Numbers 36:9
Numbers 36:9
No inheritance may pass from one tribe to another, for each Israelite tribe is to keep the land it inherits."

No grant of land may pass from one tribe to another; each tribe of Israel must keep its allotted portion of land."

So no inheritance shall be transferred from one tribe to another, for each of the tribes of the people of Israel shall hold on to its own inheritance.’”

"Thus no inheritance shall be transferred from one tribe to another tribe, for the tribes of the sons of Israel shall each hold to his own inheritance."

Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance.

No inheritance is to transfer from one tribe to another, because each of the Israelite tribes is to retain its inheritance."

That way, their inheritance won't be turned over from one tribe to another, because the Israelis are each to maintain their ancestral inheritances."

No inheritance may pass from tribe to tribe. But every one of the tribes of the Israelites must retain its inheritance."

No land may pass from one tribe to another. Each Israelite tribe must keep the land it inherits."

So that the inheritance shall not change from one tribe to another tribe, each one of the tribes of the sons of Israel shall cleave to his own inheritance.

Neither shall the inheritance move from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep to himself his own inheritance.

Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance.

So shall no inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the children of Israel shall cleave every one to his own inheritance.

And that the tribes be not mingled one with another, but remain so

and the inheritance shall not pass from one tribe to another tribe; for each of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep to his inheritance.

So shall no inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the children of Israel shall cleave every one to his own inheritance.

Neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; but every one of the tribes of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance.

So shall no inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the children of Israel shall each keep his own inheritance."

and the inheritance doth not turn round from one tribe to another tribe; for each to his inheritance do they cleave, the tribes of the sons of Israel.'

Numrat 36:9
Në këtë mënyrë asnjë trashëgimi nuk do të kalojë nga një fis në tjetrin, por secili fis i bijve të Izraelit do të mbetet i lidhur me trashëgiminë e tij".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 36:9
فلا يتحول نصيب من سبط الى سبط آخر بل يلازم اسباط بني اسرائيل كل واحد نصيبه

De Zalrach 36:9
Dyr Örbbsiz derf nit von ainn Stamm auf aynn andern übergeen, denn ayn ieder Isryheeler sollt föst mit dyr Scholln von seinn Stamm verbunddn bleibn."

Числа 36:9
Да не преминава наследство от едно племе на друго племе, но племената на израилтяните да се привързват, всяко за своето наследство.

民 數 記 36:9
這 樣 , 他 們 的 產 業 就 不 從 這 支 派 歸 到 那 支 派 , 因 為 以 色 列 支 派 的 人 要 各 守 各 的 產 業 。

这 样 , 他 们 的 产 业 就 不 从 这 支 派 归 到 那 支 派 , 因 为 以 色 列 支 派 的 人 要 各 守 各 的 产 业 。



Numbers 36:9
Tako se baština neće prenositi iz jednoga plemena u drugo, nego će svako izraelsko pleme prianjati uza svoju baštinu."

Numeri 36:9
Aby nebylo přenášíno vládařství z jednoho pokolení na druhé pokolení, ale jeden každý z pokolení synů Izraelských dědictví svého přídržeti se bude.

4 Mosebog 36:9
og ingen Arvelod maa gaa over fra den ene Stamme til den anden, men Israeliternes Stammer skal holde fast hver ved sin Arvelod!«

Numberi 36:9
Zo zal de erfenis niet omgewend worden van den enen stam tot den anderen; want de stammen der kinderen Israels zullen aanhangen, een ieder aan zijn erfenis.

במדבר 36:9
וְלֹֽא־תִסֹּ֧ב נַחֲלָ֛ה מִמַּטֶּ֖ה לְמַטֶּ֣ה אַחֵ֑ר כִּי־אִישׁ֙ בְּנַ֣חֲלָתֹ֔ו יִדְבְּק֕וּ מַטֹּ֖ות בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

ט ולא תסב נחלה ממטה למטה אחר  כי איש בנחלתו ידבקו מטות בני ישראל

ולא־תסב נחלה ממטה למטה אחר כי־איש בנחלתו ידבקו מטות בני ישראל׃

4 Mózes 36:9
És ne szálljon az örökség egyik törzsrõl a másik törzsre, hanem Izráel fiainak törzsei közül kiki ragaszkodjék az õ örökségéhez.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 36:9
kaj por ke posedajxo ne transiru el unu tribo en alian tribon, sed cxiu tribo de la Izraelidoj restu fortike cxe sia posedajxo.

Ja ettei perintöosa menisi yhdestä sukukunnasta toiseen; vaan jokainen riippukaan omassa perimyksessänsä Israelin lasten sukuin seassa.

Nombres 36:9
et qu'un héritage ne passe pas d'une tribu à une autre tribu; car les tribus des fils d'Israël resteront attachées chacune à son héritage.

Aucun héritage ne passera d'une tribu à une autre tribu, mais les tribus des enfants d'Israël s'attacheront chacune à son héritage.

L'héritage donc ne sera point transporté d'une Tribu à l'autre, mais chacun d'entre les Tribus des enfants d'Israël se tiendra à son héritage.

4 Mose 36:9
und nicht ein Erbteil von einem Stamm falle auf den andern, sondern ein jeglicher hange an seinem Erbe unter den Stämmen der Kinder Israel.

und nicht ein Erbteil von einem Stamm falle auf den andern, sondern ein jeglicher hange an seinem Erbe unter den Stämmen der Kinder Israel.

und nicht Erbbesitz von einem Stamme zum andern übergehe. Vielmehr sollen sämtliche israelitischen Stämme an ihrem Erbbesitze festhalten.

Numeri 36:9
Così nessuna eredità passerà da una tribù all’altra, ma ognuna delle tribù de’ figliuoli d’Israele si terrà stretta alla propria eredità".

E non si trasportino le eredità da una tribù all’altra, anzi ciascuna tribù de’ figliuoli d’Israele s’attenga alla sua eredità.

dan supaya jangan bahagian pusaka suatu suku pulang kepada suku yang lain, karena tiap-tiap suku bani Israel akan memeliharakan bahagian pusakanya dengan tiada dikurangkan adanya.

민수기 36:9
그 기업으로 이 지파에서 저 지파로 옮기게 하지 아니하고 이스라엘 자손 지파가 각각 자기 기업을 지키리라'

Numeri 36:9
nec sibi misceantur tribus sed ita maneant

Skaièiø knyga 36:9
Nuosavybė iš vienos giminės nepereis kitai; visos izraelitų giminės išlaikys savo paveldo dalį’ ”.

Numbers 36:9
Kei riro ke hoki te kainga tupu o tetahi iwi i tetahi atu iwi; engari me whai nga iwi o nga tama a Iharaira, ia tangata, ia tangata, ki o ratou kainga ake.

4 Mosebok 36:9
og forat ingen arv skal gå over fra en stamme til en annen, men Israels barns stammer holde fast hver ved sin arv.

Números 36:9
De esta manera, ninguna heredad será traspasada de una tribu a otra tribu, pues las tribus de los hijos de Israel retendrán cada una su propia heredad.

"De esta manera, ninguna heredad será traspasada de una tribu a otra tribu, pues las tribus de los Israelitas retendrán cada una su propia heredad."

Y no ande la heredad rodando de una tribu a otra: mas cada una de las tribus de los hijos de Israel se llegue a su heredad.

Y no ande la heredad rodando de una tribu á otra: mas cada una de las tribus de los hijos de Israel se llegue á su heredad.

Para que no ande la heredad rodando de una tribu a otra; mas cada una de las tribus de los hijos de Israel se llegue a su heredad.

Números 36:9
Uma herança não poderá ser transferida de uma tribo para outra, pois cada tribo israelita deverá manter as terras que herdou!”

Assim nenhuma herança passará de uma tribo a outra, pois as tribos dos filhos de Israel se apegarão cada uma à sua herança.   

Numeri 36:9
Nici o moştenire să nu treacă de la o seminţie la alta, ci seminţiile copiilor lui Israel să se ţină fiecare de moştenirea sa.``

Числа 36:9
и чтобы не переходил удел из колена в другое колено; ибо каждое из колен сынов Израилевых должно быть привязано к своему уделу.

и чтобы не переходил удел из колена в другое колено; ибо каждое из колен сынов Израилевых должно быть привязано к своему уделу.[]

4 Mosebok 36:9
Ty ingen arvedel må gå över från en stam till en annan, utan Israels barns stammar skola behålla kvar var och en sin arvedel.»

Numbers 36:9
Sa gayon ay hindi magkakalipatlipat ang mana sa ibang lipi; sapagka't ang mga lipi ng mga anak ni Israel ay masasanib bawa't isa sa kaniyang sariling mana.

กันดารวิถี 36:9
ดังนั้นจะไม่มีมรดกที่ถูกโยกย้ายจากตระกูลหนึ่งไปยังอีกตระกูลหนึ่ง เพราะว่าคนอิสราเอลแต่ละตระกูลควรคงอยู่ในที่มรดกของตน'"

Çölde Sayım 36:9
Miras bir oymaktan öbür oymağa geçmeyecek. Her İsrail oymağı aldığı mirasa bağlı kalacak.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 36:9
Vậy, một phần sản nghiệp nào chẳng được từ chi phái nầy đem qua chi phái kia; nhưng mỗi chi phái Y-sơ-ra-ên sẽ giữ sản nghiệp mình vậy.

Numbers 36:8
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