Nehemiah 8:11
Nehemiah 8:11
The Levites calmed all the people, saying, "Be still, for this is a holy day. Do not grieve."

And the Levites, too, quieted the people, telling them, "Hush! Don't weep! For this is a sacred day."

So the Levites calmed all the people, saying, “Be quiet, for this day is holy; do not be grieved.”

So the Levites calmed all the people, saying, "Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved."

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be ye grieved.

And the Levites quieted all the people, saying, "Be still, since today is holy. Do not grieve."

The descendants of Levi also calmed all the people by saying, "Be still, for the day is holy. Don't be sorrowful!"

Then the Levites quieted all the people saying, "Be quiet, for this day is holy. Do not grieve."

So the Levites calmed all the people by saying, "Listen. Today is a holy day. Don't be sad."

So the Levites caused all the people to be silent, saying, Be silent, for the day is holy; neither be ye sad.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be you grieved.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be you grieved.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be ye grieved.

And the Levites stilled all the people, saying: Hold your peace, for the day is holy, and be not sorrowful.

And the Levites quieted all the people, saying, Be still! for the day is holy; neither be grieved.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be ye grieved.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be ye grieved.

So the Levites stilled all the people, saying, "Hold your peace, for the day is holy; neither be grieved."

And the Levites are keeping all the people silent, saying, 'Be silent, for to-day is holy, and be not grieved.'

Nehemia 8:11
Levitët e mbanin në heshtje tërë popullin, duke thënë: "Heshtni, sepse kjo ditë është e shenjtë. Mos u trishtoni!".

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 8:11
وكان اللاويون يسكتون كل الشعب قائلين اسكتوا لان اليوم مقدس فلا تحزنوا.

Dyr Nehymies 8:11
Aau de Brender gschwiftnd d Menig: "Ist schoon guet! Ayn ann sölchern Feirtyg brauchtß enk nit grömen."

Неемия 8:11
И левитите усмириха всичките люде, като казваха: Мълчете, защото денят е свет; и не тъжете.

尼 希 米 記 8:11
於 是 利 未 人 使 眾 民 靜 默 , 說 : 今 日 是 聖 日 ; 不 要 作 聲 , 也 不 要 憂 愁 。

於 是 利 未 人 使 众 民 静 默 , 说 : 今 日 是 圣 日 ; 不 要 作 声 , 也 不 要 忧 愁 。



Nehemiah 8:11
I leviti umirivahu sav narod govoreći: "Umirite se: ovaj je dan svet. Ne tugujte!"

Kinha Nehemiášova 8:11
A když tak Levítové pospokojili všeho lidu, mluvíce: Mlčte, nebo den svatý jest, a nermuťte se,

Nehemias 8:11
Og Leviterne tyssede paa alt Folket og sagde: Vær stille, thi denne Dag er hellig, vær ikke nedslaaede!

Nehemia 8:11
Voorts zeide hij tot hen: Gaat, eet het vette, en drinkt het zoete, en zendt delen dengenen, voor welken niets bereid is, want deze dag is onzen Heere heilig; zo bedroeft u niet, want de blijdschap des HEEREN, die is uw sterkte.

נחמיה 8:11
וְהַלְוִיִּ֞ם מַחְשִׁ֤ים לְכָל־הָעָם֙ לֵאמֹ֣ר הַ֔סּוּ כִּ֥י הַיֹּ֖ום קָדֹ֑שׁ וְאַל־תֵּעָצֵֽבוּ׃

יא והלוים מחשים לכל העם לאמר הסו--כי היום קדש ואל תעצבו

והלוים מחשים לכל־העם לאמר הסו כי היום קדש ואל־תעצבו׃

Nehemiás 8:11
A Léviták is csendesíték vala az egész népet, mondván: Hallgassatok, mert e nap szent és ne bánkódjatok!

Neĥemja 8:11
Kaj la Levidoj trankviligadis la tutan popolon, dirante:CXesu, cxar cxi tiu tago estas sankta; ne malgxoju.

Ja Leviläiset vaikittivat kaiken kansan ja sanoivat: olkaat ääneti, sillä tämä päivä on pyhä, älkäät murehtiko!

Néhémie 8:11
Et les lévites tranquillisèrent tout le peuple, en disant: Taisez-vous, car ce jour est saint, et ne vous affligez pas.

Les Lévites calmaient tout le peuple, en disant: Taisez-vous, car ce jour est saint; ne vous affligez pas!

Et les Lévites faisaient faire silence parmi tout le peuple, en disant : Faites silence, car ce jour est saint, et ne vous attristez point.

Nehemia 8:11
Und die Leviten stilleten alles Volk und sprachen: Seid stille, denn der Tag ist heilig; bekümmert euch nicht!

Und die Leviten stillten alles Volk und sprachen: Seid still, denn der Tag ist heilig; bekümmert euch nicht!

Zugleich beschwichtigten die Leviten das ganze Volk, indem sie sprachen: Seid still, denn dieser Tag ist heilig, darum seid nicht traurig!

Neemia 8:11
I Leviti facevano far silenzio a tutto il popolo, dicendo: "Tacete, perché questo giorno è santo; non v’attristate!"

E i Leviti facevano far silenzio a tutto il popolo, dicendo: Tacete; perciocchè questo giorno è sacro; e non vi contristate.

Dan lagi katanya kepada mereka itu: Pergilah kamu, makanlah barang yang sedap dan minumlah barang yang manis dan kirimlah hadiah makanan kepada segala orang yang tiada disediakan baginya, karena sucilah hari ini bagi Tuhan kita, maka sebab itu janganlah kamu berdukacita, karena kesukaan yang dari pada Tuhan itulah juga kuatmu.

느헤미아 8:11
레위 사람들도 모든 백성을 정숙케하여 이르기를 `오늘은 성일이니 마땅히 종용하고 근심하지 말라' 하매

Nehemiae 8:11
Levitae autem silentium faciebant in omni populo dicentes tacete quia dies sanctus est et nolite dolere

Nehemijo knyga 8:11
Levitai ramino žmones: “Nusiraminkite, nes ši diena yra šventa, ir nesisielokite”.

Nehemiah 8:11
Heoi i whakamarie nga Riwaiti i te iwi katoa, i mea, Whakarongoa; he tapu hoki te ra nei, kaua hoki e pouri.

Nehemias 8:11
Også levittene søkte å få alt folket til å holde sig rolig og sa: Vær stille, for dagen er hellig; sørg ikke!

Nehemías 8:11
Los levitas calmaron a todo el pueblo diciendo: Callad, porque el día es santo, no os entristezcáis.

Los Levitas calmaron a todo el pueblo diciéndole: "Callen, porque el día es santo, no se entristezcan."

Los levitas, pues, hacían callar a todo el pueblo, diciendo: Callad, que es día santo, y no os entristezcáis.

Los Levitas pues, hacían callar á todo el pueblo, diciendo: Callad, que es día santo, y no os entristezcáis.

Los levitas, pues, hacían callar a todo el pueblo, diciendo: Callad, que es día santo, y no os entristezcáis.

Neemias 8:11
Então os levitas acalmaram todas as pessoas da assembleia, explicando: “Acalmai-vos e ficai em paz, porquanto este dia é santo. Não vos aflijais nem vos amedrontais!”

Os levitas, pois, fizeram calar todo o povo, dizendo: Calai-vos, porque este dia é santo; por isso não vos entristeçais.   

Neemia 8:11
Leviţii potoleau pe tot poporul, zicînd: ,,Tăceţi, căci ziua aceasta este sfîntă; nu vă mîhniţi!``

Неемия 8:11
И левиты успокаивали весь народ, говоря: перестаньте, ибо день сей свят, не печальтесь.

И левиты успокаивали весь народ, говоря: перестаньте, ибо день сей свят, не печальтесь.[]

Nehemja 8:11
Också leviterna lugnade allt folket och sade: »Varen stilla, ty dagen är helig; varen icke bedrövade.»

Nehemiah 8:11
Sa gayo'y napatahimik ng mga Levita ang buong bayan, na sinasabi, Kayo'y magsitahimik, sapagka't ang kaarawan ay banal; ni huwag man kayong mamanglaw.

เนหะมีย์ 8:11
บรรดาคนเลวีจึงให้ประชาชนทั้งปวงเงียบ กล่าวว่า "จงนิ่งเสีย เพราะวันนี้เป็นวันบริสุทธิ์ อย่าทุกข์โศกเลย"

Nehemya 8:11
Levililer, ‹‹Sakin olun, bugün kutsal bir gündür, üzülmeyin›› diyerek halkı yatıştırdılar.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 8:11
Vậy, người Lê-vi làm cho cả dân sự đều được yên ổn, mà rằng: Khá nín đi, vì ngày nay là thánh, đừng sầu thảm chi.

Nehemiah 8:10
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