Nehemiah 8:17
Nehemiah 8:17
The whole company that had returned from exile built temporary shelters and lived in them. From the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day, the Israelites had not celebrated it like this. And their joy was very great.

So everyone who had returned from captivity lived in these shelters during the festival, and they were all filled with great joy! The Israelites had not celebrated like this since the days of Joshua son of Nun.

And all the assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in the booths, for from the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing.

The entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in them. The sons of Israel had indeed not done so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there was great rejoicing.

And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

The whole community that had returned from exile made booths and lived in them. They had not celebrated like this from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day. And there was tremendous joy.

The entire assembly of those who had returned from exile erected tents and lived in them. Indeed, from the days of Nun's son Joshua until that day the Israelis had not done so. Joy was everywhere,

So all the assembly which had returned from the exile constructed temporary shelters and lived in them. The Israelites had not done so from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day. Everyone experienced very great joy.

The whole assembly that had come back from exile made booths and lived in them. From the time of Jeshua (son of Nun) to that day, the people of Israel had not done this. There was a big, joyful celebration.

And all the congregation of those that returned out of the captivity made booths and dwelt in the booths, for since the days of Jeshua, the son of Nun, unto that day, the sons of Israel had not done so. And there was very great joy.

And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Joshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

And all the assembly of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and dwelt in the booths; for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

And all the assembly of them that were returned from the captivity, made tabernacles, and dwelt in tabernacles: for since the days of Josue the son of Nun the children of Israel had not done so, until that day: and there was exceeding great joy.

And all the congregation of them that had come back from the captivity made booths, and dwelt in the booths. For since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun until that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity made booths, and dwelt in the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun unto that day had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

And all the congregation of them that had returned from the captivity made booths, and sat under the booths: for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day, had not the children of Israel done so. And there was very great gladness.

All the assembly of those who were come again out of the captivity made booths, and lived in the booths; for since the days of Jeshua the son of Nun to that day the children of Israel had not done so. There was very great gladness.

And they make -- all the assembly of the captives of the captivity -- booths, and they sit in booths; for the sons of Israel had not done, from the days of Jeshua son of Nun, so unto that day, and there is very great joy.

Nehemia 8:17
Kështu tërë asambleja e atyre që ishin kthyer nga robëria ndërtoi kasolle dhe banoi në to. Nga koha e Jozueut, birit të Nunit, e deri në atë ditë, bijtë e Izraelit nuk kishin bërë asgjë të tillë. Dhe qe një gëzim shumë i madh.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 8:17
وعمل كل الجماعة الراجعين من السبي مظال وسكنوا في المظال لانه لم يعمل بنو اسرائيل هكذا من ايام يشوع بن نون الى ذلك اليوم وكان فرح عظيم جدا.

Dyr Nehymies 8:17
De gantze Menig, allsand Ruggkeerer aus dyr Gföngnuss, gabaund syr Hüttnen und gwonend drinn. Yso hietnd s d Isryheeler schoon seit dyr Zeit von n Josenn Nunnsun niemer ghaltn; und dös war schoon ayn närrische Freud.

Неемия 8:17
Цялото събрание от ония, които бяха се върнали от плена, направиха колиби и седнаха в колибите; защото от времето на Исуса, Навиевия син, до оня ден израилтяните не бяха правили така. И стана много голямо веселие.

尼 希 米 記 8:17
從 擄 到 之 地 歸 回 的 全 會 眾 就 搭 棚 , 住 在 棚 裡 。 從 嫩 的 兒 子 約 書 亞 的 時 候 直 到 這 日 , 以 色 列 人 沒 有 這 樣 行 。 於 是 眾 人 大 大 喜 樂 。

从 掳 到 之 地 归 回 的 全 会 众 就 搭 棚 , 住 在 棚 里 。 从 嫩 的 儿 子 约 书 亚 的 时 候 直 到 这 日 , 以 色 列 人 没 有 这 样 行 。 於 是 众 人 大 大 喜 乐 。



Nehemiah 8:17
Sav zbor onih koji su se vratili iz sužanjstva načini sjenice i boravili su u njima - Izraelci nisu toga činili od vremena Jošue, sina Nunova, sve do toga dana. I bila je veoma velika radost.

Kinha Nehemiášova 8:17
A tak nadělali stánků všecko shromáždění těch, jenž se vrátili z zajetí, a bydlili v nich, (ačkoli nečinili tak synové Izraelští ode dnů Jozue syna Nun, až do dne toho). I byla radost velmi veliká.

Nehemias 8:17
Og hele Forsamlingen, der var vendt tilbage fra Fangenskabet, byggede Løvhytter og boede i dem. Thi fra Josuas, Nuns Søns, Dage og lige til den Dag havde Israeliterne ikke gjort det, og der herskede saare stor Glæde.

Nehemia 8:17
Alzo ging het volk uit en haalden ze, en maakten zich loofhutten, een iegelijk op zijn dak, en in hun voorhoven, en in de voorhoven van Gods huis, en op de straat der Waterpoort, en op de straat van Efraimspoort.

נחמיה 8:17
וַיַּֽעֲשׂ֣וּ כָֽל־הַ֠קָּהָל הַשָּׁבִ֨ים מִן־הַשְּׁבִ֥י ׀ סֻכֹּות֮ וַיֵּשְׁב֣וּ בַסֻּכֹּות֒ כִּ֣י לֹֽא־עָשׂ֡וּ מִימֵי֩ יֵשׁ֨וּעַ בִּן־נ֥וּן כֵּן֙ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַה֑וּא וַתְּהִ֥י שִׂמְחָ֖ה גְּדֹולָ֥ה מְאֹֽד׃

יז ויעשו כל הקהל השבים מן השבי סכות וישבו בסכות--כי לא עשו מימי ישוע בן נון כן בני ישראל עד היום ההוא ותהי שמחה גדולה מאד

ויעשו כל־הקהל השבים מן־השבי ׀ סכות וישבו בסכות כי לא־עשו מימי ישוע בן־נון כן בני ישראל עד היום ההוא ותהי שמחה גדולה מאד׃

Nehemiás 8:17
Csinála pedig az egész gyülekezet, mely hazatért a fogságból, leveles színeket, és lakának a leveles színekben; mert nem cselekedtek vala így Józsuénak, a Nún fiának idejétõl fogva Izráel fiai mind az napiglan, és lõn felette igen nagy öröm[ük.]

Neĥemja 8:17
Kaj la tuta komunumo de tiuj, kiuj revenis el la kaptiteco, faris lauxbojn kaj logxis en la lauxboj; cxar de la tempo de Josuo, filo de Nun, gxis tiu tago la Izraelidoj tion ne faris. Kaj estis tre granda gxojo.

Ja kaikki kansa, joka palannut oli vankeudesta, teki lehtimajoja ja asui niissä; sillä ei Israelin lapset niin olleet tehneet hamasta Josuan Nunin pojan ajasta niin siihen päivään asti. Ja siinä oli sangen suuri ilo.

Néhémie 8:17
Et toute la congrégation de ceux qui étaient revenus de la captivité fit des tabernacles, et ils habitèrent dans les tabernacles; car les fils d'Israël n'avaient pas fait cela depuis les jours de Josué, fils de Nun, jusqu'à ce jour-là. Et il y eut une très-grande joie.

Toute l'assemblée de ceux qui étaient revenus de la captivité fit des tentes, et ils habitèrent sous ces tentes. Depuis le temps de Josué, fils de Nun, jusqu'à ce jour, les enfants d'Israël n'avaient rien fait de pareil. Et il y eut de très grandes réjouissances.

Et ainsi toute l'assemblée de ceux qui étaient retournés de la captivité fit des tabernacles, et ils se tinrent dans les tabernacles. Or les enfants d'Israël n'en avaient point fait de tels, depuis les jours de Josué fils de Nun, jusqu'à ce jour-là; et il y eut une fort grande joie.

Nehemia 8:17
Und die ganze Gemeine derer, die aus dem Gefängnis waren wiederkommen, machten Laubhütten und wohneten drinnen. Denn die Kinder Israel hatten seit der Zeit Josuas, des Sohns Nuns, bis auf diesen Tag nicht also getan; und war eine sehr große Freude.

Und die ganze Gemeinde derer, die aus der Gefangenschaft waren wiedergekommen, machten Laubhütten und wohnten darin. Denn die Kinder Israel hatten seit der Zeit Josuas, des Sohnes Nuns, bis auf diesen Tag nicht also getan; und es war eine große Freude.

Und die ganze Gemeinde, so viele ihrer aus der Gefangenschaft heimgekehrt waren, machte Laubhütten und wohnte in den Laubhütten. Denn die Israeliten hatten seit der Zeit Jesuas, des Sohnes Nuns, bis auf eben jenen Tag nicht also gethan, und so herrschte eine sehr große Freude.

Neemia 8:17
Così tutta la raunanza di quelli ch’eran tornati dalla cattività si fece delle capanne, e dimorò nelle capanne. Dal tempo di Giosuè, figliuolo di Nun, fino a quel giorno, i figliuoli d’Israele non avean più fatto nulla di simile. E vi fu grandissima allegrezza.

E così tutta la raunanza di coloro ch’erano ritornati dalla cattività fece de’ tabernacoli, e vi dimorò; perciocchè, dal tempo di Giosuè, figliuolo di Nun, infino a quel giorno, i figliuoli d’Israele, non aveano fatto nulla di simigliante; e vi fu grandissima allegrezza.

Hata, maka keluarlah mereka itu diambilnya akan dia dan diperbuatkannya pondok-pondok daun-daun, masing-masing di atas sotoh rumahnya dan di penghadapannya dan di penghadapan bait-Ullah dan di halaman pintu Air dan di halaman pintu Efrayim.

느헤미아 8:17
사로잡혔다가 돌아온 회 무리가 다 초막을 짓고 그 안에 거하니 눈의 아들 여호수아 때로부터 그 날까지 이스라엘 자손이 이같이 행함이 없었으므로 이에 크게 즐거워하며

Nehemiae 8:17
fecit ergo universa ecclesia eorum qui redierant de captivitate tabernacula et habitaverunt in tabernaculis non enim fecerant a diebus Iosue filii Nun taliter filii Israhel usque ad diem illum et fuit laetitia magna nimis

Nehemijo knyga 8:17
Grįžę iš nelaisvės žydai pasistatė kiekvienas sau palapines ir gyveno jose. Nuo Nūno sūnaus Jozuės laikų iki tos dienos izraelitai nebuvo to darę. Visi buvo labai patenkinti.

Nehemiah 8:17
Na kua hanga he tihokahoka e te whakaminenga katoa o te hunga i hoki mai i te whakarau, a noho ana i raro i nga tihokahoka; kihai hoki nga tama a Iharaira i pera, o nga ra ano i a Hohua tama a Nunu a taea noatia taua ra. A nui atu te koa.

Nehemias 8:17
Og hele menigheten, de som var kommet tilbake fra fangenskapet, gjorde løvhytter og bodde i dem; for fra Josvas, Nuns sønns dager like til denne dag hadde Israels barn ikke gjort dette. Og der var en overmåte stor glede.

Nehemías 8:17
Toda la asamblea de los que habían regresado de la cautividad hicieron tabernáculos y habitaron en ellos. Los hijos de Israel ciertamente no habían hecho de esta manera desde los días de Josué, hijo de Nun, hasta aquel día. Y hubo gran regocijo.

Toda la asamblea de los que habían regresado de la cautividad hicieron tabernáculos y habitaron en ellos. Los Israelitas ciertamente no habían hecho de esta manera desde los días de Josué, hijo de Nun, hasta aquel día. Y hubo gran regocijo.

Y toda la congregación que volvió de la cautividad hicieron tabernáculos, y en tabernáculos habitaron; porque desde los días de Josué hijo de Nun hasta aquel día, no habían hecho así los hijos de Israel. Y hubo alegría muy grande.

Y toda la congregación que volvió de la cautividad hicieron cabañas, y en cabañas habitaron; porque desde los días de Josué hijo de Nun hasta aquel día, no habían hecho así los hijos de Israel. Y hubo alegría muy grande.

Y toda la congregación que volvió de la cautividad hicieron cabañas, y en cabañas habitaron; porque desde los días de Josué hijo de Nun hasta aquel día, no habían hecho así los hijos de Israel. Y hubo alegría muy grande.

Neemias 8:17
Toda a congregação dos que tinham retornado do cativeiro armou suas barracas e nelas habitou. Desde os dias de Josué, filho de Num, até aquele dia, os israelitas não haviam mais celebrado deste modo. Por isso, o júbilo que expressavam era especial.

E toda a comunidade dos que tinham voltado do cativeiro fez cabanas, e habitaram nelas; pois não tinham feito assim os filhos de Israel desde os dias de Josué, filho de Num, até aquele dia. E houve mui grande regozijo.   

Neemia 8:17
Toată adunarea celor ce se întorseseră din robie a făcut corturi şi au locuit în aceste corturi. Din vremea lui Iosua, fiul lui Nun, pînă în ziua aceasta, nu mai făcuseră copiii lui Israel aşa ceva. Şi a fost foarte mare veselie.

Неемия 8:17
Все общество возвратившихся из плена сделало кущи и жило в кущах. От дней Иисуса, сына Навина, до этого дня не делали так сыны Израилевы. Радость была весьма великая.

Все общество возвратившихся из плена сделало кущи и жило в кущах. От дней Иисуса, сына Навина, до этого дня не делали так сыны Израилевы. Радость была весьма великая.[]

Nehemja 8:17
Och hela församlingen, så många som hade kommit tillbaka ifrån fångenskapen, gjorde sig lövhyddor och bodde i dessa hyddor. Ty från Jesuas, Nuns sons, dagar ända till den dagen hade Israels barn icke gjort så. Och där rådde mycket stor glädje.

Nehemiah 8:17
At ang buong kapisanan nila na bumalik na mula sa pagkabihag ay gumawa ng mga balag, at tumahan sa mga balag: sapagka't mula ng mga araw ni Josue na anak ni Nun hanggang sa araw na yaon ay hindi nagsigawa ang mga anak ni Israel ng gayon. At nagkaroon ng totoong malaking kasayahan.

เนหะมีย์ 8:17
และชุมนุมชนทั้งปวง ผู้ได้กลับมาจากการเป็นเชลยได้ทำเพิงและพักอยู่ในเพิง เขามีความเปรมปรีดิ์ยิ่งนัก เพราะตั้งแต่สมัยของเยชูอาบุตรชายนูนถึงวันนั้นประชาชนอิสราเอลไม่ได้กระทำเลย

Nehemya 8:17
Sürgünden dönen herkes yaptığı çardakta oturdu. İsrailliler Nun oğlu Yeşunun döneminden beri böyle bir kutlama yapmamışlardı. Herkes büyük sevinç içindeydi.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 8:17
Cả hội chúng của những kẻ bị bắt làm phu tù được trở về bèn cất những nhà lều, và ở trong đó. Từ đời Giô-suê, con trai của Nun, cho đến ngày ấy, dân Y-sơ-ra-ên chẳng có làm gì giống như vậy. Bèn có sự rất vui mừng.

Nehemiah 8:16
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