Numbers 12:4
Numbers 12:4
At once the LORD said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, "Come out to the tent of meeting, all three of you." So the three of them went out.

So immediately the LORD called to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam and said, "Go out to the Tabernacle, all three of you!" So the three of them went to the Tabernacle.

And suddenly the LORD said to Moses and to Aaron and Miriam, “Come out, you three, to the tent of meeting.” And the three of them came out.

Suddenly the LORD said to Moses and Aaron and to Miriam, "You three come out to the tent of meeting." So the three of them came out.

And the LORD spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.

Suddenly the LORD said to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, "You three come out to the tent of meeting." So the three of them went out.

All of a sudden, the LORD told Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, "The three of you are to come out to the Tent of Meeting." So the three of them went out.

The LORD spoke immediately to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam: "The three of you come to the tent of meeting." So the three of them went.

Suddenly, the LORD said to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, "All three of you come to the tent of meeting." So all three of them came.

And the LORD spoke suddenly unto Moses and unto Aaron and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the testimony. And they three came out.

And the LORD spoke suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out you three unto the tabernacle of meeting. And the three came out.

And the LORD spoke suddenly to Moses, and to Aaron, and to Miriam, Come out you three to the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.

And Jehovah spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tent of meeting. And they three came out.

Immediately he spoke to him, and to Aaron and Mary: Come out you three only to the tabernacle of the covenant. And when they were come out,

Then Jehovah spoke suddenly to Moses, and to Aaron, and to Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tent of meeting. And they went out, they three.

And the LORD spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tent of meeting. And they three came out.

And the LORD spoke suddenly to Moses, and to Aaron, and to Miriam, Come out ye three to the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.

Yahweh spoke suddenly to Moses, to Aaron, and to Miriam, "You three come out to the Tent of Meeting!" The three of them came out.

And Jehovah saith suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, 'Come out ye three unto the tent of meeting;' and they three come out.

Numrat 12:4
Zoti u tha menjëherë Moisiut, Aaronit dhe Miriamit: "Ju të tre dilni dhe shkoni në çadrën e mbledhjes". Kështu ata të tre dolën.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 12:4
فقال الرب حالا لموسى وهرون ومريم اخرجوا انتم الثلاثة الى خيمة الاجتماع. فخرجوا هم الثلاثة.

De Zalrach 12:4
Glei drauf gsait dyr Herr zo n Mosenn, Ärenn und dyr Maria: "Geetß all Drei zo n Bekemmzeltt vürhin!" Dös taatnd s dann aau.

Числа 12:4
И веднага Господ рече на Моисея, на Аарона и на Мариам: Излезте вие трима към шатъра за срещане. И тъй, излязоха и тримата.

民 數 記 12:4
耶 和 華 忽 然 對 摩 西 、 亞 倫 、 米 利 暗 說 : 你 們 三 個 人 都 出 來 , 到 會 幕 這 裡 。 他 們 三 個 人 就 出 來 了 。

耶 和 华 忽 然 对 摩 西 、 亚 伦 、 米 利 暗 说 : 你 们 三 个 人 都 出 来 , 到 会 幕 这 里 。 他 们 三 个 人 就 出 来 了 。



Numbers 12:4
I odmah reče Jahve Mojsiju, Aronu i Mirjami: "Vas se troje pojavite u Šatoru sastanka." Njih se troje pojavi.

Numeri 12:4
A ihned řekl Hospodin Mojžíšovi a Aronovi i Marii: Vyjděte vy tři k stánku úmluvy. I vyšli toliko oni tři.

4 Mosebog 12:4
Da sagde HERREN i det samme til Moses, Aron og Mirjam: »Gaa alle tre ud til Aabenbaringsteltet!« Og de gik alle tre derud.

Numberi 12:4
Toen sprak de HEERE haastelijk tot Mozes, en tot Aaron, en tot Mirjam: Gij drie, komt uit tot de tent der samenkomst! En zij drie kwamen uit.

במדבר 12:4
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר יְהוָ֜ה פִּתְאֹ֗ם אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֤ה וְאֶֽל־אַהֲרֹן֙ וְאֶל־מִרְיָ֔ם צְא֥וּ שְׁלָשְׁתְּכֶ֖ם אֶל־אֹ֣הֶל מֹועֵ֑ד וַיֵּצְא֖וּ שְׁלָשְׁתָּֽם׃

ד ויאמר יהוה פתאם אל משה ואל אהרן ואל מרים צאו שלשתכם אל אהל מועד ויצאו שלשתם

ויאמר יהוה פתאם אל־משה ואל־אהרן ואל־מרים צאו שלשתכם אל־אהל מועד ויצאו שלשתם׃

4 Mózes 12:4
Mindjárt monda azért az Úr Mózesnak, Áronnak és Miriámnak: Menjetek ki ti hárman a gyülekezetnek sátorába; és kimenének õk hárman.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 12:4
Kaj subite diris la Eternulo al Moseo kaj al Aaron kaj al Mirjam:Eliru vi tri al la tabernaklo de kunveno. Kaj ili eliris cxiuj tri.

Ja Herra sanoi äkisti Mosekselle, Aaronille ja MirJamille: menkäät te kolme seurakunnan majaan. Ja he kaikki kolme menivät.

Nombres 12:4
Et soudain l'Éternel dit à Moïse, et à Aaron et à Marie: Sortez, vous trois, vers la tente d'assignation. Et ils sortirent eux trois.

Soudain l'Eternel dit à Moïse, à Aaron et à Marie: Allez, vous trois, à la tente d'assignation. Et ils y allèrent tous les trois.

Et incontinent l'Eternel dit à Moïse, à Aaron, et à Marie : Venez vous trois au Tabernacle d'assignation; et ils y allèrent eux trois.

4 Mose 12:4
Und plötzlich sprach der HERR zu Mose und zu Aaron und zu Mirjam: Gehet heraus, ihr drei, zu der Hütte des Stifts! Und sie gingen alle drei heraus.

Und plötzlich sprach der HERR zu Mose und zu Aaron und zu Mirjam: Geht heraus, ihr drei, zu der Hütte des Stifts. Und sie gingen alle drei heraus.

Da gebot Jahwe unversehens Mose, Aaron und Mirjam: Begebt euch alle drei hinaus zum Offenbarungszelte! Da begaben sie sich alle drei hinaus.

Numeri 12:4
E l’Eterno disse a un tratto a Mosè, ad Aaronne e a Maria: "Uscite voi tre, e andate alla tenda di convegno". E uscirono tutti e tre.

E il Signore disse in quello stante a Mosè, e ad Aaronne, e a Maria: Uscite tutti e tre, e venite al Tabernacolo della convenenza. Ed essi uscirono tutti e tre.

Maka dengan segeranya berfirmanlah Tuhan kepada Musa dan Harun dan Miryam: Keluarlah ketiga kamu, pergilah ke kemah perhimpunan! Maka ketiganyapun keluarlah.

민수기 12:4
여호와께서 갑자기 모세와 아론과 미리암에게 이르시되 너희 삼인은 회막으로 나아오라 하시니 그 삼인이 나아가매

Numeri 12:4
statim locutus est ad eum et ad Aaron et Mariam egredimini vos tantum tres ad tabernaculum foederis cumque fuissent egressi

Skaièiø knyga 12:4
Viešpats staiga prabilo į Mozę, Aaroną bei Mirjamą: “Jūs trys išeikite prie Susitikimo palapinės”. Jiems išėjus,

Numbers 12:4
Na i ohorere tunu te korerotanga a Ihowa ki a Mohi ratou ko Arona, ko Miriama, Puta mai koutou tokotoru ki te tapenakara o te whakaminenga. A ka puta atu ratu tokotoru.

4 Mosebok 12:4
Og med ett sa Herren til Moses og til Aron og til Mirjam: Gå ut, alle tre, til sammenkomstens telt! Og de gikk ut alle tre.

Números 12:4
Y el SEÑOR de repente dijo a Moisés, a Aarón y a Miriam: Salid vosotros tres a la tienda de reunión. Y salieron los tres.

Y el SEÑOR de repente les dijo a Moisés, a Aarón y a Miriam: "Salgan ustedes tres a la tienda de reunión." Y salieron los tres.

Y luego dijo Jehová a Moisés, y a Aarón, y a Miriam: Salid vosotros tres al tabernáculo de la congregación. Y salieron ellos tres.

Y luego dijo Jehová á Moisés, y á Aarón, y á María: Salid vosotros tres al tabernáculo del testimonio. Y salieron ellos tres.

Y luego dijo el SEÑOR a Moisés, a Aarón, y a María: Salid vosotros tres al tabernáculo del testimonio. Y salieron ellos tres.

Números 12:4
Subitamente disse Yahweh a Moisés, a Arão e a Miriã: “Vinde, todos os três, à Tenda do Encontro”. Todos os três se dirigiram à Tenda,

E logo o Senhor disse a Moisés, a Arão e a Miriã: Saí vos três à tenda da revelação. E saíram eles três.   

Numeri 12:4
Deodată Domnul a zis lui Moise, lui Aaron şi Mariei: ,,Duceţi-vă, cîteşi trei la cortul întîlnirii.`` Şi s-au dus cîteşi trei.

Числа 12:4
И сказал Господь внезапно Моисею и Аарону и Мариами: выйдите вы трое к скинии собрания. И вышли все трое.

И сказал Господь внезапно Моисею и Аарону и Мариами: выйдите вы трое к скинии собрания. И вышли все трое.[]

4 Mosebok 12:4
Och strax sade HERREN till Mose, Aron och Mirjam: »Gån ut, I tre, till uppenbarelsetältet.» Och de gingo ditut, alla tre.

Numbers 12:4
At sinalita agad ng Panginoon kay Moises, at kay Aaron, at kay Miriam, Lumabas kayong tatlo sa tabernakulo ng kapisanan. At silang tatlo ay lumabas.

กันดารวิถี 12:4
ทันใดนั้นพระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสกับโมเสสและอาโรนกับมิเรียมว่า "เจ้าทั้งสามจงออกมาที่พลับพลาแห่งชุมนุม" เขาทั้งสามก็ออกมา

Çölde Sayım 12:4
RAB ansızın Musa, Harun ve Miryama, ‹‹Üçünüz Buluşma Çadırına gelin›› dedi. Üçü de gittiler.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 12:4
Thình lình Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cùng Môi-se, A-rôn và Mi-ri-am rằng: Cả ba hãy ra đến hội mạc. Cả ba đều đi.

Numbers 12:3
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