Lamentations 2:20
Lamentations 2:20
"Look, LORD, and consider: Whom have you ever treated like this? Should women eat their offspring, the children they have cared for? Should priest and prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord?

"O LORD, think about this! Should you treat your own people this way? Should mothers eat their own children, those they once bounced on their knees? Should priests and prophets be killed within the Lord's Temple?

Look, O LORD, and see! With whom have you dealt thus? Should women eat the fruit of their womb, the children of their tender care? Should priest and prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord?

See, O LORD, and look! With whom have You dealt thus? Should women eat their offspring, The little ones who were born healthy? Should priest and prophet be slain In the sanctuary of the Lord?

Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, and children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

LORD, look and consider who You have done this to. Should women eat their own children, the infants they have nurtured? Should priests and prophets be killed in the Lord's sanctuary?

Look, LORD, and take note: To whom have you done this? Should women eat their offspring, the children they have cuddled? Should priests and prophets be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Look, O LORD! Consider! Whom have you ever afflicted like this? Should women eat their offspring, their healthy infants? Should priest and prophet be killed in the Lord's sanctuary?

"O LORD, look and consider: Have you ever treated anyone like this? Should women eat their own children, the children they have nursed? Should priests and prophets be killed in the Lord's holy place?

Resh Look, O LORD, and consider unto whom thou hast shaken thus. Shall the women eat their fruit, the little ones that they are bringing up? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom you have done this. Shall the women eat their offspring, the children of their tender care? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom you have done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, and children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

See, O Jehovah, and behold to whom thou hast done thus! Shall the women eat their fruit, the children that are dandled in the hands? Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Res. Behold, O Lord, and consider whom thou hast thus dealt with: shall women then eat their own fruit, their children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord ?

See, Jehovah, and consider to whom thou hast done this! Shall the women eat their fruit, the infants that they nursed? Shall priest and prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

See, O LORD, and behold, to whom thou hast done thus! shall the women eat their fruit, the children that are dandled in the hands? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Behold, O LORD, and consider to whom thou hast done this. Shall the women eat their fruit, children of a span long? shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?

Look, Yahweh, and see to whom you have done thus! Shall the women eat their fruit, the children that are dandled in the hands? Shall the priest and the prophet be killed in the sanctuary of the Lord?

See, O Jehovah, and look attentively, To whom Thou hast acted thus, Do women eat their fruit, infants of a handbreadth? Slain in the sanctuary of the Lord are priest and prophet?

Vajtimet 2:20
Shiko, o Zot, dhe shqyrto. Cilin ke trajtuar në këtë mënyrë? A duhet të hanin gratë frytin e barkut të tyre, fëmijët që përkëdhelnin? A duhet të vriteshin prifti dhe profeti në shenjtëroren e tij?

ﻣﺮﺍﺛﻲ ﺇﺭﻣﻴﺎ 2:20
انظر يا رب وتطلع بمن فعلت هكذا. أتأكل النساء ثمرهنّ اطفال الحضانة. أيقتل في مقدس السيد الكاهن والنبي.

De Klaglieder 2:20
Herr, blick abher, denk doch naach: Wem tuest du denn dös allss an? Daa verzört ayn Weib sein Kind, so ayn Wuzerl, so ayn liebs! Priester, Weissagn werdnd dyrschlagn in deinn Heiligtuem, o Herr!

Плач Еремиев 2:20
Виж, Господи, гледай на кого си направил това! Да ядат ли жените рожбата си, младенците на обятията си? Да бъдат ли убити в светилището Господно свещеник и пророк?

耶 利 米 哀 歌 2:20
耶 和 華 啊 , 求 你 觀 看 ! 見 你 向 誰 這 樣 行 ? 婦 人 豈 可 吃 自 己 所 生 育 手 裡 所 搖 弄 的 嬰 孩 嗎 ? 祭 司 和 先 知 豈 可 在 主 的 聖 所 中 被 殺 戮 嗎 ?

耶 和 华 啊 , 求 你 观 看 ! 见 你 向 谁 这 样 行 ? 妇 人 岂 可 吃 自 己 所 生 育 手 里 所 摇 弄 的 婴 孩 吗 ? 祭 司 和 先 知 岂 可 在 主 的 圣 所 中 被 杀 戮 吗 ?



Lamentations 2:20
Pogledaj, Jahve, i vidi kome si to učinio. Zar žene da jedu porod svoj, djecu što njišu u naručju? Zar moradoše biti poklani u Svetištu Gospodnjem svećenici i proroci?

Pláč Jeremiášův 2:20
Pohleď, Hospodine, a popatř, komu jsi tak kdy učinil? Zdaliž jídají ženy plod svůj, nemluvňátka rozkošná? Zdaliž mordován býti má v svatyni Páně kněz a prorok?

Klagesangene 2:20
HERRE, se til og agt paa, mod hvem du har gjort det. Skal Kvinder da æde den Livsfrugt, de kælede for, myrdes i Herrens Helligdom Præst og Profet?

Klaagliederen 2:20
Resch. Zie, HEERE, aanschouw toch, aan wien Gij alzo gedaan hebt; zullen dan de vrouwen haar vrucht eten, de kinderkens, die men op de handen draagt? Zullen dan de profeet en de priester in het heiligdom des Heeren gedood worden?

איכה 2:20
רְאֵ֤ה יְהוָה֙ וְֽהַבִּ֔יטָה לְמִ֖י עֹולַ֣לְתָּ כֹּ֑ה אִם־תֹּאכַ֨לְנָה נָשִׁ֤ים פִּרְיָם֙ עֹלֲלֵ֣י טִפֻּחִ֔ים אִם־יֵהָרֵ֛ג בְּמִקְדַּ֥שׁ אֲדֹנָ֖י כֹּהֵ֥ן וְנָבִֽיא׃ ס

כ ראה יהוה והביטה למי עוללת כה  אם תאכלנה נשים פרים עללי טפחים אם יהרג במקדש אדני כהן ונביא  {ס}

ראה יהוה והביטה למי עוללת כה אם־תאכלנה נשים פרים עללי טפחים אם־יהרג במקדש אדני כהן ונביא׃ ס

Jeremiás sir 2:20
Lásd meg Uram és tekintsd meg, kivel cselekedtél így! Avagy megegyék-é az asszonyok az õ méhöknek gyümölcsét, dédelgetett kisdedeiket; avagy megölettessék-é az Úrnak szent helyén pap és próféta?

Plorkanto de Jeremia 2:20
Rigardu, ho Eternulo, kaj vidu, kun kiu Vi agis tiamaniere! CXu ie aliloke mangxis virinoj sian frukton, siajn dorlotitajn infanojn? CXu ie estis mortigataj en la sanktejo de la Sinjoro pastroj kaj profetoj?

Herra näe ja katso sitä, jonka sinä niin turmellut olet; pitääkö siis vaimoin ruumiinsa hedelmän syömän, vähät lapset, jotka vielä käsillä kannetaan? pitääkö papit ja prophetat Herran Pyhässä niin tapetuksi tuleman?

Lamentations 2:20
Éternel, et considère à qui tu as fait ainsi! Les femmes dévoreront-elles leur fruit, les petits enfants dont elles prennent soin? Tuera-t-on le sacrificateur et le prophète dans le sanctuaire du Seigneur?

Vois, Eternel, regarde qui tu as ainsi traité! Fallait-il que des femmes dévorassent le fruit de leurs entrailles, Les petits enfants objets de leur tendresse? Que sacrificateurs et prophètes fussent massacrés dans le sanctuaire du Seigneur?

[Resch.] Regarde, ô Eternel! et considère à qui tu as ainsi fait. Les femmes n’ont-elles pas mangé leur fruit, les petits enfants qu’elles emmaillottaient? Le Sacrificateur et le Prophète n’ont-ils pas été tués dans le Sanctuaire du Seigneur?

Klagelieder 2:20
HERR, schaue und siehe doch, wen du doch so verderbet hast! Sollen denn die Weiber ihres Leibes Frucht essen, die jüngsten Kindlein, einer Spanne lang? Sollen denn Propheten und Priester in dem Heiligtum des HERRN so erwürget werden?

HERR, schaue und siehe doch, wen du so verderbt hast! Sollen denn die Weiber ihres Leibes Frucht essen, die Kindlein, so man auf Händen trägt? Sollen denn Propheten und Priester in dem Heiligtum des HERRN erwürgt werden?

Sieh darein, o Jahwe, und schaue her, wem du solches angethan! Sollen Weiber ihre Leibesfrucht essen, die Kinder ihrer Pflege? Soll im Heiligtum des Herrn gemordet werden Priester und Prophet?

Lamentazioni 2:20
Guarda, o Eterno, considera! Chi mai hai trattato così? Delle donne han divorato il frutto delle loro viscere, i bambini che accarezzavano! Sacerdoti e profeti sono stati massacrati nel santuario del Signore!

Vedi, Signore, e riguarda a cui tu hai giammai fatto così; Conviensi che le donne mangino il lor frutto, I bambini ch’esse allevano? Conviensi che nel santuario del Signore sieno uccisi sacerdoti e profeti?

Ya Tuhan, lihatlah kiranya dan pandanglah! siapakah dia yang sudah Kauperbuat demikian? Patutkah perempuan makan anak buahnya, yaitu anak-anak yang diribanya? Patutkah imam dan nabipun dibunuh di dalam tempat kesucian Tuhan?

예레미아애가 2:20
여호와여, 감찰하소서 뉘게 이같이 행하셨는지요 여인들이 어찌 자기 열매 곧 손에 받든 아이를 먹으오며 제사장들과 선지자들이 어찌 주의 성소에서 살륙을 당하오리이까 ?

Lamentationes 2:20
RES vide Domine et considera quem vindemiaveris ita ergone comedent mulieres fructum suum parvulos ad mensuram palmae si occidetur in sanctuario Domini sacerdos et propheta

Raudø knyga 2:20
Viešpatie, pažvelk! Argi esi ką panašaus matęs? Nejaugi motinos turi valgyti savo vaisių, kūdikius, kuriuos glamonėjo? Argi kunigai ir pranašai turi būti žudomi Viešpaties šventykloje?

Lamentations 2:20
Titiro mai, e Ihowa, whakaaroa ko wai i peneitia e koe! E kai ranei nga wahine i o ratou hua, i nga kohungahunga e hikihikitia ana? Kia patua koia te tohunga me te poropiti ki te wahi tapu o te Ariki?

Klagesangene 2:20
Se, Herre, se! Hvem har du gjort således med? Skal kvinner ete sin livsfrukt, de spede barn som bæres på armen? Skal prest og profet slås ihjel i Herrens helligdom?

Lamentaciones 2:20
Mira, oh SEÑOR, y observa: ¿a quién has tratado así? ¿Habían de comer las mujeres el fruto de sus entrañas , a los pequeños criados con cariño? ¿Habían de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

Mira, oh SEÑOR, y observa: ¿A quién has tratado así? ¿Habían de comerse las mujeres el fruto de sus entrañas , A los pequeños criados con cariño? ¿Habían de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor El sacerdote y el profeta?

Mira, oh Jehová, y considera a quién has hecho así. ¿Han de comer las mujeres su fruto, los pequeñitos de sus crías? ¿Han de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

Mira, oh Jehová, y considera á quién has hecho así. ¿Han de comer las mujeres su fruto, los pequeñitos de sus crías? ¿Han de ser muertos en el santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

Resh : Mira, oh SEÑOR, y considera a quién has vendimiado así. ¿Han de comer las mujeres su fruto, los pequeñitos de sus crías? ¿Han de ser muertos en el Santuario del Señor el sacerdote y el profeta?

Lamentaçôes de Jeremias 2:20
“Ó Yahweh, vê e considera a quem tens tratado assim! Acaso deverão as mães comer o fruto de si mesmas, as crianças que trazem nos braços e que criam com tanto amor? Deverão, pois, os profetas e os sacerdotes ser assassinados em pleno Santuário do Eterno?

Vê, ó Senhor, e considera a quem assim tens tratado! Acaso comerão as mulheres o fruto de si mesmas, as crianças que trazem nos braços? ou matar-se-á no santuário do Senhor o sacerdote e o profeta?   

Plangerile lui Ieremia 2:20
Uită-Te, Doamne, şi priveşte: cui i-ai făcut Tu aşa? Să mănînce femeile rodul pîntecelui lor, pruncii desmierdaţi de mînile lor? Să fie măcelăriţi preoţii şi proorocii în Locaşul cel sfînt al Domnului?

Плач Иеремии 2:20
„Воззри, Господи, и посмотри: кому Ты сделал так, чтобы женщины ели плод свой, младенцев, вскормленных ими? чтобы убиваемы были в святилище Господнем священник и пророк?

`Воззри, Господи, и посмотри: кому Ты сделал так, чтобы женщины ели плод свой, младенцев, вскормленных ими? чтобы убиваемы были в святилище Господнем священник и пророк?[]

Klagovisorna 2:20
Se, HERRE, och akta på vem du så har hemsökt. Skola då kvinnor nödgas äta sin livsfrukt, barnen som de hava burit i sin famn? Skall man i Herrens helgedom dräpa präster och profeter?

Lamentations 2:20
Tingnan mo, Oh Panginoon, at masdan mo, kung kanino mo ginawa ang ganito! Kakanin baga ng mga babae ang kanilang ipinanganak, ang mga anak na kinakalong sa mga kamay? Papatayin baga ang saserdote at ang propeta sa santuario ng Panginoon?

เพลงคร่ำครวญ 2:20
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ขอทอดพระเนตรและพิจารณาเถิดว่า พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำการเช่นนี้แก่ผู้ใด ควรที่พวกผู้หญิงจะกินลูกของตนหรือ จะกินทารกที่ยังอุ้มอยู่หรือ พวกปุโรหิตและพวกผู้พยากรณ์ควรจะถูกประหารในสถานบริสุทธิ์ขององค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าหรือ

Ağıtlar 2:20
‹‹Bak, ya RAB, gör! Kime böyle yaptın?
Kadınlar çocuklarını, sevgili yavrularını mı yesin?
Kâhinle peygamber Rabbin Tapınağında mı öldürülsün?[]

Ca-thöông 2:20
Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, xin đoái xem! Ngài đã hề đãi ai như thế? Ðờn bà há ăn trái ruột mình, tức con cái ẵm trong tay ư? Thầy tế lễ cùng tiên tri, há nên giết trong nơi thánh Chúa ư?

Lamentations 2:19
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