Malachi 3:16
Malachi 3:16
Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.

Then those who feared the LORD spoke with each other, and the LORD listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.

Then those who feared the LORD spoke with one another. The LORD paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him of those who feared the LORD and esteemed his name.

Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name.

Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

At that time those who feared the LORD spoke to one another. The LORD took notice and listened. So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared Yahweh and had high regard for His name. "

Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other. The LORD listened and took note, and a scroll of remembrance was written in his presence about those who fear the LORD and honor His name.

Then those who respected the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD took notice. A scroll was prepared before him in which were recorded the names of those who respected the LORD and honored his name.

Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD paid attention and listened. A book was written in his presence to be a reminder to those who feared the LORD and respected his name.

Then those that feared the LORD spoke one to another, and the LORD hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for those that feared the LORD and for those that think in his name.

Then they that feared the LORD spoke often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

Then they that feared the LORD spoke often one to another: and the LORD listened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought on his name.

Then they that feared Jehovah spake one with another; and Jehovah hearkened, and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before him, for them that feared Jehovah, and that thought upon his name.

Then they that feared the Lord spoke every one with his neighbour: and the Lord gave ear, and heard it: and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that fear the Lord, and think on his name.

Then they that feared Jehovah spoke often one to another; and Jehovah observed it, and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared Jehovah, and that thought upon his name.

Then they that feared the LORD spake one with another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard, and a book of remembrance was written before him, for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

Then they that feared the LORD spoke often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

Then those who feared Yahweh spoke one with another; and Yahweh listened, and heard, and a book of memory was written before him, for those who feared Yahweh, and who honored his name.

Then have those fearing Jehovah spoken one to another, And Jehovah doth attend and hear, And written is a book of memorial before Him Of those fearing Jehovah, And of those esteeming His name.

Malakia 3:16
Atëherë ata që kishin frikë nga Zoti i folën njëri tjetrit. Zoti i dëgjoi me vemendje dhe një libër kujtimi u shkrua përpara tij për ata që kanë frikë nga Zoti dhe që e nderojnë emrin e tij.

ﻣﻼﺥ 3:16
حينئذ كلّم متّقو الرب كل واحد قريبه والرب اصغى وسمع وكتب امامه سفر تذكرة للذين اتقوا الرب وللمفكرين في اسمه.

Dyr Mälychies 3:16
Daa warnd syr de Gotsfärchtignen unteraynand aber ainig: Dyr Trechtein mörkt gar wol auf und schreibt s eyn sein Krinnbüechl einhin, wer önn Herrn firchtt und seinn Nam achtt.

Малахия 3:16
Тогава боящите се от Господа говореха един на друг; И Господ внимаваше и слушаше; И написа се възпоменателна книга пред Него За ония, които се бояха от Господа, И които мислеха за името Му.

瑪 拉 基 書 3:16
那 時 , 敬 畏 耶 和 華 的 彼 此 談 論 , 耶 和 華 側 耳 而 聽 , 且 有 紀 念 冊 在 他 面 前 , 記 錄 那 敬 畏 耶 和 華 、 思 念 他 名 的 人 。

那 时 , 敬 畏 耶 和 华 的 彼 此 谈 论 , 耶 和 华 侧 耳 而 听 , 且 有 纪 念 册 在 他 面 前 , 记 录 那 敬 畏 耶 和 华 、 思 念 他 名 的 人 。



Malachi 3:16
Ali kad se razgovaraju oni koji se Boga boje, Jahve pazi, sluša ih, i to se pred njim piše u knjigu spomenicu u korist onih koji se boje Jahve i štuju Ime njegovo.

Malachiáše 3:16
Tehdy ti, kteříž se bojí Hospodina, tytýž mluvili jeden k druhému. I pozoroval Hospodin a slyšel, a psána jest kniha pamětná před ním pro ty, kteříž se bojí Hospodina, a myslí na jméno jeho.

Malakias 3:16
Da talte de, som frygter HERREN, med hverandre. Og HERREN lyttede og hørte efter, og en Bog blev skrevet for hans Aasyn, for at de kunde ihukommes, som frygter HERREN og slaar Lid til hans Navn.

Maleachi 3:16
Alsdan spreken, die den HEERE vrezen, een ieder tot zijn naaste: De HEERE merkt er toch op en hoort, en er is een gedenkboek voor Zijn aangezicht geschreven, voor degenen, die den HEERE vrezen, en voor degenen, die aan Zijn Naam gedenken.

מלאכי 3:16
אָ֧ז נִדְבְּר֛וּ יִרְאֵ֥י יְהוָ֖ה אִ֣ישׁ אֶת־רֵעֵ֑הוּ וַיַּקְשֵׁ֤ב יְהוָה֙ וַיִּשְׁמָ֔ע וַ֠יִּכָּתֵב סֵ֣פֶר זִכָּרֹ֤ון לְפָנָיו֙ לְיִרְאֵ֣י יְהוָ֔ה וּלְחֹשְׁבֵ֖י שְׁמֹֽו׃

טז אז נדברו יראי יהוה איש אל רעהו ויקשב יהוה וישמע ויכתב ספר זכרון לפניו ליראי יהוה ולחשבי שמו

אז נדברו יראי יהוה איש את־רעהו ויקשב יהוה וישמע ויכתב ספר זכרון לפניו ליראי יהוה ולחשבי שמו׃

Malakiás 3:16
Akkor tanakodtak egymással az Úrnak tisztelõi, az Úr pedig figyelt és hallgatott, és egy emlékkönyv iraték õ elõtte azoknak, a kik félik az Urat és becsülik az õ nevét.

Malaĥi 3:16
Sed tiuj, kiuj timas la Eternulon, diras al si reciproke:La Eternulo atentas kaj auxdas, kaj memorlibro estas skribata antaux Li pri tiuj, kiuj timas la Eternulon kaj respektas Lian nomon.

Silloin ne, jotka Herraa pelkäävät, lohduttavat toinen toistansa näin: Herra ottaa siitä vaarin ja kuulee sen, ja muistokirja on kirjoitettu hänen eteensä niille, jotka Herraa pelkäävät ja muistavat hänen nimensä.

Malachie 3:16
Alors ceux qui craignent l'Éternel ont parlé l'un à l'autre, et l'Éternel a été attentif et a entendu, et un livre de souvenir a été écrit devant lui pour ceux qui craignent l'Éternel, et pour ceux qui pensent à son nom.

Alors ceux qui craignent l'Eternel se parlèrent l'un à l'autre; L'Eternel fut attentif, et il écouta; Et un livre de souvenir fut écrit devant lui Pour ceux qui craignent l'Eternel Et qui honorent son nom.

Alors ceux qui craignent l'Eternel ont parlé l'un à l’autre, et l'Eternel y a été attentif, et l'a ouï, et on a écrit un livre de mémoires, devant lui; pour ceux qui craignent l'Eternel, et qui pensent à son Nom.

Maleachi 3:16
Aber die Gottesfürchtigen trösten sich untereinander also: Der HERR merket es und höret es, und ist vor ihm ein Denkzettel, geschrieben für die, so den HERRN fürchten und an seinen Namen gedenken.

Aber die Gottesfürchtigen trösten sich untereinander also: Der HERR merkt und hört es, und vor ihm ist ein Denkzettel geschrieben für die, so den HERRN fürchten und an seinen Namen gedenken.

Solches reden die, die Jahwe fürchten, zu einander, und Jahwe merkt auf und hört, und vor ihm wird für die, die Jahwe fürchten und vor seinem Namen Achtung haben, eine Gedenkschrift aufgezeichnet.

Malachia 3:16
Allora quelli che temono l’Eterno si son parlati l’un all’altro e l’Eterno è stato attento ed ha ascoltato; e un libro è stato scritto davanti a lui, per conservare il ricordo di quelli che temono l’Eterno e rispettano il suo nome.

Allora coloro che temono il Signore han parlato l’uno all’altro, e il Signore è stato attento, e l’ha udito; ed un libro di memoria è stato scritto nel suo cospetto, per coloro che temono il Signore, e che pensano al suo Nome.

Tetapi hendaklah segala orang yang berbakti kepada Tuhan itu berkata seorang kepada seorang: Bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhan juga mengamat-amati dan mendengarnya dan di hadapan hadirat-Nya adalah sebuah kitab peringatan tersurat bagi segala orang yang takut akan Tuhan dan yang mengindahkan nama-Nya!

말라기 3:16
그 때에 여호와를 경외하는 자들이 피차에 말하매 여호와께서 그것을 분명히 들으시고 여호와를 경외하는 자와 그 이름을 존중히 생각하는 자를 위하여 여호와 앞에 있는 기념책에 기록하셨느니라

Malachias 3:16
tunc locuti sunt timentes Deum unusquisque cum proximo suo et adtendit Dominus et audivit et scriptus est liber monumenti coram eo timentibus Dominum et cogitantibus nomen eius

Malachijo knyga 3:16
Dievo bijantys kalbėjosi vienas su kitu. Viešpats stebėjo ir klausė. Buvo parašyta Jo akivaizdoje atminimo knyga apie tuos, kurie bijo Viešpaties ir gerbia Jo vardą.

Malachi 3:16
Na, ko te hunga i wehi i a Ihowa, kei te korerorero ratou ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa; a ka tahuri a Ihowa, ka whakarongo, na ka tuhituhia he pukapuka whakamahara ki tona aroaro mo te hunga i wehi ki a Ihowa, i whakaaro hoki ki tona ingoa.

Malakias 3:16
Da talte de med hverandre de som frykter Herren, og Herren lyttet til og hørte det, og det blev for hans åsyn skrevet en minnebok for dem som frykter Herren og tenker på hans navn.

Malaquías 3:16
Entonces los que temían al SEÑOR se hablaron unos a otros, y el SEÑOR prestó atención y escuchó, y fue escrito delante de El un libro memorial para los que temen al SEÑOR y para los que estiman su nombre.

Entonces los que temían (reverenciaban) al SEÑOR se hablaron unos a otros, y el SEÑOR prestó atención y escuchó, y fue escrito delante de El un libro memorial para los que temen (reverencian) al SEÑOR y para los que estiman Su nombre.

Entonces los que temen a Jehová hablaron cada uno a su compañero; y Jehová escuchó y oyó, y fue escrito libro de memoria delante de Él para los que temen a Jehová, y para los que piensan en su nombre.

Entonces los que temen á Jehová hablaron cada uno á su compañero; y Jehová escuchó y oyó, y fué escrito libro de memoria delante de él para los que temen á Jehová, y para los que piensan en su nombre.

Entonces los que temen al SEÑOR hablaron cada uno a su compañero; y el SEÑOR escuchó y oyó, y fue escrito libro de memoria delante de él para los que temen al SEÑOR, y para los que piensan en su Nombre.

Malaquias 3:16
Então aconteceu que aqueles que ainda temiam Yahweh, conversaram uns com os outros; e o SENHOR ouviu as suas orações com atenção. E diante de Deus foram escritos num sêfer, livro, todos os nomes dos que amavam reverentemente a Deus, como memorial acerca dos que temiam Yahwehe honravam o seu Nome.

Então aqueles que temiam ao Senhor falaram uns aos outros; e o Senhor atentou e ouviu, e um memorial foi escrito diante dele, para os que temiam ao Senhor, e para os que se lembravam do seu nome.   

Maleahi 3:16
Atunci şi cei ce se tem de Domnul au vorbit adesea unul cu altul; Domnul a luat aminte la lucrul acesta, şi a ascultat; şi o carte de aducere aminte a fost scrisă înaintea Lui, pentru cei ce se tem de Domnul, şi cinstesc Numele Lui.

Малахия 3:16
Но боящиеся Бога говорят друг другу: „внимает Господь и слышит это, и пред лицем Его пишется памятная книга о боящихся Господа и чтущих имя Его".

Но боящиеся Бога говорят друг другу: `внимает Господь и слышит это, и пред лицем Его пишется памятная книга о боящихся Господа и чтущих имя Его`.[]

Malaki 3:16
Men därunder hava också de som frukta HERREN talat med varandra; och HERREN har aktat på dem och hört dem, och en minnesbok har blivit skriven inför hans ansikte till åminnelse av dessa som frukta HERREN och tänka på hans namn.

Malachi 3:16
Nang magkagayo'y silang nangatatakot sa Panginoon ay nagsangusapan: at pinakinggan ng Panginoon, at dininig, at isang aklat ng alaala ay nasulat sa harap niya, para sa kanila na nangatakot sa Panginoon, at gumunita ng kaniyang pangalan.

มาลาคี 3:16
แล้วคนเหล่านั้นที่เกรงกลัวพระเยโฮวาห์จึงพูดกันและกัน พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงฟังและทรงได้ยิน และมีหนังสือม้วนหนึ่งสำหรับบันทึกความจำหน้าพระพักตร์ ได้บันทึกชื่อผู้ที่เกรงกลัวพระเยโฮวาห์ และที่ตรึกตรองในพระนามของพระองค์ไว้

Malaki 3:16
Bunun üzerine RABden korkanlar birbirleriyle konuştular. RAB dediklerine kulak verip duydu. RABden korkup adını sayanlar için Onun önünde bir anma kitabı yazıldı.[]

Ma-la-chi 3:16
Bấy giờ những kẻ kính sợ Ðức Giê-hô-va nói cùng nhau, thì Ðức Giê-hô-va để ý mà nghe; và một sách để ghi nhớ được chép trước mặt Ngài cho những kẻ kính sợ Ðức Giê-hô-va và tưởng đến danh Ngài.

Malachi 3:15
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