Nahum 3:3
Nahum 3:3
Charging cavalry, flashing swords and glittering spears! Many casualties, piles of dead, bodies without number, people stumbling over the corpses--

See the flashing swords and glittering spears as the charioteers charge past! There are countless casualties, heaps of bodies--so many bodies that people stumble over them.

Horsemen charging, flashing sword and glittering spear, hosts of slain, heaps of corpses, dead bodies without end— they stumble over the bodies!

Horsemen charging, Swords flashing, spears gleaming, Many slain, a mass of corpses, And countless dead bodies-- They stumble over the dead bodies!

The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

Charging horseman, flashing sword, shining spear; heaps of slain, mounds of corpses, dead bodies without end-- they stumble over their dead.

The cavalry attacks— the flashing sword and the glittering spear! Many are the slain— so many casualties!— No end to bodies, and the soldiers trip over the corpses.

The charioteers will charge ahead; their swords will flash and their spears will glimmer! There will be many people slain; there will be piles of the dead, and countless casualties--so many that people will stumble over the corpses.

Horses charge! Swords flash! Spears glitter! Many are killed! Dead bodies pile up! There is no end to the corpses! People trip over corpses

The horseman lifts up both the bright sword and the glittering spear, and there is a multitude of slain and a great number of carcasses; and there shall be no end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses,

The horseman lifts up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of dead bodies; and there is no end of their corpses; they stumble over the corpses:

The horseman lifts up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcasses; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble on their corpses:

the horseman mounting, and the flashing sword, and the glittering spear, and a multitude of slain, and a great heap of corpses, and there is no end of the bodies; they stumble upon their bodies;-

And of the shining sword, and of the glittering spear, and of a multitude slain, and of a grievous destruction: and there is no end of carcasses, and they shall fall down on their dead bodies.

The horseman springing up, and the glitter of the sword, and the flash of the spear, and a multitude of slain, and a mass of carcases, and no end of corpses: they stumble over their corpses.

the horseman mounting, and the flashing sword, and the glittering spear; and a multitude of slain, and a great heap of carcases: and there is none end of the corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword, and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcasses; and there is no end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

the horseman mounting, and the flashing sword, the glittering spear, and a multitude of slain, and a great heap of corpses, and there is no end of the bodies. They stumble on their bodies,

And the flame of a sword, and the lightning of a spear, And the abundance of the wounded, And the weight of carcases, Yea, there is no end to the bodies, They stumble over their bodies.

Nahumi 3:3
kalorës në sulm shpata flakëruese, ushta që shndritin, një shumicë e madhe të vrarësh, të vdekur të shumtë, kufoma pa fund; pengohesh te kufomat.

ﻧﺎﺣﻮﻡ 3:3
وفرسان تنهض ولهيب السيف وبريق الرمح وكثرة جرحى ووفرة قتلى ولا نهاية للجثث. يعثرون بجثثهم

Dyr Nähum 3:3
Reiter spreissnd, Schwerter glinsternd, Lantznen blitznd. Vil seind verwunddt, aynn Hauffen toot; d Leichnäm dyrzöletst nity. Überall fallst über ien drüber.

Наум 3:3
Конникът се качва [с] лъскав меч и бляскаво копие; Има и много ранени и голямо число убити, и труповете са безчислени; Спъват се в труповете им.

那 鴻 書 3:3
馬 兵 爭 先 , 刀 劍 發 光 , 槍 矛 閃 爍 , 被 殺 的 甚 多 , 屍 首 成 了 大 堆 , 屍 骸 無 數 , 人 碰 著 而 跌 倒 ,

马 兵 争 先 , 刀 剑 发 光 , 枪 矛 闪 烁 , 被 杀 的 甚 多 , 尸 首 成 了 大 堆 , 尸 骸 无 数 , 人 碰 着 而 跌 倒 ,



Nahum 3:3
Konjanici u stremenu, mačevi sjaju, koplja sijevaju ... gomile ranjenih, snopovi mrtvih, trupla unedogled, svuda se o truplo spotiče!

Nahuma 3:3
Jezdec vyzdvihne třpytící se meč, a blýskající se kopí, i bude množství zbitých, a veliké hromady těl mrtvých, tak že nebude žádného počtu těl mrtvých, až i padati budou přes těla jejich,

Nahum 3:3
Stridsvognenes vilde Dans og stejlende Heste! Sværdblink og lynende Spyd, faldne i Mængde, Masser af døde, endeløse Dynger af Lig, man snubler over Lig!

Nahum 3:3
De ruiter steekt omhoog, zo het vlammende zwaard, als de bliksemende spies, en er zal veelheid der verslagenen zijn, en een zware menigte der dode lichamen; ja, er zal geen einde zijn der lichamen, men zal over hun lichamen struikelen;

נחום 3:3
פָּרָ֣שׁ מַעֲלֶ֗ה וְלַ֤הַב חֶ֙רֶב֙ וּבְרַ֣ק חֲנִ֔ית וְרֹ֥ב חָלָ֖ל וְכֹ֣בֶד פָּ֑גֶר וְאֵ֥ין קֵ֙צֶה֙ לַגְּוִיָּ֔ה [יִכְשְׁלוּ כ] (וְכָשְׁל֖וּ ק) בִּגְוִיָּתָֽם׃

ג פרש מעלה ולהב חרב וברק חנית ורב חלל וכבד פגר ואין קצה לגויה יכשלו (וכשלו) בגויתם

פרש מעלה ולהב חרב וברק חנית ורב חלל וכבד פגר ואין קצה לגויה [יכשלו כ] (וכשלו ק) בגויתם׃

Náhum 3:3
Törtetõ lovag, kardok villogása, dárda villanása, sebesült tömegek, holtak sokasága, nincs számok az elesetteknek; megbotlanak hulláikban.

Naĥum 3:3
movigxas rajdantoj, brilas glavoj, fulmas lancoj; estas multe da mortigitoj kaj amasoj da kadavroj; sennombraj estas la kadavroj, oni falpusxigxas sur ili.

Hän vie ratsastajat välkkyväisillä miekoilla, ja kiiltävillä keihäillä; siinä monta tapettua makaa, ja suuret ruumisten läjät, niin että ruumiit ovat lukemattomat ja niihin täytyy langeta.

Nahum 3:3
le cavalier qui s'élance, et la flamme de l'épée, et l'éclair de la lance, et une multitude de tués, et des monceaux de corps morts, et des cadavres sans fin! on trébuche sur les cadavres!

Les cavaliers s'élancent, l'épée étincelle, la lance brille... Une multitude de blessés!... une foule de cadavres!... Des morts à l'infini!... On tombe sur les morts!...

Ni les gens de cheval faisant bondir [leurs chevaux], ni l'épée brillante, ni la hallebarde étincelante, ni la multitude des blessés à mort, ni le grand nombre des corps morts, et il n'y aura nulle fin aux corps morts, de sorte qu'on sera renversé sur leurs corps.

Nahum 3:3
Er bringet Reiter herauf mit glänzenden Schwertern und mit blitzenden Spießen. Da liegen viel Erschlagene und große Haufen Leichname, daß derselbigen keine Zahl ist und man über ihre Leichname fallen muß.

Reiter rücken herauf mit glänzenden Schwertern und blitzenden Spießen. Da liegen viel Erschlagene und große Haufen Leichname, daß ihrer keine Zahl ist und man über die Leichname fallen muß.

anstürmende Reiter, funkelnde Schwerter und blitzende Lanzen! Zahllos sind die Erschlagenen und massenhaft die Leichen; kein Ende ist der Leichname, so daß sie über ihre Leichname hinstürzen

Nahum 3:3
I cavalieri dànno la carica, fiammeggiano le spade, sfolgoran le lance, i feriti abbondano, s’ammontano i cadaveri, sono infiniti i morti, s’inciampa nei cadaveri.

cavalieri balzanti, fiammeggiar di spade, e folgorar di lance, e moltitudine di uccisi, e gran numero di corpi morti, e cadaveri senza fine; l’uomo s’intopperà ne’ lor corpi morti.

Orang berkendaraan berlari-lari datang; segala pedang bernyala-nyala, segala lembing berkilat-kilat! Entah berapa banyak orang yang dibunuh, berapa timbunan mayat orang! Tiada kesudahannya segala bangkai, sehingga orang tersentuh kepadanya!

나훔 3:3
충돌하는 기병, 번쩍이는 칼, 번개 같은 창, 살륙 당한 떼, 큰 무더기 주검, 무수한 시체여 사람이 그 시체에 걸려 넘어지니

Nahum 3:3
et micantis gladii et fulgurantis hastae et multitudinis interfectae et gravis ruinae nec est finis cadaverum et corruent in corporibus suis

Nahumo knyga 3:3
Raitelis pakelia švytintį kardą ir blykčiojančią ietį. Daugybė užmuštų, krūvos negyvų, begalės lavonų! Jie klupinėja, eidami per lavonus.

Nahum 3:3
Ko nga kaieke hoiho e ekeeke ana, ko te wheriko o te hoari, ko te kanapa o te tao; ko te tini o te tupapaku, me te puranga nui o nga tinana mate: a kahore he mutunga o nga tinana; tutuki ana te waewae ki o ratou tinana:

Nahum 3:3
fremstormende rytter og luende sverd og lynende spyd og drepte i mengde og dynger av lik! Det er ingen ende på døde kropper, en snubler over deres døde kropper,

Nahúm 3:3
carga de caballería, flamear de espadas, fulgor de lanzas; multitud de heridos, montones de muertos, innumerables cadáveres; tropiezan en los cadáveres.

Carga de caballería, Flamear de espadas, Fulgor de lanzas; Multitud de heridos, Montones de muertos, Innumerables cadáveres; Tropiezan en los cadáveres.

caballero enhiesto, y resplandor de espada, y resplandor de lanza; y multitud de muertos, y multitud de cadáveres; y de sus cadáveres no habrá fin, y en sus cadáveres tropezarán:

Caballero enhiesto, y resplandor de espada, y resplandor de lanza; y multitud de muertos, y multitud de cadáveres; y de sus cadáveres no habrá fin, y en sus cadáveres tropezarán:

Caballero enhiesto, y resplandor de espada, y resplandor de lanza; y multitud de muertos, y multitud de cadáveres; y de sus cadáveres no habrá fin, y en sus cadáveres tropezarán:

Naum 3:3
Cavaleiros que esporeiam, a espada flamejante, o relampear das lanças e a multidão dos traspassados, um mar de cadáveres, mortos sem fim; pessoas feridas tropeçando sobre gente e mais gente morta.

o cavaleiro que monta, a espada rutilante, a lança reluzente, a, multidão de mortos, o montão de cadáveres, e defuntos inumeráveis; tropeçam nos cadáveres;   

Naum 3:3
Se aruncă năvalnici călăreţii, scînteiază sabia, fulgeră suliţa... O mulţime de răniţi!... Grămezi de trupuri moarte!... Morţi fără număr!... Cei vii se împiedică de cei morţi!...

Наум 3:3
Несется конница, сверкает меч и блестят копья; убитых множество и груды трупов: нет конца трупам, спотыкаются отрупы их.

Несется конница, сверкает меч и блестят копья; убитых множество и груды трупов: нет конца трупам, спотыкаются о трупы их.[]

Nahum 3:3
Ryttare komma i fyrsprång; svärden ljunga, och spjuten blixtra. Slagna ser man i mängd och lik i stora hopar; igen ände är på döda, man stupar över döda.

Nahum 3:3
Ang sakay ng mga mangangabayo, at ang kinang ng tabak; at ang kislap ng sibat, at isang karamihan na patay, ay malaking bunton ng mga bangkay, at walang katapusang mga bangkay; sila'y nangatitisod sa kanilang mga bangkay;

นาฮูม 3:3
พลม้าเข้าประจัญบานดาบแวววาวและหอกวาววับ คนถูกฆ่าเป็นก่ายกอง ซากศพกองพะเนิน ร่างคนตายไม่รู้จักจบสิ้น เขาจะสะดุดร่างนั้น

Nahum 3:3
Saldıran atlılar, çakan kılıçlar,
Parıldayan mızraklar, yığın yığın ölüler... Sayısız ceset.
Yürürken ayaklar takılıyor ölülere.[]

Na-hum 3:3
Những lính kỵ sấn tới; gươm sáng lòe, giáo nhấp nháng. Có đoàn đông kẻ bị giết, có từng đống thây lớn, xác chết nhiều vô số! Người ta vấp ngã trên những thây!

Nahum 3:2
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