Numbers 30:16
Numbers 30:16
These are the regulations the LORD gave Moses concerning relationships between a man and his wife, and between a father and his young daughter still living at home.

These are the regulations the LORD gave Moses concerning relationships between a man and his wife, and between a father and a young daughter who still lives at home.

These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses about a man and his wife and about a father and his daughter while she is in her youth within her father’s house.

These are the statutes which the LORD commanded Moses, as between a man and his wife, and as between a father and his daughter, while she is in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses concerning the relationship between a man and his wife, or between a father and his daughter in his house during her youth.

These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses concerning a man and his wife and concerning a father and his young daughter while she still lives in her father's house.

These are the statutes that the LORD commanded Moses, relating to a man and his wife, and a father and his young daughter who is still living in her father's house.

These are the laws the LORD gave Moses for husbands and wives, and for fathers with young daughters still living at home.

These are the statutes which the LORD commanded Moses between a man and his wife and between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which Jehovah commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, being in her youth, in her father's house.

These are the laws which the Lord appointed to Moses between the husband and the wife, between the father and the daughter that is as yet but a girl in age, or that abideth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which Jehovah commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, being in her youth, in her father's house.

These are the statutes which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between the father and his daughter, being yet in her youth in her father's house.

These are the statutes, which Yahweh commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, being in her youth, in her father's house.

These are the statutes which Jehovah hath commanded Moses between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in her youth, in the house of her father.

Numrat 30:16
Këto janë statutet që Zoti i ka dhënë me porosi Moisiut lidhur me marrëdhëniet, midis bashkëshortit dhe bashkëshortes, midis atit dhe bijës, kur ajo është akoma vajzë në shtëpinë e atit të saj.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 30:16
هذه هي الفرائض التي امر بها الرب موسى بين الزوج وزوجته وبين الاب وابنته في صباها في بيت ابيها

De Zalrach 30:16
Die Satzungen haat dyr Herr yn n Mosenn göbn, däß yr die Sachenn zwischn Man und Weib und Vater und lödiger Tochter, wo non dyrhaim ist, reglt.

Числа 30:16
Тия са повеленията, които Господ заповяда на Моисея, [да се пазят] между мъж и жена му, и между баща и дъщеря му в младостта й, догдето е в бащиния си дом, [относно обреците].

民 數 記 30:16
這 是 丈 夫 待 妻 子 , 父 親 待 女 兒 , 女 兒 年 幼 、 還 在 父 家 , 耶 和 華 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 律 例 。

这 是 丈 夫 待 妻 子 , 父 亲 待 女 儿 , 女 儿 年 幼 、 还 在 父 家 , 耶 和 华 所 吩 咐 摩 西 的 律 例 。



Numbers 30:16
To su uredbe koje je Jahve Mojsiju izdao za muža i njegovu ženu i za oca i njegovu kćer, koja, još mlada, živi u kući očevoj.

Numeri 30:16
(Numbers 30:17) Ta jsou ustanovení, kteráž přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi, mezi mužem a ženou jeho, mezi otcem a dcerou jeho v mladosti její, dokudž jest v domě otce svého.

4 Mosebog 30:16
Det er de Anordninger, HERREN gav Moses om Forholdet mellem Mand og Hustru og mellem Fader og Datter, medens hun endnu i sine unge Aar opholder sig i hans Hus.

Numberi 30:16
Dat zijn de inzettingen, die de HEERE Mozes geboden heeft, tussen een man en zijn huisvrouw, tussen een vader en zijn dochter, zijnde in haar jonkheid, ten huize haars vaders.

במדבר 30:16
אֵ֣לֶּה הַֽחֻקִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֨ר צִוָּ֤ה יְהוָה֙ אֶת־מֹשֶׁ֔ה בֵּ֥ין אִ֖ישׁ לְאִשְׁתֹּ֑ו בֵּֽין־אָ֣ב לְבִתֹּ֔ו בִּנְעֻרֶ֖יהָ בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיהָ׃ פ

יז אלה החקים אשר צוה יהוה את משה בין איש לאשתו--בין אב לבתו בנעריה בית אביה  {פ}

אלה החקים אשר צוה יהוה את־משה בין איש לאשתו בין־אב לבתו בנעריה בית אביה׃ פ

4 Mózes 30:16
Ezek azok a rendelések, a melyeket parancsolt az Úr Mózesnek, a férj és az õ felesége között, az atya és leánya között, mikor még fiatalságában az õ atyjának házában [van.]

Moseo 4: Nombroj 30:16
Tio estas la legxoj, kiujn la Eternulo donis al Moseo pri la rilatoj inter edzo kaj lia edzino, inter patro kaj lia filino en sxia juneco en la domo de sxia patro.

(H30:17) Nämät ovat ne säädyt, jotka Herra on käskenyt Mosekselle miehen ja vaimon välillä, isän ja tyttären välillä, kuin hän on vielä nuorena isänsä huoneessa.

Nombres 30:16
(30:17) Ce sont là les statuts que l'Éternel commanda à Moïse, entre un homme et sa femme, entre un père et sa fille, dans sa jeunesse, dans la maison de son père.

Telles sont les lois que l'Eternel prescrivit à Moïse, entre un mari et sa femme, entre un père et sa fille, lorsqu'elle est dans sa jeunesse et à la maison de son père.

Telles [sont] les ordonnances que l'Eternel donna à Moïse par rapport à l'homme et à sa femme; au père et à sa fille, étant [encore] dans la maison de son père, en sa jeunesse.

4 Mose 30:16
Das sind die Satzungen, die der HERR Mose geboten hat zwischen Mann und Weib, zwischen Vater und Tochter, weil sie noch eine Magd ist in ihres Vaters Hause.

30:17 Das sind die Satzungen, die der HERR dem Mose geboten hat zwischen Mann und Weib, zwischen Vater und Tochter, solange sie noch ledig ist in ihres Vaters Hause.

Das sind die Satzungen, welche Jahwe Mose anbefohlen hat, damit sie gelten zwischen einem Mann und seinem Weibe, sowie zwischen einem Vater und seiner Tochter, so lange Sie noch in ledigem Stand im Hause ihres Vaters ist.

Numeri 30:16
Tali sono le leggi che l’Eterno prescrisse a Mosè, riguardo al marito e alla moglie, al padre e alla figliuola, quando questa è ancora fanciulla, in casa di suo padre.

Questi sono gli statuti, i quali il Signore comandò a Mosè che si osservassero tra marito e moglie, e tra padre e figliuola, mentre ella è ancor fanciulla in casa di suo padre.

Maka sekalian inilah hukum undang-undang yang firman Tuhan kepada Musa antara seorang laki dengan bininya dan seorang bapa dengan anaknya perempuan yang lagi anak dara dalam rumah bapanya.

민수기 30:16
이는 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신 율례니 남편이 아내에게, 아비가 자기 집에 있는 유년 여자에게 대한 것이니라

Numeri 30:16
(30-17) istae sunt leges quas constituit Dominus Mosi inter virum et uxorem inter patrem et filiam quae in puellari adhuc aetate est vel quae manet in parentis domo

Skaièiø knyga 30:16
Tai yra Viešpaties duoti Mozei įsakymai, kurių turi laikytis vyras ir žmona, tėvas ir duktė, kuri yra netekėjusi ir gyvena tėvo namuose.

Numbers 30:16
Ko nga tikanga enei i whakahaua e Ihowa ki a Mohi ma te tangata raua ko tana wahine, ma te papa raua ko tana tamahine i te mea he taitamahine ia, i te whare o tona papa.

4 Mosebok 30:16
Dette er de forskrifter som Herren gav Moses om den rett en mann har over sin hustru, og en far over sin datter så lenge hun er ung og ennu er hjemme hos sin far.

Números 30:16
Estos son los estatutos que el SEÑOR mandó a Moisés, entre un marido y su mujer, y entre un padre y su hija que durante su juventud está aún en casa de su padre.

Estos son los estatutos que el SEÑOR mandó a Moisés, entre un marido y su mujer, y entre un padre y su hija que durante su juventud está aún en casa de su padre.

Éstas son las ordenanzas que Jehová mandó a Moisés entre el varón y su esposa, entre el padre y su hija, durante su juventud en casa de su padre.

(H30-17) Estas son las ordenanzas que Jehová mandó á Moisés entre el varón y su mujer, entre el padre y su hija, durante su mocedad en casa de su padre.

Estas son las ordenanzas que el SEÑOR mandó a Moisés entre el varón y su mujer, entre el padre y su hija, durante su juventud en casa de su padre.

Números 30:16
São estes os estatutos e ordenanças que Yahweh ordenou a Moisés a respeito do relacionamento entre um marido e sua esposa, e entre um pai e sua filha moça que ainda vive sob a responsabilidade da casa paterna.

Esses são os estatutos que o Senhor ordenou a Moisés, entre o marido e sua mulher, entre o pai e sua filha, na sua mocidade, em casa de seu pai.   

Numeri 30:16
Acestea sînt legile pe cari le -a dat lui Moise Domnul, ca să aibă putere între un bărbat şi nevasta lui, între un tată şi fata lui, cînd ea este în tinereţă şi acasă la tatăl ei.

Числа 30:16
(30:17) Вот уставы, которые Господь заповедал Моисею об отношении между мужем и женою его, между отцом и дочерью его в юности ее, в доме отца ее.

(30-17) Вот уставы, которые Господь заповедал Моисею об отношении между мужем и женою его, между отцом и дочерью его в юности ее, в доме отца ее.[]

4 Mosebok 30:16
Dessa äro de stadgar som HERREN av Mose angående förhållandet mellan en man och hans hustru, och angående förhållandet mellan en fader och hans dotter, medan denna ännu är ung och vistas i sin faders hus.

Numbers 30:16
Ito ang mga palatuntunan na iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises, sa magasawa at sa magama samantalang ang anak na dalaga ay nasa bahay ng kaniyang ama.

กันดารวิถี 30:16
ข้อความเหล่านี้เป็นกฎเกณฑ์ซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาโมเสสไว้ เป็นเรื่องระหว่างชายกับภรรยาของเขา เรื่องระหว่างบิดากับบุตรสาว ขณะเมื่อเธอยังสาวอยู่ ยังอยู่ในเรือนบิดาของเธอ

Çölde Sayım 30:16
Erkekle karısı, babayla evinde yaşayan genç kızı arasındaki ilişki konusunda RAB'bin Musa'ya buyurduğu kurallar bunlardır.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 30:16
(30:17) Ðó là các lệ định mà Ðức Giê-hô-va truyền cho Môi-se về một người chồng và vợ mình, một người cha và con gái mình, buổi thơ ấu khi còn ở nhà cha.

Numbers 30:15
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