Leviticus 15:33
Leviticus 15:33
for a woman in her monthly period, for a man or a woman with a discharge, and for a man who has sexual relations with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.

or a woman during her menstrual period. It applies to any man or woman who has a bodily discharge, and to a man who has sexual intercourse with a woman who is ceremonially unclean."

also for her who is unwell with her menstrual impurity, that is, for anyone, male or female, who has a discharge, and for the man who lies with a woman who is unclean.

and for the woman who is ill because of menstrual impurity, and for the one who has a discharge, whether a male or a female, or a man who lies with an unclean woman.

And of her that is sick of her flowers, and of him that hath an issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.

a woman who is in her menstrual period; anyone who has a discharge, whether male or female; and a man who sleeps with an unclean woman."

for her whose menstruation causes her to become ill, for anyone who has a discharge (whether male or female), and for the man who has sexual relations with one who is unclean."

the one who is sick in her menstruation, the one with a discharge, whether male or female, and a man who has sexual intercourse with an unclean woman.'"

for any woman who has her period, for any man or woman who has a discharge, or for any man who has sexual intercourse with a woman when she is unclean."

and of her that is suffering her menstruation, and of the one that has an issue, male or female, and of the man that lies with an unclean woman.

And of her that is sick of her impurity, and of him that has a discharge, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lies with her who is unclean.

And of her that is sick of her flowers, and of him that has an issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lies with her that is unclean.

and of her that is sick with her impurity, and of him that hath an issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.

And of the woman that is separated in her monthly times, or that hath a continual issue of blood, and of the man that sleepeth with her.

and for a woman who is sick in her separation, and for him that hath his flux; for the man and for the woman, and for him that lieth with her that is unclean.

and of her that is sick with her impurity, and of him that hath an issue, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.

And of her that is sick of her flowers, and of him that hath an issue, of the man and of the woman, and of him that lieth with her that is unclean.

and of her who has her period, and of a man or woman who has a discharge, and of him who lies with her who is unclean.

and of her who is sick in her separation, and of him who hath an issue, the issue of a male or of a female, and of a man who lieth with an unclean woman.'

Levitiku 15:33
dhe për gruan që vuan për shkak të zakoneve të saja periodike, për burrin ose gruan që ka një fluks dhe për burrin që bie në shtrat me një grua të papastër".

ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ 15:33
والعليلة في طمثها والسائل سيله الذكر والانثى والرجل الذي يضطجع مع نجسة

S Brendertuem 15:33
und für s Weib mit seiner Zeit, also für aynn Man older ayn Weib mit aynn Ausfluß und aynn Man, der wo mit aynn unrainen Weib was haat.

Левит 15:33
и за оная, която е болна от кръвотечението си, и за човека който има течение, бил той мъж или жена, и за онзи, който легне с оная, която е нечиста.

利 未 記 15:33
並 有 月 經 病 的 和 患 漏 症 的 , 無 論 男 女 , 並 人 與 不 潔 淨 女 人 同 房 的 條 例 。

并 有 月 经 病 的 和 患 漏 症 的 , 无 论 男 女 , 并 人 与 不 洁 净 女 人 同 房 的 条 例 。



Leviticus 15:33
za ženu u vrijeme nečistoće njezina mjesečnog pranja; za svakoga - bilo muško bilo žensko - tko imadne izljev, a tako i za čovjeka koji legne s onečišćenom ženom."

Leviticus 15:33
Též nemocné ženy v oddělení jejím, i všelikého trpícího tok svůj, buď mužského pohlaví neb ženského, a muže, kterýž by spal s nečistou.

3 Mosebog 15:33
og om Kvinder, der lider af deres maanedlige Urenhed, om Mænd og Kvinder, der har Flaad, og om Mænd, der ligger ved Siden af urene Kvinder.

Leviticus 15:33
Mitsgaders van een zwakke vrouw in haar afzondering, en van degene, die van zijn vloed is vloeiende, voor een man, en voor een vrouw; en voor een man, die bij een onreine zal gelegen hebben.

ויקרא 15:33
וְהַדָּוָה֙ בְּנִדָּתָ֔הּ וְהַזָּב֙ אֶת־זֹובֹ֔ו לַזָּכָ֖ר וְלַנְּקֵבָ֑ה וּלְאִ֕ישׁ אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִשְׁכַּ֖ב עִם־טְמֵאָֽה׃ פ

לג והדוה בנדתה והזב את זובו לזכר ולנקבה ולאיש אשר ישכב עם טמאה  {פ}

והדוה בנדתה והזב את־זובו לזכר ולנקבה ולאיש אשר ישכב עם־טמאה׃ פ

3 Mózes 15:33
És a havi bajban szenvedõnek és a magfolyásban lévõnek, férfinak és asszonynak, és annak a férfiúnak a ki tisztátalan asszonynyal hál.

Moseo 3: Levidoj 15:33
kaj pri malsanulino pro sia monatajxo; kaj pri havanto de elfluo, cxu tio estas viro, cxu virino; kaj pri viro, kiu kusxos kun malpurulino.

Ja siitä, jolla on veren juoksu, ja siitä, jolla joku vuotaminen on, miehestä eli vaimosta: ja koska mies lepää saastaisen tykönä.

Lévitique 15:33
et pour la femme qui souffre à cause de ses mois, pendant sa séparation, et pour toute personne qui a un flux, soit homme, soit femme, et pour celui qui couche avec une femme impure.

pour celle qui a son flux menstruel, pour l'homme ou la femme qui a un flux, et pour l'homme qui couche avec une femme impure.

Telle est aussi la loi de celle qui est malade de ses mois, et de toute personne qui découle, et qui a son flux, soit mâle, soit femelle, et de celui qui couche avec celle qui est souillée.

3 Mose 15:33
und über die, die ihren Blutfluß hat, und wer einen Fluß hat, es sei Mann oder Weib, und wenn ein Mann bei einer Unreinen liegt.

und über die, die ihren Blutfluß hat, und wer einen Fluß hat, es sei Mann oder Weib, und wenn ein Mann bei einer Unreinen liegt. {~}

und in betreff derjenigen, die an ihrer gewöhnlichen Unreinigkeit leidet, und dessen, der einen Fluß hat, es sei ein Mann oder ein Weib, sowie dessen, der bei einer Unreinen liegt.

Levitico 15:33
e la legge relativa a colei che è indisposta a motivo de’ suoi corsi, all’uomo o alla donna che ha un flusso, e all’uomo che si corica con donna impura".

e intorno alla donna che ha l’infermità della sua immondizia; e intorno a chiunque ha flusso, maschio, o femmina; e intorno all’uomo che sarà giaciuto con donna immonda.

IMAMAT 15:33
dan akan orang perempuan yang dapat cemar kainnya seperti biasa, dan akan tiap-tiap orang, baik laki-laki baik perempuan, yang dapat beser itu dan akan orang laki-laki yang telah berbaring pada sisi orang yang najis adanya.

레위기 15:33
불결을 앓는 여인과 유출병이 있는 남녀와 불결한 여인과 동침한 자에게 관한 것이니라

Leviticus 15:33
et quae menstruis temporibus separatur vel quae iugi fluit sanguine et hominis qui dormierit cum ea

Kunigø knyga 15:33
moteriai, turinčiai mėnesinį plūdimą, vyrui ar moteriai, turintiems plūdimą, ir tam, kuris guli prie nešvarios moters”.

Leviticus 15:33
Mo te wahine hoki e paheke ana, mo te tangata hoki he rere tona, mo te tane raua ko te wahine, mo te tangata hoki i takoto ki te wahine poke.

3 Mosebok 15:33
og om den kvinne som har sin månedlige urenhet, og om den som har flod, enten det er mann eller kvinne, og om den mann som ligger hos en uren kvinne.

Levítico 15:33
y para la mujer que está enferma por causa de su impureza menstrual, para el que tenga un flujo, sea hombre o mujer, y para el hombre que se acueste con una mujer inmunda.

y para la mujer que está enferma por causa de su impureza menstrual, para el que tenga un flujo, sea hombre o mujer, y para el hombre que se acueste con una mujer inmunda.

Y de la que padece su costumbre, y acerca del que tuviere flujo, sea hombre o mujer, y del hombre que durmiere con mujer inmunda.

Y de la que padece su costumbre, y acerca del que tuviere flujo, sea varón ó hembra, y del hombre que durmiere con mujer inmunda.

y de la que padece su costumbre, y acerca del que tuviere flujo, sea macho o hembra; y del hombre que durmiere con mujer inmunda.

Levítico 15:33
da mulher, quando de suas regras menstruais; a respeito do homem ou da mulher que têm algum fluxo e quanto ao homem que tiver relações sexuais com uma mulher menstruada.

como também da mulher enferma com a sua impureza e daquele que tem o fluxo, tanto do homem como da mulher, e do homem que se deita com mulher imunda.   

Levitic 15:33
pentru cea care este la curgerea dela soroc, pentru bărbatul sau femeia care are o scurgere, şi pentru bărbatul care se culcă cu o femeie necurată.``

Левит 15:33
и о страдающей очищением своим, и о имеющих истечение, мужчине или женщине, и о муже, который переспит с нечистою.

и о страдающей очищением своим, и о имеющих истечение, мужчине или женщине, и о муже, который переспит с нечистою.[]

3 Mosebok 15:33
och om den kvinna som har sin månadsrening, och om den som har någon flytning, evad det är man eller kvinna, så ock om en man som ligger hos en oren kvinna.

Leviticus 15:33
At sa babaing may sakit ng kaniyang karumihan, at sa inaagasan, sa lalake at sa babae, at doon sa sumisiping sa babaing karumaldumal.

เลวีนิติ 15:33
และเกี่ยวกับสตรีที่ป่วยด้วยมลทินของเธอ คือทั้งนี้เกี่ยวกับผู้ที่มีสิ่งไหลออกไม่ว่าชายหรือหญิง และเกี่ยวกับชายผู้สมสู่กับหญิงผู้มีมลทิน

Levililer 15:33

Leâ-vi Kyù 15:33
về người nữ có kỳ kinh nguyệt, về mọi người, hoặc nam hay nữ, bị bạch trược, và về người nam giao cấu cùng người nữ trong khi kinh nguyệt.

Leviticus 15:32
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