Numbers 24:17
Numbers 24:17
"I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all the people of Sheth.

I see him, but not here and now. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will crush the foreheads of Moab's people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth.

I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth.

"I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, A scepter shall rise from Israel, And shall crush through the forehead of Moab, And tear down all the sons of Sheth.

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

I see him, but not now; I perceive him, but not near. A star will come from Jacob, and a scepter will arise from Israel. He will smash the forehead of Moab and strike down all the Shethites.

I can see him, but not right now. I observe him, but from a distance. A star streams forth from Jacob; a scepter arises from Israel. He will crush Moab's forehead, along with all of Seth's descendants.

I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not close at hand. A star will march forth out of Jacob, and a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will crush the skulls of Moab, and the heads of all the sons of Sheth.

I see someone who is not here now. I look at someone who is not nearby. A star will come from Jacob. A scepter will rise from Israel. He will crush the heads of the Moabites and destroy all the people of Sheth.

I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not near by; there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the sons of Seth.

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall crush the forehead of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, And a sceptre shall rise out of Israel, And shall smite through the corners of Moab, And break down all the sons of tumult.

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near. A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all the children of Seth.

I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not nigh: There cometh a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and he shall cut in pieces the corners of Moab, and destroy all the sons of tumult.

I see him, but not now: I behold him, but not nigh: There shall come forth a star out of Jacob, And a sceptre shall rise out of Israel, And shall smite through the corners of Moab, And break down all the sons of tumult.

I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.

I see him, but not now. I see him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob. A scepter will rise out of Israel, and shall strike through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Sheth.

I see it, but not now; I behold it, but not near; A star hath proceeded from Jacob, And a sceptre hath risen from Israel, And hath smitten corners of Moab, And hath destroyed all sons of Sheth.

Numrat 24:17
E shoh, por jo tani; e sodis, por jo afër: një yll do të dalë nga Jakobi dhe një skeptër do të ngrihet nga Izraeli, i cili do ta shtypë Moabin fund e krye dhe do të rrëzojë tërë bijtë e Shethit.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 24:17
اراه ولكن ليس الآن. ابصره ولكن ليس قريبا. يبرز كوكب من يعقوب ويقوم قضيب من اسرائيل فيحطم طرفي موآب ويهلك كل بني الوغى.

De Zalrach 24:17
Verschwummen segh i n, aber doch; erblicken tue i n, doch weit wögg: Ayn Stern geet ent bei n Jaaggenn auf; ayn Herrscher kimmt in Isryheel. Er schlagt de Tinnenn ein yn Mob; önn Schedl zschmädert er bei n Set.

Числа 24:17
Виждам го, но не сега; Гледам го, но не отблизо; Ще излезе звезда от Якова, И ще се въздигне скиптър от Израиля; Ще порази моавските първенци, И ще погуби всичките Ситови потомци.

民 數 記 24:17
我 看 他 卻 不 在 現 時 ; 我 望 他 卻 不 在 近 日 。 有 星 要 出 於 雅 各 , 有 杖 要 興 於 以 色 列 , 必 打 破 摩 押 的 四 角 , 毀 壞 擾 亂 . 之 子 。

我 看 他 却 不 在 现 时 ; 我 望 他 却 不 在 近 日 。 有 星 要 出 於 雅 各 , 有 杖 要 兴 於 以 色 列 , 必 打 破 摩 押 的 四 角 , 毁 坏 扰 乱 . 之 子 。



Numbers 24:17
Vidim ga, ali ne sada: motrim ga, al' ne iz blizine: od Jakova zvijezda izlazi, od Izraela žezlo se diže. On Moabu razbija bokove i svu djecu Šetovu zatire!

Numeri 24:17
Uzřímť jej, ale ne nyní, pohledím na něj, ale ne z blízka. Vyjdeť hvězda z Jákoba, a povstane berla z Izraele, kteráž poláme knížata Moábská, a zkazí všecky syny Set.

4 Mosebog 24:17
Jeg ser ham, dog ikke nu, jeg skuer ham, dog ikke nær! En Stjerne opgaar af Jakob, et Herskerspir løfter sig fra Israel! Han knuser Moabs Tindinger og alle Setsønnernes Isse.

Numberi 24:17
Ik zal hem zien, maar nu niet; ik aanschouw Hem, maar niet nabij. Er zal een ster voortkomen uit Jakob, en er zal een scepter uit Israel opkomen; die zal de palen der Moabieten verslaan, en zal al de kinderen van Seth verstoren.

במדבר 24:17
אֶרְאֶ֙נּוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א עַתָּ֔ה אֲשׁוּרֶ֖נּוּ וְלֹ֣א קָרֹ֑וב דָּרַ֨ךְ כֹּוכָ֜ב מִֽיַּעֲקֹ֗ב וְקָ֥ם שֵׁ֙בֶט֙ מִיִּשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וּמָחַץ֙ פַּאֲתֵ֣י מֹואָ֔ב וְקַרְקַ֖ר כָּל־בְּנֵי־שֵֽׁת׃

יז אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל בני שת

אראנו ולא עתה אשורנו ולא קרוב דרך כוכב מיעקב וקם שבט מישראל ומחץ פאתי מואב וקרקר כל־בני־שת׃

4 Mózes 24:17
Látom õt, de nem most; nézem õt, de nem közel. Csillag származik Jákóbból, és királyi pálcza támad Izráelbõl; és általveri Moábnak oldalait, és összetöri Sethnek minden fiait.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 24:17
Mi vidas lin, sed ne nun; Mi rigardas lin, sed ne proksime. Eliros stelo el Jakob, Kaj levigxos sceptro el Izrael, Detruos la randojn de Moab Kaj frakasos cxiujn filojn de malordo.

Minä saan nähdä hänen, mutta en nyt: minä katselen häntä, vaan en läheltä. Tähti nousee Jakobista, ja valtikka tulee Israelista, ja musertaa Moabin ruhtinaat, ja hävittää kaikki Setin lapset.

Nombres 24:17
Je le verrai, mais pas maintenant; je le regarderai, mais pas de près. Une étoile surgira de Jacob, et un sceptre s'élèvera d'Israël, et transpercera les coins de Moab, et détruira tous les fils de tumulte.

Je le vois, mais non maintenant, Je le contemple, mais non de près. Un astre sort de Jacob, Un sceptre s'élève d'Israël. Il perce les flancs de Moab, Et il abat tous les enfants de Seth.

Je le vois, mais non pas maintenant; je le regarde, mais non pas de près. Une étoile est procédée de Jacob, et un sceptre s'est élevé d'Israël : il transpercera les coins de Moab, et détruira tous les enfants de Seth.

4 Mose 24:17
Ich werde ihn sehen, aber jetzt nicht; ich werde ihn schauen, aber nicht von nahe. Es wird ein Stern aus Jakob aufgehen, und ein Zepter aus Israel aufkommen und wird zerschmettern die Fürsten der Moabiter und verstören alle Kinder Seths.

Ich sehe ihn, aber nicht jetzt; ich schaue ihn aber nicht von nahe. Es wird ein Stern aus Jakob aufgehen und ein Zepter aus Israel aufkommen und wird zerschmettern die Fürsten der Moabiter und verstören alle Kinder des Getümmels.

Ich sehe ihn, doch nicht schon jetzt, ich erspähe ihn, aber noch nicht nah. Es geht auf ein Stern aus Jakob, und ein Scepter erhebt sich aus Israel; das zerschlägt die Schläfen der Moabiter und den Scheitel aller Söhne Seths.

Numeri 24:17
Lo vedo, ma non ora; lo contemplo, ma non vicino: un astro sorge da Giacobbe, e uno scettro s’eleva da Israele, che colpirà Moab da un capo all’altro e abbatterà tutta quella razza turbolenta.

Io lo veggo, ma non al presente; Io lo scorgo, ma non di presso. Una stella procederà da Giacobbe, E uno scettro surgerà d’Israele, Il quale trafiggerà i principi di Moab, E distruggerà tutti i figliuoli del fondamento.

Bahwa aku akan melihat dia, tetapi bukan sekarang, aku akan memandang dia, tetapi bukannya hampir, maka sebuah bintang akan terbit dari pada Yakub dan sebatang tongkat kerajaan akan naik dari antara Israel, maka ia akan menghancurkan pelipisan Moab dan tempurung kepala orang yang suka berperang!

민수기 24:17
내가 그를 보아도 이 때의 일이 아니며 내가 그를 바라보아도 가까운 일이 아니로다 한 별이 야곱에게서 나오며 한 홀이 이스라엘에게서 일어나서 모압을 이 편에서, 저 편까지 파하고 또 소동하는 자식들을 다 멸하리로다

Numeri 24:17
videbo eum sed non modo intuebor illum sed non prope orietur stella ex Iacob et consurget virga de Israhel et percutiet duces Moab vastabitque omnes filios Seth

Skaièiø knyga 24:17
Aš jį matysiu, bet ne dabar, į jį žiūrėsiu, bet ne iš arti. Žvaigždė užtekės iš Jokūbo giminės, skeptras pakils Izraelyje, jis užims Moabą ir sunaikins Seto giminę.

Numbers 24:17
E kite ano ahau i a ia, otiia kahore aianei: e titiro atu ahau ki a ia, otiia e kore e tata: tera e puta he Whetu i roto i a Hakopa, ka ara ake ano hoki he Hepeta i roto i a Iharaira, a ka patua e ia nga pito o Moapa, ka huna ano hoki e ia nga t ama katoa a Hete.

4 Mosebok 24:17
Jeg ser ham, men ikke nu, jeg skuer ham, men ikke nær; en stjerne stiger op av Jakob, et spir løfter sig fra Israel; han knuser Moabs tinninger og utrydder ufreds-ætten.

Números 24:17
Lo veo, pero no ahora; lo contemplo, pero no cerca; una estrella saldrá de Jacob, y un cetro se levantará de Israel que aplastará la frente de Moab y derrumbará a todos los hijos de Set.

Lo veo, pero no ahora; Lo contemplo, pero no cerca; Una estrella saldrá de Jacob, Y un cetro se levantará de Israel Que aplastará la frente de Moab Y derrumbará a todos los hijos de Set.

Lo veré, mas no ahora; lo miraré, mas no de cerca: Saldrá Estrella de Jacob, y se levantará Cetro de Israel, y herirá los cantones de Moab, y destruirá a todos los hijos de Set.

Verélo, mas no ahora: Lo miraré, mas no de cerca: Saldrá ESTRELLA de Jacob, Y levantaráse cetro de Israel, Y herirá los cantones de Moab, Y destruirá á todos los hijos de Seth.

Lo veré, mas no ahora; lo miraré, mas no de cerca; SALDRA ESTRELLA DE JACOB, y se levantará cetro de Israel, y herirá los cantones de Moab, y destruirá a todos los hijos de Set.

Números 24:17
Eu vejo, mas não agora;

Eu o vejo, mas não no presente; eu o contemplo, mas não de perto; de Jacó procederá uma estrela, de Israel se levantará um cetro que ferirá os termos de Moabe, e destruirá todos os filhos de orgulho.   

Numeri 24:17
Îl văd, dar nu acum, Îl privesc, dar nu de aproape. O stea răsare din Iacov, Un toiag de cîrmuire se ridică din Israel. El străpunge laturile Moabului, Şi prăpădeşte pe toţi copiii lui Set.

Числа 24:17
Вижу Его, но ныне еще нет; зрю Его, но не близко. Восходит звездаот Иакова и восстает жезл от Израиля, и разит князей Моава и сокрушает всех сынов Сифовых.

Вижу Его, но ныне еще нет; зрю Его, но не близко. Восходит звезда от Иакова и восстает жезл от Израиля, и разит князей Моава и сокрушает всех сынов Сифовых.[]

4 Mosebok 24:17
Jag ser honom, men icke denna tid, jag skådar honom, men icke nära. En stjärna träder fram ur Jakob, och en spira höjer sig ur Israel. Den krossar Moabs tinningar och slår ned alla söner till Set.

Numbers 24:17
Aking makikita siya, nguni't hindi ngayon; Aking mapagmamasdan siya, nguni't hindi sa malapit: Lalabas ang isang bituin sa Jacob, At may isang setro na lilitaw sa Israel, At sasaktan ang mga sulok ng Moab, At lilipulin ang lahat ng mga anak ng kaguluhan.

กันดารวิถี 24:17
ข้าพเจ้าจะเห็นเขา แต่ไม่ใช่อย่างเดี๋ยวนี้ ข้าพเจ้าจะดูเขา แต่ไม่ใช่อย่างใกล้ๆนี้ ดาวดวงหนึ่งจะเดินออกมาจากยาโคบ และธารพระกรอันหนึ่งจะขึ้นมาจากอิสราเอล จะตีเขตแดนของโมอับและทำลายบรรดาลูกหลานของเชท

Çölde Sayım 24:17
‹Onu görüyorum, ama şimdilik değil,
Ona bakıyorum, ama yakından değil.
Yakup soyundan bir yıldız çıkacak,
İsrailden bir önder yükselecek.
Moavlıların alınlarını,
Şetoğullarının başlarını ezecek.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 24:17
Tôi thấy Người, nhưng chẳng phải bây giờ; Tôi xem Người, nhưng chẳng phải ở gần; Một ngôi sao hiện ra từ Gia-cốp, Một cây phủ việt trồi lên từ Y-sơ-ra-ên; Người sẽ đâm lủng Mô-áp từ đầu nầy tới đầu kia, Hủy diệt dân hay dấy giặc nầy.

Numbers 24:16
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