Micah 6:5
Micah 6:5
My people, remember what Balak king of Moab plotted and what Balaam son of Beor answered. Remember your journey from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of the LORD."

Don't you remember, my people, how King Balak of Moab tried to have you cursed and how Balaam son of Beor blessed you instead? And remember your journey from Acacia Grove to Gilgal, when I, the LORD, did everything I could to teach you about my faithfulness."

O my people, remember what Balak king of Moab devised, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, and what happened from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of the LORD.”

"My people, remember now What Balak king of Moab counseled And what Balaam son of Beor answered him, And from Shittim to Gilgal, So that you might know the righteous acts of the LORD."

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.

My people, remember what Balak king of Moab proposed, what Balaam son of Beor answered him, and what happened from the Acacia Grove to Gilgal so that you may acknowledge the LORD's righteous acts.

"My people, recall how king Balak of Moab deliberated, and how Beor's son Balaam counseled him from Shittim to Gilgal, so that you may know the righteousness of the LORD."

My people, recall how King Balak of Moab planned to harm you, how Balaam son of Beor responded to him. Recall how you journeyed from Shittim to Gilgal, so you might acknowledge that the LORD has treated you fairly."

My people, remember what King Balak of Moab planned [to do to you] and how Balaam, son of Beor, responded to him. Remember [your journey] from Shittim to Gilgal so that you may know the victories of the LORD."

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal: that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab devised, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from Shittim unto Gilgal; that you may know the righteousness of the LORD.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim to Gilgal; that you may know the righteousness of the LORD.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab devised, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him; remember from Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know the righteous acts of Jehovah.

O my people, remember, I pray thee, what Balach the king of Moab purposed: and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from Setim to Galgal, that thou mightest know the justices of the Lord.

My people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know the righteousness of Jehovah.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him; remember from Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know the righteous acts of the LORD.

O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim to Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.

My people, remember now what Balak king of Moab devised, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim to Gilgal, that you may know the righteous acts of Yahweh."

O My people, remember, I pray you, What counsel did Balak king of Moab, What answer him did Balaam son of Beor, (From Shittim unto Gilgal,) In order to know the righteous acts of Jehovah.'

Mikea 6:5
O populli im, mbaj mend atë që Balaku, mbreti i Moabit, kurdiste dhe si iu përgjigj Balaami, biri i Beorit, nga Shitimi deri në Gilgal me qëllim që ti të pranosh drejtësinë e Zotit".

ﻣﻴﺨﺎ 6:5
يا شعبي اذكر بماذا تآمر بالاق ملك موآب وبماذا اجابه بلعام بن بعور ــ من شطّيم الى الجلجال ــ لكي تعرف اجادة الرب

Dyr Michen 6:5
Mein Volk, denk dran, was dyr Mober Künig Bäläck eyn n Sin hiet, und was iem dyr Pilgram Beuersun drauf gantwortt! Denk an allss zwischn Schittim und Gilgal; und segh doch ein, däß dyr dyr +Trechtein daa überall aushergholffen haat!

Михей 6:5
Люде мои, спомнете си сега какво намеряваше моавският цар Валак, И какво му отговори Валаам Веоровият син; [Спомнете си всичко станало] между Ситим и Галгал, За да познаете справедливите дела Господни.

彌 迦 書 6:5
我 的 百 姓 啊 , 你 們 當 追 念 摩 押 王 巴 勒 所 設 的 謀 和 比 珥 的 兒 子 巴 蘭 回 答 他 的 話 , 並 你 們 從 什 亭 到 吉 甲 所 遇 見 的 事 , 好 使 你 們 知 道 耶 和 華 公 義 的 作 為 。

我 的 百 姓 啊 , 你 们 当 追 念 摩 押 王 巴 勒 所 设 的 谋 和 比 珥 的 儿 子 巴 兰 回 答 他 的 话 , 并 你 们 从 什 亭 到 吉 甲 所 遇 见 的 事 , 好 使 你 们 知 道 耶 和 华 公 义 的 作 为 。



Micah 6:5
Narode moj, sjeti se sada: Što je bio naumio Balak, kralj moapski? Što je njemu odgovorio Bileam, sin Beorov? ...od Šitima do Gilgala, da poznaš pravedna djela Jahvina.

Micheáše 6:5
Lide můj, rozpomeň se nyní, jakou radu skládal Balák král Moábský, a co jemu odpovídal Balám syn Beorův, od Setim až do Galgala, abys poznal hojnou spravedlnost Hospodinovu.

Mikas 6:5
Mit Folk, kom i Hu, hvad Kong Balak af Moab havde i Sinde, og hvad Bileam, Beors Søn, svarede ham, fra Sjittim til Gilgal, for at du kan kende HERRENS Retfærdsgerninger.

Micha 6:5
Mijn volk! gedenk toch wat Balak, de koning van Moab, beraadslaagde, en wat hem Bileam, de zoon van Beor, antwoordde; en wat geschied is van Sittim af tot Gilgal toe, opdat gij de gerechtigheden des HEEREN kent.

מיכה 6:5
עַמִּ֗י זְכָר־נָא֙ מַה־יָּעַ֗ץ בָּלָק֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ מֹואָ֔ב וּמֶה־עָנָ֥ה אֹתֹ֖ו בִּלְעָ֣ם בֶּן־בְּעֹ֑ור מִן־הַשִּׁטִּים֙ עַד־הַגִּלְגָּ֔ל לְמַ֕עַן דַּ֖עַת צִדְקֹ֥ות יְהוָֽה׃

ה עמי זכר נא מה יעץ בלק מלך מואב ומה ענה אתו בלעם בן בעור--מן השטים עד הגלגל למען דעת צדקות יהוה

עמי זכר־נא מה־יעץ בלק מלך מואב ומה־ענה אתו בלעם בן־בעור מן־השטים עד־הגלגל למען דעת צדקות יהוה׃

Mikeás 6:5
Én népem! Emlékezzél csak: mit koholt Bálák, Moábnak királya, és mit felelt néki Bálám, a Beor fia? Sittimtõl fogva Gilgálig, hogy megismerjed az Úr igazságos cselekedeteit.

Miĥa 6:5
Ho Mia popolo! rememoru, kion intencis Balak, regxo de Moab, kaj kion respondis al li Bileam, filo de Beor; de SXitim gxis Gilgal, por ke vi sciu la bonfarojn de la Eternulo.

Minun kansani, muista siis, mitä neuvoa Balak Moabin kuningas piti, ja mitä Bileam Peorin poika häntä vastasi, Sittimistä hamaan Gilgaliin asti, että te tietäisitte Herran vanhurskaita töitä.

Michée 6:5
Mon peuple, souviens-toi, je te prie, du dessein que forma Balak, roi de Moab, et de ce que Balaam, fils de Béor, lui répondit, de Sittim jusqu'à Guilgal, afin que vous connaissiez la justice de l'Éternel.

Mon peuple, rappelle-toi ce que projetait Balak, roi de Moab, Et ce que lui répondit Balaam, fils de Beor, De Sittim à Guilgal, Afin que tu reconnaisses les bienfaits de l'Eternel.

Mon peuple, qu'il te souvienne, je te prie, quel conseil Balak Roi de Moab avait pris [contre toi], et de ce que Balaam fils de Béhor lui répondit : [et de ce que j'ai fait] depuis Sittim jusqu'à Guilgal, afin que tu connaisses les justices de l'Eternel.

Mica 6:5
Mein Volk, denke doch daran, was Balak, der König in Moab, vorhatte, und was ihm Bileam, der Sohn Beors, antwortete, von Sittim an bis gen Gilgal; daran ihr ja merken solltet, wie der HERR euch alles Gute getan hat.

Mein Volk, denke doch daran, was Balak, der König in Moab, vorhatte und was ihm Bileam, der Sohn Beors, antwortete, von Sittim an bis gen Gilgal; daran ihr ja merken solltet, wie der HERR euch alles Gute getan hat.

Mein Volk, denke doch daran, was Balak, der König von Moab, im Sinne hatte, und was Bileam, der Sohn Beors, ihm antwortete; denke doch an die Ereignisse von Sittim an bis Gilgal, damit du die Gnadenerweisungen Jahwes erkennst!"

Michea 6:5
O popolo mio, ricorda dunque quel che Balak, re di Moab, macchinava, e che cosa gli rispose Balaam, figliuolo di Beor, da Sittim a Ghilgal, affinché tu riconosca il giusto procedere dell’Eterno.

Deh! popol mio, ricordati qual consiglio prese Balac, re di Moab; e qual risposta gli diede Balaam, figliuolo di Beor; di ciò che ti avvenne da Sittim fino in Ghilgal; acciocchè tu riconosca le giustizie del Signore.

Hai umat-Ku! Ingatlah kiranya akan barang yang dibicarakan oleh Balak, raja Moab itu, dan akan barang yang disahut kepadanya oleh Bileam bin Beor, dan akan segala perkara yang telah jadi dari Sitim sampai ke Gilgal, supaya diketahui olehmu akan segala kebenaran Tuhan.

미가 6:5
내 백성아 너는 모압 왕 발락의 꾀한 것과 브올의 아들 발람이 그에게 대답한 것을 추억하며 싯딤에서부터 길갈까지의 일을 추억하라 그리하면 나 여호와의 의롭게 행한 것을 알리라 하실 것이니라

Michaeas 6:5
populus meus memento quaeso quid cogitaverit Balac rex Moab et quid responderit ei Balaam filius Beor de Setthim usque ad Galgalam ut cognosceret iustitias Domini

Michëjo knyga 6:5
Mano tauta, atsimink, ką buvo sumanęs Balakas, Moabo karalius, ir ką jam atsakė Balaamas, Beoro sūnus. Pagalvok, kas vyko nuo Šitimų iki Gilgalo, kad pažintum Viešpaties teisumą”.

Micah 6:5
Kia mahara, e taku iwi, ki te whakaaro i whakatakotoria e Paraka kingi o Moapa, ki te kupu hoki i whakahokia ki a ia e Paraama tama a Peoro; maharatia i Hitimi tae noa ki Kirikara, kia mohio ai koutou ki nga mahi tika a Ihowa.

Mika 6:5
Mitt folk! Kom i hu det råd som Balak, Moabs konge, hadde lagt, og det svar som Bileam, Beors sønn, gav ham, det som hendte på veien fra Sittim til Gilgal, så du kan forstå Herrens rettferdige gjerninger!

Miqueas 6:5
Pueblo mío, acuérdate ahora de lo que maquinó Balac, rey de Moab, y de lo que le respondió Balaam, hijo de Beor, desde Sitim hasta Gilgal, para que conozcas las justicias del SEÑOR.

Pueblo Mío, acuérdate ahora De lo que tramó Balac, rey de Moab, Y de lo que le respondió Balaam, hijo de Beor, Desde Sitim hasta Gilgal, Para que conozcas las justicias del SEÑOR."

Pueblo mío, acuérdate ahora qué aconsejó Balac rey de Moab, y qué le respondió Balaam, hijo de Beor, desde Sitim hasta Gilgal, para que conozcas las justicias de Jehová.

Pueblo mío, acuérdate ahora qué aconsejó Balac rey de Moab, y qué le respondió Balaam, hijo de Beor, desde Sittim hasta Gilgal, para que conozcas las justicias de Jehová.

Pueblo mío, acuérdate ahora qué pensó Balac rey de Moab, y qué le respondió Balaam, hijo de Beor, desde Sitim hasta Gilgal, para que conozcas las justicias del SEÑOR.

Miquéias 6:5
Meu povo querido, lembra-te do que Balaque, rei de Moabe, pediu e do que Balaão, filho de Beor, respondeu! Relembra a viagem que fizeste desde Sitim até Gilgal, e reconhece que todas as atitudes de Yahwehsão justas!”

Povo meu, lembra-te agora da consulta de Balaque, rei de Meabe, e do que lhe respondeu Balaão, filho de Beor, e do que sucedeu desde Sitini até Gilgal, para que conheças as justiças do Senhor.   

Mica 6:5
Poporul Meu, adu-ţi aminte ce plănuia Balac împăratul Moabului, şi ce i -a răspuns Balaam, fiul lui Beor, şi ce s'a întîmplat din Sitim pînă la Ghilgal, ca să cunoşti binefacerile Domnului!``

Михей 6:5
Народ Мой! вспомни, что замышлял Валак, царь Моавитский, и чтоотвечал ему Валаам, сын Веоров, и что происходило от Ситтима до Галгал, чтобы познать тебе праведные действия Господни.

Народ Мой! вспомни, что замышлял Валак, царь Моавитский, и что отвечал ему Валаам, сын Веоров, и что [происходило] от Ситтима до Галгал, чтобы познать тебе праведные действия Господни.[]

Mika 6:5
Mitt folk, kom ihåg vad Balak, konungen i Moab, hade i sinnet, och vad Bileam, Beors son, svarade honom; kom ihåg huru det var mellan Sittim och Gilgal, och lär dig så förstå HERRENS rättfärdighets gärningar.

Micah 6:5
Oh bayan ko, alalahanin mo ngayon kung ano ang isinangguni ni Balac na hari sa Moab, at kung ano ang isinagot sa kaniya ni Balaam na anak ni Beor; alalahanin mo mula sa Sittem hanggang sa Gilgal, upang iyong maalaman ang mga matuwid na gawa ng Panginoon.

มีคาห์ 6:5
โอ ประชาชนของเราเอ๋ย จงระลึกว่า บาลาคกษัตริย์โมอับคิดอุบายประการใด และบาลาอัมบุตรชายเบโอร์ได้ตอบเขาอย่างไรจากชิทธิมถึงกิลกาล มีอะไรเกิดขึ้น เพื่อเจ้าจะได้ทราบความชอบธรรมของพระเยโฮวาห์"

Mika 6:5
Ey halkım, Moav Kralı Balakın neler öğütlediğini,
Beor oğlu Balamın onu nasıl yanıtladığını anımsa.
Şittimden Gilgala dek olup biteni an.
Sizleri nasıl kurtardığımı o zaman anlayacaksın.››[]

Mi-cheâ 6:5
Hỡi dân ta, khá nhớ lại mưu của Ba-lác là vua Mô-áp đã mưu và lời của Ba-la-am con trai Bê-ô đáp cùng nó; và nhớ lại sự ta đã làm từ Si-tim đến Ghinh-ganh, hầu cho ngươi biết việc công bình của Ðức Giê-hô-va!

Micah 6:4
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