Numbers 36:6
Numbers 36:6
This is what the LORD commands for Zelophehad's daughters: They may marry anyone they please as long as they marry within their father's tribal clan.

This is what the LORD commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad: Let them marry anyone they like, as long as it is within their own ancestral tribe.

This is what the LORD commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad: ‘Let them marry whom they think best, only they shall marry within the clan of the tribe of their father.

"This is what the LORD has commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, 'Let them marry whom they wish; only they must marry within the family of the tribe of their father.'

This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

This is what the LORD has commanded concerning Zelophehad's daughters: They may marry anyone they like provided they marry within a clan of their ancestral tribe.

This is what the LORD is commanding the daughters of Zelophehad: If they decide it's a good idea in their opinion to get married only within the family of their father's tribe, then let them get married

This is what the LORD has commanded for Zelophehad's daughters: 'Let them marry whomever they think best, only they must marry within the family of their father's tribe.

This is what the LORD commands for Zelophehad's daughters: They may marry anyone they want to, but only within a family of their ancestor's tribe.

This is the thing which the LORD commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry as they desire; but they shall marry only within the family of the tribe of their father

This is the thing which the LORD does command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

This is the thing which the LORD does command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

This is the thing which Jehovah doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them be married to whom they think best; only into the family of the tribe of their father shall they be married.

And this is the law promulgated by the Lord touching the daughters of Salphaad: Let them marry to whom they will, only so that it be to men of their own tribe.

This is the thing which Jehovah hath commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry whom they please; only they shall marry one of the tribe of their father,

This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

This is the thing which the LORD doth command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to whom they think best; only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry.

This is the thing which Yahweh does command concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them be married to whom they think best; only into the family of the tribe of their father shall they be married.

this is the thing which Jehovah hath commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, To those good in their eyes let them be for wives; only, to a family of the tribe of their fathers let them be for wives;

Numrat 36:6
Kjo është ajo që Zoti urdhëron lidhur me bijat e Tselofehadit: "Ato mund të martohen me cilindo që u duket i përshtatshëm, mjafton që të martohen në një familje që bën pjesë në fisin e etërve të tyre".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 36:6
هذا ما امر به الرب عن بنات صلفحاد قائلا. من حسن في اعينهنّ يكنّ له نساء ولكن لعشيرة سبط آبائهنّ يكنّ نساء.

De Zalrach 36:6
Dös schafft dyr Herr yn n Salfetn seine Töchter an: Heirettß, wemß wolltß, aber er mueß aus ayner Sippn von enkern Vaterstamm sein.

Числа 36:6
Ето какво заповяда Господ за Салпаадовите дъщери; Той казва: Нека се омъжат, за който им се види добре, стига само да се омъжат за [мъже от] семейството на отеческото си племе.

民 數 記 36:6
論 到 西 羅 非 哈 的 眾 女 兒 , 耶 和 華 這 樣 吩 咐 說 : 他 們 可 以 隨 意 嫁 人 , 只 是 要 嫁 同 宗 支 派 的 人 。

论 到 西 罗 非 哈 的 众 女 儿 , 耶 和 华 这 样 吩 咐 说 : 他 们 可 以 随 意 嫁 人 , 只 是 要 嫁 同 宗 支 派 的 人 。



Numbers 36:6
Ovo naređuje Jahve za Selofhadove kćeri: Neka se one udaju za onoga koji im se učini dobar, samo neka se udaju u rod svoga očinskoga plemena.

Numeri 36:6
To jest, což přikázal Hospodin o dcerách Salfadových, řka: Za kohož se jim líbiti bude, nechť se vdadí, však v čeledi domu otce svého ať se vdávají,

4 Mosebog 36:6
Saaledes er HERRENS Bud angaaende Zelofhads Døtre: De maa indgaa Ægteskab med hvem de ønsker, men det maa kun være Mænd af deres Faders Stammes Slægt, de indgaar Ægteskab med.

Numberi 36:6
Dit is het woord, dat de HEERE van de dochteren van Zelafead geboden heeft, zeggende: Laat zij dien tot vrouwen worden, die in haar ogen goed zal zijn; alleenlijk, dat zij aan het geslacht van haars vaders stam tot vrouwen worden.

במדבר 36:6
זֶ֣ה הַדָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־צִוָּ֣ה יְהוָ֗ה לִבְנֹ֤ות צְלָפְחָד֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר לַטֹּ֥וב בְּעֵינֵיהֶ֖ם תִּהְיֶ֣ינָה לְנָשִׁ֑ים אַ֗ךְ לְמִשְׁפַּ֛חַת מַטֵּ֥ה אֲבִיהֶ֖ם תִּהְיֶ֥ינָה לְנָשִֽׁים׃

ו זה הדבר אשר צוה יהוה לבנות צלפחד לאמר לטוב בעיניהם תהיינה לנשים  אך למשפחת מטה אביהם--תהיינה לנשים

זה הדבר אשר־צוה יהוה לבנות צלפחד לאמר לטוב בעיניהם תהיינה לנשים אך למשפחת מטה אביהם תהיינה לנשים׃

4 Mózes 36:6
Ez az, a mit parancsolt az Úr a Czélofhád leányai felõl, mondván: A kihez jónak látják, ahhoz menjenek feleségül, de csak az õ atyjok törzsének háznépébõl valóhoz menjenek feleségül,

Moseo 4: Nombroj 36:6
Jen kion ordonis la Eternulo koncerne la filinojn de Celofhxad:Ili povas farigxi edzinoj de tiuj, kiuj placxos al ili, sed nur en familio el la tribo de siaj patroj ili edzinigxu;

Tämä on se minkä Herra käski Zelophkadin tyttärille ja sanoi: huolkaan kellenkä tahtovat, kuitenkin niin, että he huolevat isäinsä sukukunnan langoille,

Nombres 36:6
C'est ici la parole que l'Éternel a commandée à l'égard des filles de Tselophkhad, disant: Elles deviendront femmes de qui leur semblera bon; seulement, qu'elles deviennent femmes dans la famille de la tribu de leurs pères,

Voici ce que l'Eternel ordonne au sujet des filles de Tselophchad: elles se marieront à qui elles voudront, pourvu qu'elles se marient dans une famille de la tribu de leurs pères.

C'est ici ce que l'Eternel a commandé au sujet des filles de Tsélophcad, en disant : Elles se marieront à qui bon leur semblera, toutefois elles seront mariées dans quelqu'une des familles de la Tribu de leurs pères.

4 Mose 36:6
Das ist's, das der HERR gebeut den Töchtern Zelaphehads und spricht: Laß sie freien, wie es ihnen gefällt, allein daß sie freien unter dem Geschlecht des Stamms ihres Vaters,

Das ist's, was der HERR gebietet den Töchtern Zelophehads und spricht: Laß sie freien, wie es ihnen gefällt; allein daß sie freien unter dem Geschlecht des Stammes ihres Vaters,

Das ist's, was Jahwe in betreff der Töchter Zelophhads befohlen hat: Sie mögen sich verheiraten, mit wem es ihnen gefällt; nur müssen sie einen Angehörigen ihres väterlichen Stammes heiraten,

Numeri 36:6
Questo è quel che l’Eterno ha ordinato riguardo alle figliuole di Tselofehad: si mariteranno a chi vorranno, purché si maritino in una famiglia della tribù de’ loro padri.

Quest’è quello che il Signore ha comandato intorno alle figliuole di Selofad, dicendo: Maritinsi a chi aggraderà loro; ma pur maritinsi in alcuna delle nazioni della tribù del padre loro.

Maka inilah firman Tuhan akan hal anak-anak perempuan Zelafead, bunyinya: Hendaklah mereka itu menjadi bini barangsiapa yang baik kepada pemandangannya, tetapi hendaklah mereka itu menjadi bini orang yang dari pada suku bangsa bapanya sahaja.

민수기 36:6
슬로브핫의 딸들에게 대한 여호와의 명이 이러하니라 이르시되 슬로브핫의 딸들은 마음대로 시집가려니와 오직 그 조상 지파의 가족에게로만 시집갈지니

Numeri 36:6
et haec lex super filiabus Salphaad a Domino promulgata est nubant quibus volunt tantum ut suae tribus hominibus

Skaièiø knyga 36:6
Štai ką sako Viešpats apie Celofhado dukteris: ‘Tegul jos teka už ko nori, bet tik už savo giminės vyrų,

Numbers 36:6
Ko ta Ihowa tenei i whakahau ai mo nga tamahine a Teropehara; e mea ana, Me marena ratou ki a ratou e pai ai; otiia me marena ki te hapu o te iwi o to ratou papa.

4 Mosebok 36:6
Således byder Herren om Selofhads døtre: De kan gifte sig med hvem de vil, bare de gifter sig innen sin fedrenestammes ætt,

Números 36:6
Esto es lo que el SEÑOR ha ordenado tocante a las hijas de Zelofehad, diciendo: ``Cásense con el que bien les parezca; pero deben casarse dentro de la familia de la tribu de su padre.

"Esto es lo que el SEÑOR ha ordenado tocante a las hijas de Zelofehad: 'Cásense con el que bien les parezca; pero deben casarse dentro de la familia de la tribu de su padre.'

Esto es lo que ha mandado Jehová acerca de las hijas de Zelofehad, diciendo: Cásense como a ellas les plazca, pero en la familia de la tribu de su padre se casarán;

Esto es lo que ha mandado Jehová acerca de las hijas de Salphaad, diciendo: Cásense como á ellas les pluguiere, empero en la familia de la tribu de su padre se casarán;

Esto es lo que ha mandado el SEÑOR acerca de las hijas de Zelofehad, diciendo: Cásense como a ellas lo deseen, pero en la familia de la tribu de su padre se casarán;

Números 36:6
Eis o que Yahweh ordena quanto às filhas de Zelofeade: Elas têm permissão para casar-se com quem lhes parecer bem, contanto que se casem dentro do clã da tribo de seu pai.

Isto é o que o senhor ordenou acerca das filhas de Zelofeade, dizendo: Casem com quem bem parecer aos seus olhos, contanto que se casem na família da tribo de seu pai.   

Numeri 36:6
Iată ce porunceşte Domnul cu privire la fetele lui Ţelofhad: să se mărite după cine vor vrea, numai să se mărite într'o familie din seminţia părinţilor lor.

Числа 36:6
вот что заповедует Господь о дочерях Салпаадовых: они могут быть женами тех, ктопонравится глазам их, только должны быть женами в племени колена отца своего,

вот что заповедует Господь о дочерях Салпаадовых: они могут быть женами тех, кто понравится глазам их, только должны быть женами в племени колена отца своего,[]

4 Mosebok 36:6
Detta är vad HERREN bjuder angående Selofhads döttrar; han säger: De må gifta sig med vem de finna för gott, allenast de gifta sig inom en släkt som hör till deras egen fädernestam.

Numbers 36:6
Ito ang bagay na iniutos ng Panginoon tungkol sa mga anak na babae ni Salphaad, na sinasabi, Magasawa sila sa kaninomang kanilang magalingin; nguni't sa angkan ng lipi lamang ng kanilang ama magasawa sila.

กันดารวิถี 36:6
นี่คือสิ่งที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาเกี่ยวกับบุตรสาวของเศโลเฟหัด ซึ่งว่า `จงให้เธอแต่งงานกับใครที่เธอพอใจ แต่เธอต้องแต่งงานกับคนภายในครอบครัวตระกูลบิดาของเธอ

Çölde Sayım 36:6
RAB Selofhatın kızları için şöyle diyor: Selofhatın kızları babalarının bağlı olduğu oymak ve boydan herhangi bir erkekle evlenmekte özgürdürler.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 36:6
Nầy là điều Ðức Giê-hô-va có phán về phần các con gái Xê-lô-phát: Chúng nó muốn kết thân với ai thì muốn, những chỉ hãy kết thân với một trong những nhà của chi phái tổ phụ mình.

Numbers 36:5
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