Nahum 3:17
Nahum 3:17
Your guards are like locusts, your officials like swarms of locusts that settle in the walls on a cold day-- but when the sun appears they fly away, and no one knows where.

Your guards and officials are also like swarming locusts that crowd together in the hedges on a cold day. But like locusts that fly away when the sun comes up, all of them will fly away and disappear.

Your princes are like grasshoppers, your scribes like clouds of locusts settling on the fences in a day of cold— when the sun rises, they fly away; no one knows where they are.

Your guardsmen are like the swarming locust. Your marshals are like hordes of grasshoppers Settling in the stone walls on a cold day. The sun rises and they flee, And the place where they are is not known.

Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Your court officials are like the swarming locust, and your scribes like clouds of locusts, which settle on the walls on a cold day; when the sun rises, they take off, and no one knows where they are.

Your imperial guards are like the swarming grasshopper; your marshals are like hordes of grasshoppers, settling in the stone walls on a chilly day. The sun rises, and they flee away; no one knows where they went.

Your courtiers are like locusts, your officials are like a swarm of locusts! They encamp in the walls on a cold day, yet when the sun rises, they fly away; and no one knows where they are.

Your officers are like locusts, and your scribes are like swarms of locusts that settle on the fences when it is cold. The sun rises, and they scatter in every direction. No one knows where they've gone.

Thy princes shall be as the locusts and thy captains as the great grasshoppers which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun arises, they flee away, and it is not known where they were.

Your princes are like the locusts, and your officials like the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges on the cold day, but when the sun arises they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Your crowned are as the locusts, and your captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun rises they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Thy princes are as the locusts, and thy marshals as the swarms of grasshoppers, which encamp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Thy guards are like the locusts: and thy little ones like the locusts of locusts which swarm on the hedges in the day of cold: the sun arose, and they flew away, and their place was not known where they were.

Thy chosen men are as the locusts, and thy captains as swarms of grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day: when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy marshals as the swarms of grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which settle in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Your guards are like the locusts, and your officials like the swarms of locusts, which settle on the walls on a cold day, but when the sun appears, they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

Thy crowned ones are as a locust, And thy princes as great grasshoppers, That encamp in hedges in a day of cold, The sun hath risen, and it doth flee away, And not known is its place where they are.

Nahumi 3:17
Princat e tu janë si karkalecat, oficerët e tu si mizëri karkalecash që ndalen midis gjerdheve në ditët e ftohta; po, kur del dielli, fluturojnë tutje, por nuk dihet se ku kanë shkuar.

ﻧﺎﺣﻮﻡ 3:17
رؤساؤك كالجراد وولاتك كحرجلة الجراد الحالّة على الجدران في يوم البرد. تشرق الشمس فتطير ولا يعرف مكانها اين هو.

Dyr Nähum 3:17
Und deine Wächter seind grad yso wie d Mattschröckn; deine Amptner seind wie ayn Schwarm Heuböck, wo si auf d Mauer hinhuckend, so lang s non kalt ist. Geet aber d Sunn auf, seind s einweil dyrhin, aber niemdd waiß, +wohin aigntlich.

Наум 3:17
[Така и] коронясаните ти са като скакалци, Които се настаняват на плетищата в студен ден, Но които, като изгрее слънцето бягат, И не се познава мястото гдето бяха.

那 鴻 書 3:17
你 的 首 領 多 如 蝗 蟲 ; 你 的 軍 長 彷 彿 成 群 的 螞 蚱 , 天 涼 的 時 候 齊 落 在 籬 笆 上 , 日 頭 一 出 便 都 飛 去 , 人 不 知 道 落 在 何 處 。

你 的 首 领 多 如 蝗 虫 ; 你 的 军 长 彷 佛 成 群 的 蚂 蚱 , 天 凉 的 时 候 齐 落 在 篱 笆 上 , 日 头 一 出 便 都 飞 去 , 人 不 知 道 落 在 何 处 。



Nahum 3:17
[17a] tvoje posade neka bude kao skakavaca, a tvojih pisara kao kobilica. Borave po zidovima kad je hladan dan. Sunce grane: [16b] kukci razvijaju krilašca i lete, [17b] i odlaze tko zna kamo.

Nahuma 3:17
Znamenití tvoji jako kobylky, a hejtmané tvoji jako velicí chroustové, kteříž se kladou vojensky po plotích v čas studena. Slunce vzešlo, tožť letí, aniž znáti místa jejich, kde byli.

Nahum 3:17
Dine Fogeder er som Græshopper, dine Tipsarer som Græshoppesværme; de lejrer sig i Hegn, naar Dagen er sval; men naar Solen staar op, er de borte, man ved ej hvor.

Nahum 3:17
Uw gekroonden zijn als de sprinkhanen, en uw krijgsoversten als de grote kevers, die zich in de heiningmuren legeren in de koude der dagen; wanneer de zon opgaat, zo vliegen zij weg, alzo dat hun plaats onbekend is, waar zij geweest zijn.

נחום 3:17
מִנְּזָרַ֙יִךְ֙ כָּֽאַרְבֶּ֔ה וְטַפְסְרַ֖יִךְ כְּגֹ֣וב גֹּבָ֑י הַֽחֹונִ֤ים בַּגְּדֵרֹות֙ בְּיֹ֣ום קָרָ֔ה שֶׁ֤מֶשׁ זָֽרְחָה֙ וְנֹודַ֔ד וְלֹֽא־נֹודַ֥ע מְקֹומֹ֖ו אַיָּֽם׃

יז מנזריך כארבה וטפסריך כגוב גבי החונים בגדרות ביום קרה--שמש זרחה ונודד ולא נודע מקומו אים

מנזריך כארבה וטפסריך כגוב גבי החונים בגדרות ביום קרה שמש זרחה ונודד ולא־נודע מקומו אים׃

Náhum 3:17
Fejedelmeid mint a sáska, vezéreid mint a tücsök-raj; hideg idõkben gyepûkben tanyáz, napkeletkor pedig elrepül, és helye sem tudható meg, hol volt.

Naĥum 3:17
Viaj tacxmentoj estas kiel akridoj, kaj viaj tacxmentestroj estas kiel lokustoj, kiuj dum la malvarmo kasxas sin en fendoj, kaj kiam la suno ekbrilas, ili disflugas tiel, ke oni ne scias, kie ili estas.

Sinun ylimmäistäs on niin monta niinkuin ruohomatoja, ja päämiehiäs niinkuin paarmoja, jotka heitänsä aidoille vilun aikana sioittavat; mutta kuin aurinko nousee, niin he sieltä lähtevät, ettei siaakaan tuta, kussa he olivat.

Nahum 3:17
Tes hommes d'élite sont comme les sauterelles, et tes capitaines sont comme une nuée de gobs qui campent dans les haies au frais du jour; le soleil se lève, ils s'envolent, et on ne connaît pas le lieu où ils sont.

Tes princes sont comme les sauterelles, Tes chefs comme une multitude de sauterelles, Qui se posent sur les haies au temps de la froidure: Le soleil paraît, elles s'envolent, Et l'on ne connaît plus le lieu où elles étaient.

Ceux qui portent le diadème au milieu de toi sont comme des sauterelles, et tes capitaines comme de grandes sauterelles qui se campent dans les cloisons au temps de la fraîcheur, et qui, lorsque le soleil est levé, s'écartent, de sorte qu'on ne connaît plus le lieu où elles ont été.

Nahum 3:17
Deiner HERREN ist so viel als der Heuschrecken und deiner Hauptleute als der Käfer, die sich an die Zäune lagern in den kalten Tagen; wenn aber die Sonne aufgehet, heben sie sich davon, daß man nicht weiß, wo sie bleiben.

Deiner Herden sind so viel wie Heuschrecken und deiner Hauptleute wie Käfer, die sich an die Zäune lagern in den kalten Tagen; wenn aber die Sonne aufgeht, heben sie sich davon, daß man nicht weiß, wo sie bleiben.

Deine Fürsten gleichen den Heuschrecken, deine Befehlshaber einem Schwarm von Heuschrecken, die sich in kalter Zeit an den Mauern lagern; wenn die Sonne aufgeht, fliegen sie davon, und niemand weiß, wohin.

Nahum 3:17
I tuoi principi son come le locuste, i tuoi ufficiali come sciami di giovani locuste, che s’accampano lungo le siepi in giorno di freddo, e quando il sole si leva volano via, e non si conosce più il posto dov’erano.

I tuoi coronati son come locuste, e i tuoi capitani son come le maggiori locuste, che si accampano nelle chiusure, in tempo di freddo; e quando il sole è levato, si dileguano, e non si riconosce più il loro luogo, dove erano.

NAHUM 3:17
Segala penghulumu itu seperti belalang dan segala panglima perangmupun seperti bala belalang; mereka itu bertentara dalam pagar pada hari dingin; apabila terbitlah matahari maka terbanglah ia, sehingga tiada lagi ketahuan di mana dahulu tempatnya!

나훔 3:17
너의 방백은 메뚜기 같고 너의 대장은 큰 메뚜기 떼가 추운 날에는 울타리에 깃들였다가 해가 뜨면 날아감과 같으니 그 있는 곳을 알 수 없도다

Nahum 3:17
custodes tui quasi lucustae et parvuli tui quasi lucustae lucustarum quae considunt in sepibus in die frigoris sol ortus est et avolaverunt et non est cognitus locus earum ubi fuerint

Nahumo knyga 3:17
Tavo valdininkai ir vadai yra kaip skėrių būrys, kuris guli, o saulei patekėjus, nulekia, ir niekas nežino, kur jis yra.

Nahum 3:17
Ko ou tangata i te potae kingi, ko to ratou rite kei te mawhitiwhiti, ko ou rangatira rite tonu ki nga pokai mawhitiwhiti e noho nei i nga taiepa i te ra maeke i te whitinga o te ra ka rere ratou, kahore hoki e mohiotia to ratou wahi, kei hea ra?

Nahum 3:17
Dine fyrster er som gresshopper, og dine høvdinger ligner en gresshoppesverm som slår sig ned på murene på en kold dag; solen går op, og de flyver bort, og ingen vet hvor det blir av dem.

Nahúm 3:17
Tus oficiales son como la langosta, tus jefes como nubes de langostas posados sobre las tapias en un día de frío; sale el sol, y se van, y no se sabe donde están.

Tus oficiales son como la langosta, Tus jefes como nubes de langostas Posados sobre las tapias En un día de frío; Sale el sol, y se van, Y no se sabe donde están.

Tus príncipes son como langostas, y tus grandes como nubes de langostas que se sientan en vallados en día de frío; salido el sol se van, y no se conoce el lugar donde están.

Tus príncipes serán como langostas, y tus grandes como langostas de langostas que se sientan en vallados en día de frío: salido el sol se mudan, y no se conoce el lugar donde estuvieron.

Tus príncipes serán como langostas, y tus grandes como langostas de langostas que se sientan en vallados en día de frío; salido el sol se mudan, y no se conoce el lugar donde estuvieron.

Naum 3:17
Teus príncipes são como os gafanhotos migradores, e teus oficiais e soldados, como exames de outros gafanhotos que se acampam junto às muralhas nos dias de frio; quando chega o sol, voam, sem que ninguém saiba para onde foram.

Os teus príncipes são como os gafanhotos, e os teus chefes como enxames de gafanhotos, que se acampam nas sebes nos dias de frio; em subindo o sol voam, e não se sabe o lugar em que estão.   

Naum 3:17
Voivozii tăi sînt ca lăcustele, mai marii tăi ca o ceată de lăcuste, cari tăbărăsc în dumbrăvi pe răcoarea zilei: cînd răsare soarele, sboară, şi nu se mai cunoaşte locul unde erau.

Наум 3:17
Князья твои – как саранча, и военачальники твои – как рои мошек, которые во время холода гнездятся в щелях стен , и когда взойдет солнце, то разлетаются, и не узнаешь места, где они были.

Князья твои--как саранча, и военачальники твои--как рои мошек, которые во время холода гнездятся в щелях [стен], и когда взойдет солнце, то разлетаются, и не узнаешь места, где они были.[]

Nahum 3:17
Ja, dina furstar äro såsom gräshoppor och dina hövdingar såsom gräshoppssvärmar: de stanna inom murarna, så länge det är svalt, men när solen kommer fram, då fly de bort, och sedan vet ingen var de finnas.

Nahum 3:17
Ang iyong mga prinsipe ay parang mga balang, at ang iyong mga pinuno ay parang kawan ng lukton, na nagsisihimpil sa mga bakod sa araw na malamig, nguni't pagka ang araw ay sumikat sila'y nagsisilipad, at ang kanilang dako ay hindi alam kung saan sila nangandoon.

นาฮูม 3:17
เจ้านายของเจ้าก็เหมือนตั๊กแตนวัยบิน พวกสัสดีของเจ้าก็เหมือนฝูงตั๊กแตนเกาะอยู่ที่รั้วต้นไม้ในวันอากาศเย็น พอดวงอาทิตย์ขึ้น มันก็บินไปหมด ไม่มีใครทราบว่ามันไปที่ไหน

Nahum 3:17
Koruyucularınla görevlilerin serin günlerde duvarlara konan çekirgeler gibidir,
Güneş doğunca uçup kayıplara karışan çekirge sürüsü gibi.[]

Na-hum 3:17
Các quan trưởng ngươi như cào cào, các quan tướng ngươi như bầy châu chấu đậu trên hàng rào trong khi trời lạnh, đến chừng mặt trời mọc, nó đi mất, người ta không biết nó ở đâu.

Nahum 3:16
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