Numbers 16:15
Numbers 16:15
Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their offering. I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, nor have I wronged any of them."

Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their grain offerings! I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, and I have never hurt a single one of them."

And Moses was very angry and said to the LORD, “Do not respect their offering. I have not taken one donkey from them, and I have not harmed one of them.”

Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not regard their offering! I have not taken a single donkey from them, nor have I done harm to any of them."

And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

Then Moses became angry and said to the LORD, "Don't respect their offering. I have not taken one donkey from them or mistreated a single one of them."

Moses was very angry, so he told the LORD, "Please don't accept their offering. I haven't taken even one donkey from them nor have I hurt even one of them."

Moses was very angry, and he said to the LORD, "Have no respect for their offering! I have not taken so much as one donkey from them, nor have I harmed any one of them!"

Moses became angry and said to the LORD, "Don't accept their offering. I haven't taken anything from them, not even a donkey. And I haven't mistreated any of them."

Then Moses was very angry and said unto the LORD, Look not thou upon their offering; I have not taken so much as one ass from them, neither have I done evil to any of them.

And Moses was very angry, and said unto the LORD, Respect not their offering: I have not taken one donkey from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

And Moses was very wroth, and said to the LORD, Respect not you their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

And Moses was very wroth, and said unto Jehovah, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

Moses therefore being very angry, raid to the Lord: Respect not their sacrifices: thou knowest that I have not taken of them so much as a young ass at any time, nor have injured any of them.

Then Moses was very wroth, and said to Jehovah, Have no regard to their oblation: not one ass have I taken from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

And Moses was very wroth, and said to the LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.

Moses was very angry, and said to Yahweh, "Don't respect their offering: I have not taken one donkey from them, neither have I hurt one of them."

And it is very displeasing to Moses, and he saith unto Jehovah, 'Turn not Thou unto their present; not one ass from them have I taken, nor have I afflicted one of them.'

Numrat 16:15
Atëherë Moisiu u zemërua shumë dhe i tha Zotit: "Mos prano blatimin e tyre; unë nuk kam marrë prej tyre as edhe një gomar dhe nuk u kam bërë atyre asnjë padrejtësi".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:15
فاغتاظ موسى جدا وقال للرب لا تلتفت الى تقدمتهما. حمارا واحدا لم آخذ منهم ولا اسأت الى احد منهم.

De Zalrach 16:15
Daa gaboosert dyr Mosen gar arg und gsait zo n Herrn: "Schaug wögg, wenn s dyr öbbs opfernd! Nit aynmaal aynn Ösl haan i ien gnummen, nit z rödn, däß i ien öbbs taan haet!"

Числа 16:15
Тогава Моисей се разсърди много, и рече Господу: Не погледвай благосклонно на приноса им; аз не съм взел нито един осел от тях, и никому от тях не съм сторил зло.

民 數 記 16:15
摩 西 就 甚 發 怒 , 對 耶 和 華 說 : 求 你 不 要 享 受 他 們 的 供 物 。 我 並 沒 有 奪 過 他 們 一 匹 驢 , 也 沒 有 害 過 他 們 一 個 人 。

摩 西 就 甚 发 怒 , 对 耶 和 华 说 : 求 你 不 要 享 受 他 们 的 供 物 。 我 并 没 有 夺 过 他 们 一 匹 驴 , 也 没 有 害 过 他 们 一 个 人 。



Numbers 16:15
Mojsije se vrlo razljuti i reče Jahvi: "Ne obaziri se na njihovu prinosnicu! Ni jednoga njihova magarca nisam prisvojio niti sam ijednoga od njih oštetio."

Numeri 16:15
I rozhněval se Mojžíš velmi, a řekl k Hospodinu: Nepatřiž na oběti jejich. Ani jednoho osla od nich jsem nevzal, aniž jsem komu z nich co zlého učinil.

4 Mosebog 16:15
Da harmedes Moses højlig og sagde til HERREN: »Vend dig ikke til deres Offergave! Ikke saa meget som et Æsel har jeg frataget dem, ej heller har jeg gjort en eneste af dem noget ondt!«

Numberi 16:15
Toen ontstak Mozes zeer, en hij zeide tot den HEERE: Zie hun offer niet aan! Ik heb niet een ezel van hen genomen, en niet een van hen kwaad gedaan.

במדבר 16:15
וַיִּ֤חַר לְמֹשֶׁה֙ מְאֹ֔ד וַיֹּ֙אמֶר֙ אֶל־יְהוָ֔ה אַל־תֵּ֖פֶן אֶל־מִנְחָתָ֑ם לֹ֠א חֲמֹ֨ור אֶחָ֤ד מֵהֶם֙ נָשָׂ֔אתִי וְלֹ֥א הֲרֵעֹ֖תִי אֶת־אַחַ֥ד מֵהֶֽם׃

טו ויחר למשה מאד ויאמר אל יהוה אל תפן אל מנחתם לא חמור אחד מהם נשאתי ולא הרעתי את אחד מהם

ויחר למשה מאד ויאמר אל־יהוה אל־תפן אל־מנחתם לא חמור אחד מהם נשאתי ולא הרעתי את־אחד מהם׃

4 Mózes 16:15
Megharaguvék azért Mózes igen, és monda az Úrnak: Ne tekints az õ áldozatjokra! Egy szamarat sem vettem el tõlök, és egyet sem bántottam közülök.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:15
Kaj tio tre kolerigis Moseon, kaj li diris al la Eternulo:Ne turnu Vin al ilia ofero; ecx unu azenon mi ne prenis de ili, kaj al neniu el ili mi faris ian malbonon.

Silloin vihastui Moses sangen kovin, ja sanoi Herralle: älä käännä sinuas heidän ruokauhrinsa puoleen! En minä heiltä ottanut aasiakaan, ja en ole heidän yhdenkään pahaa tehnyt.

Nombres 16:15
Et Moïse entra dans une ardente colère, et il dit à l'Éternel: N'aie pas égard à leur offrande; je n'ai pas pris d'eux même un âne, et je n'ai pas fait tort à un seul d'entre eux.

Moïse fut très irrité, et il dit à l'Eternel: N'aie point égard à leur offrande. Je ne leur ai pas même pris un âne, et je n'ai fait de mal à aucun d'eux.

Alors Moïse fut fort irrité, et dit à l'Eternel : Ne regarde point à leur offrande; je n'ai point pris d'eux un seul âne, et je n'ai point fait de mal à aucun d'eux.

4 Mose 16:15
Da ergrimmete Mose sehr und sprach zu dem HERRN: Wende dich nicht zu ihrem Speisopfer! Ich habe, nicht einen Esel von ihnen genommen und habe ihrer keinem nie kein Leid getan.

Da ergrimmte Mose sehr und sprach zu dem HERRN: Wende dich nicht zu ihrem Speisopfer! Ich habe nicht einen Esel von ihnen genommen und habe ihrer keinem nie ein Leid getan.

Da wurde Mose sehr zornig und sprach zu Jahwe: Wende dich nicht zu ihrem Opfer! Keinem von ihnen habe ich auch nur einen Esel genommen, keinem von ihnen etwas zu Leide gethan!

Numeri 16:15
Allora Mosè si adirò forte e disse all’Eterno: "Non gradire la loro oblazione; io non ho preso da costoro neppure un asino, e non ho fatto torto ad alcuno di loro".

Allora Mosè si adirò forte, e disse al Signore: Non riguardare alla loro offerta; io non ho preso nulla di quel d’alcun di loro, non pure un asino; e non ho offeso alcun di loro.

Lalu amarahlah Musa sangat, maka sembahnya kepada Tuhan: Jangan apalah Tuhan menilik akan persembahan mereka itu! Bahwa seekor keledaipun tiada pernah kuambil dari pada mereka itu dan seorangpun tiada kupersakiti!

민수기 16:15
모세가 심히 노하여 여호와께 여짜오되 `주는 그들의 예물을 돌아보지 마옵소서 나는 그들의 한 나귀도 취하지 아니하였고 그들의 한 사람도 해하지 아니하였나이다' 하고

Numeri 16:15
iratusque Moses valde ait ad Dominum ne respicias sacrificia eorum tu scis quod ne asellum quidem umquam acceperim ab eis nec adflixerim quempiam eorum

Skaièiø knyga 16:15
Mozė, labai įpykęs, meldė Viešpatį: “Nežiūrėk į jų aukas; aš neėmiau iš jų nė asilaičio ir nė vieno nenuskriaudžiau”.

Numbers 16:15
Na ko te tino riringa o Mohi, ka mea ki a Ihowa, Kaua e tahuri ki ta ratou whakahere: kahore ano kia kotahi te kaihe i tangohia e ahau i a ratou, kahore ano ahau i kino noa ki tetahi o ratou.

4 Mosebok 16:15
Da blev Moses meget vred og sa til Herren: Vend dig ikke til deres offer! Ikke så meget som et asen har jeg tatt fra dem, og ikke en eneste blandt dem har jeg gjort noget ondt.

Números 16:15
Moisés se enojó mucho y dijo al SEÑOR: ¡No aceptes su ofrenda! No he tomado de ellos ni un solo asno, ni le he hecho daño a ninguno de ellos.

Moisés se enojó mucho y dijo al SEÑOR: "¡No aceptes su ofrenda! No he tomado de ellos ni un solo asno, ni le he hecho daño a ninguno de ellos."

Entonces Moisés se enojó en gran manera, y dijo a Jehová: No mires a su presente; ni aun un asno he tomado de ellos, ni a ninguno de ellos he hecho mal.

Entonces Moisés se enojó en gran manera, y dijo á Jehová: No mires á su presente: ni aun un asno he tomado de ellos, ni á ninguno de ellos he hecho mal.

Entonces Moisés se enojó en gran manera, y dijo al SEÑOR: No mires a su presente; ni aun un asno he tomado de ellos, ni a ninguno de ellos he hecho mal.

Números 16:15
Então Moisés ficou extremamente irado e rogou ao SENHOR: “Não aceites a oblação, a oferta dessas pessoas. Jamais fiz mal a qualquer um deles, nem mesmo tirei deles um jumentinho sequer!”

Então Moisés irou-se grandemente, e disse ao Senhor: Não atentes para a sua oferta; nem um só jumento tenho tomado deles, nem a nenhum deles tenho feito mal.   

Numeri 16:15
Moise s'a mîniat foarte tare, şi a zis Domnului: ,,Nu căuta la darul lor. Nu le-am luat nici măcar un măgar, şi n'am făcut rău niciunuia din ei.``

Числа 16:15
Моисей весьма огорчился и сказал Господу: не обращай взора Твоего на приношение их; я не взял ни у одного из них осла и не сделал зла ни одному из них.

Моисей весьма огорчился и сказал Господу: не обращай взора Твоего на приношение их; я не взял ни у одного из них осла и не сделал зла ни одному из них.[]

4 Mosebok 16:15
Då blev Mose mycket vred och sade till HERREN: »Se icke till deras offergåva. Icke så mycket som en enda åsna har jag tagit av dem, och ingen av dem har jag gjort något ont.»

Numbers 16:15
At si Moises ay nag-init na mainam, at sinabi sa Panginoon, Huwag mong pagpitaganan ang kanilang handog: ako'y hindi kumuha ng isang asno sa kanila ni gumawa ng masama sa kanino man sa kanila.

กันดารวิถี 16:15
โมเสสโกรธมากและกราบทูลพระเยโฮวาห์ว่า "ขออย่าทรงโปรดปรานเครื่องบูชาของเขาเลย ข้าพระองค์มิได้เอาลาของเขามาสักตัวหนึ่ง และข้าพระองค์มิได้ทำอันตรายเขาสักคนเดียว"

Çölde Sayım 16:15
Çok öfkelenen Musa RABbe, ‹‹Onların sunularını önemseme. Onlardan bir eşek bile almadım, üstelik hiçbirine de haksızlık etmedim›› dedi.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:15
Môi-se nổi giận lắm, thưa cùng Ðức Giê-hô-va rằng: Xin đừng kể đến của lễ chay chúng nó nữa; tôi không có bắt nơi chúng nó một con lừa nào, và tôi cũng không có làm hại một ai trong bọn chúng nó.

Numbers 16:14
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