Numbers 17:5
Numbers 17:5
The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout, and I will rid myself of this constant grumbling against you by the Israelites."

Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. Then I will finally put an end to the people's murmuring and complaining against you."

And the staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout. Thus I will make to cease from me the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against you.”

"It will come about that the rod of the man whom I choose will sprout. Thus I will lessen from upon Myself the grumblings of the sons of Israel, who are grumbling against you."

And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you.

The staff of the man I choose will sprout, and I will rid Myself of the Israelites' complaints that they have been making about you."

The rod that belongs to the man whom I'll choose will burst into bloom. That's how I'll put a stop to the complaints of the Israelis, who are complaining against you."

And the staff of the man whom I choose will blossom; so I will rid myself of the complaints of the Israelites, which they murmur against you."

The staff from the man I choose will begin to grow. In this way I will silence the frequent complaints the Israelites make against you and Aaron."

And it shall come to pass regarding the man whom I shall choose that his rod shall blossom; and I will resolve the complaints of the sons of Israel, with which they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the rod of the man whom I shall choose shall bud: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against you.

Whomsoever of these I shall choose, his rod shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, wherewith they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the man whom I shall choose, his staff shall bud forth; and I will make to cease from before me the murmurings of the children of Israel, that they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the man whom I shall choose, his rod shall bud: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against you.

And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, by which they murmur against you.

It shall happen, that the rod of the man whom I shall choose shall bud: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against you."

'And it hath come to pass, the man's rod on whom I fix doth flourish, and I have caused to cease from off me the murmurings of the sons of Israel, which they are murmuring against you.'

Numrat 17:5
Dhe do të ndodhë që shufra e njeriut që unë zgjedh, do të lulëzojë dhe unë do të bëj që të pushojnë murmuritjet e bijve të Izraelit kundër jush".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 17:5
فالرجل الذي اختاره تفرخ عصاه فاسكن عني تذمرات بني اسرائيل التي يتذمرونها عليكما

De Zalrach 17:5
Dann gaat dyr Stecken von dönn, wo myr i aussuech, Blätln kriegn. Dyrmit werd enddlich mit dönn Gmämps ayn Rue werdn, mit dönn wo s enk allweil yso zuesötznd.

Числа 17:5
И жезълът на човека, когото избера, ще процъфти. Така ще направя да престанат пред Мене роптанията на израилтяните, с които те роптаят против вас.

民 數 記 17:5
後 來 我 所 揀 選 的 那 人 , 他 的 杖 必 發 芽 。 這 樣 , 我 必 使 以 色 列 人 向 你 們 所 發 的 怨 言 止 息 , 不 再 達 到 我 耳 中 。

後 来 我 所 拣 选 的 那 人 , 他 的 杖 必 发 芽 。 这 样 , 我 必 使 以 色 列 人 向 你 们 所 发 的 怨 言 止 息 , 不 再 达 到 我 耳 中 。



Numbers 17:5
Štap onoga čovjeka koga izaberem propupat će. Tako ću maknuti od sebe rogoborenje Izraelaca kojim prigovaraju vama."

Numeri 17:5
I stane se, že kohož vyvolím, toho prut zkvetne; a tak spokojím a svedu s sebe reptání synů Izraelských, kterýmž repcí na vás.

4 Mosebog 17:5
Den Mand, jeg udvælger, hans Stav skal da grønnes; saaledes vil jeg bringe Israeliternes Knurren imod eder til Tavshed, saa jeg kan blive fri for den.«

Numberi 17:5
En het zal geschieden, dat de staf des mans, welke Ik zal verkoren hebben, zal bloeien; en Ik zal stillen de murmureringen van de kinderen Israels tegen Mij, welke zij tegen ulieden murmureerden.

במדבר 17:5
וְהָיָ֗ה הָאִ֛ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר אֶבְחַר־בֹּ֖ו מַטֵּ֣הוּ יִפְרָ֑ח וַהֲשִׁכֹּתִ֣י מֵֽעָלַ֗י אֶת־תְּלֻנֹּות֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֛ר הֵ֥ם מַלִּינִ֖ם עֲלֵיכֶֽם׃

כ והיה האיש אשר אבחר בו--מטהו יפרח והשכתי מעלי את תלנות בני ישראל אשר הם מלינם עליכם

והיה האיש אשר אבחר־בו מטהו יפרח והשכתי מעלי את־תלנות בני ישראל אשר הם מלינם עליכם׃

4 Mózes 17:5
És lesz, hogy annak a férfiúnak vesszeje, a kit elválasztok, kihajt; így hárítom el magamról Izráel fiainak zúgolódásait, a melyekkel zúgolódnak ti ellenetek.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 17:5
Kaj kiun viron Mi elektos, ties bastono ekfloros; kaj tiel Mi silentigos antaux Mi la murmuradon de la Izraelidoj, kiun ili murmuras kontraux vi.

Ja jonka minä heistä valitsen, sen sauva pitää viheriöitsemän, että minä asettaisin Israelin lasten moninaisen napinan minun päältäni, jolla he teitä vastaan napisevat.

Nombres 17:5
Et il arrivera que la verge de l'homme que j'ai choisi bourgeonnera; et je ferai cesser de devant moi les murmures des fils d'Israël, par lesquels ils murmurent contre vous.

L'homme que je choisirai sera celui dont la verge fleurira, et je ferai cesser de devant moi les murmures que profèrent contre vous les enfants d'Israël.

Et il arrivera que la verge de l'homme que j'aurai choisi, fleurira; et je ferai cesser de devant moi les murmures des enfants d'Israël, par lesquels ils murmurent contre vous.

4 Mose 17:5
Und welchen ich erwählen werde, des Stecken wird grünen, daß ich das Murren der Kinder Israel, das sie wider euch murren, stille

17:20 Und welchen ich erwählen werde, des Stecken wird grünen, daß ich das Murren der Kinder Israel, das sie wider euch murren, stille.

Und der Stab desjenigen, den ich erwähle, soll ausschlagen; so will ich das Murren der Israeliten, das sie gegen euch erheben, zum Schweigen bringen, daß es mir nicht nochmals lästig falle!

Numeri 17:5
E avverrà che l’uomo che io avrò scelto sarà quello la cui verga fiorirà; e farò cessare davanti a me i mormorii che i figliuoli d’Israele fanno contro di voi".

E avverrà che la verga di colui che io avrò eletto germoglierà; e così acqueterò d’attorno a me i mormorii de’ figliuoli d’Israele, co’ quali mormorano contro a voi.

Maka akan jadi kelak, bahwa tongkat orang yang Kupilih itu akan berbunga, supaya dengan demikian Aku mendiamkan segala sungutan bani Israel karena sebab Aku, yang disungut-sungutkannya akan kamu.

민수기 17:5
내가 택한 자의 지팡이에는 싹이 나리니 이것으로 이스라엘 자손이 너희를 대하여 원망하는 말을 내 앞에서 그치게 하리라

Numeri 17:5
quem ex his elegero germinabit virga eius et cohibebo a me querimonias filiorum Israhel quibus contra vos murmurant

Skaièiø knyga 17:5
Kurį iš jų išsirinksiu, to lazda pražys, taip padarysiu galą izraelitų murmėjimui, kuriuo jie prieš judu murma”.

Numbers 17:5
Na, ko te tangata e whiriwhiri ai ahau, ka pihi tana tokotoko, a ka pehia atu e ahau te amuamu a nga tama a Iharaira, e amuamu nei ki a korua.

4 Mosebok 17:5
Da skal det skje at den manns stav som jeg utvelger, skal spire; så får jeg vel fred for Israels barns knurr, som de plager eder med.

Números 17:5
Y acontecerá que la vara del hombre que yo escoja, retoñará. Así disminuiré de sobre mí las quejas de los hijos de Israel que murmuran contra vosotros.

"Y acontecerá que la vara del hombre que Yo escoja, retoñará. Así disminuiré de sobre Mí las quejas de los Israelitas que murmuran contra ustedes."

Y será, que el varón que yo escogiere, su vara florecerá: y haré cesar de sobre mí las quejas de los hijos de Israel, con que murmuran contra vosotros.

Y será, que el varón que yo escogiere, su vara florecerá: y haré cesar de sobre mí las quejas de los hijos de Israel, con que murmuran contra vosotros.

Y será, que el varón que yo escogiere, su vara florecerá; y haré cesar de sobre mí las quejas de los hijos de Israel, con que murmuran contra vosotros.

Números 17:5
O cajado daquele que Eu escolher, esse florescerá; assim não deixarei chegar até mim as murmurações que os filhos de Israel proferem contra vós!”

Então brotará a vara do homem que eu escolher; assim farei cessar as murmurações dos filhos de Israel contra mim, com que murmuram contra vós.   

Numeri 17:5
Bărbatul pe care -l voi alege, va fi acela al cărui toiag va înflori, şi voi pune capăt dinaintea Mea cîrtirilor pe cari le ridică împotriva voastră copiii lui Israel.``

Числа 17:5
и кого Я изберу, того жезл расцветет; и так Я успокою ропот сынов Израилевых, которым они ропщут на вас.

и кого Я изберу, того жезл расцветет; и так Я успокою ропот сынов Израилевых, которым они ропщут на вас.[]

4 Mosebok 17:5
Då skall ske att den man som jag utväljer, hans stav skall grönska. Och så skall jag göra slut på Israels barns knorrande, så att jag slipper höra huru de knorra mot eder.»

Numbers 17:5
At mangyayari na ang lalaking aking pipiliin, ay mamumulaklak ang kaniyang tungkod: at aking ipatitigil sa akin, ang mga pag-upasala ng mga anak ni Israel, na kanilang iniupasala laban sa inyo.

กันดารวิถี 17:5
และต่อมาไม้เท้าของชายผู้ที่เราโปรดเลือกนั้นจะงอก เช่นนี้เราจะกระทำให้เสียงบ่นของคนอิสราเอล ซึ่งเขาบ่นต่อเจ้าสงบลงเสียจากเรา"

Çölde Sayım 17:5
Seçeceğim kişinin değneği filiz verecek. İsrail halkının sizden sürekli yakınmasına son vereceğim.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 17:5
Hễ người nào ta chọn lấy, thì cây gậy người đó sẽ trổ hoa; vậy ta sẽ làm cho nín đi trước mặt ta những lời lằm bằm của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đã phát ra đối nghịch cùng các ngươi.

Numbers 17:4
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