Nehemiah 13:11
Nehemiah 13:11
So I rebuked the officials and asked them, "Why is the house of God neglected?" Then I called them together and stationed them at their posts.

I immediately confronted the leaders and demanded, "Why has the Temple of God been neglected?" Then I called all the Levites back again and restored them to their proper duties.

So I confronted the officials and said, “Why is the house of God forsaken?” And I gathered them together and set them in their stations.

So I reprimanded the officials and said, "Why is the house of God forsaken?" Then I gathered them together and restored them to their posts.

Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

Therefore, I rebuked the officials, saying, "Why has the house of God been neglected?" I gathered the Levites and singers together and stationed them at their posts.

So I confronted the officials and asked, "Why is the Temple of God neglected?" Then I gathered them together and put them back in their places.

So I registered a complaint with the leaders, asking "Why is the temple of God neglected?" Then I gathered them and reassigned them to their positions.

I reprimanded the leaders. "Why is God's temple being neglected?" I asked. So I brought the Levites back together and put them back in their places of service.

Then I contended with the rulers and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together and set them in their place.

Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

And I pleaded the matter against the magistrates, and said: Why have we forsaken the house of God? And I gathered them together, and I made them to stand in their places.

Then I contended with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together and set them in their place.

Then contended I with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? And I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

Then I contended with the rulers, and said, Why is the house of God forsaken? and I assembled them, and set them in their place.

Then I contended with the rulers, and said, "Why is the house of God forsaken?" I gathered them together, and set them in their place.

And I strive with the prefects, and say, 'Wherefore hath the house of God been forsaken?' and I gather them, and set them on their station;

Nehemia 13:11
Atëherë qortova gjyqtarët dhe u thashë atyre: "Pse shtëpia e Perëndisë është braktisur?". Pastaj i mblodha dhe i vura përsëri në funksonet e tyre.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 13:11
فخاصمت الولاة وقلت لماذا ترك بيت الله. فجمعتهم واوقفتهم في اماكنهم.

Dyr Nehymies 13:11
Daa naam i myr d Amptner gscheid vür: "Sagtß aynmaal, ös künntß y nit önn Templdienst yso schlaiffen laassn!" I ghol myr aft de Brender wider zueher und gstöll s auf ienern Postn.

Неемия 13:11
Тогава изобличих по-главните мъже, като рекох: Защо е оставен Божият дом? И събрах [побягналите служители] та ги поставих на мястото им.

尼 希 米 記 13:11
我 就 斥 責 官 長 說 : 為 何 離 棄   神 的 殿 呢 ? 我 便 招 聚 利 未 人 , 使 他 們 照 舊 供 職 。

我 就 斥 责 官 长 说 : 为 何 离 弃   神 的 殿 呢 ? 我 便 招 聚 利 未 人 , 使 他 们 照 旧 供 职 。



Nehemiah 13:11
I prekorih odličnike i rekoh: "Zašto je zapušten Dom Božji?" Zatim skupih levite i pjevače i vratih ih k njihovim službama.

Kinha Nehemiášova 13:11
Protož domlouval jsem se na starší, řka: Proč jest opuštěn dům Boží? A shromáždiv je, postavil jsem je na místě jejich.

Nehemias 13:11
saa gik jeg i Rette med Forstanderne og spurgte dem: »Hvorfor er Guds Hus blevet vanrøgtet?« Og jeg fik atter Leviterne samlet og satte dem paa deres Pladser.

Nehemia 13:11
En ik twistte met de overheden, en zeide: Waarom is het huis Gods verlaten? Doch ik vergaderde hen, en herstelde ze in hun stand.

נחמיה 13:11
וָאָרִ֙יבָה֙ אֶת־הַסְּגָנִ֔ים וָאֹ֣מְרָ֔ה מַדּ֖וּעַ נֶעֱזַ֣ב בֵּית־הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים וָֽאֶ֨קְבְּצֵ֔ם וָֽאַעֲמִדֵ֖ם עַל־עָמְדָֽם׃

יא ואריבה את הסגנים ואמרה מדוע נעזב בית האלהים ואקבצם ואעמדם על עמדם

ואריבה את־הסגנים ואמרה מדוע נעזב בית־האלהים ואקבצם ואעמדם על־עמדם׃

Nehemiás 13:11
És megfeddém a fejedelmeket, és mondék: Miért hagyatott el az Isten háza? És egybegyûjtvén a [Lévitákat,] helyökre állítám õket;

Neĥemja 13:11
Tiam mi faris pro tio severan riprocxon al la estroj, kaj diris:Kial la domo de Dio estas forlasita? Kaj mi kunvenigis ilin kaj starigis ilin sur iliaj lokoj.

Niin minä nuhtelin esimiehiä ja sanoin: miksi me Jumalan huoneen hylkäämme? Mutta minä kokosin heitä ja asetin siallensa.

Néhémie 13:11
Et je querellai les chefs, et je dis: Pourquoi la maison de Dieu est-elle abandonnée? Et je les rassemblai, et je les fis demeurer à leur poste.

Je fis des réprimandes aux magistrats, et je dis: Pourquoi la maison de Dieu a-t-elle été abandonnée? Et je rassemblai les Lévites et les chantres, et je les remis à leur poste.

Et je censurai les magistrats, leur disant : Pourquoi a-t-on abandonné la maison de Dieu? Je les rassemblai donc, et les rétablis en leur place.

Nehemia 13:11
Da schalt ich die Obersten und sprach: Warum verlassen wir das Haus Gottes? Aber ich versammelte sie und stellete sie an ihre Stätte.

Da schalt ich die Obersten und sprach: Warum ist das Haus Gottes verlassen? Aber ich versammelte sie und stellte sie an ihre Stätte.

Da machte ich den Vorstehern Vorwürfe und sprach: Weshalb hat man den Tempel Gottes im Stiche gelassen? Und ich rief sie zusammen und stellte sie wieder auf ihren Posten.

Neemia 13:11
E io censurai i magistrati, e dissi loro: "Perché la casa di Dio è ella stata abbandonata?" Poi radunai i Leviti e i cantori e li ristabilii nei loro uffici.

Ed io contesi co’ magistrati, e dissi loro: Perchè si è egli abbandonata la Casa di Dio? Poi raunai i Leviti, e li rimisi ne’ loro ufficii.

Maka sebab hal itu berbantah-bantahlah aku dengan segala penghulu itu, kataku: Mengapa maka bait-Ullah itu sudah ditinggalkan? Maka kuhimpunkanlah mereka itu pula dan kupulangkan mereka itu kepada jawatannya.

느헤미아 13:11
내가 모든 민장을 꾸짖어 이르기를 `하나님의 전이 어찌하여 버린바 되었느냐 ?' 하고 곧 레위 사람을 불러 모아 다시 그 처소에 세웠더니

Nehemiae 13:11
et egi causam adversus magistratus et dixi quare dereliquimus domum Dei et congregavi eos et feci stare in stationibus suis

Nehemijo knyga 13:11
Tuomet aš bariau vyresniuosius ir sakiau: “Kodėl Dievo namai apleisti?” Surinkęs visus, grąžinau juos į jų vietą.

Nehemiah 13:11
Katahi ka whawhaitia e ahau nga rangatira; i mea ahau, He aha i whakarerea ai te whare o te Atua? Na huihuia ana ratou e ahau, whakaturia ana ki to ratou turanga.

Nehemias 13:11
Da gikk jeg i rette med formennene og spurte dem hvorfor Guds hus var blitt forsømt, og jeg kalte dem sammen og innsatte dem igjen, hver på sin plass.

Nehemías 13:11
Por tanto, reprendí a los oficiales, y dije: ¿Por qué está la casa de Dios abandonada? Entonces reuní a los levitas y los restablecí en sus puestos.

Por tanto, reprendí a los oficiales, y les dije: "¿Por qué está la casa de Dios abandonada?" Entonces reuní a los Levitas y los restablecí en sus puestos.

Y reprendí a los magistrados, y dije: ¿Por qué está la casa de Dios abandonada? Y los junté, y los puse en su lugar.

Y reprendí á los magistrados, y dije: ¿Por qué está la casa de Dios abandonada? Y juntélos, y púselos en su lugar.

Y reprendí a los magistrados, y dije: ¿Por qué está la Casa de Dios desamparada? Y los junté, y los puse en su lugar.

Neemias 13:11
Então repreendi os oficiais e lhes indaguei: “Por que a Casa de Deus ficou abandonada?” Em seguida, convoquei os levitas e os cantores e os enviei aos seus devidos postos.

Então contendi com os magistrados e disse: Por que se abandonou a casa de Deus? Eu, pois, ajuntei os levitas e os cantores e os restaurei no seu posto.   

Neemia 13:11
Am mustrat pe dregători, şi am zis: ,,Pentruce a fost părăsită Casa lui Dumnezeu?`` Şi am strîns pe Leviţi şi pe cîntăreţi, şi i-am pus iarăş în slujba lor.

Неемия 13:11
Я сделал за это выговор начальствующим и сказал: зачем оставлен нами дом Божий? И я собрал их и поставил их на местоих.

Я сделал [за это] выговор начальствующим и сказал: зачем оставлен нами дом Божий? И я собрал их и поставил их на место их.[]

Nehemja 13:11
då förebrådde jag föreståndarna detta och sade: »Varför har Guds hus blivit så försummat?» Och jag hämtade dem tillhopa och lät dem inställa sig på sina platser.

Nehemiah 13:11
Nang magkagayo'y nakipagtalo ako sa mga pinuno, at sinabi ko, Bakit pinabayaan ang bahay ng Dios? At pinisan ko sila, at inilagay sa kanilang kalagayan.

เนหะมีย์ 13:11
ข้าพเจ้าจึงต่อว่าเจ้าหน้าที่และพูดว่า "ทำไมจึงทอดทิ้งพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าเสีย" ข้าพเจ้าจึงรวบรวมเขากลับมา และตั้งเขาไว้ตามตำแหน่งของเขาอีก

Nehemya 13:11
Görevlileri azarladım. ‹‹Tanrının Tapınağı neden ihmal edilmiş?›› diye sordum. Sonra bütün gidenleri toplayıp işlerinin başına koydum.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 13:11
Tôi bèn quở trách các quan trưởng, mà rằng: Cớ sao đền của Ðức Chúa Trời bị bỏ như vậy? Ðoạn, tôi hiệp lại chúng mà đặt họ trong chức cũ mình.

Nehemiah 13:10
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