Numbers 30:5
Numbers 30:5
But if her father forbids her when he hears about it, none of her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand; the LORD will release her because her father has forbidden her.

But if her father refuses to let her fulfill the vow or pledge on the day he hears of it, then all her vows and pledges will become invalid. The LORD will forgive her because her father would not let her fulfill them.

But if her father opposes her on the day that he hears of it, no vow of hers, no pledge by which she has bound herself shall stand. And the LORD will forgive her, because her father opposed her.

"But if her father should forbid her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations by which she has bound herself shall stand; and the LORD will forgive her because her father had forbidden her.

But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father prohibits her on the day he hears about it, none of her vows and none of the obligations she put herself under are binding. The LORD will absolve her because her father has prohibited her."

But if her father disallows her on the same day that he hears what she has said, then all her vows and every obligation she had pledged herself to fulfill are not to stand. The LORD will forgive her, because her father has forbidden her."

But if her father overrules her when he hears about it, then none of her vows or her obligations which she has pledged for herself will stand. And the LORD will release her from it, because her father overruled her.

But if her father objects when he hears about it, her vow or oath doesn't have to be kept. The LORD will free her [from this vow or oath] because her father objected.

But if her father disallows her in the day that he hears all of her vows and of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, they shall not stand, and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father forbids her in the day that he hears; not any of her vows, or of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father forbade her.

But if her father disallow her in the day that he hears; not any of her vows, or of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth, none of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and Jehovah will forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father, immediately as soon as he heard it, gainsaid it, both her vows and her oaths shall be void, neither shall she be bound to what she promised, because her father hath gainsaid it.

But if her father prohibited her in the day that he heard, none of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand; and Jehovah shall pardon her, because her father prohibited her.

But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; none of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father shall disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows or of her bonds with which she hath bound her soul shall stand: and the LORD shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

But if her father disallow her in the day that he hears, none of her vows, or of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, shall stand: and Yahweh will forgive her, because her father disallowed her.

'And if her father hath disallowed her in the day of his hearing, none of her vows and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul is established, and Jehovah is propitious to her, for her father hath disallowed her.

Numrat 30:5
Por në qoftë se i ati, ditën që e mëson, i kundërvihet asaj, të gjitha kushtet e saj dhe të gjitha detyrimet me të cilat është lidhur, nuk do të jenë të vlefshme; dhe Zoti do ta falë, sepse i ati iu kundërvu.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 30:5
وان نهاها ابوها يوم سمعه فكل نذورها ولوازمها التي الزمت نفسها بها لا تثبت. والرب يصفح عنها لان اباها قد نهاها.

De Zalrach 30:5
Wört s irer aber dyr Vater, bald yr s erfart, dann giltt dös Glübd von irer, öbbs z erfülln older si von öbbs z enthaltn, +nity. Dyr Herr haat irer gnaedig sein, weil s irer ja dyr Vater versagt haat.

Числа 30:5
Но ако й забрани баща й, в деня когато чуе, то никой от обреците й или от задълженията, с които е обвързала душата си, няма да остане в сила; и Господ ще й прости понеже й е забранил баща й.

民 數 記 30:5
但 他 父 親 聽 見 的 日 子 若 不 應 承 他 所 許 的 願 和 約 束 自 己 的 話 , 就 都 不 得 為 定 ; 耶 和 華 也 必 赦 免 他 , 因 為 他 父 親 不 應 承 。

但 他 父 亲 听 见 的 日 子 若 不 应 承 他 所 许 的 愿 和 约 束 自 己 的 话 , 就 都 不 得 为 定 ; 耶 和 华 也 必 赦 免 他 , 因 为 他 父 亲 不 应 承 。



Numbers 30:5
Ali ako joj se otac usprotivi kad sazna, nikakav njezin zavjet ni njezino obećanje kojim se vezala ne vrijedi. Jahve će joj oprostiti jer joj se otac usprotivio.

Numeri 30:5
Jestliže by pak to zrušil otec její toho dne, když slyšel všecky ty sliby a závazky její, jimiž zavázala duši svou, nebudouť stálí; a Hospodin odpustí jí, nebo otec její to zrušil.

4 Mosebog 30:5
Hvis hendes Fader derimod formener hende det, samme Dag han faar det at høre, skal ingen af hendes Løfter eller af de Forpligtelser til Afholdenhed, hun har paataget sig, staa ved Magt, og HERREN skal tilgive hende, fordi hendes Fader har forment hende det.

Numberi 30:5
Maar indien haar vader dat zal breken, den dage als hij het hoort, al haar geloften, en haar verbintenissen, waarmede zij haar ziel verbonden heeft, zullen niet bestaan; maar de HEERE zal het haar vergeven; want haar vader heeft ze haar doen breken.

במדבר 30:5
וְאִם־הֵנִ֨יא אָבִ֣יהָ אֹתָהּ֮ בְּיֹ֣ום שָׁמְעֹו֒ כָּל־נְדָרֶ֗יהָ וֶֽאֱסָרֶ֛יהָ אֲשֶׁר־אָסְרָ֥ה עַל־נַפְשָׁ֖הּ לֹ֣א יָק֑וּם וַֽיהוָה֙ יִֽסְלַח־לָ֔הּ כִּי־הֵנִ֥יא אָבִ֖יהָ אֹתָֽהּ׃

ו ואם הניא אביה אתה ביום שמעו--כל נדריה ואסריה אשר אסרה על נפשה לא יקום ויהוה יסלח לה כי הניא אביה אתה

ואם־הניא אביה אתה ביום שמעו כל־נדריה ואסריה אשר־אסרה על־נפשה לא יקום ויהוה יסלח־לה כי־הניא אביה אתה׃

4 Mózes 30:5
Ha pedig megtiltja azt az õ atyja azon a napon, a melyen hallotta: nem áll meg semmi fogadása és kötelezése, a melylyel lekötelezte magát, és az Úr is megbocsát néki, mert az õ atyja tiltotta meg azt.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 30:5
Sed se sxia patro malpermesos al sxi en la tago, kiam li auxdis, tiam cxiuj sxiaj promesoj kaj cxiuj sxiaj ligoj, per kiuj sxi ligis sian animon, ne valoras; kaj la Eternulo pardonos al sxi, cxar sxia patro malpermesis al sxi.

(H30:6) Mutta jos hänen isänsä kieltää sen sinä päivänä, jona hän sen kuulee, niin hänen lupauksensa ja valasiteensä, jolla hän on sielunsa sitonut, ei pidä vahva oleman, ja Herra on hänelle armollinen, että hänen isänsä on sen häneltä kieltänyt.

Nombres 30:5
(30:6) Mais si son père la désapprouve le jour où il en a entendu parler, aucun de ses voeux et de ses obligations par lesquelles elle a obligé son âme ne demeureront obligatoires; et l'Éternel lui pardonnera, car son père l'a désapprouvée.

mais si son père la désapprouve le jour où il en a connaissance, tous ses voeux et tous les engagements par lesquels elle se sera liée n'auront aucune valeur; et l'Eternel lui pardonnera, parce qu'elle a été désapprouvée de son père.

Mais si son père la désavoue au jour qu'il l'aura entendu, aucun de tous ses vœux et aucune de toutes les obligations par lesquelles elle se sera obligée sur son âme, ne sera valable, et l'Eternel lui pardonnera; parce que son père l'a désavouée.

4 Mose 30:5
Wo aber ihr Vater wehret des Tages, wenn er's höret, so gilt kein Gelübde noch Verbündnis, dessen sie sich über ihre Seele verbunden hat; und der HERR wird ihr gnädig sein, weil ihr Vater ihr gewehret hat.

30:6 Wo aber ihr Vater ihr wehrt des Tages, wenn er's hört, so gilt kein Gelübde noch Verbündnis, das sie auf ihre Seele gelegt hat; und der HERR wird ihr gnädig sein, weil ihr Vater ihr gewehrt hat.

Wenn aber ihr Vater am gleichen Tag, an welchem er davon erfährt, ihr wehrt, so haben alle ihre Gelübde und die Enthaltungen, zu denen sie sich selbst verpflichtet hat, keine Giltigkeit, und Jahwe wird ihr vergeben, da ihr Vater ihr gewehrt hat.

Numeri 30:5
Ma se il padre, il giorno che ne viene a conoscenza, le fa opposizione, tutti i voti di lei e tutti gl’impegni per i quali si sarà legata, non saranno validi; e l’Eterno le perdonerà, perché il padre le ha fatto opposizione.

Ma, se suo padre, nel giorno ch’egli avrà intesi tutti i suoi voti, e le sue obbligazioni, con le quali ella si sarà obbligata sopra l’anima sua, la disdice; que’ voti non saranno fermi, e il Signore le perdonerà; conciossiachè suo padre l’abbia disdetta.

Tetapi jikalau bapanya mengatakan dia kurang pikir pada hari didengarnya nazarnya atau janjinya dari hal menjauhkan dirinya, maka tiada ia itu ditetapkan, bahwa Tuhan juga akan mengampuni dia, sebab bapanya telah mengatakan dia kurang pikir.

민수기 30:5
그러나 그 아비가 그것을 듣는 날에 허락지 아니하면 그 서원과 마음을 제어하려던 서약이 이루지 못할 것이니 그 아비가 허락지 아니하였은즉 여호와께서 사하시리라

Numeri 30:5
(30-6) sin autem statim ut audierit contradixerit pater et vota et iuramenta eius irrita erunt nec obnoxia tenebitur sponsioni eo quod contradixerit pater

Skaièiø knyga 30:5
O jei tėvas išgirdęs uždraustų tą pačią dieną, jos įžadas ir priesaika bus panaikinta, nes tėvas uždraudė, ir Viešpats jai atleis.

Numbers 30:5
Tena ia, ki te whakakahoretia e tona papa i te ra i rongo ai ia; e kore tetahi o ana ki taurangi, o ana here hoki e herea ai e ia tona wairua e u: a ka whakarerea noatia e Ihowa ki a ia, no te mea kua whakakahoretia tana e tona papa.

4 Mosebok 30:5
Men dersom hennes far samme dag han hører om det, sier nei til det, da skal intet av hennes løfter eller de forpliktelser til avhold som hun har pålagt sig, stå ved makt, og Herren skal tilgi henne, fordi hennes far sa nei til det.

Números 30:5
Pero si su padre se lo prohíbe el día en que se entera de ello, ninguno de sus votos ni las obligaciones que se ha impuesto serán firmes. El SEÑOR la perdonará porque su padre se lo prohibió.

"Pero si su padre se lo prohíbe el día en que se entera de ello, ninguno de sus votos ni las obligaciones que se ha impuesto serán firmes. El SEÑOR la perdonará porque su padre se lo prohibió.

Mas si su padre le vedare el día que oyere todos sus votos y sus obligaciones, con que ella hubiere ligado su alma, no serán firmes; y Jehová la perdonará, por cuanto su padre le vedó.

(H30-6) Mas si su padre le vedare el día que oyere todos sus votos y sus obligaciones, con que ella hubiere ligado su alma, no serán firmes; y Jehová la perdonará, por cuanto su padre le vedó.

Mas si su padre le vedare el día que oyere todos sus votos y sus ataduras, con que ella hubiere ligado su alma, no serán firmes; y el SEÑOR la perdonará, por cuanto su padre la vedó.

Números 30:5
Porém, se o pai, no dia em que tomou conhecimento, fez oposição à promessa, nenhum dos votos e das promessas que a moça fez será válido. O SENHOR não a tratará com rigor, porquanto o pai da jovem não a deixou cumprir o que prometera.

Mas se seu pai lho vedar no dia em que o souber, todos os seus votos e as suas obrigações, com que se tiver ligado, deixarão de ser válidos; e o Senhor lhe perdoará, porquanto seu pai lhos vedou.   

Numeri 30:5
dar dacă tatăl ei nu -i dă voie în ziua cînd ia cunoştinţă de juruinţa ei, toate juruinţele ei şi toate făgăduielile cu cari se va fi legat ea, nu vor avea nici o tărie; şi Domnul o va ierta, pentrucă nu i -a dat voie tatăl ei.

Числа 30:5
(30:6) если же отец ее, услышав, запретит ей, то все обеты ее и зароки,которые она возложила на душу свою, не состоятся, и Господь простит ей, потому что запретил ей отец ее.

(30-6) если же отец ее, услышав, запретит ей, то все обеты ее и зароки, которые она возложила на душу свою, не состоятся, и Господь простит ей, потому что запретил ей отец ее.[]

4 Mosebok 30:5
Men om hennes fader samma dag han hör det säger nej därtill, då skola hennes löften och hennes förbindelser till återhållsamhet alla vara utan gällande kraft; och HERREN skall förlåta henne, eftersom hennes fader sade nej till henne.

Numbers 30:5
Nguni't kung sawayin siya ng kaniyang ama sa araw na marinig; alin man sa kaniyang panata, o sa kaniyang gampanin na kaniyang itinali sa kaniyang kaluluwa ay hindi magkabisa: at patatawarin siya ng Panginoon, sapagka't sinaway siya ng kaniyang ama.

กันดารวิถี 30:5
แต่ถ้าบิดาของเธอคัดค้านในวันที่เขาได้ยินนั้น การที่เธอปฏิญาณไว้ก็ดี คำสัญญาวิรัตที่ผูกมัดเธอไว้ก็ดี ย่อมไม่คงอยู่ และพระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงอภัยให้แก่เธอ เพราะบิดาของเธอได้คัดค้านเธอไว้

Çölde Sayım 30:5
Ama babası bunları duyduğu gün engel olursa, kadının adadığı adaklar ve kendini altına soktuğu yükümlülük geçerli sayılmayacak; RAB onu bağışlayacak, çünkü babası ona engel olmuştur.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 30:5
(30:6) Còn nhược bằng ngày nào cha màng biết mà cấm đi, thì nàng sẽ không mắc lời hứa nguyện mình hay là các sự buộc lòng giữ mà nàng đã tự chịu lấy; Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ tha tội cho nàng, vì cha nàng cấm nàng vậy.

Numbers 30:4
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