Matthew 3:10
Matthew 3:10
The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Even now the ax of God's judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire.

Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

"The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Even now the ax is ready to strike the root of the trees! Therefore, every tree that doesn't produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire."

The ax already lies against the roots of the trees. So every tree that isn't producing good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

Even now the ax is laid at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.

“But behold, the axe is laid at the root of the tree; every tree, therefore, that has not produced good fruit is cut down and falls into the fire.”

The ax is now ready to cut the roots of the trees. Any tree that doesn't produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into a fire.

And now the axe is also laid unto the root of the trees; therefore, every tree which does not bring forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.

And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

And now also the ax is laid to the root of the trees: therefore every tree which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

And even now the axe lieth at the root of the trees: every tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

For now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that doth not yield good fruit, shall be cut down, and cast into the fire.

And already the axe is applied to the root of the trees; every tree therefore not producing good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire.

And even now is the axe laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

And now also the ax is laid to the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

And already the axe is lying at the root of the trees, so that every tree which does not produce good fruit will quickly be hewn down and thrown into the fire.

"Even now the axe lies at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that doesn't bring forth good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.

and now also, the axe unto the root of the trees is laid, every tree therefore not bearing good fruit is hewn down, and to fire is cast.

Mateu 3:10
Dhe tashmë sëpata është në rrënjën e drurëve; çdo dru, pra, që nuk jep fryt të mirë, do të pritet dhe do të hidhet në zjarr.

ﻣﺘﻰ 3:10
والآن قد وضعت الفاس على اصل الشجر. فكل شجرة لا تصنع ثمرا جيدا تقطع وتلقى في النار.

Կացինը արդէն իսկ դրուած է ծառերու արմատին քով. ուրեմն ամէն ծառ որ լաւ պտուղ չի բերեր, կը կտրուի ու կրակը կը նետուի:

Euangelioa S. Mattheuen araura.  3:10
Bada ia aizcorá arborén errora eçarria da: beraz arbore fructu onic eguiten eztuen gucia piccatzen da eta sura egoizten.

Dyr Mathäus 3:10
Schoon werd mit dyr Hack auf d Wurtzn von de Baeum anglögt. Ayn ieder Baaum, wo nit gscheid tragt, werd umghaut und verbrennt.

Матей 3:10
А и брадвата лежи вече при корена на дърветата; и тъй всяко дърво, което не дава добър плод, отсича се и в огъня се хвърля.

馬 太 福 音 3:10
現 在 斧 子 已 經 放 在 樹 根 上 , 凡 不 結 好 果 子 的 樹 就 砍 下 來 , 丟 在 火 裡 。

现 在 斧 子 已 经 放 在 树 根 上 , 凡 不 结 好 果 子 的 树 就 砍 下 来 , 丢 在 火 里 。





Evanðelje po Mateju 3:10
Već je sjekira položena na korijen stablima. Svako dakle stablo koje ne donosi dobroga roda, siječe se i u oganj baca.

Matouš 3:10
A jižť jest i sekera k kořenu stromů přiložena. Každý zajisté strom, kterýž nenese ovoce dobrého, vyťat a na oheň uvržen bývá.

Matthæus 3:10
Men Øksen ligger allerede ved Roden af Træerne; saa bliver da hvert Træ, som ikke bærer god Frugt, omhugget og kastet i Ilden.

Mattheüs 3:10
En ook is alrede de bijl aan den wortel der bomen gelegd; alle boom dan, die geen goede vrucht voortbrengt, wordt uitgehouwen en in het vuur geworpen.

ἤδη δὲ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

Ἤδη δὲ καὶ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ καὶ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται.

ἤδη δὲ καὶ ἡ ἀξίνη πρὸς τὴν ῥίζαν τῶν δένδρων κεῖται· πᾶν οὖν δένδρον μὴ ποιοῦν καρπὸν καλὸν ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται

ηδη δε η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται

ηδη δε η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται

ηδη δε και η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται

ηδη δε και η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται· παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται.

ηδη δε και η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται

ηδη δε η αξινη προς την ριζαν των δενδρων κειται παν ουν δενδρον μη ποιουν καρπον καλον εκκοπτεται και εις πυρ βαλλεται

ēdē de hē axinē pros tēn rhizan tōn dendrōn keitai; pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pyr balletai.

ede de he axine pros ten rhizan ton dendron keitai; pan oun dendron me poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pyr balletai.

ēdē de hē axinē pros tēn rhizan tōn dendrōn keitai; pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pyr balletai.

ede de he axine pros ten rhizan ton dendron keitai; pan oun dendron me poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pyr balletai.

ēdē de ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

ēdē de kai ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de kai E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

ēdē de kai ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de kai E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

ēdē de kai ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de kai E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

ēdē de ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

ēdē de ē axinē pros tēn rizan tōn dendrōn keitai pan oun dendron mē poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

EdE de E axinE pros tEn rizan tOn dendrOn keitai pan oun dendron mE poioun karpon kalon ekkoptetai kai eis pur balletai

Máté 3:10
A fejsze pedig immár a fák gyökerére vettetett. Azért minden fa, a mely jó gyümölcsöt nem terem, kivágattatik és tûzre vettetik.

La evangelio laŭ Mateo 3:10
Kaj jam la hakilo kusxas cxe la radiko de la arboj; tial cxiu arbo, kiu ne donas bonan frukton, estas dehakata, kaj jxetata en fajron.

Evankeliumi Matteuksen mukaan 3:10
Mutta jo myös on kirves pantu puiden juurelle: sentähden jokainen puu, joka ei tee hyvää hedelmää, hakataan pois ja tuleen heitetään.

Matthieu 3:10
Et déjà la cognée est mise à la racine des arbres; tout arbre donc qui ne produit pas de bon fruit est coupé et jeté au feu.

Déjà la cognée est mise à la racine des arbres: tout arbre donc qui ne produit pas de bons fruits sera coupé et jeté au feu.

Or la cognée est déjà mise à la racine des arbres; c'est pourquoi tout arbre qui ne fait point de bon fruit s'en va être coupé, et jeté au feu.

Matthaeus 3:10
Es ist schon die Axt den Bäumen an die Wurzel gelegt. Darum, welcher Baum nicht gute Früchte bringet, wird abgehauen und ins Feuer geworfen.

Es ist schon die Axt den Bäumen an die Wurzel gelegt. Darum, welcher Baum nicht gute Frucht bringt, wird abgehauen und ins Feuer geworfen.

Schon ist aber die Axt an die Wurzel der Bäume gelegt; so wird denn jeder Baum, der nicht gute Frucht bringt, abgehauen und ins Feuer geworfen.

Matteo 3:10
E già la scure è posta alla radice degli alberi; ogni albero dunque che non fa buon frutto, sta per esser tagliato e gittato nel fuoco.

Or già è ancora posta la scure alla radice degli alberi; ogni albero adunque che non fa buon frutto, sarà di presente tagliato, e gettato nel fuoco.

Sekarang pun sudah sedia kapak di akar pohon kayu; maka tiap-tiap pohon kayu yang tiada berbuahkan buah yang baik, akan ditebang dan dibuang ke dalam api.

Matthew 3:10
Ațan ihi tcaquṛt thegga ɣer izuṛan n ttjuṛ, yal ttejṛa ur d-nețțak ara lfakya lɛali, aț-țețwagzem, aț-țețwaḍeggeṛ ɣer tmes.

마태복음 3:10
이미 도끼가 나무 뿌리에 놓였으니 좋은 열매 맺지 아니하는 나무마다 찍혀 불에 던지우리라

Matthaeus 3:10
iam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est omnis ergo arbor quae non facit fructum bonum exciditur et in ignem mittitur

Sv. Matejs 3:10
Jo cirvis jau pielikts pie koku saknēm. Tātad katrs koks, kas nenes labus augļus, tiks nocirsts un ugunī iemests.

Evangelija pagal Matà 3:10
Štai kirvis jau prie medžių šaknų, ir kiekvienas medis, kuris neduoda gerų vaisių, yra nukertamas ir įmetamas į ugnį.

Matthew 3:10
Na tenei ka pa te toki ki te pakiaka o nga rakau; a, ki te kahore tetahi rakau e hua i te hua pai, ka tuaina, ka maka ki te ahi.

Matteus 3:10
Øksen ligger allerede ved roten av trærne; derfor blir hvert tre som ikke bærer god frukt, hugget ned og kastet på ilden.

Mateo 3:10
Y el hacha ya está puesta a la raíz de los árboles; por tanto, todo árbol que no da buen fruto es cortado y echado al fuego.

"El hacha ya está puesta a la raíz de los árboles; por tanto, todo árbol que no da buen fruto es cortado y echado al fuego.

Y ya también el hacha está puesta a la raíz de los árboles; por tanto, todo árbol que no da buen fruto es cortado y echado en el fuego.

Ahora, ya también la segur está puesta á la raíz de los árboles; y todo árbol que no hace buen fruto, es cortado y echado en el fuego.

Ahora, ya también el hacha está puesta a la raíz de los árboles; y todo árbol que no hace buen fruto, es cortado y echado en el fuego.

Mateus 3:10
O machado já está posto à raiz das árvores, e toda árvore, pois, que não produz bom fruto é cortada e lançada no fogo.

E já está posto o machado á raiz das árvores; toda árvore, pois que não produz bom fruto, é cortada e lançada no fogo.   

Matei 3:10
Iată că securea a şi fost înfiptă la rădăcina pomilor: deci, orice pom, care nu face roadă bună, va fi tăiat şi aruncat în foc.

От Матфея 3:10
Уже и секира при корне дерев лежит: всякое дерево, не приносящее доброго плода, срубают и бросают в огонь.

Уже и секира при корне дерев лежит: всякое дерево, не приносящее доброго плода, срубают и бросают в огонь.

Matthew 3:10
Numi ajaktinia aintsan Kampuwßrin jacha atuttsamuiti. Tura numi pΘnker nereatsna nuka tsupikia jinium apeamu ßrtatui.

Matteus 3:10
Och redan är yxan satt till roten på träden; så bliver då vart träd som icke bär god frukt avhugget och kastat i elden.

Matayo 3:10
Basi, shoka liko tayari kuikata mizizi ya miti; hivyo, kila mti usiozaa matunda mazuri, utakatwa na kutupwa motoni.

Mateo 3:10
At ngayon pa'y nakalagay na ang palakol sa ugat ng mga punong kahoy: ang bawa't punong kahoy nga na hindi nagbubungang mabuti ay pinuputol at inihahagis sa apoy.

มัทธิว 3:10
บัดนี้ขวานวางไว้ที่โคนต้นไม้แล้ว ดังนั้นทุกต้นที่ไม่เกิดผลดีจะต้องตัดแล้วโยนทิ้งในกองไฟ

Matta 3:10
Balta ağaçların köküne dayanmış bile. İyi meyve vermeyen her ağaç kesilip ateşe atılır.

Матей 3:10
Вже ж і сокира коло кореня дерева лежить; тим кожне дерево, що не дає доброго овощу, зрубують, та й кидають ув огонь.

Matthew 3:10
Neo' rata-mi pehuku' Alata'ala! Pehuku' -na hewa pati to rodo ami' -mi hi tawu kaju. Butu ngkaju-na to uma lompe' wua' -na, bate ratoki pai' ratene' hi rala apu."

Ma-thi-ô 3:10
Bây giờ cái búa đã để kề rễ cây; vậy hễ cây nào không sanh trái tốt, thì sẽ phải đốn và chụm.

Matthew 3:9
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