Numbers 18:9
Numbers 18:9
You are to have the part of the most holy offerings that is kept from the fire. From all the gifts they bring me as most holy offerings, whether grain or sin or guilt offerings, that part belongs to you and your sons.

You are allotted the portion of the most holy offerings that is not burned on the fire. This portion of all the most holy offerings--including the grain offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings--will be most holy, and it belongs to you and your sons.

This shall be yours of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every offering of theirs, every grain offering of theirs and every sin offering of theirs and every guilt offering of theirs, which they render to me, shall be most holy to you and to your sons.

"This shall be yours from the most holy gifts reserved from the fire; every offering of theirs, even every grain offering and every sin offering and every guilt offering, which they shall render to Me, shall be most holy for you and for your sons.

This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons.

A portion of the holiest offerings kept from the fire will be yours; every one of their offerings that they give Me, whether the grain offering, sin offering, or restitution offering will be most holy for you and your sons.

This is what is to belong to you from consecrated offerings spared from the fire: all of their offerings, grain offerings, sin offerings, and trespass offerings that they render to me. They're to be considered most sacred to you and your sons.

Of all the most holy offerings reserved from the fire this will be yours: Every offering of theirs, whether from every grain offering or from every purification offering or from every reparation offering which they bring to me, will be most holy for you and for your sons.

That part of the most holy offerings which is not burned belongs to you. It may come from a grain offering, an offering for sin, or a guilt offering. Whatever is brought to me as a most holy offering will belong to you and your sons.

This shall be thine of the holy things, reserved from the fire: every offering of theirs, every present of theirs, and every offering that represents their sin, and every offering that represents their guilt, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons.

This shall be yours of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every offering of theirs, every grain offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for you and for your sons.

This shall be your of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs which they shall render to me, shall be most holy for you and for your sons.

This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, even every meal-offering of theirs, and every sin-offering of theirs, and every trespass-offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons.

These therefore shalt thou take of the things that are sanctified, and are offered to the Lord. Every offering, and sacrifice, and whatsoever is rendered to me for sin and for trespass, and becometh holy of holies, shall be for thee and thy sons.

This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every offering of theirs, of all their oblations, and of all their sin-offerings, and of all their trespass-offerings, which they render unto me, it is most holy for thee and for thy sons.

This shall be thine of the most holy things, reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, even every meal offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every guilt offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons.

This shall be thine of the most holy things reserved from the fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat-offering of theirs, and every sin-offering of theirs, and every trespass-offering of theirs, which they shall render to me, shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons.

This shall be yours of the most holy things, [reserved] from the fire: every offering of theirs, even every meal offering of theirs, and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render to me, shall be most holy for you and for your sons.

This is thine of the most holy things, from the fire: all their offering, to all their present, and to all their sin-offering, and to all their guilt-offering, which they give back to Me, is most holy to thee, and to thy sons;

Numrat 18:9
Kjo do të të takojë nga gjërat shumë të shenjta të pakonsumuara në zjarr: të gjitha ofertat e tyre, domethënë çdo blatim ushqimor, çdo flijim për mëkatin dhe çdo flijim për shkeljen e bërë që do të më paraqesin, janë gjëra shumë të shenjta që të përkasin ty dhe bijve të tu.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 18:9
هذا يكون لك من قدس الاقداس من النار كل قرابينهم مع كل تقدماتهم وكل ذبائح خطاياهم وكل ذبائح آثامهم التي يردونها لي. قدس اقداس هي لك ولبنيك.

De Zalrach 18:9
Was bei de hoohheilignen Gaabn nit verbrennt werd, kimmt dir und deine Sün zue, allsand Gaabn von de Speis-, Sünd- und Schuldopfer.

Числа 18:9
От пресветите неща, това, което не се туря на огъня, ще бъде твое; всичките им приноси, всичките им хлебни приноси, всичките им приноси за грях, и всичките им приноси за престъпление, които те дават на Мене, ще бъдат пресвети за тебе и за синовете ти.

民 數 記 18:9
以 色 列 人 歸 給 我 至 聖 的 供 物 , 就 是 一 切 的 素 祭 、 贖 罪 祭 、 贖 愆 祭 , 其 中 所 有 存 留 不 經 火 的 , 都 為 至 聖 之 物 , 要 歸 給 你 和 你 的 子 孫 。

以 色 列 人 归 给 我 至 圣 的 供 物 , 就 是 一 切 的 素 祭 、 赎 罪 祭 、 赎 愆 祭 , 其 中 所 有 存 留 不 经 火 的 , 都 为 至 圣 之 物 , 要 归 给 你 和 你 的 子 孙 。



Numbers 18:9
Ovo neka pripadne tebi od svetinja nad svetinjama: od paljenih žrtava svi njihovi darovi, za sve njihove prinosnice, za sve njihove okajnice i za sve njihove naknadnice što ih budu meni uzvraćali; ta vrlo sveta stvar neka pripadne tebi i tvojim sinovima!

Numeri 18:9
Toto bude tvé z věcí posvěcených, kteréž nepřicházejí na oheň: Všeliká obět jejich, buď suchá obět jejich, neb obět za hřích jejich, aneb obět za provinění jejich, kteréž mi dávati budou, svatosvaté tobě bude to i synům tvým.

4 Mosebog 18:9
Følgende skal tilfalde dig af det højhellige, fraregnet hvad der opbrændes: Alle deres Offergaver, der falder ind under Afgrødeofre, Syndofre og Skyldofre, som de bringer mig til Erstatning; som højhelligt skal dette tilfalde dig og dine Sønner.

Numberi 18:9
Dit zult gij hebben van de heiligheid der heiligheden, uit het vuur: al hun offeranden, met al hun spijsoffer, en met al hun zondoffer, en met al hun schuldoffer, dat zij Mij zullen wedergeven; het zal u en uw zonen een heiligheid der heiligheden zijn.

במדבר 18:9
זֶֽה־יִהְיֶ֥ה לְךָ֛ מִקֹּ֥דֶשׁ הַקֳּדָשִׁ֖ים מִן־הָאֵ֑שׁ כָּל־קָ֠רְבָּנָם לְֽכָל־מִנְחָתָ֞ם וּלְכָל־חַטָּאתָ֗ם וּלְכָל־אֲשָׁמָם֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יָשִׁ֣יבוּ לִ֔י קֹ֣דֶשׁ קָֽדָשִׁ֥ים לְךָ֛ ה֖וּא וּלְבָנֶֽיךָ׃

ט זה יהיה לך מקדש הקדשים מן האש  כל קרבנם לכל מנחתם ולכל חטאתם ולכל אשמם אשר ישיבו לי--קדש קדשים לך הוא ולבניך

זה־יהיה לך מקדש הקדשים מן־האש כל־קרבנם לכל־מנחתם ולכל־חטאתם ולכל־אשמם אשר ישיבו לי קדש קדשים לך הוא ולבניך׃

4 Mózes 18:9
Ez legyen tiéd a legszentségesebbekbõl, a melyek tûzzel meg nem égettetnek: Minden õ áldozatjok, akár ételáldozatjok, akár bûnért való áldozatjok, akár pedig vétekért való áldozatjok, a miket nékem adnak, mint legszentségesebbek, tiéid legyenek és a te fiaidé.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 18:9
Jen kio apartenas al vi el la plejsanktajxoj, el la bruligatajxo:cxiu ilia ofero, kiel cxiu ilia farunofero, tiel ankaux cxiu ilia pekofero kaj cxiu ilia kulpofero, kiun ili donos al Mi, estas plejsanktajxo por vi kaj por viaj filoj.

Nämät sinä saat siitä kaikkein pyhimmästä, tuliuhrista: kaikki heidän lahjansa, ynnä kaiken heidän ruokauhrinsa, ja kaiken heidän syntiuhrinsa, ja myös kaiken heidän vikauhrinsa kanssa, mitkä he sinulle antavat, se on sinulle ja sinun pojilles kaikkein pyhin.

Nombres 18:9
Ceci sera à toi des choses très-saintes, qui n'ont pas été consumées: toutes leurs offrandes, savoir toutes leurs offrandes de gâteau et tous leurs sacrifices pour le péché et tous leurs sacrifices pour le délit qu'ils m'apporteront; ce sont des choses très-saintes pour toi et pour tes fils.

Voici ce qui t'appartiendra parmi les choses très saintes qui ne sont pas consumées par le feu: toutes leurs offrandes, tous leurs dons, tous leurs sacrifices d'expiation, et tous les sacrifices de culpabilité qu'ils m'offriront; ces choses très saintes seront pour toi et pour tes fils.

Ceci t'appartiendra d'entre les choses très-saintes qui ne sont point brûlées, [savoir] toutes leurs offrandes, soit de tous leurs gâteaux, soit de tous [leurs sacrifices] pour le péché, soit de tous [leurs sacrifices] pour le délit, qu'ils m'apporteront; ce sont des choses très-saintes pour toi et pour tes enfants.

4 Mose 18:9
Das sollst du haben von dem Allerheiligsten, das sie opfern: Alle ihre Gaben mit all ihrem Speisopfer und mit all ihrem Sündopfer und mit all ihrem Schuldopfer, das sie mir geben, das soll dir und deinen Söhnen das Allerheiligste sein.

Das sollst du haben von dem Hochheiligen: Was nicht angezündet wird von allen ihren Gaben an allen ihren Speisopfern und an allen ihren Sündopfern und an allen ihren Schuldopfern, die sie mir geben, das soll dir und deinen Söhnen ein Hochheiliges sein.

Folgendes soll dir von den hochheiligen Gaben - nach Abzug des zu Verbrennenden gehören: alle ihre Opfergaben an Speisopfern, an Sündopfern und an Schuldopfern, die sie mir als Ersatz darbringen; als hochheilige sollen sie dir und deinen Söhnen gehören.

Numeri 18:9
Questo ti apparterrà fra le cose santissime non consumate dal fuoco: tutte le loro offerte, vale a dire ogni oblazione, ogni sacrifizio per il peccato e ogni sacrifizio di riparazione che mi presenteranno; son tutte cose santissime che apparterranno a te ed ai tuoi figliuoli.

Questo sarà tuo delle cose santissime, rimaste del fuoco; tutte le loro offerte delle loro oblazioni di panatica, e di tutti i lor sacrificii per lo peccato, e di tutti lor sacrificii per la colpa, che mi presenteranno per soddisfazione, che son cose santissime, saranno tue, e de’ tuoi figliuoli.

Maka dari pada segala persembahan yang dimakan api inilah menjadi bagimu akan kesucian segala kesucian: Segala persembahan mereka itu, yaitu segala persembahannya makanan dan segala korbannya karena dosa dan segala korbannya karena salah, yang patut dipersembahkannya kepada-Ku, ia itu menjadi kesucian segala kesucian bagimu dan bagi anak-anakmupun.

민수기 18:9
지성물 중에 불사르지 않은 것은 네 것이라 그들이 내게 드리는 모든 예물의 모든 소제와 속죄제와 속건 제물은 다 지극히 거룩한즉 너와 네 아들들에게 돌리리니

Numeri 18:9
haec ergo accipies de his quae sanctificantur et oblata sunt Domino omnis oblatio et sacrificium et quicquid pro peccato atque delicto redditur mihi et cedet in sancta sanctorum tuum erit et filiorum tuorum

Skaièiø knyga 18:9
Šitos aukos, aukojamos Viešpačiui, priklausys tau: duonos auka, auka už nuodėmę ir auka už kaltę. Jos yra šventos ir teks tau ir tavo sūnums.

Numbers 18:9
Ko nga mea tenei mau o nga mea tino tapu e kore nei e tukua ki te ahi: ko a ratou whakahere katoa, ko a ratou whakahere totokore katoa, me a ratou whakahere hara katoa, me a ratou whakahere katoa mo te he, e tapaea ki ahau; ka tino tapu ma koutou ko au tama.

4 Mosebok 18:9
Dette skal høre dig til av det høihellige og undtas fra ilden: alle deres offer, både matoffer og syndoffer og skyldoffer, som de gir mig til gjengjeld; de er høihellige og skal høre dig og dine sønner til.

Números 18:9
Esto será tuyo de las ofrendas santísimas preservadas del fuego: toda ofrenda de ellos, aun toda ofrenda de cereal y toda ofrenda por el pecado y toda ofrenda por la culpa, que ellos me han de presentar, será santísima para ti y para tus hijos.

"Esto será tuyo de las ofrendas santísimas preservadas del fuego: toda ofrenda de ellos, aun toda ofrenda de cereal y toda ofrenda por el pecado y toda ofrenda por la culpa, que ellos Me han de presentar, será santísima para ti y para tus hijos.

Esto será tuyo de la ofrenda de las cosas santas, reservadas del fuego; toda ofrenda de ellos, todo presente suyo, y toda expiación por el pecado de ellos, y toda expiación por la culpa de ellos, que me han de presentar, será cosa muy santa para ti y para tus hijos.

Esto será tuyo de la ofrenda de las cosas santas reservadas del fuego: toda ofrenda de ellos, todo presente suyo, y toda expiación por el pecado de ellos, que me han de presentar, será cosa muy santa para ti y para tus hijos.

Esto será tuyo de la ofrenda de las cosas santas, reservadas del fuego; toda ofrenda de ellos, todo presente suyo, y toda expiación por el pecado de ellos, que me han de presentar, será cosa muy santa para ti y para tus hijos.

Números 18:9
Das ofertas santíssimas tereis a parte que é poupada do fogo. Dentre todas as oferendas que me trouxerem para consagrar como ofertas santíssimas, sejam oblações, ofertas de cereais, seja expiação de pecado, seja de sacrifício de reparação, tal parte pertencerá a ti e a teus filhos.

Das coisas santíssimas reservadas do fogo serão tuas todas as suas ofertas, a saber, todas as ofertas de cereais, todas as ofertas pelo pecado e todas as ofertas pela culpa, que me entregarem; estas coisas serão santíssimas para ti e para teus filhos.   

Numeri 18:9
Iată ce va fi al tău dintre lucrurile prea sfinte cari nu sînt mistuite de foc: toate darurile din jertfele lor de mîncare, toate jertfele lor de ispăşire, şi toate jertfele pentru vină, pe cari Mi le vor aduce; lucrurile acestea prea sfinte să fie ale tale şi ale fiilor tăi.

Числа 18:9
вот, что принадлежит тебе из святынь великих, от сожигаемого: всякое приношение их хлебное, и всякая жертва их за грех, и всякая жертва их повинности, что они принесут Мне; это великая святыня тебе и сынам твоим.

вот, что принадлежит тебе из святынь великих, от сожигаемого: всякое приношение их хлебное, и всякая жертва их за грех, и всякая жертва их повинности, что они принесут Мне; это великая святыня тебе и сынам твоим.[]

4 Mosebok 18:9
Detta skall tillhöra dig av det! högheliga som icke lämnas åt elden: alla deras offergåvor, så ofta de frambära spisoffer eller syndoffer, eller frambära skuldoffer till ersättning åt mig, detta skall såsom högheligt tillhöra dig och dina söner.

Numbers 18:9
Ito'y magiging iyo sa mga pinakabanal na bagay, na hindi pinaraan sa apoy: bawa't alay nila, bawa't handog na harina nila, at bawa't handog nila dahil sa kasalanan, at bawa't handog nila dahil sa pagkakasala na kanilang ihahandog sa akin, ay magiging pinaka banal sa iyo at sa iyong mga anak.

กันดารวิถี 18:9
ในบรรดาของบริสุทธิ์ที่สุดส่วนซึ่งไม่ได้เผาไฟที่เป็นของของเจ้ามีดังนี้ บรรดาของถวายของเขา บรรดาธัญญบูชาของเขา บรรดาเครื่องบูชาไถ่บาปของเขา บรรดาเครื่องบูชาไถ่การละเมิดของเขา ซึ่งเขาถวายแก่เรา จะเป็นของบริสุทธิ์ที่สุดแก่เจ้าและแก่ลูกหลานของเจ้า

Çölde Sayım 18:9
Sunakta tümüyle yakılmayan, bana sunulan en kutsal sunulardan şunlar senin olacak: Tahıl, suç ve günah sunuları. En kutsal sunular senin ve oğullarının olacak.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 18:9
Trong các vật rất thánh không có thiêu hóa mà dân Y-sơ-ra-ên dâng cho ta, nầy là phần sẽ thuộc về ngươi: Hết thảy lễ vật của họ, nào của lễ chay, nào của lễ chuộc tội, nào của lễ chuộc sự mắc lỗi; những vật rất thánh nầy đều sẽ thuộc về ngươi và các con trai ngươi.

Numbers 18:8
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