Nehemiah 3:8
Nehemiah 3:8
Uzziel son of Harhaiah, one of the goldsmiths, repaired the next section; and Hananiah, one of the perfume-makers, made repairs next to that. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Next was Uzziel son of Harhaiah, a goldsmith by trade, who also worked on the wall. Beyond him was Hananiah, a manufacturer of perfumes. They left out a section of Jerusalem as they built the Broad Wall.

Next to them Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths, repaired. Next to him Hananiah, one of the perfumers, repaired, and they restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Next to him Uzziel the son of Harhaiah of the goldsmiths made repairs. And next to him Hananiah, one of the perfumers, made repairs, and they restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next unto him also repaired Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries, and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall.

After him Uzziel son of Harhaiah, the goldsmith, made repairs, and next to him Hananiah son of the perfumer made repairs. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Nearby, Harhaiah's son Uzziel the goldsmith was carrying on repairs, and next to him Hananiah, a perfume-maker, rebuilt Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Uzziel son of Harhaiah, a member of the goldsmiths' guild, worked on the section adjacent to him. Hananiah, a member of the perfumers' guild, worked on the section adjacent to him. They plastered the city wall of Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall.

Next to them Uzziel, Harhaiah's son, a goldsmith, made repairs. Next to him Hananiah, a perfume maker, made repairs. They left out part of Jerusalem as far as Broad Wall.

Next to them Uzziel, the son of Harhaiah, of the refiners restored. Next unto him Hananiah, the son of one of the apothecaries, also restored, and they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall.

Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next unto him also repaired Hananiah the son of one of the perfumers, and they restored Jerusalem unto the broad wall.

Next to him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next to him also repaired Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries, and they fortified Jerusalem to the broad wall.

Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths. And next unto him repaired Hananiah one of the perfumers, and they fortified Jerusalem even unto the broad wall.

And next to him built Eziel the son of Araia the goldsmith: and next to him built Ananias the son of the perfumer: and they left Jerusalem unto the wall of the broad street.

Next to them repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths; and next to him repaired Hananiah of the perfumers, and they left Jerusalem in its state as far as the broad wall.

Next unto him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths. And next unto him repaired Hananiah one of the apothecaries, and they fortified Jerusalem even unto the broad wall.

Next to him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, of the goldsmiths. Next to him also repaired Hananiah the son of one of the apothecaries, and they fortified Jerusalem to the broad wall.

Next to him repaired Uzziel the son of Harhaiah, goldsmiths. Next to him repaired Hananiah one of the perfumers, and they fortified Jerusalem even to the broad wall.

By his hand hath Uzziel son of Harhaiah of the refiners strengthened; and by his hand hath Hananiah son of one of the compounders strengthened; and they leave Jerusalem unto the broad wall.

Nehemia 3:8
Pranë tyre punonte për riparimet Uzieli, bir i Harhajahut, një ndër argjendarët; pranë tij punonte për riparimet Hananiahu, një nga parfumierët. Ata e përforcuan Jeruzalemin deri në Murin e Gjerë.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 3:8
وبجانبهما رمم عزيئيل بن حرهايا من الصياغين. وبجانبه رمم حننيا من العطارين. وتركوا اورشليم الى السور العريض.

Dyr Nehymies 3:8
Drafter kaam dyr Usiheel Härheiennsun von dyr Goldschmidzumft und dyr Hänynies von de Salbnpfraitter. Die gabföstignend Ruslham hinst eyn de Braite Mauer.

Неемия 3:8
До тях поправяше Озиил, Арахиевият син, един от златарите. До него поправяше Анания, един от аптекарите; и те укрепиха Ерусалим до широката стена.

尼 希 米 記 3:8
其 次 是 銀 匠 哈 海 雅 的 兒 子 烏 薛 修 造 。 其 次 是 做 香 的 哈 拿 尼 雅 修 造 。 這 些 人 修 堅 耶 路 撒 冷 , 直 到 寬 牆 。

其 次 是 银 匠 哈 海 雅 的 儿 子 乌 薛 修 造 。 其 次 是 做 香 的 哈 拿 尼 雅 修 造 。 这 些 人 修 坚 耶 路 撒 冷 , 直 到 宽 墙 。



Nehemiah 3:8
A do njih je popravljao Uziel, Harhajin sin, zlatar, a do njega je popravljao Hananija, jedan od pomastara: oni su utvrdili Jeruzalem sve do Širokog zida.

Kinha Nehemiášova 3:8
Podlé nich pak opravoval Uziel syn Charhaiášův s zlatníky, a podlé něho opravoval Chananiáš, syn apatekářův. A nechali Jeruzaléma až do zdi široké.

Nehemias 3:8
Ved Siden af ham arbejdede Uzziel, en Søn af Harhaja, en af Guldsmedene. Ved Siden af ham arbejdede Hananja, en af Salvehandlerne; de udbedrede Jerusalem hen til den brede Mur.

Nehemia 3:8
Aan zijn hand verbeterde Uzziel, de zoon van Harhoja, een der goudsmeden, en aan zijn hand verbeterde Hananja, de zoon van een der apothekers; en zij lieten Jeruzalem tot aan den breden muur.

נחמיה 3:8
עַל־יָדֹ֣ו הֶחֱזִ֗יק עֻזִּיאֵ֤ל בֶּֽן־חַרְהֲיָה֙ צֹֽורְפִ֔ים ס וְעַל־יָדֹ֣ו הֶחֱזִ֔יק חֲנַנְיָ֖ה בֶּן־הָרַקָּחִ֑ים וַיַּֽעַזְבוּ֙ יְר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם עַ֖ד הַחֹומָ֥ה הָרְחָבָֽה׃ ס

ח על ידו החזיק עזיאל בן חרהיה צורפים  {ס}  ועל ידו החזיק חנניה בן הרקחים ויעזבו ירושלם עד החומה הרחבה  {ס}

על־ידו החזיק עזיאל בן־חרהיה צורפים ס ועל־ידו החזיק חנניה בן־הרקחים ויעזבו ירושלם עד החומה הרחבה׃ ס

Nehemiás 3:8
Mellettök javítgatott Uzziel, Harhajának fia az ötvösök[kel,] és õ mellette javítgatott Hanánia, a kenet-készítõk egyike, és megerõsíték Jeruzsálemet mind a széles kõfalig;

Neĥemja 3:8
Apud li konstruis Uziel, filo de HXarhaja, fandisto; apud li konstruis HXananja, filo de sxmirajxisto. Kaj ili restarigis Jerusalemon gxis la Largxa Murego.

Hänen vieressänsä rakensi Ussiel Harhakan kultasepän poika; hänen vieressänsä rakensi Hanania yrtteinmyyjän poika; ja he rakensivat Jerusalemia leviään muuriin asti.

Néhémie 3:8
A côté d'eux répara Uziel, fils de Harhaïa, l'un des orfèvres; et à côté de lui répara Hanania, d'entre les parfumeurs; et ils laissèrent Jérusalem en son état, jusqu'à la muraille large.

côté d'eux travailla Uzziel, fils de Harhaja, d'entre les orfèvres, et à côté de lui travailla Hanania, d'entre les parfumeurs. Ils laissèrent Jérusalem jusqu'à la muraille large.

Et à côté de ce [siège] répara Huziël, fils de Harhaja, d'[entre] les orfèvres; et à son côté répara Hanania fils de Harakkahim; et ainsi ils relevèrent Jérusalem jusqu'à la muraille large.

Nehemia 3:8
Neben ihm bauete Usiel, der Sohn Harhajas, der Goldschmied. Neben ihm bauete Hananja, der Sohn der Apotheker; und sie baueten aus zu Jerusalem bis an die breite Mauer.

Daneben baute Usiel, der Sohn des Harhajas, der Goldschmied. Neben ihm baute Hananja, der Sohn der Salbenbereiter; und sie bauten aus zu Jerusalem bis an die breite Mauer. {~}

Daneben besserte aus Usïel, der Sohn Harhajas, und unter ihm die Goldschmiede. Daneben besserte aus Hananja von der Zunft der Salbenhändler; und sie pflasterten Jerusalem bis zur breiten Mauer.

Neemia 3:8
allato a loro lavorò alle riparazioni Uzziel, figliuolo di Harhaia, di tra gli orefici, e allato a lui lavoro Hanania, di tra i profumieri. Essi lasciarono stare Gerusalemme com’era, fino al muro largo.

Ed allato ad esso ristorò Uzziel, figliuolo di Harhoia, con gli orafi; ed allato a lui ristorò Hanania, ch’era de’ profumieri. E Gerusalemme fu lasciata come era, fino in capo del muro largo.

Dan pada sisinya adalah Uziel bin Harhoya, kepala tukang emas, membaiki, dan pada sisinya adalah Hananya serta segala tukang rempah-rempah membaiki, maka dibiarkannya Yeruzalem begitu juga sampai kepada pagar tembok yang lebar.

느헤미아 3:8
그 다음은 금장색 할해야의 아들 웃시엘 등이 중수하였고 그 다음은 향품 장사 하나냐 등이 중수하되 저희가 예루살렘 넓은 성벽까지 하였고

Nehemiae 3:8
et iuxta eum aedificavit Ezihel filius Araia aurifex et iuxta eum aedificavit Anania filius pigmentarii et dimiserunt Hierusalem usque ad murum plateae latioris

Nehemijo knyga 3:8
Šalia jų­Harhajos sūnus Uzielis, auksakalys, ir Hananija, vaistininko sūnus. Jie sutvirtino Jeruzalę iki Plačiosios sienos.

Nehemiah 3:8
I tona taha e hanga ana a Utiere tama a Harahaia, no nga kaimahi koura. I tona taha e hanga ana a Hanania tama a tetahi kaiwhakaranu. Na oti ake i a ratou a Hiruharama, tae noa ki te taiepa nui.

Nehemias 3:8
Ved siden av dem arbeidet Ussiel, Harhajas sønn, en gullsmed, og ved siden av ham Hananja, en av salvelagerne. Det næste stykke av Jerusalems mur lot de være like til den brede mur*.

Nehemías 3:8
A su lado hizo reparaciones Uziel, hijo de Harhaía, de los orfebres; y junto a él hizo reparaciones Hananías, uno de los perfumistas; ellos restauraron a Jerusalén hasta la muralla Ancha.

A su lado hizo reparaciones Uziel, hijo de Harhaía, de los orfebres; y junto a él hizo reparaciones Hananías, uno de los perfumistas. Ellos restauraron a Jerusalén hasta la Muralla Ancha.

Y junto a ellos restauró Uziel hijo de Harhaía, de los plateros; junto al cual restauró también Hananías, hijo de un perfumista. Así dejaron reparada a Jerusalén hasta el muro ancho.

Y junto á ellos restauró Uzziel hijo de Harhaía, de los plateros; junto al cual restauró también Hananías, hijo de un perfumero. Así dejaron reparado á Jerusalem hasta el muro ancho.

Y junto a ellos restauró Uziel hijo de Harhaía, de los plateros; junto al cual restauró también Hananías, hijo de Haracahim (un perfumero ). Y restauraron a Jerusalén hasta el muro ancho.

Neemias 3:8
Uziel, filho de Haraías, um dos ourives, reconstruiu o próximo pedaço, e Hananias, um dos perfumistas, reconstruiu o trecho logo adiante. E assim fortificaram toda a cidade de Jerusalém até a Grande Muralha.

ao seu lado Uziel, filho de Haraías, um dos ourives; ao lado dele Hananias, um dos perfumistas; e fortificaram Jerusalém até o muro largo.    

Neemia 3:8
alături de ei a lucrat Uziel, fiul lui Harhaia, dintre argintari, şi alături de el a lucrat Hanania, dintre făcătorii de mir. Au întărit Ierusalimul pînă la zidul cel lat.

Неемия 3:8
Подле него чинил Уззиил, сын Харгаии, серебряник, а подле него чинил Ханания, сын Гараккахима. И восстановили Иерусалим до стены широкой.

Подле него чинил Уззиил, сын Харгаии, серебряник, а подле него чинил Ханания, сын Гараккахима. И восстановили Иерусалим до стены широкой.[]

Nehemja 3:8
Därbredvid arbetade Ussiel, Harhajas son, jämte guldsmederna; och därbredvid arbetade Hananja, en av salvoberedarna. Det nästföljande stycket av Jerusalem lät man vara, ända till Breda muren.

Nehemiah 3:8
Sumunod sa kanila ay hinusay ni Uzziel na anak ni Harhaia, na platero. At sumunod sa kaniya ay hinusay ni Hananias na isa sa mga manggagawa ng pabango, at kanilang pinagtibay ang Jerusalem, hanggang sa maluwang na kuta.

เนหะมีย์ 3:8
ถัดเขาไปคืออุสซีเอลบุตรชายฮารฮายาห์ช่างทองได้ซ่อมแซม ถัดเขาไปคือฮานันยาห์ผู้เป็นบุตรชายของช่างน้ำหอมคนหนึ่งได้ซ่อมแซม เขาบูรณะเยรูซาเล็มไกลไปจนถึงตอนกำแพงกว้าง

Nehemya 3:8
Onların yanındakini kuyumculardan biri olan Harhaya oğlu Uzziel onardı. Onun yanındakini baharatçı Hananya onardı. Yeruşalim surlarını Geniş Duvara kadar onardılar.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 3:8
Kế chúng, U-xi-ên, con trai Hạt-ha-gia, một kẻ trong bọn thợ vàng, tu bổ; kế người, Ha-na-nia, là người trong bọn thợ hòa hương, tu bổ; họ sửa xây Giê-ru-sa-lem cho vững bền đến vách rộng.

Nehemiah 3:7
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