Nehemiah 4:16
Nehemiah 4:16
From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah

But from then on, only half my men worked while the other half stood guard with spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. The leaders stationed themselves behind the people of Judah

From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah,

From that day on, half of my servants carried on the work while half of them held the spears, the shields, the bows and the breastplates; and the captains were behind the whole house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

From that day on, half of my men did the work while the other half held spears, shields, bows, and armor. The officers supported all the people of Judah,

From that day on, half of my helpers engaged in the work while the other half kept spears, shields, bows, and armor ready. The senior officials backed all of the Judeans

From that day forward, half of my men were doing the work and half of them were taking up spears, shields, bows, and body armor. Now the officers were behind all the people of Judah

From that day on, half of my men worked on the wall, and the other half were wearing body armor and holding spears, shields, and bows. The leaders stood behind all the Judeans

And it came to pass from that time forth that half of the young men wrought in the work, and the other half of them held spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail; and the princes were behind all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants worked in the work, and the other half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the armor; and the rulers supported all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that time forth, that the half of my servants worked in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that time forth, that half of my servants wrought in the work, and half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that day forward, that half of their young men did the work, and half were ready for to fight, with spears, and shields, and bows, and coats of mail, and the rulers were behind them in all the house of Juda.

And from that time forth the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held the spears, and the shields, and the bows, and the corslets; and the captains were behind all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass from that time forth, that half of my servants wrought in the work, and half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

And it came to pass, from that time forth, that the half of my servants wrought in the work, and the other half of them held both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the habergeons; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

It happened from that time forth, that half of my servants worked in the work, and half of them held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the rulers were behind all the house of Judah.

yea, it cometh to pass, from that day, half of my servants are working in the business, and half of them are keeping hold of both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the heads are behind all the house of Judah.

Nehemia 4:16
Qysh prej asaj dite, gjysma e shërbëtorëve të mi merrej me punët, ndërsa gjysma tjetër kishte rrokur shtizat, mburojat, harqet dhe kishte veshur parzmoret; komandantët qëndronin prapa tërë shtëpisë së Judës.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 4:16
ومن ذلك اليوم كان نصف غلماني يشتغلون في العمل ونصفهم يمسكون الرماح والاتراس والقسي والدروع. والرؤساء وراء كل بيت يهوذا.

Dyr Nehymies 4:16
Dyrseiter garechtt aber grad non d Hölftn von meine Leut auf n Bau; de ander stuendd Wach mit zucktn Spieß und Bogn und gschützt mit Schildd und Brünnenn. Aau d Haeupter warnd allweil mit dyrbei

Неемия 4:16
И от това време нататък, половината от слугуващите ми бяха на работата, а половината от тях държаха копията, щитчетата, лъковете и броните; и началниците насърчаваха целия Юдов дом.

尼 希 米 記 4:16
從 那 日 起 , 我 的 僕 人 一 半 做 工 , 一 半 拿 槍 、 拿 盾 牌 、 拿 弓 、 穿 ( 或 譯 : 拿 ) 鎧 甲 , 官 長 都 站 在 猶 大 眾 人 的 後 邊 。

从 那 日 起 , 我 的 仆 人 一 半 做 工 , 一 半 拿 枪 、 拿 盾 牌 、 拿 弓 、 穿 ( 或 译 : 拿 ) 铠 甲 , 官 长 都 站 在 犹 大 众 人 的 後 边 。



Nehemiah 4:16
Ali je od toga dana samo polovica mojih momaka obavljala posao, a ostali su držali koplja, štitove, lukove i oklope, a glavari stajali iza doma Judina,

Kinha Nehemiášova 4:16
Ale však od toho dne polovice služebníků mých dělali, a polovice jich držela kopí, pavézy a lučiště, a pancíře, a knížata stála za vší čeledí Judskou.

Nehemias 4:16
Men fra den Tid af arbejdede kun den ene Halvdel af mine Folk, medens den anden Halvdel stod væbnet med Spyd, Skjolde, Buer og Brynjer; og Øversterne stod bag ved alle de Jøder,

Nehemia 4:16
En het geschiedde van dien dag af, dat de helft mijner jongens doende waren aan het werk, en de helft van hen hielden de spiesen, en de schilden, en de bogen, en de pantsiers; en de oversten waren achter het ganse huis van Juda.

נחמיה 4:16
וַיְהִ֣י ׀ מִן־הַיֹּ֣ום הַה֗וּא חֲצִ֣י נְעָרַי֮ עֹשִׂ֣ים בַּמְּלָאכָה֒ וְחֶצְיָ֗ם מַחֲזִיקִים֙ וְהָרְמָחִ֣ים הַמָּגִנִּ֔ים וְהַקְּשָׁתֹ֖ות וְהַשִּׁרְיֹנִ֑ים וְהַ֨שָּׂרִ֔ים אַחֲרֵ֖י כָּל־בֵּ֥ית יְהוּדָֽה׃

י ויהי מן היום ההוא חצי נערי עשים במלאכה וחצים מחזיקים והרמחים המגנים והקשתות והשרינים והשרים--אחרי כל בית יהודה

ויהי ׀ מן־היום ההוא חצי נערי עשים במלאכה וחצים מחזיקים והרמחים המגנים והקשתות והשרינים והשרים אחרי כל־בית יהודה׃

Nehemiás 4:16
De azon naptól fogva legényeim egyik része munkálkodik vala, a másik része pedig tart vala dárdákat, paizsokat, kézíveket és pánczélokat, és a fejedelmek ott állának az egész Júda háznépe mögött.

Neĥemja 4:16
Kaj de post tiu tago duono de miaj junuloj faradis la laboron, kaj duono tenis lancojn, sxildojn, pafarkojn, kaj kirasojn; kaj la estroj trovigxadis malantaux la tuta domo de Jehuda.

Ja tapahtui siitä päivästä, että toinen puoli nuoria miehiäni teki työtä, ja toinen puoli piti keihäitä, kilpiä, joutsia ja rautapaitoja. Ja päämiehet seisoivat koko Juudan huoneen takana.

Néhémie 4:16
Et, dès ce jour-là, la moitié de mes jeunes hommes travaillait à l'oeuvre, et la moitié tenait les piques, et les boucliers, et les arcs, et les cuirasses; et les chefs étaient derrière toute la maison de Juda.

Depuis ce jour, la moitié de mes serviteurs travaillaient, et l'autre moitié était armée de lances, de boucliers, d'arcs et de cuirasses. Les chefs étaient derrière toute la maison de Juda.

Depuis ce jour-là une moitié de mes gens travaillait, et l'autre moitié tenait des javelines, des boucliers, des arcs et des corselets; et les Gouverneurs suivaient chaque famille de Juda.

Nehemia 4:16
Und es geschah hinfürder, daß der Jünglinge die Hälfte taten die Arbeit, die andere Hälfte hielten Spieße, Schilde, Bogen und Panzer; und die Obersten stunden hinter dem ganzen Hause Juda,

Und es geschah von hier an, daß der Jünglinge die Hälfte taten die Arbeit, die andere Hälfte hielten die Spieße, Schilde, Bogen und Panzer. Und die Obersten standen hinter dem ganzen Hause Juda,

Seit jenem Tage aber arbeitete nur die Hälfte meiner Leute an dem Bau; die andere Hälfte hielt die Schwerter und die Lanzen, die Schilde, die Bogen und die Panzer, während die Obersten hinter sämtlichen Judäern standen,

Neemia 4:16
Da quel giorno, la metà de’ miei servi lavorava, e l’altra metà stava armata di lance, di scudi, d’archi, di corazze; e i capi eran dietro a tutta la casa di Giuda.

E da quel dì innanzi, la metà de’ miei fanti lavorava, e l’altra metà stava in armi, con lance, scudi, archi, e corazze; e i capi erano dietro ad ogni famiglia di Giuda.

Tetapi dari pada hari itu juga adalah setengah orangku dalam pekerjaan itu dan setengah mereka itu memeganglah lembing dan perisai dan busur dan berpakaikan baju zirha sementara segala penghulupun adalah di belakang segala orang isi rumah Yehuda.

느헤미아 4:16
그 때로부터 내 종자의 절반은 역사하고 절반은 갑옷을 입고 창과 방패와 활을 가졌고 민장은 유다 온 족속의 뒤에 있었으며

Nehemiae 4:16
et factum est a die illa media pars iuvenum eorum faciebant opus et media parata erat ad bellum et lanceae et scuta et arcus et loricae et principes post eos in omni domo Iuda

Nehemijo knyga 4:16
Nuo tos dienos pusė mano tarnų dirbo darbą, o kita pusė ėjo sargybą, apsiginklavę ietimis, skydais, lankais ir šarvais; vyresnieji buvo sustoję už visų žydų.

Nehemiah 4:16
No taua ra ano ko tetahi tanga o aku tangata hei mahi i te mahi, a ko tetahi tanga o ratou hei pupuri i nga tao, i nga whakangungu rakau, i nga kopere, i nga pukupuku; ko nga rangatira, i muri ratou i te whare katoa o Hura.

Nehemias 4:16
Fra den dag arbeidet bare den ene halvdel av mine unge menn på verket, mens den andre halvdel av dem stod der med sine spyd, skjold, buer og brynjer, og høvdingene stod bakenfor hele Judas folk.

Nehemías 4:16
Y sucedió que desde aquel día la mitad de mis hombres trabajaban en la obra mientras que la otra mitad portaba las lanzas, los escudos, los arcos y las corazas; y los capitanes estaban detrás de toda la casa de Judá.

Desde aquel día la mitad de mis hombres trabajaban en la obra mientras que la otra mitad portaba las lanzas, los escudos, los arcos y las corazas; y los capitanes estaban detrás de toda la casa de Judá.

Mas fue que desde aquel día la mitad de los jóvenes trabajaba en la obra, y la otra mitad de ellos tenía lanzas y escudos, y arcos, y corazas; y los príncipes estaban tras toda la casa de Judá.

Mas fué que desde aquel día la mitad de los mancebos trabajaba en la obra, y la otra mitad de ellos tenía lanzas y escudos, y arcos, y corazas; y los príncipes estaban tras toda la casa de Judá.

Mas fue que desde aquel día la mitad de los jóvenes trabajaban en la obra, y la otra mitad de ellos tenía lanzas y escudos, y arcos, y corazas; y los príncipes estaban tras toda la casa de Judá.

Neemias 4:16
Daquele dia em diante, enquanto a metade dos meus homens dedicava-se à restauração da muralha, a outra metade permanecia atenta e armada de lanças, escudos, arcos e couraças. Os chefes e oficiais davam apoio a todo o povo de Judá;

Desde aquele dia metade dos meus moços trabalhavam na obra, e a outra metade empunhava as lanças, os escudos, os arcos, e as couraças; e os chefes estavam por detrás de toda a casa de Judá.   

Neemia 4:16
Din ziua aceea, jumătate din oamenii mei lucrau, iar celalaltă jumătate era înarmată cu suliţe, cu scuturi, cu arcuri şi cu platoşe. Căpeteniile erau înapoia întregei case a lui Iuda.

Неемия 4:16
С того дня половина молодых людей у меня занималась работою, а другая половина их держала копья, щиты и луки и латы; и начальствующие находились позади всего дома Иудина.

С того дня половина молодых людей у меня занималась работою, а [другая] половина их держала копья, щиты и луки и латы; и начальствующие [находились] позади всего дома Иудина.[]

Nehemja 4:16
Från den dagen var ena hälften av mina tjänare sysselsatt med arbetet, under det att andra hälften stod väpnad med sina spjut, sköldar, bågar och pansar, medan furstarna stodo bakom hela Juda hus.

Nehemiah 4:16
At nangyari, mula nang panahong yaon, na kalahati sa aking mga lingkod ay nagsigawa sa gawain, at kalahati sa kanila ay nagsisihawak ng mga sibat, mga kalasag, at mga busog, at ng mga baluti; at ang mga pinuno ay nangasa likuran ng buong sangbahayan ng Juda.

เนหะมีย์ 4:16
ตั้งแต่วันนั้นมา ผู้รับใช้ของข้าพเจ้าครึ่งหนึ่งทำการก่อสร้าง อีกครึ่งหนึ่งถือหอก โล่ คันธนู และเสื้อเกราะ บรรดาประมุขทั้งหลายหนุนหลังบรรดาวงศ์วานยูดาห์

Nehemya 4:16
O günden sonra adamlarımın yarısı çalışırken öbür yarısı mızraklı, kalkanlı, yaylı ve zırhlı olarak nöbet tuttu. Önderler Yahudalıların arkasında yer almıştı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 4:16
Từ ngày đó, phân nửa số đầy tớ tôi làm công việc, còn phân nửa kia cầm cây giáo, khiên, cung, và giáp; các quan trưởng đều đứng ở sau cả nhà Giu-đa.

Nehemiah 4:15
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