Numbers 35:5
Numbers 35:5
Outside the town, measure two thousand cubits on the east side, two thousand on the south side, two thousand on the west and two thousand on the north, with the town in the center. They will have this area as pastureland for the towns.

Measure off 3,000 feet outside the town walls in every direction--east, south, west, north--with the town at the center. This area will serve as the larger pastureland for the towns.

And you shall measure, outside the city, on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits, the city being in the middle. This shall belong to them as pastureland for their cities.

"You shall also measure outside the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits, with the city in the center. This shall become theirs as pasture lands for the cities.

And ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

Measure 1,000 yards outside the city for the east side, 1,000 yards for the south side, 1,000 yards for the west side, and 1,000 yards for the north side, with the city in the center. This will belong to them as pasturelands for the cities."

You are to measure from outside the wall of the town on the east side 2,000 cubits, on the south side 2,000 cubits, on the west side 2,000 cubits, and on the north side 2,000 cubits, with the town placed at the center. This reserved area is to serve as grazing land for their towns.

"You must measure from outside the wall of the town on the east 1,000 yards, and on the south side 1,000 yards, and on the west side 1,000 yards, and on the north side 1,000 yards, with the town in the middle. This territory must belong to them as grazing land for the towns.

Outside the city measure off 3,000 feet on the east side, 3,000 feet on the south side, 3,000 feet on the west side, and 3,000 feet on the north side, with the city in the center. This will be their pastureland around the city.

Then ye shall measure from outside the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the side of the Negev two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

And you shall measure from outside the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the pasture lands for the cities.

And you shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the middle: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

And ye shall measure without the city for the east side two thousand cubits, and for the south side two thousand cubits, and for the west side two thousand cubits, and for the north side two thousand cubits, the city being in the midst. This shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

Toward the east shall be two thousand cubits: and toward the south in like manner shall be two thousand cubits: toward the sea also, which looketh to the west, shall be the same extent: and the north side shall be bounded with the like limits. And the cities shall be in the midst, and the suburbs without.

And ye shall measure, without the city, the east side two thousand cubits, and the south side two thousand cubits, and the west side two thousand cubits, and the north side two thousand cubits, and the city shall be in the midst: they shall have this as suburbs of the cities.

And ye shall measure without the city for the east side two thousand cubits, and for the south side two thousand cubits, and for the west side two thousand cubits, and for the north side two thousand cubits, the city being in the midst. This shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

And ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

You shall measure outside of the city for the east side two thousand cubits, and for the south side two thousand cubits, and for the west side two thousand cubits, and for the north side two thousand cubits, the city being in the midst. This shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.

And ye have measured from the outside of the city, the east quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the south quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the west quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the north quarter, two thousand by the cubit; and the city is in the midst; this is to them the suburbs of the cities.

Numrat 35:5
Do të masni, pra, jashtë qytetit dy mijë kubitë nga ana e lindjes, dy mijë kubitë nga ana e jugut, dy mijë kubitë nga ana perëndimore dhe dy mijë kubitë nga ana veriore; qyteti do të ndodhet në mes. Këto janë tokat për kullotë rreth qyteteve që do t'u përkasin Levitëve.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 35:5
فتقيسون من خارج المدينة جانب الشرق الفي ذراع وجانب الجنوب الفي ذراع وجانب الغرب الفي ذراع وجانب الشمال الفي ذراع وتكون المدينة في الوسط. هذه تكون لهم مسارح المدن.

De Zalrach 35:5
Mösstß in all vier Richtungen neunhundert Elln danhin, yso däß d Stat in dyr Mitt ligt. Dös ghoert yn de Brender zo de Stötn als Waid dyrzue.

Числа 35:5
Да измерите извън града, на източната страна, две хиляди лакътя, на южната страна две хиляди лакътя, на западната страна две хиляди лакътя и на северната страна две хиляди лакътя, а градът да бъде в средата. Такива да бъдат пасбищата около градовете им.

民 數 記 35:5
另 外 東 量 二 千 肘 , 南 量 二 千 肘 , 西 量 二 千 肘 , 北 量 二 千 肘 , 為 邊 界 , 城 在 當 中 ; 這 要 歸 他 們 作 城 邑 的 郊 野 。

另 外 东 量 二 千 肘 , 南 量 二 千 肘 , 西 量 二 千 肘 , 北 量 二 千 肘 , 为 边 界 , 城 在 当 中 ; 这 要 归 他 们 作 城 邑 的 郊 野 。



Numbers 35:5
Izmjerite od grada van dvije tisuće lakata s istočne strane, dvije tisuće lakata s južne strane, dvije tisuće lakata sa zapadne strane i sa sjeverne strane dvije tisuće lakata, tako da grad bude u sredini. To neka im budu gradski pašnjaci.

Numeri 35:5
Protož vyměříte vně za každým městem na východ slunce dva tisíce loktů, na poledne též dva tisíce loktů, také na západ dva tisíce loktů, i na půlnoci dva tisíce loktů, tak aby bylo město v prostředku. Ta bude míra podměstí měst jejich.

4 Mosebog 35:5
og uden for Byen skal I til Østside opmaale 2000 Alen, til Sydside 2000, til Vestside 2000 og til Nordside 2000, med Byen i Midten. Det skal tilfalde dem som Græsgange til Byerne.

Numberi 35:5
En gij zult meten van buiten de stad, aan den hoek tegen het oosten, twee duizend ellen, en aan den hoek van het zuiden, twee duizend ellen, en aan den hoek van het westen, twee duizend ellen, en aan den hoek van het noorden, twee duizend ellen; dat de stad in het midden zij. Dit zullen zij hebben tot voorsteden van de steden.

במדבר 35:5
וּמַדֹּתֶ֞ם מִח֣וּץ לָעִ֗יר אֶת־פְּאַת־קֵ֣דְמָה אַלְפַּ֪יִם בָּֽאַמָּ֟ה וְאֶת־פְּאַת־נֶגֶב֩ אַלְפַּ֨יִם בָּאַמָּ֜ה וְאֶת־פְּאַת־יָ֣ם ׀ אַלְפַּ֣יִם בָּֽאַמָּ֗ה וְאֵ֨ת פְּאַ֥ת צָפֹ֛ון אַלְפַּ֥יִם בָּאַמָּ֖ה וְהָעִ֣יר בַּתָּ֑וֶךְ זֶ֚ה יִהְיֶ֣ה לָהֶ֔ם מִגְרְשֵׁ֖י הֶעָרִֽים׃

ה ומדתם מחוץ לעיר את פאת קדמה אלפים באמה ואת פאת נגב אלפים באמה ואת פאת ים אלפים באמה ואת פאת צפון אלפים באמה--והעיר בתוך זה יהיה להם מגרשי הערים

ומדתם מחוץ לעיר את־פאת־קדמה אלפים באמה ואת־פאת־נגב אלפים באמה ואת־פאת־ים ׀ אלפים באמה ואת פאת צפון אלפים באמה והעיר בתוך זה יהיה להם מגרשי הערים׃

4 Mózes 35:5
Mérjetek azért a városon kivül, napkelet felõl két ezer singet, dél felõl is kétezer singet, napnyugot felõl kétezer singet, és észak felõl kétezer singet; és a város legyen középben. Ez legyen számukra a városok legelõje.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 35:5
Kaj mezuru ekster la urbo sur la orienta flanko du mil ulnojn kaj sur la suda flanko du mil ulnojn kaj sur la okcidenta flanko du mil ulnojn kaj sur la norda flanko du mil ulnojn, kaj la urbo estos en la mezo; tiaj estu por ili la kampoj de la urboj.

Niin teidän pitää mittaaman ulkopuolelle kaupunkia idän puolelle kaksituhatta kyynärää, ja etelän puolelle kaksituhatta kyynärää, ja lännen puolelle kaksituhatta kyynärää, ja pohjan puolelle kaksituhatta kyynärää, että kaupunki keskellä olis: se pitää oleman heidän esikaupunkinsa.

Nombres 35:5
Et vous mesurerez, en dehors de la ville, le côté de l'orient, deux mille coudées, et le côté du midi, deux mille coudées, et le côté de l'occident, deux mille coudées, et le côté du nord, deux mille coudées; et la ville sera au milieu: ce seront là les banlieues de leurs villes.

Vous mesurerez, en dehors de la ville, deux mille coudées pour le côté oriental, deux mille coudées pour le côté méridional, deux mille coudées pour le côté occidental, et deux mille coudées pour le côté septentrional. La ville sera au milieu. Telles seront les banlieues de leurs villes.

Et vous mesurerez depuis le dehors de la ville du côté d'Orient, deux mille coudées; et du côté du Midi, deux mille coudées; et du côte d'Occident, deux mille coudées; et du côté du Septentrion, deux mille coudées; et la ville sera au milieu : tels seront les faubourgs de leurs villes.

4 Mose 35:5
So sollt ihr nun messen außen an der Stadt von der Ecke gegen dem Morgen zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen Mittag zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen dem Abend zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen Mitternacht zweitausend Ellen, daß die Stadt im Mittel sei. Das sollen ihre Vorstädte sein.

So sollt ihr nun messen außen an der Stadt von der Ecke gegen Morgen zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen Mittag zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen Abend zweitausend Ellen und von der Ecke gegen Mitternacht zweitausend Ellen, daß die Stadt in der Mitte sei. Das sollen ihre Vorstädte sein.

Und ihr sollt außerhalb der Stadt auf der Ostseite zweitausend Ellen abmessen, ebenso auf der Südseite zweitausend Ellen, auf der Westseite zweitausend Ellen und auf der Nordseite zweitausend Ellen, während die Stadt in die Mitte zu liegen kommt. Das soll ihnen als Weidetrift bei den Städten zufallen.

Numeri 35:5
Misurerete dunque, fuori della città, duemila cubiti dal lato orientale, duemila cubiti dal lato meridionale, duemila cubiti dal lato occidentale e duemila cubiti dal lato settentrionale; la città sarà in mezzo. Tale sarà il contado di ciascuna delle loro città.

Misurate adunque fuor della città duemila cubiti, per lo lato orientale, e duemila cubiti, per lo lato meridionale, e duemila cubiti, per lo lato occidentale, e duemila cubiti, per lo lato settentrionale, e sia la città nel mezzo. Questo sia loro lo spazio de’ contorni di quelle città.

Maka hendaklah kamu mengukur dari pada pagar negeri itu pada penjuru timur dua ribu hasta, dan pada penjuru selatan dua ribu hasta, dan pada penjuru barat dua ribu hasta, dan pada penjuru utara dua ribu hasta, sehingga negeri itu pada sama tengahnya. Demikianlah adanya kelak tanah daerah negeri-negeri mereka itu.

민수기 35:5
성을 중앙에 두고 성 밖 동편으로 이천 규빗, 남편으로 이천 규빗서 편으로 이천 규빗,북편으로 이천 규빗을 측량할지니 이는 그 들의 성읍의 들이며

Numeri 35:5
contra orientem duo milia erunt cubiti et contra meridiem similiter duo milia ad mare quoque quod respicit occidentem eadem mensura erit et septentrionalis plaga aequali termino finietur eruntque urbes in medio et foris suburbana

Skaièiø knyga 35:5
Ganyklos sieks po du tūkstančius uolekčių visomis kryptimis: į rytus, į pietus, į vakarus ir į šiaurę, o miestai bus viduryje.

Numbers 35:5
Me ruri ano e koutou i waho o te pa, i te taha ki te rawhiti kia rua mano whatianga, i te taha ki te tonga kia rua mano whatianga, i te taha ki te hauauru kia rua mano whatianga, i te taha hoki ki te raki kia rua mano whatianga, a hei waenganui t e pa: ko nga wahi tenei mo ratou o waho i nga pa.

4 Mosebok 35:5
Utenfor byen skal I måle to tusen alen på østsiden og to tusen alen på sydsiden og to tusen alen på vestsiden og to tusen alen på nordsiden, og byen skal være i midten; dette skal være jordene til deres byer.

Números 35:5
Mediréis también afuera de la ciudad, al lado oriental dos mil codos, al lado sur dos mil codos, al lado occidental dos mil codos, y al lado norte dos mil codos, con la ciudad en el centro. Esto será de ellos como tierras de pasto para las ciudades.

"Medirán también afuera de la ciudad, al lado oriental 900 metros, al lado sur 900 metros, al lado occidental 900 metros, y al lado norte 900 metros, con la ciudad en el centro. Esto será de ellos para tierras de pasto en las ciudades.

Luego mediréis fuera de la ciudad a la parte del oriente dos mil codos, y a la parte del sur dos mil codos, y a la parte del occidente dos mil codos, y a la parte del norte dos mil codos, y la ciudad en medio: esto tendrán por los ejidos de las ciudades.

Luego mediréis fuera de la ciudad á la parte del oriente dos mil codos, y á la parte del mediodía dos mil codos, y á la parte del occidente dos mil codos, y á la parte del norte dos mil codos, y la ciudad en medio: esto tendrán por los ejidos de las ciuda

Luego mediréis fuera de la ciudad a la parte del oriente dos mil codos, y a la parte del mediodía dos mil codos, y a la parte del occidente dos mil codos, y a la parte del norte dos mil codos, y la ciudad en medio: esto tendrán por los ejidos de las ciudades.

Números 35:5
Do lado de fora da cidade, medireis novecentos metros em direção ao lado leste, para o sul, para o oeste e para o lado norte, ficando a cidade no centro. Eles terão essa área para servir de pastagens aos rebanhos dessas cidades.

E fora da cidade medireis para o lado oriental dois mil côvados, para o lado meridional dois mil côvados, para o lado ocidental dois mil côvados, e para o lado setentrional dois mil côvados; e a cidade estará no meio. Isso terão por arrabaldes das cidades.   

Numeri 35:5
Să măsuraţi afară din cetate, două mii de coţi în partea de răsărit, două mii de coţi în partea de miazăzi, două mii de coţi în partea de apus, şi două mii de coţi în partea de miază noapte, aşa în cît cetatea să fie la mijloc. Acestea să fie locurile goale din jurul cetăţilor lor.

Числа 35:5
и отмерьте за городом к восточной стороне две тысячи локтей, и кюжной стороне две тысячи локтей, и к западу две тысячи локтей, и к северной стороне две тысячи локтей, а посредине город: таковы будут у них поля при городах.

и отмерьте за городом к восточной стороне две тысячи локтей, и к южной стороне две тысячи локтей, и к западу две тысячи локтей, и к северной стороне две тысячи локтей, а посредине город: таковы будут у них поля при городах.[]

4 Mosebok 35:5
Och utanför staden skolen I mäta upp på östra sidan två tusen alnar, på västra sidan två tusen alnar, på södra sidan två tusen alnar och på norra sidan två tusen alnar, med staden i mitten. Detta skola de få såsom utmarker till sina städer.

Numbers 35:5
At ang inyong susukatin sa labas ng bayan sa dakong silanganan ay dalawang libong siko, at sa dakong timugan ay dalawang libong siko, at sa dakong kalunuran ay dalawang libong siko, at sa dakong hilagaan ay dalawang libong siko, na ang bayan ay sa gitna. Ito ang magiging sa kanila'y mga pastulan sa mga bayan.

กันดารวิถี 35:5
และเจ้าจงวัดภายนอกเมืองสองพันศอกเป็นด้านตะวันออก สองพันศอกเป็นด้านใต้ สองพันศอกเป็นด้านตะวันตก สองพันศอกเป็นด้านเหนือ ให้ตัวเมืองอยู่กลาง นี่เป็นทุ่งหญ้าประจำเมืองเหล่านั้น

Çölde Sayım 35:5
Kent ortada olmak üzere, kent dışından doğuda iki bin arşın, güneyde iki bin arşın, batıda iki bin arşın, kuzeyde iki bin arşın ölçeceksiniz. Bu bölge kentler için otlak olacak.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 35:5
Vậy các ngươi phải đo, phía ngoài thành về hướng đông hai ngàn thước, về hướng nam hai ngàn thước, về hướng tây hai ngàn thước, và về hướng bắc hai ngàn thước; cái thành sẽ ở chính giữa. Ðó sẽ là đất của những thành người Lê-vi.

Numbers 35:4
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