Nehemiah 8:16
Nehemiah 8:16
So the people went out and brought back branches and built themselves temporary shelters on their own roofs, in their courtyards, in the courts of the house of God and in the square by the Water Gate and the one by the Gate of Ephraim.

So the people went out and cut branches and used them to build shelters on the roofs of their houses, in their courtyards, in the courtyards of God's Temple, or in the squares just inside the Water Gate and the Ephraim Gate.

So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of Ephraim.

So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.

The people went out, brought back branches, and made booths for themselves on each of their rooftops, and courtyards, the court of the house of God, the square by the Water Gate, and the square by the Gate of Ephraim.

Then the people went out and found branches to make tents for themselves on the roofs of their houses, in their courtyards, and in the courts of God's Temple, in the plaza near the Water Gate, and in the plaza near the Gate of Ephraim.

So the people went out and brought these things back and constructed temporary shelters for themselves, each on his roof and in his courtyard and in the courtyards of the temple of God and in the plaza of the Water Gate and the plaza of the Ephraim Gate.

So the people went to get branches to make booths for themselves. Some made booths on their roofs, others in their courtyards, in the courtyards of God's temple, in the open area by Water Gate, or in the open area at Ephraim Gate.

So the people went forth and brought them and made themselves booths, each one upon the roof of his house and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God and in the plaza of the water gate and in the plaza of the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the water gate, and in the square at the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one on the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the broad place of the water gate, and in the broad place of the gate of Ephraim.

And the people went forth, and brought. And they made themselves tabernacles every man on the top of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.

And the people went forth and brought them, and made themselves booths, everyone upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the open space of the water-gate, and in the open space of the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the broad place of the water gate, and in the broad place of the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went forth, and brought them, and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water-gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.

So the people went out, and brought them, and made themselves booths, everyone on the roof of his house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the broad place of the water gate, and in the broad place of the gate of Ephraim.

And the people go out, and bring in, and make for themselves booths, each on his roof, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the broad place of the water-gate, and in the broad place of the gate of Ephraim.

Nehemia 8:16
Atëherë populli shkoi jashtë dhe solli degët, dhe i ndërtoi kasollet, kush mbi çatinë e shtëpisë së tij, kush në oborrin e tij, të tjerë në oborret e shtëpisë së Perëndisë, në sheshin e portës të Ujërave dhe në sheshin e portës së Efraimit.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 8:16
فخرج الشعب وجلبوا وعملوا لانفسهم مظال كل واحد على سطحه وفي دورهم ودور بيت الله وفي ساحة باب الماء وفي ساحة باب افرايم.

Dyr Nehymies 8:16
Daa gieng s Volk aushin und gholt Zweig und gabaut Laaubhüttnen, ain eyn n Dach obn, Anderne eyn n Hof drinn, auf de Templvorhöf, auf n Wassertoorplaz und auf dönn gantzn Plaz an n Effreimtoor.

Неемия 8:16
И тъй, людете излязоха та донесоха [клони], и направиха се колиби, всеки по покрива на къщата си, в дворовете си, в дворовете на Божия дом, на площада при портата на водата и на площада при Ефремовата порта.

尼 希 米 記 8:16
於 是 百 姓 出 去 , 取 了 樹 枝 來 , 各 人 在 自 己 的 房 頂 上 , 或 院 內 , 或   神 殿 的 院 內 , 或 水 門 的 寬 闊 處 , 或 以 法 蓮 門 的 寬 闊 處 搭 棚 。

於 是 百 姓 出 去 , 取 了 树 枝 来 , 各 人 在 自 己 的 房 顶 上 , 或 院 内 , 或   神 殿 的 院 内 , 或 水 门 的 宽 阔 处 , 或 以 法 莲 门 的 宽 阔 处 搭 棚 。



Nehemiah 8:16
I ode narod i donese granja i načiniše sjenice, svaki na svom krovu i svojim dvorištima, u predvorjima Doma Božjega, na trgu kod Vodenih vrata i na onom kod Efrajimovih vrata.

Kinha Nehemiášova 8:16
Protož vyšed lid, přinesli a nadělali sobě stánků, jeden každý na střeše své, i v síních svých, i v síních domu Božího, i v ulici brány vodné, i v ulici brány Efraim.

Nehemias 8:16
Saa gik Folket ud og hentede det og byggede sig Løvhytter paa deres Tage og i deres Forgaarde og i Guds Hus's Forgaarde og paa de aabne Pladser ved Vandporten og Efraimsporten.

Nehemia 8:16
En dat zij het zouden luidbaar maken, en een stem laten doorgaan door al hun steden, en te Jeruzalem, zeggende: Gaat uit op het gebergte, en haalt takken van olijfbomen, en takken van andere olieachtige bomen, en takken van mirtebomen, en takken van palmbomen, en takken van andere dichte bomen, om loofhutten te maken, als er geschreven is.

נחמיה 8:16
וַיֵּצְא֣וּ הָעָם֮ וַיָּבִיאוּ֒ וַיַּעֲשׂוּ֩ לָהֶ֨ם סֻכֹּ֜ות אִ֤ישׁ עַל־גַּגֹּו֙ וּבְחַצְרֹ֣תֵיהֶ֔ם וּבְחַצְרֹ֖ות בֵּ֣ית הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וּבִרְחֹוב֙ שַׁ֣עַר הַמַּ֔יִם וּבִרְחֹ֖וב שַׁ֥עַר אֶפְרָֽיִם׃

טז ויצאו העם ויביאו ויעשו להם סכות איש על גגו ובחצרתיהם ובחצרות בית האלהים--וברחוב שער המים וברחוב שער אפרים

ויצאו העם ויביאו ויעשו להם סכות איש על־גגו ובחצרתיהם ובחצרות בית האלהים וברחוב שער המים וברחוב שער אפרים׃

Nehemiás 8:16
Kiméne azért a nép, és hozának [lombokat,] és csinálának magoknak leveles színeket, kiki a maga háza tetején és pitvaraikban, továbbá az Isten háza pitvariban, a vizek kapujának piaczán és Efraim kapujának piaczán.

Neĥemja 8:16
Kaj la popolo eliris kaj prenis, kaj faris al si lauxbojn, cxiu sur sia tegmento, aux sur sia korto, aux sur la kortoj de la domo de Dio, aux sur la placo de la Pordego de la Akvo, aux sur la placo de la Pordego de Efraim.

Ja kansa menivät ulos ja toivat, ja tekivät itsellensä lehtimajoja, jokainen kattonsa päälle ja kartanoihinsa, ja Jumalan huoneen kartanoihin, ja Vesiportin kadulle, ja Ephraimin portin kadulle.

Néhémie 8:16
Et le peuple sortit et en rapporta, et ils se firent des tabernacles, chacun sur son toit, et dans leurs cours, et dans les parvis de la maison de Dieu, et sur la place de la porte des eaux, et sur la place de la porte d'Éphraïm.

Alors le peuple alla chercher des rameaux, et ils se firent des tentes sur le toit de leurs maisons, dans leurs cours, dans les parvis de la maison de Dieu, sur la place de la porte des eaux et sur la place de la porte d'Ephraïm.

Le peuple donc alla [sur la montagne], et ils apportèrent [des rameaux], et se firent des tabernacles, chacun sur son toit, et dans les cours [de leurs maisons], et dans les parvis de la maison de Dieu, et à la place de la porte des eaux, et à la place de la porte d'Ephraïm.

Nehemia 8:16
Und das Volk ging hinaus und holeten und machten ihnen Laubhütten, ein jeglicher auf seinem Dach und in ihren Höfen und in den Höfen am Hause Gottes und auf der breiten Gasse am Wassertor und auf der breiten Gasse am Tor Ephraim.

Und das Volk ging hinaus und holten und machten sich Laubhütten, ein jeglicher auf seinem Dach und in ihren Höfen und in den Höfen am Hause Gottes und auf der breiten Gasse am Wassertor und auf der breiten Gasse am Tor Ephraim.

Und das Volk ging hinaus, holte die Zweige und machte sich Laubhütten, ein jeder auf seinem Dach und in ihren Höfen und in den Höfen des Tempels Gottes und auf dem freien Platz am Wasserthor und auf dem freien Platz am Ephraimthor.

Neemia 8:16
Allora il popolo andò fuori, portò i rami, e si fecero ciascuno la sua capanna sul tetto della propria casa, nei loro cortili, nei cortili della casa di Dio, sulla piazza della porta delle Acque, e sulla piazza della porta d’Efraim.

Il popolo adunque uscì fuori, e portò de’ rami, e si fecero de’ tabernacoli, ciascuno sopra il suo tetto, e ne’ lor cortili, e ne’ cortili della Casa di Dio, e nella piazza della porta delle acque, e nella piazza della porta di Efraim.

Maka sebab itu dimaklumkannyalah dan disuruhnya berseru-seru berkeliling dalam segala negerinya dan di Yeruzalem, katanya: Hendaklah kamu keluar ke pegunungan, ambilkanlah dari sana cabang-cabang pokok zait dan cabang pokok zait hutan dan cabang pokok murd dan pelepah pokok kurma dan cabang segala pokok yang lebat daunnya akan diperbuatkan pondok daun-daun seperti yang tersurat itu.

느헤미아 8:16
백성이 이에 나가서 나무 가지를 취하여 혹은 지붕 위에, 혹은 뜰안에, 혹은 하나님의 전 뜰에, 혹은 수문 광장에, 혹은 에브라임 문광장에 초막을 짓되

Nehemiae 8:16
et egressus est populus et adtulerunt feceruntque sibi tabernacula unusquisque in domate suo et in atriis suis et in atriis domus Dei et in platea portae Aquarum et in platea portae Ephraim

Nehemijo knyga 8:16
Žmonės išėję atsinešė šakų ir pasistatė kiekvienas sau palapines: vieni ant savo namų stogo, kiti kieme, dar kiti Dievo namų kieme arba Vandens vartų ir Efraimo vartų aikštėse.

Nehemiah 8:16
Heoi kua puta te iwi ki waho, kei te tiki, hanga ana e ratou he tihokahoka mo ratou ki te tuanui o te whare o tenei, o tenei, ki o ratou marae, ki nga marae ano o te whare o te Atua, ki te marae i te kuwaha wai, ki te marae i te kuwaha o Eparaim a.

Nehemias 8:16
Da gikk folket ut og hentet løv, og de gjorde sig løvhytter, hver på sitt tak og på sine tun og likeledes i forgårdene til Guds hus og på plassen ved Vannporten og på plassen ved Efra'im-porten.

Nehemías 8:16
El pueblo salió y las trajeron e hicieron tabernáculos para sí, cada uno en su terrado, en sus patios, en los patios de la casa de Dios, en la plaza de la puerta de las Aguas y en la plaza de la puerta de Efraín.

El pueblo salió y trajeron las ramas y se hicieron tabernáculos, cada uno en su terrado, en sus patios, en los patios de la casa de Dios, en la plaza de la Puerta de las Aguas y en la plaza de la Puerta de Efraín.

Salió, pues, el pueblo, y trajeron, y se hicieron cabañas, cada uno sobre su terrado, y en sus patios, y en los patios de la casa de Dios, y en la plaza de la puerta de las Aguas, y en la plaza de la puerta de Efraín.

Salió pues el pueblo, y trajeron, é hiciéronse cabañas, cada uno sobre su terrado, y en sus patios, y en los patios de la casa de Dios, y en la plaza de la puerta de las Aguas, y en la plaza de la puerta de Ephraim.

Salió, pues, el pueblo, y trajeron, y se hicieron cabañas, cada uno sobre su terrado, y en sus patios, y en los patios de la Casa de Dios, y en la plaza de la puerta de las Aguas, y en la plaza de la puerta de Efraín.

Neemias 8:16
Então o povo saiu e trouxe os ramos e eles mesmos construíram cabanas nos terraços de suas casas, nos seus pátios, nos pátios da Casa de Deus e na praça junto ao Portão das Águas e na que fica próximo ao Portão de Efraim.

Saiu, pois, o povo e trouxe os ramos; e todos fizeram para si cabanas, cada um no eirado da sua casa, nos seus pátios, nos átrios da casa de Deus, na praça da porta das águas, e na praça da porta de Efraim.   

Neemia 8:16
Atunci poporul s'a dus şi a adus ramuri, şi au făcut corturi pe acoperişul caselor lor, în curţile lor, în curţile Casei lui Dumnezeu, pe locul deschis dinaintea porţii apelor şi pe locul deschis dela poarta lui Efraim.

Неемия 8:16
И пошел народ, и принесли, и сделали себе кущи, каждый на своей кровле и на дворах своих, и на дворах дома Божия, и на площади у Водяных ворот, и на площади у Ефремовых ворот.

И пошел народ, и принесли, и сделали себе кущи, каждый на своей кровле и на дворах своих, и на дворах дома Божия, и на площади у Водяных ворот, и на площади у Ефремовых ворот.[]

Nehemja 8:16
Då gick folket ut och hämtade sådant och gjorde sig hyddor på tak och på gårdar, var och en åt sig, så ock på gårdarna till Guds hus och på den öppna platsen vid Vattenporten och på den öppna platsen vid Efraimsporten.

Nehemiah 8:16
Sa gayo'y lumabas ang bayan, at nangagdala sila, at nagsigawa ng mga balag, bawa't isa'y sa bubungan ng kaniyang bahay, at sa kanilang mga looban, at sa mga looban ng bahay ng Dios, at sa luwal na dako ng pintuang-bayan ng tubig, at sa luwal na dako ng pintuang-bayan ng Ephraim.

เนหะมีย์ 8:16
ประชาชนจึงออกไป เอากิ่งไม้เหล่านั้นมาและทำเพิงสำหรับตัวต่างอยู่บนหลังคาบ้านของตน และตามลานบ้านของตน และในลานพระนิเวศของพระเจ้า และในถนนที่ประตูน้ำ และในถนนที่ประตูเอฟราอิม

Nehemya 8:16
Böylece halk dalları getirip damlarında, evlerinin ve Tanrı Tapınağının avlularında, Su Kapısı ve Efrayim Kapısı alanlarında çardaklar yaptı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 8:16
Dân sự bèn đi ra đem các lá ấy về, mỗi người đều làm nhà lều trên nóc nhà mình, ngoài sân mình, trong hành lang của đền Ðức Chúa Trời, nơi phố của cửa Nước, và nơi phố của cửa Ép-ra-im.

Nehemiah 8:15
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