Nehemiah 8:13
Nehemiah 8:13
On the second day of the month, the heads of all the families, along with the priests and the Levites, gathered around Ezra the teacher to give attention to the words of the Law.

On October 9 the family leaders of all the people, together with the priests and Levites, met with Ezra the scribe to go over the Law in greater detail.

On the second day the heads of fathers’ houses of all the people, with the priests and the Levites, came together to Ezra the scribe in order to study the words of the Law.

Then on the second day the heads of fathers' households of all the people, the priests and the Levites were gathered to Ezra the scribe that they might gain insight into the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.

On the second day, the family leaders of all the people, along with the priests and Levites, assembled before Ezra the scribe to study the words of the law.

The next day, the heads of the families of all the people were gathered together, along with the priests and the descendants of Levi, to meet with Ezra the scribe in order to understand the words of the Law.

On the second day of the month the family leaders met with Ezra the scribe, together with all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to consider the words of the law.

On the second day the leaders of the families of all the people, including the priests and the Levites, met with Ezra the scribe to study the words of God's Teachings.

And on the next day the princes of the families of all the people, the priests, and the Levites were gathered together unto Ezra, the scribe, to understand the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the heads of the fathers' houses of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the heads of fathers houses of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to give attention to the words of the law.

And on the second day the chiefs of the families of all the people, the priests, and the Levites were gathered together to Esdras the scribe, that he should interpret to them the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the chief fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the scribe, even to gain wisdom as to the words of the law.

And on the second day were gathered together the heads of fathers' houses of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to give attention to the words of the law.

And on the second day were assembled the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the scribe, even to understand the words of the law.

On the second day were gathered together the heads of fathers' [houses] of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, to Ezra the scribe, even to give attention to the words of the law.

And on the second day have been gathered heads of the fathers of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, unto Ezra the scribe, even to act wisely concerning the words of the law.

Nehemia 8:13
Ditën e dytë, krerët e shtëpive atërore të të gjithë popullit, priftërinjtë dhe Levitët u mblodhën pranë Ezdras, shkruesit, për të dëgjuar fjalët e ligjit.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 8:13
وفي اليوم الثاني اجتمع رؤوس آباء جميع الشعب والكهنة واللاويون الى عزرا الكاتب ليفهمهم كلام الشريعة.

Dyr Nehymies 8:13
Eyn n zwaittn Tag kaamend d Sippnhaeupter, de Priester und Brender bei n Eewart Esren zamm, däß s non tieffer eyn s Gsötz eindringend.

Неемия 8:13
И на втория ден началниците на бащините [домове] на всичките люде, и свещениците и левитите, се събраха при книжника Ездра, за да се поучат с думите на закона.

尼 希 米 記 8:13
次 日 , 眾 民 的 族 長 、 祭 司 , 和 利 未 人 都 聚 集 到 文 士 以 斯 拉 那 裡 , 要 留 心 聽 律 法 上 的 話 。

次 日 , 众 民 的 族 长 、 祭 司 , 和 利 未 人 都 聚 集 到 文 士 以 斯 拉 那 里 , 要 留 心 听 律 法 上 的 话 。



Nehemiah 8:13
Drugog dana skupiše se glavari obitelji svega naroda, svećenici i leviti oko književnika Ezre da prouče riječi Zakona.

Kinha Nehemiášova 8:13
Potom nazejtří sešla se knížata čeledí otcovských ze všeho lidu, kněží i Levítové k Ezdrášovi učiteli, aby vyrozuměli slovům zákona.

Nehemias 8:13
Næste Dag samledes Overhovederne for alt Folkets Fædrenehuse og Præsterne og Leviterne hos Ezra den Skriftlærde for at mærke sig Lovens Ord,

Nehemia 8:13
Toen ging al het volk henen om te eten, en om te drinken, en om delen te zenden, en om grote blijdschap te maken; want zij hadden de woorden verstaan, die men hun had bekend gemaakt.

נחמיה 8:13
וּבַיֹּ֣ום הַשֵּׁנִ֡י נֶאֶסְפוּ֩ רָאשֵׁ֨י הָאָבֹ֜ות לְכָל־הָעָ֗ם הַכֹּֽהֲנִים֙ וְהַלְוִיִּ֔ם אֶל־עֶזְרָ֖א הַסֹּפֵ֑ר וּלְהַשְׂכִּ֖יל אֶל־דִּבְרֵ֥י הַתֹּורָֽה׃

יג וביום השני נאספו ראשי האבות לכל העם הכהנים והלוים אל עזרא הספר--ולהשכיל אל דברי התורה

וביום השני נאספו ראשי האבות לכל־העם הכהנים והלוים אל־עזרא הספר ולהשכיל אל־דברי התורה׃

Nehemiás 8:13
Másod napon pedig összegyûlének az egész népnek, a papoknak és Lévitáknak családfõi Ezsdráshoz, az írástudóhoz, hogy megértenék a törvénynek beszédit.

Neĥemja 8:13
En la dua tago kunvenis la cxefoj de patrodomoj de la tuta popolo, ankaux la pastroj kaj la Levidoj, al la skribisto Ezra, por ke li plue klarigu al ili la vortojn de la instruo.

Toisena päivänä tulivat ylimmäiset isät kaikesta kansasta, papit ja Leviläiset kokoon, Esran kirjanoppineen tykö, oppimaan lain sanoja.

Néhémie 8:13
Et le second jour, les chefs des pères de tout le peuple, les sacrificateurs et les lévites, s'assemblèrent auprès d'Esdras, le scribe, et cela pour devenir intelligents dans les paroles de la loi.

Le second jour, les chefs de famille de tout le peuple, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, s'assemblèrent auprès d'Esdras, le scribe, pour entendre l'explication des paroles de la loi.

Et le second jour [du mois], les Chefs des pères de tout le peuple, les Sacrificateurs, et les Lévites, s'assemblèrent vers Esdras le Scribe, pour avoir l'intelligence des paroles de la Loi.

Nehemia 8:13
Und des andern Tages versammelten sich die obersten Väter unter dem ganzen Volk und die Priester und Leviten zu Esra, dem Schriftgelehrten, daß er sie die Worte des Gesetzes unterrichtete.

Und des andern Tages versammelten sich die Obersten der Vaterhäuser unter dem ganzen Volk und die Priester und Leviten zu Esra, dem Schriftgelehrten, daß er sie in den Worten des Gesetzes unterrichtete.

Am zweiten Tag aber versammelten sich die Familienhäupter des ganzen Volks, die Priester und die Leviten, zu Esra, dem Schriftgelehrten, und zwar um auf die Gesetzesworte acht zu haben.

Neemia 8:13
Il secondo giorno, i capi famiglia di tutto il popolo, i sacerdoti e i Leviti si raunarono presso Esdra, lo scriba, per esaminare le parole della legge.

E nel secondo giorno del mese, i capi delle famiglie paterne di tutto il popolo, ed i sacerdoti, ed i Leviti, si adunarono appresso d’Esdra, scriba, per essere ammaestrati nelle parole della Legge;

Hata, maka mereka itu sekalianpun pergilah hendak makan minum dan berkirim-kirim hadiah makan-makanan dan bersuka-sukaan dengan ramai, sebab mengertilah mereka itu segala perkataan yang telah diberitahu kepadanya.

느헤미아 8:13
그 이튿날 뭇백성의 족장들과 제사장들과 레위 사람들이 율법의 말씀을 밝히 알고자 하여 학사 에스라의 곳에 모여서

Nehemiae 8:13
et in die secundo congregati sunt principes familiarum universi populi sacerdotes et Levitae ad Ezram scribam ut interpretaretur eis verba legis

Nehemijo knyga 8:13
Kitą dieną susirinko pas Rašto žinovą Ezrą visos tautos šeimų vadai, kunigai ir levitai, norėdami suprasti įstatymo žodžius.

Nehemiah 8:13
Na i te rua o nga ra ka huihui nga ariki o nga whare o nga matua o te iwi katoa, ratou ko nga tohunga, ko nga Riwaiti, ki a Etera karaipi, kia mohiotia ai nga kupu o te ture.

Nehemias 8:13
Dagen efter samlet alt folkets familiehoder, prestene og levittene sig hos Esras, den skriftlærde, for å få nærmere rede på lovens ord.

Nehemías 8:13
Al segundo día los jefes de casas paternas de todo el pueblo, los sacerdotes y los levitas se reunieron junto al escriba Esdras para entender las palabras de la ley.

Al segundo día los jefes de casas paternas de todo el pueblo, los sacerdotes y los Levitas se reunieron junto al escriba Esdras para entender las palabras de la ley.

Y al día siguiente se reunieron los príncipes de las familias de todo el pueblo, sacerdotes, y levitas, a Esdras escriba, para entender las palabras de la ley.

Y el día siguiente se juntaron los príncipes de las familias de todo el pueblo, sacerdotes, y Levitas, á Esdras escriba, para entender las palabras de la ley.

Y al día siguiente se juntaron los príncipes de las familias de todo el pueblo, sacerdotes, y levitas, a Esdras escriba, para entender las palabras de la ley.

Neemias 8:13
No segundo dia do mês, os chefes de famílias de todo o povo, os sacerdotes e os levitas reuniram-se com o mestre Esdras para ouvirem a exposição da Torá, Lei e seus ensinos.

Ora, no dia seguinte ajuntaram-se os cabeças das casas paternas de todo o povo, os sacerdotes e os levitas, na presença de Esdras, o escriba, para examinarem as palavras da lei;   

Neemia 8:13
A doua zi, capii de familie din tot poporul, preoţii şi Leviţii, s'au strîns la cărturarul Ezra, ca să audă tîlcuirea cuvintelor Legii.

Неемия 8:13
На другой день собрались главы поколений от всего народа, священники и левиты к книжнику Ездре, чтобы он изъяснял им слова закона.

На другой день собрались главы поколений от всего народа, священники и левиты к книжнику Ездре, чтобы он изъяснял им слова закона.[]

Nehemja 8:13
Dagen därefter församlade sig huvudmännen för hela folkets familjer, så ock prästerna och leviterna, till Esra, den skriftlärde, för att giva närmare akt på lagens ord.

Nehemiah 8:13
At nang ikalawang araw ay nagpipisan ang mga pangulo ng mga sangbahayan ng mga magulang ng buong bayan, ang mga saserdote, at ang mga Levita, kay Ezra na kalihim, upang makinig sa mga salita ng kautusan.

เนหะมีย์ 8:13
ณ วันที่สอง ประมุขของบรรพบุรุษแห่งประชาชนทั้งปวง พร้อมกับบรรดาปุโรหิตและคนเลวีมาหาเอสราธรรมาจารย์พร้อมกัน เพื่อจะศึกษาถ้อยคำของพระราชบัญญัติ

Nehemya 8:13
Ertesi gün bütün aile başları, kâhinler ve Levililer Kutsal Yasanın buyruklarını öğrenmek için Bilgin Ezranın çevresine toplandılar.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 8:13
Qua ngày thứ hai, các trưởng tộc của cả dân sự, những thầy tế lễ, và người Lê-vi, đều nhóm lại bên E-xơ-ra, là người thông giáo, đặng chú ý nghe các lời của luật pháp.

Nehemiah 8:12
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