Nahum 2:4
Nahum 2:4
The chariots storm through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares. They look like flaming torches; they dart about like lightning.

The chariots race recklessly along the streets and rush wildly through the squares. They flash like firelight and move as swiftly as lightning.

The chariots race madly through the streets; they rush to and fro through the squares; they gleam like torches; they dart like lightning.

The chariots race madly in the streets, They rush wildly in the squares, Their appearance is like torches, They dash to and fro like lightning flashes.

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.

The chariots dash madly through the streets; they rush around in the plazas. They look like torches; they dart back and forth like lightning.

Their chariots storm through the streets, jostling each other along broad avenues. They look like torches, as they dart around like lightning.

The chariots race madly through the streets, they rush back and forth in the broad plazas; they look like lightning bolts, they dash here and there like flashes of lightning.

Chariots are racing madly through the streets, rushing this way and that in the city squares. They look like torches, like lightning, as they dart about.

The chariots shall rage in the streets; they shall flow through the streets, their faces like torches; they shall run like the lightnings.

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad roads: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like lightning.

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightning.

The chariots rage in the streets; they rush to and fro in the broad ways: the appearance of them is like torches; they run like the lightnings.

They are in confusion in the ways, the chariots jostle one against another in the streets: their looks are like torches, like lightning running to and fro.

The chariots rush madly in the streets, they justle one against another in the broad ways: the appearance of them is like torches, they run like lightnings.

The chariots rage in the streets, they justle one against another in the broad ways: the appearance of them is like torches, they run like the lightnings.

The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.

The chariots rage in the streets. They rush back and forth in the broad ways. Their appearance is like torches. They run like the lightnings.

In out-places shine do the chariots, They go to and fro in broad places, Their appearances are like torches, As lightnings they run.

Nahumi 2:4
Qerret do të lëshohen me tërbim nëpër rrugë do t'u bien kryq e tërthor shesheve; do të duken si pishtarë, do të vetëtijnë si rrufe.

ﻧﺎﺣﻮﻡ 2:4
تهيج المركبات في الازقة. تتراكض في الساحات. منظرها كمصابيح. تجري كالبروق

Dyr Nähum 2:4
D Wägn teuflnd auf de Gassnen dyrhin, und stürmen tuend s über de Plätz. Mainen känntst, s wärnd lautter Fackln; dyrherjagn tuend s wie Blitz.

Наум 2:4
Колесниците буйствуват из улиците, Блъскат се една с друга по площадите; Изгледът им е като факли, Тичат като светкавица.

那 鴻 書 2:4
車 輛 在 街 上 ( 或 譯 : 城 外 ) 急 行 , 在 寬 闊 處 奔 來 奔 去 , 形 狀 如 火 把 , 飛 跑 如 閃 電 。

车 辆 在 街 上 ( 或 译 : 城 外 ) 急 行 , 在 宽 阔 处 奔 来 奔 去 , 形 状 如 火 把 , 飞 跑 如 闪 电 。



Nahum 2:4
Po ulicama bjesne bojna kola, lete preko trgova; na pogled su baklje goruće; kao munje, samo sijevaju.

Nahuma 2:4
Po ulicích jezditi budou vozové, a hrčeti po ryncích; na pohledění budou jako pochodně, a jako blesk pronikati budou.

Nahum 2:4
Igennem Gaderne raser Vognene frem, hen over Torvene farer de i susende Fart; de ser ud som Fakler, farer frem og tilbage som Lyn.

Nahum 2:4
De wagens razen door de wijken, zij lopen ginds en weder op de straten; hun gedaanten zijn als der fakkelen, zij lopen door elkander henen als de bliksemen.

נחום 2:4
בַּֽחוּצֹות֙ יִתְהֹולְל֣וּ הָרֶ֔כֶב יִֽשְׁתַּקְשְׁק֖וּן בָּרְחֹבֹ֑ות מַרְאֵיהֶן֙ כַּלַּפִּידִ֔ם כַּבְּרָקִ֖ים יְרֹוצֵֽצוּ׃

ה בחוצות יתהוללו הרכב ישתקשקון ברחבות  מראיהן כלפידים--כברקים ירוצצו

בחוצות יתהוללו הרכב ישתקשקון ברחבות מראיהן כלפידם כברקים ירוצצו׃

Náhum 2:4
Az utczákon robognak a szekerek, összeütköznek a piaczokon; tekintetök mint a fáklyák, futkosnak mint a villámok.

Naĥum 2:4
Sur la stratoj rapide ruligxas la cxaroj, bruas sur la placoj; ili aspektas kiel torcxoj, brilas kiel fulmoj.

Rattaat vierivät kaduilla, ja kolisevat kujilla; he välkkyvät niinkuin tulisoitto, ja juoksevat niinkuin pitkäisen leimaus.

Nahum 2:4
Les chars s'élancent avec furie dans les rues, ils se précipitent sur les places; leur apparence est comme des torches, ils courent comme des éclairs.

Les chars s'élancent dans la campagne, Se précipitent sur les places; A les voir, on dirait des flambeaux, Ils courent comme des éclairs...

Les chariots couront avec rapidité dans les rues, et s'entre-heurteront dans les places, ils seront, à les voir comme des flambeaux, et courront comme des éclairs.

Nahum 2:4
Die Wagen rollen auf den Gassen und rasseln auf den Straßen; sie blicken wie Fackeln und fahren untereinander her wie die Blitze.

Die Wagen rollen auf den Gassen und rasseln auf den Straßen; sie glänzen wie Fackeln und fahren einher wie die Blitze.

Auf den Gassen rasen die Wagen, rennen hin und her auf den Plätzen; wie Fackeln sind sie anzusehn, sie fahren einher wie die Blitze.

Nahum 2:4
I carri si slancian furiosamente per le strade, si precipitano per le piazze; il loro aspetto è come di fiaccole, guizzan come folgori.

I carri smanieranno per le strade, e faranno un grande scalpiccio per le piazze; gli aspetti di coloro saran simili a torchi accesi, essi scorreranno come folgori.

Bahwa segala rata perang itu gempitalah bunyinya sepanjang segala jalan dan berkeretak-keretuk sepanjang segala lebuh pasar; bahwa rupa mereka itu seperti pedamaran dan sabung-menyabung seperti kilat.

나훔 2:4
그 병거는 거리에 미치게 달리며 대로에서 이리 저리 빨리 가니 그 모양이 횃불 같고 빠르기 번개 같도다

Nahum 2:4
in itineribus conturbati sunt quadrigae conlisae sunt in plateis aspectus eorum quasi lampades quasi fulgura discurrentia

Nahumo knyga 2:4
Kovos vežimai lėks gatvėmis ir aikštėmis tarsi žaibas.

Nahum 2:4
Ngana tonu nga hariata i nga ara, taututetute ana ki a ratou ano i nga waharoa: ko to ratou ahua ano he roherohe, e rere ana me he uira.

Nahum 2:4
På gatene raser vognene avsted, de styrter frem over torvene; de er som bluss å se til, som lyn farer de frem.

Nahúm 2:4
Por las calles corren furiosos los carros, se precipitan por las plazas, su aspecto es semejante a antorchas, como relámpagos se lanzan.

Por las calles corren furiosos los carros, Se precipitan por las plazas, Su aspecto es semejante a antorchas, Como relámpagos se lanzan.

Los carros se precipitarán en las calles, discurrirán por las plazas; su parecer como antorchas encendidas; correrán como relámpagos.

Los carros se precipitarán á las plazas, discurrirán por las calles: su aspecto como hachas encendidas; correrán como relámpagos.

Los carros harán locuras en las plazas, discurrirán por las calles; sus rostros como antorchas; correrán como relámpagos.

Naum 2:4
Os carros de guerra percorrem as ruas e se cruzam velozmente pelos quarteirões. Parecem tochas de fogo e se arremessam como relâmpagos.

Os carros andam furiosamente nas ruas; cruzam as praças em todas as direções; parecem como tochas, e correm como os relampagos.   

Naum 2:4
Duruiesc carăle pe uliţe, se năpustesc unele peste altele în pieţe; parcă sînt nişte făclii la vedere, şi aleargă ca fulgerele...

Наум 2:4
По улицам несутся колесницы, гремят на площадях; блеск от них, как от огня; сверкают, как молния.

По улицам несутся колесницы, гремят на площадях; блеск от них, как от огня; сверкают, как молния.[]

Nahum 2:4
På vägarna storma vagnarna fram, de köra om varandra på fälten; såsom bloss äro de att skåda lika ljungeldar fara de åstad.

Nahum 2:4
Ang mga karo ay nagsisihagibis sa mga lansangan; nangagkakabanggang isa't isa sa mga daan: ang anyo ng mga yaon ay gaya ng mga sulo; nagsisitakbong parang mga kidlat.

นาฮูม 2:4
รถรบห้อไปตามถนน มันรีบไปรีบมาที่ลานเมือง ส่องแสงราวกับคบเพลิง และพุ่งไปอย่างสายฟ้าแลบ

Nahum 2:4
Sokaklardan fırtına gibi geçiyor savaş arabaları,
Meydanlardan koşuşuyorlar her yöne, Şimşek gibi seğirtiyorlar.
Görünüşleri meşalelerden farksız.[]

Na-hum 2:4
Những xe đi hỗn độn trong đường phố, và chạy đi chạy lại trong các đường rộng, thấy nó như những ngọn đuốc, và chạy như chớp!

Nahum 2:3
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