Malachi 2:6
Malachi 2:6
True instruction was in his mouth and nothing false was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin.

They passed on to the people the truth of the instructions they received from me. They did not lie or cheat; they walked with me, living good and righteous lives, and they turned many from lives of sin.

True instruction was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many from iniquity.

"True instruction was in his mouth and unrighteousness was not found on his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many back from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

TRUE instruction was in his mouth, and nothing wrong was found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and fairness and turned many from sin.

True teachings were in his mouth, and falsehood was not found on his lips. He walked with me peacefully and righteously, and he turned many from sin.

He taught what was true; sinful words were not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and integrity, and he turned many people away from sin.

The teaching that came from his mouth was true. Nothing unjust was found on his lips. He lived with me in peace and honesty and turned many people away from sin.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and righteousness and turned many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace, and in equity, and turned many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and turned many away from iniquity.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found in his lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many away from iniquity.

The law of truth hath been in his mouth, And perverseness hath not been found in his lips, In peace and in uprightness he walked with Me, And many he brought back from iniquity.

Malakia 2:6
Ligji i së vërtetës ishte në gojën e tij dhe asnjë çoroditje nuk gjindej mbi buzët e tij; ai ecte bashkë me mua në paqe e në ndershmëri dhe shpëtoi shumë njerëz nga paudhësia.

ﻣﻼﺥ 2:6
شريعة الحق كانت في فيه واثم لم يوجد في شفتيه. سلك معي في السلام والاستقامة وارجع كثيرين عن الاثم.

Dyr Mälychies 2:6
Er brang yn n Volk meinn Willn bei, wie ys si ghoert, und gverdraet daa nixn. Er gieng aus vollen Hertzn und aufrecht mit mir seinn Wög und hielt vil Menschn von n Sündignen ab.

Малахия 2:6
Законът на истината беше в устата му, И неправда не се намери в устните му; Ходеше с Мене в мир и правота, И отвърна мнозина от беззаконие.

瑪 拉 基 書 2:6
真 實 的 律 法 在 他 口 中 , 他 嘴 裡 沒 有 不 義 的 話 。 他 以 平 安 和 正 直 與 我 同 行 , 使 多 人 回 頭 離 開 罪 孽 。

真 实 的 律 法 在 他 口 中 , 他 嘴 里 没 有 不 义 的 话 。 他 以 平 安 和 正 直 与 我 同 行 , 使 多 人 回 头 离 开 罪 孽 。



Malachi 2:6
Zakon istine bijaše u njegovim ustima i pakost mu ne kaljaše usana; u miru i pravičnosti hodio je sa mnom i mnoge je od grijeha odvratio.

Malachiáše 2:6
Zákon pravdy byl v ústech jeho, a nepravost nebyla nalezena ve rtech jeho, v pokoji a upřímosti chodil se mnou, a mnohé odvrátil od nepravosti.

Malakias 2:6
Sandheds Lære var i hans Mund, Svig fandtes ikke paa hans Læber; i Fred og Sanddruhed vandrede han med mig, og mange holdt han fra Brøde.

Maleachi 2:6
De wet der waarheid was in zijn mond, en er werd geen onrecht in zijn lippen gevonden; hij wandelde met Mij in vrede en in rechtmatigheid, en hij bekeerde er velen van ongerechtigheid.

מלאכי 2:6
תֹּורַ֤ת אֱמֶת֙ הָיְתָ֣ה בְּפִ֔יהוּ וְעַוְלָ֖ה לֹא־נִמְצָ֣א בִשְׂפָתָ֑יו בְּשָׁלֹ֤ום וּבְמִישֹׁור֙ הָלַ֣ךְ אִתִּ֔י וְרַבִּ֖ים הֵשִׁ֥יב מֵעָוֹֽן׃

ו תורת אמת היתה בפיהו ועולה לא נמצא בשפתיו בשלום ובמישור הלך אתי ורבים השיב מעון

תורת אמת היתה בפיהו ועולה לא־נמצא בשפתיו בשלום ובמישור הלך אתי ורבים השיב מעון׃

Malakiás 2:6
Igazság törvénye volt az õ szájában, és nem találtatott álnokság az õ ajkaiban; békességben és egyenességgel járt velem, és sokakat megtérített a bûnbõl.

Malaĥi 2:6
Instruo de la vero estis en lia busxo, kaj maljustajxo ne trovigxis sur liaj lipoj; en paco kaj sincereco li iradis antaux Mi, kaj multajn li deturnis de peko.

Totuuden laki oli hänen suussansa, ja ei löydetty mitään pahaa hänen huulissansa; hän vaelsi rauhallisesti ja toimellisesti minun edessäni, ja käänsi monta pois synnistä.

Malachie 2:6
La loi de vérité était dans sa bouche, et l'iniquité ne se trouva pas sur ses lèvres; il marcha avec moi dans la paix et dans la droiture, et il détourna de l'iniquité beaucoup de gens.

La loi de la vérité était dans sa bouche, Et l'iniquité ne s'est point trouvée sur ses lèvres; Il a marché avec moi dans la paix et dans la droiture, Et il a détourné du mal beaucoup d'hommes.

La Loi de vérité a été dans sa bouche, et il ne s'est point trouvé de perversité dans ses lèvres; il a marché avec moi dans la paix et dans la droiture, et il en a détourné plusieurs de l'iniquité.

Maleachi 2:6
Das Gesetz der Wahrheit war in seinem Munde, und ward kein Böses in seinen Lippen funden. Er wandelte vor mir friedsam und aufrichtig und bekehrete viele von Sünden.

Das Gesetz der Wahrheit war in seinem Munde, und ward kein Böses in seinen Lippen gefunden. Er wandelte vor mir friedsam und aufrichtig und bekehrte viele von Sünden.

Wahrhaftige Weisung war in seinem Munde, und kein Falsch war auf seinen Lippen zu finden; in Unsträflichkeit und Geradheit wandelte er nach meinem Willen und brachte viele ab von Ungerechtigkeit.

Malachia 2:6
La legge di verità era nella sua bocca, e non si trovava perversità sulle sue labbra; camminava con me nella pace e nella rettitudine, e molti ne ritrasse dall’iniquità.

La Legge della verità fu nella sua bocca, e non si trovò alcuna iniquità nelle sue labbra; egli camminò meco in pace, e in dirittura, e convertì molti dall’iniquità.

Maka hukum kebenaran adalah pada lidahnya dan barang lalimpun tiada didapati pada bibirnya; dengan selamat dan tulus hati berjalanlah ia serta dengan Aku dan ditobatkannya banyak orang dari pada kesalahannya.

말라기 2:6
그 입에는 진리의 법이 있었고 그 입술에는 불의함이 없었으며 그가 화평과 정직한 중에서 나와 동행하며 많은 사람을 돌이켜 죄악에서 떠나게 하였느니라

Malachias 2:6
lex veritatis fuit in ore eius et iniquitas non est inventa in labiis eius in pace et in aequitate ambulavit mecum et multos avertit ab iniquitate

Malachijo knyga 2:6
Tiesos įstatymas buvo jo burnoje, netiesos nebuvo jo lūpose. Jis su manimi vaikščiojo ramybėje ir tiesoje ir daugelį nukreipė nuo nuodėmės.

Malachi 2:6
I roto i tona mangai te ture o te pono, kihai hoki te he i kitea ki ona ngutu: i haere tahi ia i ahau i runga i te rongo mau, i te tika, he tini hoki i tahuri mai i a ia i te kino.

Malakias 2:6
Sannhets lov var i hans munn, og urett blev ikke funnet på hans leber; i fred og ærlighet vandret han med mig, og mange omvendte han fra misgjerning.

Malaquías 2:6
La verdadera instrucción estaba en su boca, y no se hallaba iniquidad en sus labios; en paz y rectitud caminaba conmigo, y apartaba a muchos de la iniquidad.

"La verdadera instrucción (ley) estaba en su boca, y no se hallaba iniquidad en sus labios; en paz y rectitud caminaba conmigo, y apartaba a muchos de la iniquidad.

La ley de verdad estuvo en su boca, e iniquidad no fue hallada en sus labios; en paz y en justicia anduvo conmigo, y a muchos hizo apartar de la iniquidad.

La Ley de verdad estuvo en su boca, é iniquidad no fué hallada en sus labios: en paz y en justicia anduvo conmigo, y á muchos hizo apartar de la iniquidad.

La Ley de Verdad estuvo en su boca, e iniquidad nunca fue hallada en sus labios; en paz y en justicia anduvo conmigo, y de la iniquidad hizo apartar a muchos.

Malaquias 2:6
A verdadeira lei estava em sua boca e nenhuma falsidade achou-se em seus lábios. Ele andou comigo em paz e retidão, e, assim, seus sacerdotes ajudaram muitas pessoas a deixarem os caminhos do mal.

A lei da verdade esteve na sua boca, e a impiedade não se achou nos seus lábios; ele andou comigo em paz e em retidão, e da iniqüidade apartou a muitos.   

Maleahi 2:6
Legea adevărului era în gura lui, şi nu s'a găsit nimic nelegiuit pe buzele lui; a umblat cu Mine în pace şi în neprihănire, şi pe mulţi i -a abătut dela rău.

Малахия 2:6
Закон истины был в устах его, и неправды не обреталось на языке его; в мире и правде он ходил со Мною и многих отвратил от греха.

Закон истины был в устах его, и неправды не обреталось на языке его; в мире и правде он ходил со Мною и многих отвратил от греха.[]

Malaki 2:6
Rätt undervisning var i hans mun, och ingen orätt fanns på hans läppar; fridsamt och redligt vandrade han i min umgängelse och omvände många från missgärning.

Malachi 2:6
Ang kautusan tungkol sa katotohanan ay nasa kaniyang bibig, at ang kalikuan ay hindi nasumpungan sa kaniyang mga labi: siya'y lumakad na kasama ko sa kapayapaan at katuwiran, at inilayo sa kasamaan ang marami.

มาลาคี 2:6
ในปากของเขามีราชบัญญัติแห่งความจริง จะหาความชั่วช้าที่ริมฝีปากของเขาไม่ได้เลย เขาดำเนินกับเราด้วยสันติและความเที่ยงตรง และเขาได้หันหลายคนให้พ้นจากความชั่วช้า

Malaki 2:6
Doğru öğüt ağzındaydı. Dudaklarında hile yoktu. Benimle esenlik ve doğruluk içinde yürüdü. Birçoklarını da suç yolundan döndürdü. Masoretik metin ‹‹Sizi ona götürecek››.[]

Ma-la-chi 2:6
Luật pháp của sự chơn thật đã ở trong miệng nó, trong môi miếng nó chẳng có một sự không công bình nào; nó đã bước đi với ta trong sự bình an và ngay thẳng, làm cho nhiều người xây bỏ khỏi sự gian ác.

Malachi 2:5
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