Nehemiah 5:18
Nehemiah 5:18
Each day one ox, six choice sheep and some poultry were prepared for me, and every ten days an abundant supply of wine of all kinds. In spite of all this, I never demanded the food allotted to the governor, because the demands were heavy on these people.

The provisions I paid for each day included one ox, six choice sheep or goats, and a large number of poultry. And every ten days we needed a large supply of all kinds of wine. Yet I refused to claim the governor's food allowance because the people already carried a heavy burden.

Now what was prepared at my expense for each day was one ox and six choice sheep and birds, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because the service was too heavy on this people.

Now that which was prepared for each day was one ox and six choice sheep, also birds were prepared for me; and once in ten days all sorts of wine were furnished in abundance. Yet for all this I did not demand the governor's food allowance, because the servitude was heavy on this people.

Now that which was prepared for me daily was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine: yet for all this required not I the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

Each day, one ox, six choice sheep, and some fowl were prepared for me. An abundance of all kinds of wine was provided every 10 days. But I didn't demand the food allotted to the governor, because the burden on the people was so heavy.

Our daily requirements were one ox and six choice sheep, along with various kinds of poultry prepared for me. Every ten days there was a delivery of an abundant supply of wine. Despite all this, I refused the governor's allotment, because demands on the people were heavy.

Every day one ox, six select sheep, and some birds were prepared for me, and every ten days all kinds of wine in abundance. Despite all this I did not require the food allotted to the governor, for the work was demanding on this people.

Preparing one ox and six choice sheep was necessary every day. Poultry was prepared for me. Once every ten days a supply of wine was ordered. Yet, in spite of all this, I never demanded anything from the governor's food allowance, because these people were already carrying a heavy load.

Now that which was prepared for each day was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and every ten days wine in all abundance; yet with all this I did not require the bread of the captain because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

Now that which was prepared for me daily was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days abundant stores of all sorts of wine: yet for all this required not I the food allowance of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

Now that which was prepared for me daily was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine: yet for all this required not I the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy on this people.

Now that which was prepared for one day was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine: yet for all this I demanded not the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

And there was prepared for me day by day one ox, and six choice rams, be- sides fowls, and once in ten days I gave store of divers wines, and many other things: yet I did not require my yearly allowance as governor: for the people were very much impoverished.

And that which was prepared daily was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days all sorts of wine in abundance. Yet for all this I demanded not the bread of the governor; for the service was heavy upon this people.

Now that which was prepared for one day was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine: yet for all this I demanded not the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

Now that which was prepared for me daily was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days an abundance of all sorts of wine: yet for all this I required not the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy upon this people.

Now that which was prepared for one day was one ox and six choice sheep; also fowls were prepared for me, and once in ten days store of all sorts of wine: yet for all this I didn't demand the bread of the governor, because the bondage was heavy on this people.

and that which hath been prepared for one day is one ox, six fat sheep, also fowls have been prepared for me, and once in ten days of all wines abundantly, and with this, the bread of the governor I have not sought, for heavy is the service on this people.

Nehemia 5:18
Çdo ditë përgatitej një ka dhe gjashtë krerë të zgjedhur që merreshin nga kopeja; për mua gatuheshin edhe zogj, dhe çdo dhjetë ditë bëhej furnizimi me lloj lloj vere me shumicë; por me gjithë këtë, nuk e kam kërkuar kurë kuotën e qeveritarit, sepse mbi këtë popull rëndonte tashmë shërbimi.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 5:18
وكان ما يعمل ليوم واحد ثورا وستة خراف مختارة. وكان يعمل لي طيور وفي كل عشرة ايام كل نوع من الخمر بكثرة. ومع هذا لم اطلب خبز الوالي لان العبودية كانت ثقيلة على هذا الشعب.

Dyr Nehymies 5:18
Töglichs Tags gapfraitt myr auf meine Köstn aynn Oxn, söx böste Schaaf und ayn Gvicket, und all zöhen Täg kaamend aau non aynn Hauffen verschaidne Weinn für d Leut dyrzue. Trotzdem gverlang i nit meinn Pflögerghalt, weil d Froon schoon schwaer +gnueg auf n Volk glastt.

Неемия 5:18
А това що се готвеше [за мене] всеки ден бе едно говедо и шест отборни овци; и птици се готвеха за мене, а веднъж в десет дни [имахме] изобилно вино от всякакъв вид; а при всичко това аз не поисках заплатата на областен управител, защото робството тежеше силно върху тия люде.

尼 希 米 記 5:18
每 日 預 備 一 隻 公 牛 , 六 隻 肥 羊 , 又 預 備 些 飛 禽 ; 每 十 日 一 次 , 多 預 備 各 樣 的 酒 。 雖 然 如 此 , 我 並 不 要 省 長 的 俸 祿 , 因 為 百 姓 服 役 甚 重 。

每 日 预 备 一 只 公 牛 , 六 只 肥 羊 , 又 预 备 些 飞 禽 ; 每 十 日 一 次 , 多 预 备 各 样 的 酒 。 虽 然 如 此 , 我 并 不 要 省 长 的 俸 禄 , 因 为 百 姓 服 役 甚 重 。



Nehemiah 5:18
Svakoga se dana o mom trošku pripremalo jedno goveče, šest biranih ovaca i peradi; svakih deset dana donosilo se obilje vina za sve. A opet nisam nikada tražio upraviteljskog poreza na kruh, jer je narod već bio teško opterećen.

Kinha Nehemiášova 5:18
Pročež strojívalo se toho na každý den jeden vůl, šest ovec výborných, též i ptáci byli mi strojeni, a v jednom z desíti dnů všelijakého vína dávalo se dosti. Však s tím se vším pokrmu knížecího nežádal jsem, nebo těžká poroba vzložena byla na lid ten.

Nehemias 5:18
og hvad der daglig lavedes til, et Stykke Hornkvæg, seks udsøgte Faar og Fjerkræ, afholdt jeg Udgifterne til; dertil kom hver tiende Dag en Masse Vin af alle Sorter. Men alligevel krævede jeg ikke det Brød, der tilkom Statholderen, fordi Arbejdet tyngede haardt paa Folket.

Nehemia 5:18
En wat voor een dag bereid werd, was een os en zes uitgelezen schapen; ook werden mij vogelen bereid, en binnen tien dagen van allen wijn zeer veel; nog heb ik bij dezen het brood des landvoogds niet gezocht, omdat de dienstbaarheid zwaar was over dit volk.

נחמיה 5:18
וַאֲשֶׁר֩ הָיָ֨ה נַעֲשֶׂ֜ה לְיֹ֣ום אֶחָ֗ד שֹׁ֣ור אֶחָ֞ד צֹ֠אן שֵׁשׁ־בְּרֻרֹ֤ות וְצִפֳּרִים֙ נַֽעֲשׂוּ־לִ֔י וּבֵ֨ין עֲשֶׂ֧רֶת יָמִ֛ים בְּכָל־יַ֖יִן לְהַרְבֵּ֑ה וְעִם־זֶ֗ה לֶ֤חֶם הַפֶּחָה֙ לֹ֣א בִקַּ֔שְׁתִּי כִּֽי־כָֽבְדָ֥ה הָעֲבֹדָ֖ה עַל־הָעָ֥ם הַזֶּֽה׃

יח ואשר היה נעשה ליום אחד שור אחד צאן שש בררות וצפרים נעשו לי ובין עשרת ימים בכל יין להרבה ועם זה לחם הפחה לא בקשתי--כי כבדה העבדה על העם הזה

ואשר היה נעשה ליום אחד שור אחד צאן שש־בררות וצפרים נעשו־לי ובין עשרת ימים בכל־יין להרבה ועם־זה לחם הפחה לא בקשתי כי־כבדה העבדה על־העם הזה׃

Nehemiás 5:18
A mit minden napra készítenek vala: egy ökröt, hat kövér juhot, és madarakat is készítének nékem, minden tíz napra vala mindenféle bor bõségesen; és mindemellett sem kivántam be a helytartó kenyerét, mert nehéz vala a szolgálat ezen a népen.

Neĥemja 5:18
Preparataj estis por unu tago:unu bovo, ses plej bonaj sxafoj, kaj ankaux birdoj estis preparataj cxe mi; kaj en la dauxro de dek tagoj estis uzata tre multe da vino. Malgraux tio mi ne postulis panon de regionestro, cxar la popolo estis sxargxita de malfacila laboro.

Ja minulle valmistettiin joka päivä yksi härkä, ja kuusi valittua lammasta, ja lintuja, ja erilaisia viinoja yltäkyllä joka kymmenes päivä; ja en minä kuitenkaan anonut päämiehen ruokaa, sillä raskas orjuus oli tällä kansalla.

Néhémie 5:18
Or ce qui m'était apprêté pour un jour, c'était un boeuf, et six moutons choisis; on m'apprêtait aussi de la volaille, et, tous les dix jours, toutes sortes de vins en abondance; et avec cela, je n'ai point réclamé le pain du gouverneur, parce que le service pesait lourdement sur ce peuple.

On m'apprêtait chaque jour un boeuf, six moutons choisis, et des oiseaux; et tous les dix jours on préparait en abondance tout le vin nécessaire. Malgré cela, je n'ai point réclamé les revenus du gouverneur, parce que les travaux étaient à la charge de ce peuple.

Et ce qu'on apprêtait chaque jour, était un bœuf, et six moutons choisis. On m'apprêtait aussi des volailles; et de dix en dix jours [on me présentait] de toute sorte de vin en abondance; et nonobstant tout cela, je n'ai point demandé le plat qui était assigné au Gouverneur; car c'eût été une rude servitude pour ce peuple.

Nehemia 5:18
Und man machte mir des Tages einen Ochsen und sechs erwählte Schafe und Vögel und je inwendig zehn Tagen allerlei Wein die Menge. Noch forderte ich nicht der Landpfleger Kost, denn der Dienst war schwer auf dem Volk.

Und man gebrauchte für mich des Tages einen Ochsen und sechs erwählte Schafe und Vögel und je innerhalb zehn Tagen allerlei Wein die Menge. Dennoch forderte ich nicht der Landpfleger Kost; denn der Dienst war schwer auf dem Volk. {~} {~}

und was für jeden einzelnen Tag zugerichtet zu werden pflegte - ein Stier, sechs auserlesene Schafe und Geflügel -, das wurde auf meine Kosten zugerichtet, und überdies je innerhalb zehn Tagen ein großes Quantum von allerlei Wein. Bei alledem habe ich die dem Statthalter gebührende Kost nicht beansprucht, denn die Fronpflicht lastete schwer auf diesem Volke.

Neemia 5:18
E quel che mi si preparava per ogni giorno era un bue, sei capri scelti di bestiame minuto, e dell’uccellame; e ogni dieci giorni si preparava ogni sorta di vini in abbondanza; e, nondimeno, io non ho mai chiesta la provvisione assegnata al governatore, perché il popolo era già gravato abbastanza a motivo de’ lavori.

Or quello che mi si apparecchiava per giorno era un bue e sei montoni scelti; mi si apparecchiava ancora dell’uccellame; e di dieci in dieci giorni queste cose si apparecchiavano con ogni sorta di vini copiosamente; e pure, con tutto ciò, io non domandai la provvisione assegnata al governatore; perciocchè quella servitù sarebbe stata grave a questo popolo.

Sehingga barang yang disediakan pada satu hari itu seekor lembu jantan dan enam ekor domba yang tambun dan beberapa ekor burung, dan pada tiap-tiap sepuluh hari pelbagai air anggur amat banyak; kendatilah demikian, tiada juga aku menuntut belanja seorang penghulu negeri, sebab tanggungan pekerjaan ini beratlah atas orang banyak itu.

느헤미아 5:18
매일 나를 위하여 소 하나와 살진 양 여섯을 준비하며 닭도 많이 준비하고 열흘에 한 번씩은 각종 포도주를 갖추었나니 비록 이같이 하였을지라도 내가 총독의 녹을 요구하지 아니하였음은 백성의 부역이 중함이니라

Nehemiae 5:18
parabatur autem mihi per dies singulos bos unus arietes sex electi exceptis volatilibus et inter dies decem vina diversa et alia multa tribuebam insuper et annonas ducatus mei non quaesivi valde enim erat adtenuatus populus

Nehemijo knyga 5:18
Kasdien man paruošdavo vieną jautį, šešias rinktines avis ir paukščių; kas dešimtą dieną gausiai pristatydavo visokio vyno; aš nereikalaudavau valdytojo duonos, nes skurdas sunkiai slėgė tautą.

Nehemiah 5:18
Na, ko nga mea i taka maku i te ra kotahi, kotahi puru, e ono hipi, he mea pai; i taka ano etahi manu naku, a, kotahi i roto i nga ra kotahi tekau, ko nga tu waina katoa, tona nui; na ahakoa ko tenei katoa kihai ahau i mea ki te taro kawana, no te mea he taimaha rawa te hereherenga o tenei iwi.

Nehemias 5:18
Og det som blev tillaget for hver dag, var en okse og seks utvalgte stykker småfe foruten fugler, og alt dette kostet jeg selv; og en gang hver tiende dag var det overflod av all slags vin; og allikevel krevde jeg ikke den kost som stattholderen hadde rett til; for arbeidet lå tungt på dette folk.

Nehemías 5:18
Lo que se preparaba para cada día era un buey y seis ovejas escogidas, también eran preparadas aves para mí; cada diez días toda clase de vino se proveía en abundancia. Y con todo esto, no reclamé el pan del gobernador, porque era pesada la servidumbre sobre este pueblo.

Lo que se preparaba para cada día era un buey y seis ovejas escogidas, también eran preparadas aves para mí; cada diez días se proveía en abundancia toda clase de vino. Y con todo esto, no reclamé el pan del gobernador, porque la servidumbre era pesada sobre este pueblo.

Y lo que se aderezaba para cada día era un buey, seis ovejas escogidas, y aves también se aparejaban para mí, y cada diez días vino en toda abundancia: y con todo esto nunca requerí el pan del gobernador, porque la servidumbre de este pueblo era grave.

Y lo que se aderezaba para cada día era un buey, seis ovejas escogidas, y aves también se aparejaban para mí, y cada diez días vino en toda abundancia: y con todo esto nunca requerí el pan del gobernador, porque la servidumbre de este pueblo era grave.

Y lo que se aderezaba para cada día era un buey, seis ovejas escogidas, y aves también se aparejaban para mí, y cada diez días vino en toda abundancia; y con todo esto nunca requerí el pan del capitán, porque la servidumbre de este pueblo era grave.

Neemias 5:18
O que se preparava para cada dia era um boi e seis ovelhas escolhidas; também à minha custa eram servidas aves e, de dez em dez dias, muito vinho de todas as espécies; nem por isso tomei do povo o dinheiro para a alimentação que a posição de governador me garantia, pois observava quão demasiadas eram as exigências que pesavam diariamente sobre o meu povo.

Ora, o que se preparava para cada dia era um boi e seis ovelhas escolhidas; também se preparavam aves e, de dez em dez dias, provisão de toda qualidade de vinho. Todavia, nem por isso exigi o pão devido ao governador, porquanto a servidão deste povo era pesada.   

Neemia 5:18
Mi se pregătea în fiecare zi un bou, şase berbeci aleşi, şi păsări, şi la fiecare zece zile se pregătea din belşug tot vinul care era de trebuinţă. Cu toate acestea, n'am cerut veniturile cuvenite dregătorului, pentrucă lucrările apăsau greu asupra poporului acestuia.

Неемия 5:18
И вот что было приготовляемо на один день: один бык, шесть отборных овец и птицы приготовлялись у меня; и в десять дней издерживалось множество всякого вина. И при всем том, хлеба областеначальнического я не требовал, так как тяжелая служба лежала на народе сем.

И [вот] что было приготовляемо на один день: один бык, шесть отборных овец и птицы приготовлялись у меня; и в десять дней [издерживалось] множество всякого вина. И при [всем] том, хлеба областеначальнического я не требовал, так как тяжелая служба [лежала] на народе сем.[]

Nehemja 5:18
Och vad som tillreddes för var dag, nämligen en oxe och sex utsökta får, förutom fåglar, det tillreddes på min bekostnad; och var tionde dag anskaffades mycket vin av alla slag. Men likväl krävde jag icke ut ståthållarkosten, eftersom arbetet tyngde så svårt på folket.

Nehemiah 5:18
Ang inihahanda nga sa bawa't araw ay isang baka at anim na piling tupa; mga ibon naman ay nahanda sa akin, at minsan sa sangpung araw ay sarisaring alak na masagana: gayon ma'y sa lahat ng ito ay hindi ako humingi ng tinapay sa tagapamahala, sapagka't ang pagkaalipin ay mabigat sa bayang ito.

เนหะมีย์ 5:18
สิ่งที่เตรียมไว้ในวันหนึ่งๆ มีวัวตัวหนึ่ง และแกะที่คัดเลือกแล้วหกตัว เป็ดไก่เขาก็จัดไว้ให้ข้าพเจ้าด้วย ในทุกๆสิบวันน้ำองุ่นมากมายหลายถุงหนัง แม้จะมากอย่างนี้ ข้าพเจ้ามิได้เรียกร้องเอาส่วนอาหารของตำแหน่งผู้ว่าราชการ เพราะว่าการปรนนิบัตินั้นหนักหน้าชนชาตินี้อยู่แล้ว

Nehemya 5:18
Benim için her gün bir boğa, altı seçme koyun, tavuklar kesilir, on günde bir de her türden bolca şarap hazırlanırdı. Bütün bunlara karşın valiliğin yiyecek bütçesine dokunmadım. Çünkü halk ağır yük altındaydı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 5:18
Vả, người ta dọn ăn cho mỗi ngày một con bò, sáu con chiên chọn lựa; người ta cũng dọn những gà vịt, và mỗi mười ngày đủ các thứ rượu rất nhiều. Dầu như vậy, tôi cũng không đòi lương lộc của phần tổng trấn, vì công dịch lấy làm nặng nề cho dân sự này.

Nehemiah 5:17
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