Numbers 16:13
Numbers 16:13
Isn't it enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the wilderness? And now you also want to lord it over us!

Isn't it enough that you brought us out of Egypt, a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us here in this wilderness, and that you now treat us like your subjects?

Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that you must also make yourself a prince over us?

"Is it not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also lord it over us?

Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

Is it not enough that you brought us up from a land flowing with milk and honey to kill us in the wilderness? Do you also have to appoint yourself as ruler over us?

Is it such an insignificant thing that you brought us out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness? Now you're trying to make yourself be a prince and rule over us, aren't you?

Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of the land that flows with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness? Now do you want to make yourself a prince over us?

Isn't it enough that you brought us out of a land flowing with milk and honey only to kill us in the desert? Do you also have to order us around?

Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land that flowed with milk and honey to make us die in the wilderness, but thou must also make thyself lord to rule over us?

Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land that flows with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that you make yourself altogether a prince over us?

Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land that flows with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except you make yourself altogether a prince over us?

is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, but thou must needs make thyself also a prince over us?

Is it a small matter to thee, that thou hast brought us out of a land that flowed with milk and honey, to kill us in the desert, except thou rule also like a lord over us?

Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that thou must make thyself altogether a ruler over us?

is it a small thing that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, but thou must needs make thyself also a prince over us?

Is it a small thing that thou hast brought us out of a land that floweth with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, but you must also make yourself a prince over us?

is it little that thou hast brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to put us to death in a wilderness that thou also certainly makest thyself prince over us?

Numrat 16:13
A është vallë gjë e vogël që na nxore nga një vend ku rrjedh qumësht dhe mjaltë, për të na lënë të vdesim në shkretëtirë, me qëllim që ti të sundosh mbi ne?

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 16:13
أقليل انك اصعدتنا من ارض تفيض لبنا وعسلا لتميتنا في البرية حتى تترأس علينا ترؤسا.

De Zalrach 16:13
Üns glangt s draufer. Zeerst holst üns schoon aus aynn Land ausher, daa wo Höng und Milich fliessnd, grad däß myr in dyr Wüestn verröcken künnend. Und ietz mechtst üns aau non umaynandschaffen, wiest ys brauchst?!

Числа 16:13
Малко ли е това, гдето си ни извел из земя, в която текат мляко и мед, за да ни измориш в пустинята, та още и владетел ли искаш да направиш себе си над нас?

民 數 記 16:13
你 將 我 們 從 流 奶 與 蜜 之 地 領 上 來 , 要 在 曠 野 殺 我 們 , 這 豈 為 小 事 ? 你 還 要 自 立 為 王 轄 管 我 們 麼 ?

你 将 我 们 从 流 奶 与 蜜 之 地 领 上 来 , 要 在 旷 野 杀 我 们 , 这 岂 为 小 事 ? 你 还 要 自 立 为 王 辖 管 我 们 麽 ?



Numbers 16:13
Zar je malo što si nas odveo iz zemlje kojom teče med i mlijeko da nas pobiješ u ovoj pustinji, pa hoćeš da nasilno zagospodariš nad nama?

Numeri 16:13
Cožť se ještě málo zdá, že jsi vyvedl nás z země oplývající mlékem a strdí, abys nás zmořil na poušti, že také chceš i panovati nad námi, a rozkazovati nám?

4 Mosebog 16:13
Er det ikke nok, at du har ført os bort fra et Land, der flyder med Mælk og Honning, for at lade os dø i Ørkenen, siden du oven i Købet vil opkaste dig til Herre over os!

Numberi 16:13
Is het te weinig, dat gij ons uit een land, van melk en honig vloeiende, hebt opgevoerd, om ons te doden in de woestijn, dat gij ook uzelven ten enenmaal over ons tot een overheer maakt?

במדבר 16:13
הַמְעַ֗ט כִּ֤י הֶֽעֱלִיתָ֙נוּ֙ מֵאֶ֨רֶץ זָבַ֤ת חָלָב֙ וּדְבַ֔שׁ לַהֲמִיתֵ֖נוּ בַּמִּדְבָּ֑ר כִּֽי־תִשְׂתָּרֵ֥ר עָלֵ֖ינוּ גַּם־הִשְׂתָּרֵֽר׃

יג המעט כי העליתנו מארץ זבת חלב ודבש להמיתנו במדבר  כי תשתרר עלינו גם השתרר

המעט כי העליתנו מארץ זבת חלב ודבש להמיתנו במדבר כי־תשתרר עלינו גם־השתרר׃

4 Mózes 16:13
Avagy kevesled-é azt, hogy felhozál minket a tejjel és mézzel folyó földrõl, hogy megölj minket a pusztában; hanem még uralkodni is akarsz rajtunk?

Moseo 4: Nombroj 16:13
CXu ne suficxas, ke el lando, en kiu fluas lakto kaj mielo, vi elirigis nin, por pereigi nin en la dezerto? kaj vi volas ankoraux regi super ni?

Vähäkö se on, että sinä olet meidät maalta tuonut ulos, jossa rieskaa ja hunajaa vuotaa, tappaakses meitä korvessa, vaan teet sinus vielä päämieheksi meidän ylitsemme, ja tahdot myös hallita meitä?

Nombres 16:13
Est-ce peu de chose que tu nous aies fait monter hors d'un pays ruisselant de lait et de miel, pour nous faire mourir dans le désert, que tu te fasses absolument dominateur sur nous?

N'est-ce pas assez que tu nous aies fait sortir d'un pays où coulent le lait et le miel pour nous faire mourir au désert, sans que tu continues à dominer sur nous?

Est-ce peu de chose que tu nous aies fait monter hors d'un pays découlant de lait et de miel, pour nous faire mourir dans ce désert, que même tu veuilles dominer sur nous?

4 Mose 16:13
Ist's zu wenig, daß du uns aus dem Lande geführet hast, da Milch und Honig innen fleußt, daß du uns tötest in der Wüste? Du mußt auch noch über uns herrschen?

Ist's zu wenig, daß du uns aus dem Lande geführt hast, darin Milch und Honig fließt, daß du uns tötest in der Wüste? Du mußt auch noch über uns herrschen?

Ist's nicht genug damit, daß du uns aus einem Lande, das von Milch und Honig überfloß, hergeführt hast, um uns in der Steppe umkommen zu lassen, daß du dich auch noch zum Herrscher über uns aufwerfen willst?

Numeri 16:13
E’ egli poco per te l’averci tratti fuori da un paese ove scorre il latte e il miele, per farci morire nel deserto, che tu voglia anche farla da principe, si, da principe su noi?

È egli poca cosa che tu ci abbi tratti fuor di un paese stillante latte e miele, per farci morir nel deserto, che tu vogli eziandio assolutamente fare il principe sopra noi?

Belumkah cukup engkau telah menyuruhkan kami keluar dari pada dalam negeri yang berkelimpahan air susu dan madu, supaya kami mati di padang ini, maka engkau lagi hendak menjadikan dirimu tuan yang berkuasa atas kami?

민수기 16:13
네가 우리를 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅에서 이끌어 내어 광야에서 죽이려 함이 어찌 작은 일이기에 오히려 스스로 우리 위에 왕이 되려 하느냐 ?

Numeri 16:13
numquid parum est tibi quod eduxisti nos de terra quae lacte et melle manabat ut occideres in deserto nisi et dominatus fueris nostri

Skaièiø knyga 16:13
Ar tau dar maža, kad mus išvedei iš žemės, plūstančios pienu ir medum, kad nužudytum dykumoje? Ar dar nori viešpatauti mums?

Numbers 16:13
He mea iti ianei tau kawe mai i a matou i te whenua e rerengia ana e te waiu, e te honi kia mate ai matou ki te koraha, a ka mea rawa hoki koe i a koe. hei rangatira ki runga i a matou?

4 Mosebok 16:13
Er det ikke nok at du har ført oss op fra et land som flyter med melk og honning, for å la oss dø i ørkenen, siden du endog vil gjøre dig til hersker over oss?

Números 16:13
¿No es suficiente que nos hayas sacado de una tierra que mana leche y miel para que muramos en el desierto, sino que también quieras enseñorearte sobre nosotros?

"¿No es suficiente que nos hayas sacado de una tierra que mana leche y miel para que muramos en el desierto, sino que también quieras enseñorearte sobre nosotros?

¿Se te hace poco que nos hayas hecho venir de una tierra que destila leche y miel, para hacernos morir en el desierto, sino que también te enseñorees de nosotros imperiosamente?

¿Es poco que nos hayas hecho venir de una tierra que destila leche y miel, para hacernos morir en el desierto, sino que también te enseñorees de nosotros imperiosamente?

¿Es poco que nos hayas hecho venir de una tierra que destila leche y miel, para hacernos morir en el desierto, sino que también te enseñorees de nosotros imperiosamente?

Números 16:13
Porventura, não te basta nos ter tirado de uma terra onde manam leite e mel para nos fazer morrer neste deserto? E ainda queres fazer-te príncipe e chefe sobre todos nós?

É pouco, porventura, que nos tenhas feito subir de uma terra que mana leite e mel, para nos matares no deserto, para que queiras ainda fazer-te príncipe sobre nós?   

Numeri 16:13
N'ajunge că ne-ai scos dintr'o ţară, unde curge lapte şi miere, ca să ne faci să murim în pustie, de vrei să mai şi stăpîneşti peste noi?

Числа 16:13
разве мало того, что ты вывел нас из земли, в которой течет молоко и мед, чтобы погубить нас в пустыне? и ты еще хочешь властвовать над нами!

разве мало того, что ты вывел нас из земли, в которой течет молоко и мед, чтобы погубить нас в пустыне? и ты еще хочешь властвовать над нами![]

4 Mosebok 16:13
Är det icke nog att du har fört oss hitupp ur ett land som flöt av mjölk och honung, för att låta oss dö I öknen? Vill du nu ock upphäva dig till herre över oss?

Numbers 16:13
Munting bagay pa ba na kami ay iyong pinasampa sa isang lupain na binubukalan ng gatas at pulot, upang kami ay patayin sa ilang, kundi napapanginoon ka pa mandin sa amin?

กันดารวิถี 16:13
เป็นการเล็กน้อยอยู่หรือที่ท่านนำพวกเราจากแผ่นดินที่มีน้ำนมและน้ำผึ้งไหลบริบูรณ์ เพื่อจะฆ่าพวกเราเสียในถิ่นทุรกันดาร และท่านจะได้ตั้งตัวขึ้นเป็นเจ้านายเหนือพวกเราด้วย

Çölde Sayım 16:13
‹‹Bizi çölde öldürtmek için süt ve bal akan ülkeden çıkardın. Bu yetmiyormuş gibi başımıza geçmek istiyorsun.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 16:13
Há là điều nhỏ mọn mà ngươi đã đem chúng ta ra khỏi xứ đượm sữa và mật, đặng làm cho chúng ta chết trong đồng vắng, mà ngươi lại còn muốn lấn lướt trên chúng ta nữa sao?

Numbers 16:12
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