Numbers 32:29
Numbers 32:29
He said to them, "If the Gadites and Reubenites, every man armed for battle, cross over the Jordan with you before the LORD, then when the land is subdued before you, you must give them the land of Gilead as their possession.

He said, "The men of Gad and Reuben who are armed for battle must cross the Jordan with you to fight for the LORD. If they do, give them the land of Gilead as their property when the land is conquered.

And Moses said to them, “If the people of Gad and the people of Reuben, every man who is armed to battle before the LORD, will pass with you over the Jordan and the land shall be subdued before you, then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession.

Moses said to them, "If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben, everyone who is armed for battle, will cross with you over the Jordan in the presence of the LORD, and the land is subdued before you, then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession;

And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

Moses told them, "If the Gadites and Reubenites cross the Jordan with you, every man in battle formation before the LORD, and the land is subdued before you, you are to give them the land of Gilead as a possession.

telling them, "If the descendants of Gad and descendants of Reuben cross over the Jordan River with you, that is, all of their soldiers who've been equipped for battle in the LORD's presence, so that the land is subjugated right before your eyes, then you are to give them the land of Gilead as their possession.

Moses said to them: "If the Gadites and the Reubenites cross the Jordan with you, each one equipped for battle in the LORD's presence, and you conquer the land, then you must allot them the territory of Gilead as their possession.

Moses told them, "If the tribes of Gad and Reuben get ready for battle in the LORD's presence and cross the Jordan River with you and you conquer the land, give them Gilead as their own property.

And Moses said unto them, If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben will pass the Jordan with you, each one armed to battle, before the LORD, after the land shall be subdued before you, then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession.

And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

And Moses said to them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over the Jordan, every man that is armed to battle, before Jehovah, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

If the children of Gad, and the children of Ruben pass with you over the Jordan, all armed for war before the Lord, and the land be made subject to you: give them Galaad in possession.

And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben pass with you over the Jordan, every one armed for battle, before Jehovah, and the land be subdued before you, then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession;

And Moses said unto them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man that is armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

And Moses said to them, If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over Jordan, every man armed for battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

Moses said to them, "If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over the Jordan, every man who is armed to battle, before Yahweh, and the land shall be subdued before you; then you shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession:

and Moses saith unto them, 'If the sons of Gad and the sons of Reuben pass over with you the Jordan, every one armed for battle, before Jehovah, and the land hath been subdued before you, then ye have given to them the land of Gilead for a possession;

Numrat 32:29
Moisiu u tha atyre: "Në rast se bijtë e Gadit dhe bijtë e Rubenit e kalojnë Jordanin bashkë me ju, tërë njerëzit e armatosur për të luftuar para Zotit, dhe vendi do të nënshtrohet para jush, do t'u jepni atyre si pronë vendin e Galaadit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 32:29
وقال لهم موسى ان عبر الاردن معكم بنو جاد وبنو رأوبين كل متجرد للحرب امام الرب فمتى أخضعت الارض امامكم تعطونهم ارض جلعاد ملكا.

De Zalrach 32:29
"Also, falls de Gäder und Ruber wirklich mit enk wolgrüstt vor n Bundesschrein her önn Jordn überzwerchend, dann göbtß ien, wenn s Land unterworffen ist, Gilet als Bsiz.

Числа 32:29
Моисей им рече: Ако гадците и рувимците преминат с вас Иордан, всички въоръжени за бой пред Господа, и се завладее земята пред вас, тогава ще им дадете Галаадската земя за притежание.

民 數 記 32:29
迦 得 子 孫 和 流 便 子 孫 , 凡 帶 兵 器 在 耶 和 華 面 前 去 打 仗 的 , 若 與 你 們 一 同 過 約 但 河 , 那 地 被 你 們 制 伏 了 , 你 們 就 要 把 基 列 地 給 他 們 為 業 。

迦 得 子 孙 和 流 便 子 孙 , 凡 带 兵 器 在 耶 和 华 面 前 去 打 仗 的 , 若 与 你 们 一 同 过 约 但 河 , 那 地 被 你 们 制 伏 了 , 你 们 就 要 把 基 列 地 给 他 们 为 业 。



Numbers 32:29
I reče im Mojsije: "Ako Gadovci i Rubenovci, svi oni koji nose oružje, s vama prijeđu Jordan da se bore pred Jahvom i zemlja bude pokorena vama, onda im dajte gileadsku zemlju u vlasništvo.

Numeri 32:29
A řekl jim: Jestliže přejdou synové Gád a synové Ruben s vámi za Jordán všickni hotovi k boji před Hospodinem, a byla by již podmaněna země před vámi, dáte jim zemi Galád k vládařství.

4 Mosebog 32:29
og Moses sagde til dem: »Hvis Gaditerne og Rubeniterne, saa mange som er rustet til Kamp for HERRENS Aasyn, gaar over Jordan sammen med eder og Landet bliver eder underlagt, skal I give dem Gilead i Eje;

Numberi 32:29
En Mozes zeide tot hen: Indien de kinderen van Gad, en de kinderen van Ruben, met ulieden over de Jordaan zullen trekken, een ieder, die toegerust is ten oorlog, voor het aangezicht des HEEREN, als het land voor uw aangezicht zal ten ondergebracht zijn; zo zult gij hun het land Gilead ter bezitting geven.

במדבר 32:29
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֲלֵהֶ֗ם אִם־יַעַבְר֣וּ בְנֵי־גָ֣ד וּבְנֵי־רְאוּבֵ֣ן ׀ אִ֠תְּכֶם אֶֽת־הַיַּרְדֵּ֞ן כָּל־חָל֤וּץ לַמִּלְחָמָה֙ לִפְנֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה וְנִכְבְּשָׁ֥ה הָאָ֖רֶץ לִפְנֵיכֶ֑ם וּנְתַתֶּ֥ם לָהֶ֛ם אֶת־אֶ֥רֶץ הַגִּלְעָ֖ד לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃

כט ויאמר משה אלהם אם יעברו בני גד ובני ראובן אתכם את הירדן כל חלוץ למלחמה לפני יהוה ונכבשה הארץ לפניכם--ונתתם להם את ארץ הגלעד לאחזה

ויאמר משה אלהם אם־יעברו בני־גד ובני־ראובן ׀ אתכם את־הירדן כל־חלוץ למלחמה לפני יהוה ונכבשה הארץ לפניכם ונתתם להם את־ארץ הגלעד לאחזה׃

4 Mózes 32:29
És monda nékik Mózes: Ha átmennek a Gád fiai és a Rúben fiai veletek a Jordánon, mindnyájan hadakozni készen az Úr elõtt, és meghódol a föld ti elõttetek: akkor adjátok nékik a Gileád földét birtokul.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 32:29
kaj Moseo diris al ili:Se la filoj de Gad kaj la filoj de Ruben transiros kun vi Jordanon, cxiuj armitaj por la milito antaux la Eternulo, kaj la lando estos militakirita antaux vi, tiam donu al ili la landon Gilead kiel posedajxon;

Ja sanoi heille: jos Gadin ja Rubenin lapset menevät teidän kanssanne Jordanin ylitse, kaikki hankittuina sotaan Herran edessä, ja te saatte kaikki maan allenne, niin antakaat heille Gileadin maa omaksi.

Nombres 32:29
et Moïse leur dit: Si les fils de Gad et les fils de Ruben passent avec vous le Jourdain devant l'Éternel, tous équipés pour la guerre, et que le pays soit subjugué devant vous, vous leur donnerez le pays de Galaad en possession.

Il leur dit: Si les fils de Gad et les fils de Ruben passent avec vous le Jourdain, tous armés pour combattre devant l'Eternel, et que le pays soit soumis devant vous, vous leur donnerez en propriété la contrée de Galaad.

Et leur dit : Si les enfants de Gad et les enfants de Ruben passent avec vous le Jourdain tous armés, prêts à combattre devant l'Eternel, et que le pays vous soit assujetti, vous leur donnerez le pays de Galaad en possession.

4 Mose 32:29
und sprach zu ihnen: Wenn die Kinder Gad und die Kinder Ruben mit euch über den Jordan ziehen, alle gerüstet zum Streit vor dem HERRN, und das Land euch untertan ist, so gebet ihnen das Land Gilead zu eigen.

und sprach zu ihnen: Wenn die Kinder Gad und die Kinder Ruben mit euch über den Jordan ziehen, alle gerüstet zum Streit vor dem HERRN, und das Land euch untertan ist, so gebet ihnen das Land Gilead zu eigen;

Und Mose sprach zu ihnen: Wenn die Gaditen und Rubeniten, so viele ihrer gerüstet sind, mit euch im Angesichte Jahwes über den Jordan hinüber in den Kampf ziehen, und das Land von euch bezwungen sein wird, so gebt ihnen das Land Gilead zum Erbbesitz.

Numeri 32:29
Mosè disse loro: "Se i figliuoli di Gad e i figliuoli di Ruben passano con voi il Giordano tutti armati per combattere davanti all’Eterno, e se il paese sarà sottomesso davanti a voi, darete loro come proprietà il paese di Galaad.

e disse loro: Se tutti coloro d’infra i figliuoli di Gad, e i figliuoli di Ruben, che sono atti alla guerra, passano con voi il Giordano davanti al Signore, quando il paese vi sarà soggiogato, date loro a possedere il paese di Galaad.

Maka kata Musa kepada mereka itu: Jikalau bani Gad dan bani Rubin menyeberang Yarden serta dengan kamu, yaitu segala orang yang terpilih bagi perang di hadapan hadirat Tuhan dan negeri itupun sudah dialahkan di hadapanmu, maka hendaklah kamu memberikan mereka itu tanah Gilead akan miliknya.

민수기 32:29
모세가 그들에게 이르되 `갓 자손과 르우벤 자손이 만일 각기 무장하고 너희와 함께 요단을 건너가서 여호와 앞에서 싸워서 그 땅이 너희 앞에 항복하기에 이르거든 길르앗 땅을 그들에게 산업으로 줄 것이니라

Numeri 32:29
si transierint filii Gad et filii Ruben vobiscum Iordanem omnes armati ad bellum coram Domino et vobis fuerit terra subiecta date eis Galaad in possessionem

Skaièiø knyga 32:29
“Jei gaditai ir rubenai kartu su jumis pereis Jordaną su ginklais ir žemė bus paimta, duokite jiems paveldėti Gileadą.

Numbers 32:29
A ka mea a Mohi ki a ratou, Ki te whiti katoa atu i roto i a koutou nga tama a Kara i Horano, ratou ko nga tama a Reupena me a ratou patu ano, whawhai ai i te aroaro o Ihowa, a ka taea te whenua i to koutou aroaro; na me hoatu e koutou te whenua o Kireara kia puritia e ratou:

4 Mosebok 32:29
Og Moses sa til dem: Dersom Gads barn og Rubens barn, så mange av dem som er væbnet, drar med eder over Jordan til krigen for Herrens åsyn, og I legger landet under eder, da skal I gi dem Gileads land til eiendom;

Números 32:29
Y Moisés les dijo: Si los hijos de Gad y los hijos de Rubén, todos los que están armados para la batalla, cruzan con vosotros el Jordán en presencia del SEÑOR, y la tierra es sojuzgada delante de vosotros, entonces les daréis la tierra de Galaad en posesión;

Y Moisés les dijo: "Si los Gaditas y los Rubenitas, todos los que están armados para la batalla, cruzan con ustedes el Jordán en presencia del SEÑOR, y la tierra es sometida delante de ustedes, entonces les darán a ellos la tierra de Galaad en posesión;

Y les dijo Moisés: Si los hijos de Gad y los hijos de Rubén, pasaren con vosotros el Jordán, armados todos de guerra delante de Jehová, luego que el país fuere sojuzgado delante de vosotros, les daréis la tierra de Galaad en posesión:

Y díjoles Moisés: Si los hijos de Gad y los hijos de Rubén, pasaren con vosotros el Jordán, armados todos de guerra delante de Jehová, luego que el país fuere sojuzgado delante de vosotros, les daréis la tierra de Galaad en posesión:

Y les dijo Moisés: Si los hijos de Gad y los hijos de Rubén, pasaren con vosotros el Jordán, armados todos de guerra delante del SEÑOR, luego que la tierra fuere sojuzgada delante de vosotros, les daréis la tierra de Galaad en posesión.

Números 32:29
Declarou-lhes Moisés: “Se os filhos de Gade e os filhos de Rúben, todos aqueles que estão armados, passarem convosco o Jordão, para combater, diante de Yahweh, quando a terra estiver totalmente dominada, dar-lhe-eis em possessão a terra de Gileade.

e disse-lhes Moisés: Se os filhos de Gade e os filhos de Rúben passarem convosco o Jordão, armado cada um para a guerra perante o Senhor, e a terra for subjugada diante de vós, então lhes dareis a terra de Gileade por possessão;   

Numeri 32:29
El le -a zis: ,,Dacă fiii lui Gad şi fiii lui Ruben trec cu voi Iordanul, înarmaţi cu toţii ca să lupte înaintea Domnului, după ce ţara va fi supusă înaintea voastră, să le daţi în stăpînire ţinutul Galaadului.

Числа 32:29
и сказал им Моисей: если сыны Гадовы и сыны Рувимовы перейдут с вами за Иордан, все вооружившись на войну пред Господом, и покорена будет пред вами земля, то отдайте им землю Галаад вовладение;

и сказал им Моисей: если сыны Гадовы и сыны Рувимовы перейдут с вами за Иордан, все вооружившись на войну пред Господом, и покорена будет пред вами земля, то отдайте им землю Галаад во владение;[]

4 Mosebok 32:29
Mose sade till dem: »Om Gads barn och Rubens barn gå över Jordan med eder, så många som äro väpnade till att kämpa inför HERREN, och landet så bliver eder underdånigt, då skolen I åt dem giva landet Gilead till besittning.

Numbers 32:29
At sinabi sa kanila ni Moises, Kung ang mga anak ni Gad at ang mga anak ni Ruben ay magsisitawid na kasama ninyo sa Jordan, ang lahat ng lalake na may almas sa pakikipagbaka, sa harap ng Panginoon, at kung ang lupain ay mapasuko sa harap ninyo: ay ibibigay nga ninyo sa kanila na pinakaari ang lupain ng Galaad.

กันดารวิถี 32:29
และโมเสสกล่าวแก่เขาว่า "ถ้าคนกาดและคนรูเบน ทุกคนผู้มีอาวุธที่จะทำสงครามต่อพระพักตร์พระเยโฮวาห์ จะข้ามแม่น้ำจอร์แดนไปพร้อมกับท่านทั้งหลาย และแผ่นดินนั้นจะพ่ายแพ้ต่อหน้าท่านแล้ว ท่านจงมอบแผ่นดินกิเลอาดให้เป็นกรรมสิทธิ์แก่เขา

Çölde Sayım 32:29
Şöyle dedi: ‹‹Gadlılarla Rubenlilerden silahlanmış olan herkes RABbin önünde sizinle birlikte Şeria Irmağının karşı yakasına geçerse, ülkeyi de ele geçirirseniz, Gilat bölgesini miras olarak onlara vereceksiniz.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 32:29
mà rằng: Nếu con cháu Gát và con cháu Ru-bên cầm binh khí đi ngang qua sông Giô-đanh với các ngươi đặng chiến trận trước mặt Ðức Giê-hô-va, và nếu xứ phục các ngươi, thì các ngươi phải ban cho họ xứ Ga-la-át làm sản nghiệp.

Numbers 32:28
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