari shenjtëroren dhe tërë orenditë e saj, kur kampi është bërë gati të niset, bijtë e Kehathit do të vijnë për t'i mbartur, por ata nuk do të prekin gjërat e shenjta, që të mos vdesin. Këto janë gjërat nga çadra e mbledhjes të cilat bijtë e Kehathit duhet të trasportojnë.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 4:15
ومتى فرغ هرون وبنوه من تغطية القدس وجميع امتعة القدس عند ارتحال المحلّة ياتي بعد ذلك بنو قهات للحمل ولكن لا يمسّوا القدس لئلا يموتوا. ذلك حمل بني قهات في خيمة الاجتماع.

De Zalrach 4:15
Eerst wenn dyr Ären und seine Sün bei n Aufbruch allss verhüllt habnd, kemmend de Keheter zo n Tragn. Aber hinglangen derffend s nindert, sünst sturbnd s. Dös wär ietz also d Arecht von de Keheter.

Числа 4:15
И като свършат Аарон и синовете му с покриването на светите вещи и всичките свети прибори, когато трябва да се дига станът, тогава да пристъпват каатците; за да ги носят: но да се не докосват до светите неща, за да не умрат. Тия неща от шатъра за срещане ще носят каатците.

民 數 記 4:15
將 要 起 營 的 時 候 , 亞 倫 和 他 兒 子 把 聖 所 和 聖 所 的 一 切 器 具 遮 蓋 完 了 , 哥 轄 的 子 孫 就 要 來 抬 , 只 是 不 可 摸 聖 物 , 免 得 他 們 死 亡 。 會 幕 裡 這 些 物 件 是 哥 轄 子 孫 所 當 抬 的 。

将 要 起 营 的 时 候 , 亚 伦 和 他 儿 子 把 圣 所 和 圣 所 的 一 切 器 具 遮 盖 完 了 , 哥 辖 的 子 孙 就 要 来 抬 , 只 是 不 可 摸 圣 物 , 免 得 他 们 死 亡 。 会 幕 里 这 些 物 件 是 哥 辖 子 孙 所 当 抬 的 。



Numbers 4:15
Pošto Aron i njegovi sinovi završe pokrivanje Svetišta i svega svetog posuđa, u času kad imadne tabor krenuti na put, neka dođu potomci Kehatovi da to ponesu. No svetih se predmeta ne smiju doticati da ne poginu. To je dužnost Kehatovih potomaka u Šatoru sastanka.

Numeri 4:15
A když to vykoná Aron s syny svými, a přikryje svatyni i všecka nádobí její, a již by se měla hýbati vojska, tedy přijdou synové Kahat, aby nesli; ale nedotknou se svatyně, aby nezemřeli. Ta jest práce synů Kahat při stánku úmluvy.

4 Mosebog 4:15
Naar saa ved Lejrens Opbrud Aron og hans Sønner er færdige med at tilhylle de hellige Ting og alle de hellige Redskaber, skal Kehatiterne træde til og bære dem; men de maa ikke røre ved de hellige Ting; thi gør de det, skal de dø. Det er, hvad Kehatiterne skal bære af Aabenbaringsteltet.

Numberi 4:15
Als nu Aaron en zijn zonen, het dekken van het heiligdom, en van alle gereedschap des heiligdoms, in het optrekken des legers, zullen voleind hebben, zo zullen daarna de zonen van Kahath komen om te dragen; maar zij zullen dat heilige niet aanroeren, dat zij niet sterven. Dit is de last der zonen van Kahath, in de tent der samenkomst.

במדבר 4:15
וְכִלָּ֣ה אַֽהֲרֹן־וּ֠בָנָיו לְכַסֹּ֨ת אֶת־הַקֹּ֜דֶשׁ וְאֶת־כָּל־כְּלֵ֣י הַקֹּדֶשׁ֮ בִּנְסֹ֣עַ הַֽמַּחֲנֶה֒ וְאַחֲרֵי־כֵ֗ן יָבֹ֤אוּ בְנֵי־קְהָת֙ לָשֵׂ֔את וְלֹֽא־יִגְּע֥וּ אֶל־הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ וָמֵ֑תוּ אֵ֛לֶּה מַשָּׂ֥א בְנֵֽי־קְהָ֖ת בְּאֹ֥הֶל מֹועֵֽד׃

טו וכלה אהרן ובניו לכסת את הקדש ואת כל כלי הקדש בנסע המחנה ואחרי כן יבאו בני קהת לשאת ולא יגעו אל הקדש ומתו אלה משא בני קהת באהל מועד

וכלה אהרן־ובניו לכסת את־הקדש ואת־כל־כלי הקדש בנסע המחנה ואחרי־כן יבאו בני־קהת לשאת ולא־יגעו אל־הקדש ומתו אלה משא בני־קהת באהל מועד׃

4 Mózes 4:15
Ha pedig elvégezi Áron és az õ fiai a szenthelynek és a szenthely minden edényének betakarását, mikor el akar indulni a tábor: akkor jöjjenek el Kéhát fiai, hogy elvigyék azokat; de ne illessék a szenthelynek [semmi edényét], hogy meg ne haljanak. Ezek Kéhát fiainak terhei a gyülekezet sátorában.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 4:15
Kiam Aaron kaj liaj filoj finos la kovradon de la sanktejo kaj de cxiuj objektoj de la sanktejo cxe la elmovigxo de la tendaro, tiam venos la filoj de Kehat, por porti; sed ili ne ektusxu la sanktajxon, por ke ili ne mortu. Tio estas la portajxo de la filoj de Kehat cxe la tabernaklo de kunveno.

Koska Aaron ja hänen poikansa nämät toimittaneet ovat ja peittäneet pyhän ja kaikki pyhät astiat, ja leiriä siirretään, niin pitää sitte Kahatin lapset menemän ja kantaman niitä, ja ei pidä rupeeman pyhään, ettei he kuolisi. Nämät pitää oleman Kahatin lasten taakat seurakunnan majassa.

Nombres 4:15
-Et lorsque Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le lieu saint et tous les ustensiles du lieu saint, lors du départ du camp, après cela les fils de Kehath viendront pour les porter, afin qu'ils ne touchent pas les choses saintes, et ne meurent pas.

Après qu'Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le sanctuaire et tous les ustensiles du sanctuaire, les fils de Kehath viendront, au départ du camp, pour les porter; mais ils ne toucheront point les choses saintes, de peur qu'ils ne meurent. Telles sont les fonctions de porteurs, imposées aux fils de Kehath dans la tente d'assignation.

Le camp partira après qu'Aaron et ses fils auront achevé de couvrir le Sanctuaire et tous ses vaisseaux, et après cela les enfants de Kéhath viendront pour le porter, et ils ne toucheront point les choses saintes, de peur qu'ils ne meurent; c'[est] là ce que les enfants de Kéhath porteront du Tabernacle d'assignation.

4 Mose 4:15
Wenn nun Aaron und seine Söhne solches ausgerichtet haben und das Heiligtum und alle seine Geräte bedecket, wenn das Heer aufbricht, danach sollen die Kinder Kahath hineingehen, daß sie es tragen, und sollen das Heiligtum nicht anrühren, daß sie nicht sterben. Dies sind die Lasten der Kinder Kahath an der Hütte des Stifts.

Wenn nun Aaron und seine Söhne solches ausgerichtet und das Heiligtum und all sein Gerät bedeckt haben, wenn das Heer aufbricht, darnach sollen die Kinder Kahath hineingehen, daß sie es tragen; und sollen das Heiligtum nicht anrühren, daß sie nicht sterben. Dies sind die Lasten der Kinder Kahath an der Hütte des Stifts.

Und wenn Aaron und seine Söhne mit der Einhüllung der heiligen Dinge und aller der heiligen Geräte zu Ende sind, wenn sich das Lager in Bewegung setzt, so sollen darnach die Söhne Kahaths kommen, um sie zu tragen; aber berühren dürfen sie die heiligen Dinge nicht, sonst müssen sie sterben. Das ist's, was die Söhne Kahaths vom Offenbarungszelte zu tragen haben.

Numeri 4:15
E dopo che Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli avranno finito di coprire il santuario e tutti gli arredi del santuario, quando il campo si moverà, i figliuoli di Kehath verranno per portar quelle cose; ma non toccheranno le cose sante, che non abbiano a morire. Queste sono le incombenze de’ figliuoli di Kehath nella tenda di convegno.

E, dopo che Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli avranno finito di coprire il Santuario, e tutti gli arredi di esso, quando il campo si moverà; vengano i figliuoli di Chehat, per portar quelle cose; e non tocchino il Santuario, che non muoiano. Queste son le cose che i figliuoli di Chehat devono portare, del Tabernacolo della convenenza.

Setelah sudah ditudungkan Harun dan anak-anaknya akan tempat yang suci dan segala perkakas tempat yang suci itu apabila tentara itu hendak berangkat, maka hendaklah anak-anak laki-laki Kehat itu datang hampir akan mengusung dia, tetapi jangan dijabatnya akan barang yang suci itu, supaya jangan mereka itu dibunuh. Maka dari pada kemah perhimpunan itu sekalian inilah yang hendak diusung oleh anak-anak laki-laki Kehat.

민수기 4:15
행진할 때에 아론과 그 아들들이 성소와 성소의 모든 기구 덮기를 필하거든 고핫 자손이 와서 멜 것이니라 그러나 성물은 만지지 말지니 죽을까 하노라 회막 물건 중에서 이것들은 고핫 자손이 멜 것이며

Numeri 4:15
cumque involverint Aaron et filii eius sanctuarium et omnia vasa eius in commotione castrorum tunc intrabunt filii Caath ut portent involuta et non tangant vasa sanctuarii ne moriantur ista sunt onera filiorum Caath in tabernaculo foederis

Skaièiø knyga 4:15
Aaronui ir jo sūnums apdengus šventyklą ir visus jos daiktus, keliantis stovyklai, kehatai atėję juos paims. Jiems negalima prisiliesti prie šventų daiktų, kad nemirtų. Tai yra kehatų pareiga Susitikimo palapinėje.

Numbers 4:15
A ka oti i a Arona ratou ko ana tama te hipoki te wahi tapu, me nga mea katoa o te wahi tapu, ina tata te puni te maunu; ka mutu, na ka haere mai nga tama a Kohata ki te kauhoa: otiia kaua ratou e pa ki tetahi mea tapu kei mate ratou. Ko enei ng a mea a nga tama a Kohata e mau ai o te tapenakara o te whakaminenga.

4 Mosebok 4:15
Når så Aron og hans sønner ved leirens opbrudd er ferdig med å dekke over helligdommen og alle helligdommens redskaper, så skal Kahats barn komme og bære; men de må ikke røre ved helligdommen, forat de ikke skal dø. Dette er det Kahats barn har å bære av det som hører til sammenkomstens telt.

Números 4:15
Cuando Aarón y sus hijos hayan terminado de cubrir los objetos sagrados y todos los utensilios del santuario, cuando el campamento esté para trasladarse, vendrán después los hijos de Coat para transportar los, pero que no toquen los objetos sagrados pues morirían. Estas son las cosas que transportarán los hijos de Coat en la tienda de reunión.

"Cuando Aarón y sus hijos hayan terminado de cubrir los objetos sagrados y todos los utensilios del santuario, cuando el campamento esté para trasladarse, vendrán después los hijos de Coat para transportarlos, pero que no toquen los objetos sagrados, pues morirían. Estas son las cosas que transportarán los hijos de Coat en la tienda de reunión.

Y cuando Aarón y sus hijos acaben de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campamento haya de mudarse, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coat para transportarlos; mas no tocarán cosa santa, no sea que mueran. Éstas serán las cargas de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo de la congregación.

Y en acabando Aarón y sus hijos de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campo se hubiere de mudar, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coath para conducir: mas no tocarán cosa santa, que morirán. Estas serán las cargas de los hi

Y tan pronto acaben Aarón y sus hijos de cubrir el santuario y todos los vasos del santuario, cuando el campamento se hubiere de mudar, vendrán después de ello los hijos de Coat para llevarlos; mas no tocarán cosa santa, porque morirán. Estas serán las cargas de los hijos de Coat en el tabernáculo del testimonio.

Números 4:15
Assim que Arão e seus filhos tiverem terminando de acondicionar os objetos sagrados e todos os seus acessórios, no momento de levantar acampamento, virão os filhos de Coate para transportá-los, sem contudo tocar naquilo que é sagrado; porquanto morrerão se o fizerem. Esse é o encargo dos coatitas na Tenda do Encontro.

Quando Arão e seus filhos, ao partir o arraial, acabarem de cobrir o santuário e todos os seus móveis, os filhos de Coate virão para levá-lo; mas nas coisas sagradas não tocarão, para que não morram; esse é o cargo dos filhos de Coate na tenda da revelação.   

Numeri 4:15
Dupăce Aaron şi fiii lui vor isprăvi de acoperit sfîntul locaş şi toate uneltele sfîntului locaş, fiii lui Chehat să vină, la pornirea taberii, ca să le ducă; dar să nu se atingă de lucrurile sfinte, ca să nu moară. Acestea sînt lucrurile pe cari au să le ducă fiii lui Chehat din cortul întîlnirii.

Числа 4:15
Когда, при отправлении в путь стана, Аарон и сыныего покроют все святилище и все вещи святилища, тогда сыны Каафа подойдут, чтобы нести; но не должны они касаться святилища, чтобы не умереть. Сии части скинии собрания должны носить сыны Каафовы.

Когда, при отправлении в путь стана, Аарон и сыны его покроют всё святилище и все вещи святилища, тогда сыны Каафа подойдут, чтобы нести; но не должны они касаться святилища, чтобы не умереть. Сии [части] скинии собрания должны носить сыны Каафовы.[]

4 Mosebok 4:15
Sedan nu Aron och hans söner, när lägret skall bryta upp, så hava övertäckt de heliga föremålen och alla tillbehör till dessa heliga föremål, skola därefter Kehats barn komma för att bära; men de må icke röra vid de heliga föremålen, ty då skola de dö. Detta är vad Kehats barn hava att bära av det som hör till uppenbarelsetältet.

Numbers 4:15
At pagka si Aaron at ang kaniyang mga anak ay nakatapos na makapagtakip sa santuario at sa buong kasangkapan ng santuario, kailan ma't isusulong ang kampamento: ay magsisilapit pagkatapos ang mga anak ni Koath upang kanilang buhatin yaon: datapuwa't huwag silang hihipo sa santuario, baka sila'y mamatay. Ang mga bagay na ito ay siyang pasanin ng mga anak ni Coath sa tabernakulo ng kapisanan.

กันดารวิถี 4:15
เมื่ออาโรนและบุตรชายคลุมสถานบริสุทธิ์และคลุมบรรดาเครื่องใช้ของสถานบริสุทธิ์เสร็จแล้ว เมื่อถึงเวลาเคลื่อนย้ายค่ายลูกหลานโคฮาทจึงจะเข้ามาหาม แต่เขาต้องไม่แตะต้องของบริสุทธิ์เหล่านั้นเกลือกว่าเขาจะต้องตาย สิ่งเหล่านี้แหละที่เป็นของประจำพลับพลาแห่งชุมนุมซึ่งลูกหลานของโคฮาทจะต้องหาม

Çölde Sayım 4:15
‹‹Ordugah başka yere taşınırken Harunla oğulları kutsal yere ait bütün eşyaları ve takımları örtmeyi bitirdikten sonra, Kehatoğulları onları taşımaya gelecekler. Ölmemek için kutsal eşyalara dokunmayacaklar. Buluşma Çadırındaki bu eşyaların taşınması Kehatoğullarının sorumluluğu altındadır.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 4:15
Sau khi A-rôn và các con trai người đã đậy-điệm nơi thánh và các đồ đạc thánh xong, khi dời trại quân đi, thì các con cháu Kê-hát phải đến đặng khiêng các đồ đạc đó; họ chẳng nên đụng vào những vật thánh, e phải chết chăng. Trong hội mạc, ấy là đồ mà các con cháu Kê-hát phải khiêng đi.

Numbers 4:14
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