Nehemiah 2:13
Nehemiah 2:13
By night I went out through the Valley Gate toward the Jackal Well and the Dung Gate, examining the walls of Jerusalem, which had been broken down, and its gates, which had been destroyed by fire.

After dark I went out through the Valley Gate, past the Jackal's Well, and over to the Dung Gate to inspect the broken walls and burned gates.

I went out by night by the Valley Gate to the Dragon Spring and to the Dung Gate, and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down and its gates that had been destroyed by fire.

So I went out at night by the Valley Gate in the direction of the Dragon's Well and on to the Refuse Gate, inspecting the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and its gates which were consumed by fire.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.

I went out at night through the Valley Gate toward the Serpent's Well and the Dung Gate, and I inspected the walls of Jerusalem that had been broken down and its gates that had been destroyed by fire.

So I went out during the night through the Valley Gate toward Dragon's Well, and from there to the Dung Gate, inspecting the walls of Jerusalem that were broken down and burned by fire.

I proceeded through the Valley Gate by night, in the direction of the Well of the Dragons and the Dung Gate, inspecting the walls of Jerusalem that had been breached and its gates that had been destroyed by fire.

I went through Valley Gate that night toward Snake Fountain and Dung Gate and examined the places where the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and where its gates had been burned.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the fountain of the dragon and to the dung port and considered the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and its gates were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even to the jackal's well, and to the refuse gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down; and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the valley gate, even toward the jackal's well, and to the dung gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, and before the dragon fountain, and to the dung gate, and I viewed the wall of Jerusalem which was broken down, and the gates thereof which were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the valley-gate, even toward the jackal-fountain, and to the dung-gate; and I viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were in ruins, and its gates were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the valley gate, even toward the dragon's well, and to the dung gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.

And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon-well, and to the dung-port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and their gates were consumed with fire.

I went out by night by the valley gate, even toward the jackal's well, and to the dung gate, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and its gates were consumed with fire.

And I go out through the gate of the valley by night, and unto the front of the fountain of the dragon, and unto the gate of the dunghill, and I am measuring about the walls of Jerusalem, that are broken down, and its gates consumed with fire.

Nehemia 2:13
Dola natën nga porta e Luginës, në drejtim të burimit të Dragoit dhe të portës së Plehut, duke kontrolluar kështu muret e Jeruzalemit që ishin plot me të çara dhe portat e tij të konsumuara nga zjarri.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 2:13
وخرجت من باب الوادي ليلا امام عين التنين الى باب الدّمن وصرت اتفرس في اسوار اورشليم المنهدمة وابوابها التي أكلتها النار.

Dyr Nehymies 2:13
Yso rit i mittn bei dyr Nacht bei n Taltoor aushin und bei n Drackntoor vorbei hinst eyn s Aschntoor und gschaug myr d Ruslhamer Mauern an. Sö warnd nidergrissn und de Toerer zammbrennt.

Неемия 2:13
Излязох нощем през портата на долината та [дойдох] срещу извора на смока и до портата на бунището, та прегледах ерусалимските стени, как бяха съборени, и портите им изгорени с огън.

尼 希 米 記 2:13
當 夜 我 出 了 谷 門 , 往 野 狗 井 去 ( 野 狗 : 或 譯 龍 ) , 到 了 糞 廠 門 , 察 看 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 牆 , 見 城 牆 拆 毀 , 城 門 被 火 焚 燒 。

当 夜 我 出 了 谷 门 , 往 野 狗 井 去 ( 野 狗 : 或 译 龙 ) , 到 了 粪 厂 门 , 察 看 耶 路 撒 冷 的 城 墙 , 见 城 墙 拆 毁 , 城 门 被 火 焚 烧 。



Nehemiah 2:13
Iziđoh, dakle, noću na Dolinska vrata i uputih se Zmajevskom izvoru, a zatim prema Smetlišnim vratima: razgledao sam jeruzalemski zid gdje je bio razoren i vrata koja su bila spaljena.

Kinha Nehemiášova 2:13
I vyjel jsem branou při údolí v noci k studnici drakové a k bráně hnojné, a ohledoval jsem zdí Jeruzalémských, kteréž byly pobořené, a bran jeho zkažených ohněm.

Nehemias 2:13
Jeg red saa om Natten ud gennem Dalporten i Retning af Dragekilden og hen til Møgporten, idet jeg undersøgte Jerusalems Mure, der var nedrevet, og Portene, der var fortæret af Ilden;

Nehemia 2:13
En ik trok uit bij nacht door de Dalpoort, en voorbij de Drakenfontein, en naar de Mistpoort, en ik brak aan de muren van Jeruzalem, dewelke verscheurd waren, en haar poorten met vuur verteerd.

נחמיה 2:13
וָאֵצְאָ֨ה בְשַֽׁעַר־הַגַּ֜יא לַ֗יְלָה וְאֶל־פְּנֵי֙ עֵ֣ין הַתַּנִּ֔ין וְאֶל־שַׁ֖עַר הָאַשְׁפֹּ֑ת וָאֱהִ֨י שֹׂבֵ֜ר בְּחֹומֹ֤ת יְרוּשָׁלִַ֙ם֙ אֲשֶׁר־ [הַמְפֹרוָצִים כ] (הֵ֣ם ׀ ק) (פְּרוּצִ֔ים ק) וּשְׁעָרֶ֖יהָ אֻכְּל֥וּ בָאֵֽשׁ׃

יג ואצאה בשער הגיא לילה ואל פני עין התנין ואל שער האשפת ואהי שבר בחומת ירושלם אשר המפרוצים (הם פרוצים) ושעריה אכלו באש

ואצאה בשער־הגיא לילה ואל־פני עין התנין ואל־שער האשפת ואהי שבר בחומת ירושלם אשר־ [המפרוצים כ] (הם ׀ ק) (פרוצים ק) ושעריה אכלו באש׃

Nehemiás 2:13
És kimenék a völgynek kapuján éjjel, és pedig a sárkányok forrása felé, majd a szemét-kapuhoz, és vizsgálgatám Jeruzsálem kõfalait, melyek elrontattak vala, és kapuit, melyek tûz által megemésztetének.

Neĥemja 2:13
Kaj mi trarajdis nokte tra la Pordego de la Valo, al la Fonto de la Drako kaj al la Pordego de Sterko; mi rigardis la muregojn de Jerusalem, kiel detruitaj ili estas, kaj gxiajn pordegojn, kiel ili estas forbruligitaj per fajro.

Ja minä ajoin Laaksoportista ulos yöllä, Kärmelähteen kohdalle Sontaporttiin asti ja katselin Jerusalemin muureja, jotka olivat jaotetut, ja portteja, jotka olivat tulella kulutetut.

Néhémie 2:13
Et je sortis de nuit, par la porte de la vallée, en face de la source du chacal, vers la porte du fumier; et je considérai les murailles de Jérusalem qui étaient en ruine et ses portes consumées par le feu.

Je sortis de nuit par la porte de la vallée, et je me dirigeai contre la source du dragon et vers la porte du fumier, considérant les murailles en ruines de Jérusalem et réfléchissant à ses portes consumées par le feu.

Je sortis donc de nuit par la porte de la vallée, et [je vins] par-devant la fontaine du dragon, à la porte de la fiente; et je considérais les murailles de Jérusalem, comment elles [demeuraient] renversées, et comment ses portes avaient été consumées par le feu.

Nehemia 2:13
Und ich ritt zum Taltor aus bei der Nacht, vor dem Drachenbrunnen und an das Misttor; und tat mir wehe, daß die Mauern Jerusalems zerrissen waren und die Tore mit Feuer verzehret.

Und ich ritt zum Taltor aus bei der Nacht und gegen den Drachenbrunnen und an das Misttor; und es tat mir wehe, daß die Mauern Jerusalems eingerissen waren und die Tore mit Feuer verzehrt. {~}

Und ich zog des Nachts durch das Thalthor hinaus, und zwar in der Richtung nach der Drachenquelle und dem Mistthore hin; dabei betrachtete ich die Mauern Jerusalems, wie sie auseinandergerissen und ihre Thore vom Feuer verzehrt waren.

Neemia 2:13
Ed uscii di notte per la porta della Valle, e mi diressi verso la sorgente del Dragone e la porta del Letame, considerando le mura di Gerusalemme, com’erano rotte e come le sue porte erano consumate dal fuoco.

Io adunque uscii di notte dalla porta della valle, e passai dirincontro alla fontana del dragone, ed alla porta del letame; ed andava considerando le mura di Gerusalemme, come erano rotte, e come le porte di essa erano consumate dal fuoco.

Maka pada malam aku berjalan keluar dari pada pintu Lembah, serta lalu dari pada mata air Naga langsung ke pintu Baja, maka aku periksa baik-baik akan segala pagar tembok Yeruzalem, yang sudah terbelah-belah, dan segala pintu gerbangnyapun, yang sudah habis dimakan api.

느헤미아 2:13
그 밤에 골짜기 문으로 나가서 용정으로 분문에 이르는 동안에 보니 예루살렘 성벽이 다 무너졌고 성문은 소화되었더라

Nehemiae 2:13
et egressus sum per portam Vallis nocte et ante fontem Draconis et ad portam Stercoris et considerabam murum Hierusalem dissipatum et portas eius consumptas igni

Nehemijo knyga 2:13
Naktį aš išjojau pro Slėnio vartus priešais Slibino versmę ir jojau Šiukšlių vartų link, apžiūrėdamas Jeruzalės sugriautas sienas ir ugnies sunaikintus vartus.

Nehemiah 2:13
I haere ano ahau i te po i te kuwaha o te raorao, ki te ritenga o te puna tarakona, ki te kuwaha paru ano hoki, a tirotirohia iho e ahau nga taiepa o Hiruharama kua pakaru nei me ona keti kua pau nei i te ahi.

Nehemias 2:13
Jeg drog om natten ut gjennem Dalporten og bortimot Dragekilden og kom til Møkkporten. Jeg så på Jerusalems murer som var nedrevet, og på portene som var fortært av ild.

Nehemías 2:13
Salí de noche por la puerta del Valle hacia la fuente del Dragón y hacia la puerta del Muladar, inspeccionando las murallas de Jerusalén que estaban derribadas y sus puertas que estaban consumidas por el fuego.

Salí de noche por la Puerta del Valle hacia la Fuente del Dragón y hacia la Puerta del Muladar, inspeccionando las murallas de Jerusalén que estaban derribadas y sus puertas que estaban consumidas por el fuego.

Y salí de noche por la puerta del Valle hacia la fuente del Dragón y a la puerta del Muladar; y observé los muros de Jerusalén que estaban derribados, y sus puertas estaban consumidas por el fuego.

Y salí de noche por la puerta del Valle hacia la fuente del Dragón y á la puerta del Muladar; y consideré los muros de Jerusalem que estaban derribados, y sus que puertas estaban consumidas del fuego.

Y salí de noche por la puerta del Valle hacia la fuente del Dragón y a la puerta del Muladar; y consideré los muros de Jerusalén que estaban derribados, y sus puertas que estaban consumidas del fuego.

Neemias 2:13
Desta maneira, saí de noite pela porta do Vale, e fui até En Hatanin, Fonte do Crocodilo, e até Sháar Haashpót,Portão do Lixo, e examinei as muralhas de Israel que haviam sido derrubadas, e os seus portais que haviam sido destruídos pelo fogo.

Assim saí de noite pela porta do vale, até a fonte do dragão, e até a porta do monturo, e contemplei os muros de Jerusalém, que estavam demolidos, e as suas portas, que tinham sido consumidas pelo fogo.    

Neemia 2:13
Am ieşit noaptea pe poarta văii, şi m'am îndreptat spre izvorul balaurului şi spre poarta gunoiului, uitîndu-mă cu băgare de seamă la zidurile dărîmate ale Ierusalimului şi la porţile lui arse de foc.

Неемия 2:13
И проехал я ночью через ворота Долины перед источником Драконовым к воротам Навозным, и осмотрел я стены Иерусалимаразрушенные и его ворота, сожженные огнем.

И проехал я ночью через ворота Долины перед источником Драконовым к воротам Навозным, и осмотрел я стены Иерусалима разрушенные и его ворота, сожженные огнем.[]

Nehemja 2:13
Och jag drog om natten ut genom Dalporten fram emot Drakkällan och Dyngporten och besåg Jerusalems murar, huru de voro nedbrutna, och huru dess portar voro förtärda av eld.

Nehemiah 2:13
At ako'y lumabas ng kinagabihan sa pintuang-bayan ng libis, sa makatuwid baga'y sa dako ng balon ng dragon, at sa pintuang-bayan ng tapunan ng dumi, at minasdan ko ang mga kuta ng Jerusalem, na nangabagsak, at ang mga pintuang-bayan na sinupok ng apoy.

เนหะมีย์ 2:13
ในกลางคืนข้าพเจ้าออกไปทางประตูหุบเขา ถึงบ่อมังกร และถึงประตูกองขยะ และข้าพเจ้าได้ตรวจดูกำแพงเยรูซาเล็มที่พัง และประตูเมืองที่ถูกไฟทำลาย

Nehemya 2:13
Hâlâ karanlıktı. Dere Kapısından Ejder Pınarına, oradan Gübre Kapısına gittim. Yeruşalimin yıkılan surlarını, yanıp kül olan kapılarını gözden geçirdim.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 2:13
Ban đêm tôi ra nơi cửa Trũng, đối ngang suối con chó rừng, và đến cửa phân, xem xét các vách thành của Giê-ru-sa-lem bị hư nát, và các cửa nó bị lửa thiêu đốt.

Nehemiah 2:12
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