Judges 7:20
Judges 7:20
The three companies blew the trumpets and smashed the jars. Grasping the torches in their left hands and holding in their right hands the trumpets they were to blow, they shouted, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

Then all three groups blew their horns and broke their jars. They held the blazing torches in their left hands and the horns in their right hands, and they all shouted, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars. They held in their left hands the torches, and in their right hands the trumpets to blow. And they cried out, “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!”

When the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing, and cried, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.

The three companies blew their trumpets and shattered their pitchers. They held their torches in their left hands, their trumpets in their right hands, and shouted, "A sword for Yahweh and for Gideon!"

When the three companies sounded their trumpets and broke the jars, they held the torches in their left hands and sounded their trumpets with their right hands. Then they cried out, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

All three units blew their trumpets and broke their jars. They held the torches in their left hand and the trumpets in their right. Then they yelled, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

The three companies also blew their rams' horns and broke their jars. They held the torches in their left hands and the rams' horns in their right hands so that they could blow them. They shouted, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

And the three companies blew the shofarot; and breaking the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands and the shofarot in their right hands to blow with; and they cried, The sword of I AM The Hewer! {YHWH-Gideon}

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and broke the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing: and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and broke the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow with: and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the torches in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands wherewith to blow; and they cried, The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon.

And when they sounded their trumpets in three places round about the camp, and had broken their pitchers, they held their lamps in their left hands, and with their right hands the trumpets which they blew, and they cried out: The sword of the Lord and of Gedeon;

And the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars, holding in their left hands the torches, and in their right hands the trumpets to blow; and they cried, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the torches in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the LORD and of Gideon.

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and broke the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow with: and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.

The three companies blew the trumpets, and broke the pitchers, and held the torches in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands with which to blow; and they shouted, "The sword of Yahweh and of Gideon!"

and the three detachments blow with trumpets, and break the pitchers, and keep hold with their left hand on the lamps, and with their right hand on the trumpets to blow, and they cry, 'The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon.'

Gjyqtarët 7:20
Atëherë të tre grupimet u ranë borive dhe thyen enët duke mbajtur me dorën e majtë pishtarët dhe me atë të djathtë boritë, dhe filluan të bërtisnin: "Shpata e Zotitt dhe e Gedeonit!".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 7:20
فضربت الفرق الثلاث بالابواق وكسروا الجرار وامسكوا المصابيح بايديهم اليسرى والابواق بايديهم اليمنى ليضربوا بها وصرخوا سيف للرب ولجدعون.

D Richter 7:20
Ietz bliesnd aau de zwo andern Rottn ienerne Herner, zschluegnd de Krüeg, gapackend mit dyr Winstern d Fackln, dyrweil s zesm s Widerhorn zo n Blaasn ghabnd, und schrirnd: "S Schwert von n Herrn und Gideun!"

Съдии 7:20
Па и трите дружини засвириха с тръбите и, като строшиха водоносите, държаха факлите в левите си ръце, а тръбите в десните си ръце, за да свирят; и викаха: Сабя Господна и Гедеонова!

士 師 記 7:20
三 隊 的 人 就 都 吹 角 , 打 破 瓶 子 , 左 手 拿 著 火 把 , 右 手 拿 著 角 , 喊 叫 說 : 耶 和 華 和 基 甸 的 刀 !

三 队 的 人 就 都 吹 角 , 打 破 瓶 子 , 左 手 拿 着 火 把 , 右 手 拿 着 角 , 喊 叫 说 : 耶 和 华 和 基 甸 的 刀 !



Judges 7:20
Tako tri čete zasviraše u rogove i razbiše vrčeve; lijevom rukom držahu luči, a desnom rogove da trube i udariše vikati: "Za Jahvu i Gideona!"

Soudců 7:20
Tedy ti tři houfové troubili v trouby, rozstřískavše báně, a drželi v ruce své levé pochodně, v pravé pak ruce své trouby, aby troubili, i křičeli: Meč Hospodinův a Gedeonův.

Dommer 7:20
Saa blæste de tre Afdelinger i Hornene og slog Krukkerne itu; men de holdt Faklerne i deres venstre Haand og i deres højre Haand Hornene for at blæse i dem, og de raabte: »HERRENS Sværd og Gideons!«

Richtere 7:20
Alzo bliezen de drie hopen met de bazuinen, en braken de kruiken; en zij hielden met de linkerhand de fakkelen, en met hun rechterhand de bazuinen om te blazen; en zij riepen: Het zwaard van den HEERE, en van Gideon!

שופטים 7:20
וַֽ֠יִּתְקְעוּ שְׁלֹ֨שֶׁת הָרָאשִׁ֥ים בַּשֹּֽׁופָרֹות֮ וַיִּשְׁבְּר֣וּ הַכַּדִּים֒ וַיַּחֲזִ֤יקוּ בְיַד־שְׂמאֹולָם֙ בַּלַּפִּדִ֔ים וּבְיַ֨ד־יְמִינָ֔ם הַשֹּׁופָרֹ֖ות לִתְקֹ֑ועַ וַֽיִּקְרְא֔וּ חֶ֥רֶב לַֽיהוָ֖ה וּלְגִדְעֹֽון׃

כ ויתקעו שלשת הראשים בשופרות וישברו הכדים ויחזיקו ביד שמאולם בלפדים וביד ימינם השופרות לתקוע ויקראו חרב ליהוה ולגדעון

ויתקעו שלשת הראשים בשופרות וישברו הכדים ויחזיקו ביד־שמאולם בלפדים וביד־ימינם השופרות לתקוע ויקראו חרב ליהוה ולגדעון׃

Birák 7:20
És kürtölt [mind] a három csapat a kürtökkel, és összetörték a korsókat, és balkezükben tartották a fáklyákat, jobb kezükben pedig a kürtöket, hogy kürtöljenek, és kiáltának: Fegyverre! Az Úrért és Gedeonért!

Juĝistoj 7:20
Tiam ekblovis la tri tacxmentoj per la trumpetoj kaj rompis la krucxojn, kaj ili tenis en la maldekstra mano la torcxojn, kaj en la dekstra la trumpetojn por blovi, kaj ili kriis:Glavo pro la Eternulo kaj pro Gideon!

Ja ne kolme joukkoa puhalsivat basunaan, ja rikkoivat saviastiat, mutta lamput he tempasivat vasempaan käteensä ja basunat oikiaan käteensä, joihin he puhalsivat ja huusivat: (tässä) Herran ja Gideonin miekka.

Juges 7:20
et les trois corps sonnèrent des trompettes, et brisèrent les cruches: ils tenaient dans leur main gauche les torches, et dans leur main droite les trompettes pour sonner, et criaient: L'épée de l'Éternel et de Gédéon!

Les trois corps sonnèrent de la trompette, et brisèrent les cruches; ils saisirent de la main gauche les flambeaux et de la main droite les trompettes pour sonner, et ils s'écrièrent: Epée pour l'Eternel et pour Gédéon!

Ainsi les trois bandes sonnèrent des trompettes, et cassèrent les cruches, tenant en leur main gauche les flambeaux, et en leur main droite les trompettes pour sonner, et ils criaient : L'EPEE DE L'ETERNEL, ET DE GEDEON.

Richter 7:20

Also bliesen alle drei Haufen mit Posaunen und zerbrachen die Krüge. Sie hielten aber die Fackeln in ihrer linken Hand und die Posaunen in ihrer rechten Hand, daß sie bliesen und riefen: Hie Schwert des HERRN und Gideons!

und zwar stießen die drei Heerhaufen zugleich in die Posaunen, zerbrachen die Krüge, nahmen die Fackeln in die linke Hand und in die rechte die Posaunen zum Blasen und riefen aus: Schwert Jahwes und Gideons!

Giudici 7:20
Allora le tre schiere dettero nelle trombe, spezzaron le brocche; con la sinistra presero le fiaccole, e con la destra le trombe per sonare, e si misero a gridare: "La spada per l’Eterno e per Gedeone!"

Allora le tre schiere sonarono con le trombe, e spezzarono i testi, e tenevano con la man sinistra le fiaccole, e con la destra le trombe per sonare, e gridavano; La spada del Signore, e di Gedeone.

Demikianpun ketiga pasukan itulah meniupkan nafirinya dan memecahkan buyungnya, maka dengan tangannya kiri dipegangnya damar dan dengan tangannya kanan dipegangnya nafiri hendak meniup, lalu berseru-serulah mereka itu sekalian: Pedang Tuhan dan Gideon!

사사기 7:20
세 대가 나팔을 불며 항아리를 부수고 좌수에 횃불을 들고 우수에 나팔을 들어 불며 외쳐 가로되 `여호와와 기드온의 칼이여 !' 하고

Iudicum 7:20
cumque per gyrum castrorum in tribus personarent locis et hydrias confregissent tenuerunt sinistris manibus lampadas et dextris sonantes tubas clamaveruntque gladius Domini et Gedeonis

Teisëjø knyga 7:20
Visi trys būriai trimitavo, sudaužė ąsočius ir, laikydami trimitus dešinėje rankoje bei deglus kairėje, šaukė: “Viešpaties ir Gedeono kardas!”

Judges 7:20
A whakatangihia ana hoki nga tetere e nga matua e toru, wahia iho nga oko, i puritia ano nga rama ki o ratou ringa maui, me nga tetere ki o ratou ringa matau whakatangi ai; me ta ratou karanga hoki, Ko te hoari a Ihowa, a Kiriona.

Dommernes 7:20
Og alle de tre flokker støtte i basunene og slo i stykker krukkene; med venstre hånd grep de faklene og med høire hånd basunene og støtte i dem og ropte: Sverd for Herren og for Gideon!

Jueces 7:20
Cuando las tres compañías tocaron las trompetas, rompieron los cántaros, y sosteniendo las antorchas en la mano izquierda y las trompetas en la mano derecha para tocarlas, gritaron: ¡La espada del SEÑOR y de Gedeón!

Cuando las tres compañías tocaron las trompetas, rompieron los cántaros, y sosteniendo las antorchas en la mano izquierda y las trompetas en la mano derecha para tocarlas, gritaron: "¡La espada del SEÑOR y de Gedeón!"

Y los tres escuadrones tocaron las trompetas, y quebrando los cántaros tomaron en la mano izquierda las teas, y en la mano derecha las trompetas con que tocaban, y gritaron: ¡La espada de Jehová y de Gedeón!

Y los tres escuadrones tocaron las bocinas, y quebrando los cántaros tomaron en las manos izquierdas las teas, y en las derechas los cuernos con que tañian, y dieron grita: ¡La espada de Jehová y de Gedeón!

Y los tres escuadrones tocaron sus trompetas, y quebrando los cántaros tomaron en la mano izquierda las teas, y en la derecha las trompetas con que tocaban, y dieron grita: -¡El cuchillo del SEÑOR y el de Gedeón!

Juízes 7:20
em seguida os três grupos de soldados igualmente tocaram os Shofares, as trombetas, e despedaçaram os jarros que carregavam. Empunhando as tochas com a mão esquerda e os Shofares, as trombetas, com a mão direita, exclamaram em uníssono: “À espada por Yahwehe por Gideão!”

Assim tocaram as três companhias as trombetas, despedaçaram os cântaros, segurando com as mãos esquerdas as tochas e com as direitas as trombetas para as tocarem, e clamaram: A espada do Senhor e de Gideão!   

Judecatori 7:20
Cele trei cete au sunat din trîmbiţă şi au spart ulcioarele; au apucat făcliile cu mîna stîngă şi trîmbiţele cu mîna dreaptă ca să sune, şi au strigat: ,,Sabia Domnului şi a lui Ghedeon!``

Книга Судей 7:20
И затрубили все три отряда трубами, и разбили кувшины, идержали в левой руке своей светильники, а в правой руке трубы, и трубили, и кричали: меч Господа и Гедеона!

И затрубили [все] три отряда трубами, и разбили кувшины, и держали в левой руке своей светильники, а в правой руке трубы, и трубили, и кричали: меч Господа и Гедеона![]

Domarboken 7:20
De tre hoparna stötte i basunerna och slogo sönder krukorna; de fattade med vänstra handen i facklorna och med högra handen i basunerna och stötte i dem; och de ropade: »HERRENS och Gideons svärd!»

Judges 7:20
At hinipan ng tatlong pulutong ang mga pakakak, at binasag ang mga banga, at itinaas ang mga sulo sa kanilang kaliwang kamay, at ang mga pakakak sa kanilang kanang kamay na kanilang hinihipan, at sila'y naghiyawan, Ang tabak ng Panginoon at ni Gedeon.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 7:20
ทหารทั้งสามกองก็เป่าแตรและต่อยหม้อ มือซ้ายถือคบเพลิง มือขวาถือแตรจะเป่า และเขาร้องขึ้นว่า "ดาบของพระเยโฮวาห์และของกิเดโอน"

Hakimler 7:20
Üç bölük de borularını çalıp testileri kırdı. Çalacakları boruları sağ ellerinde, çıralarıysa sol ellerinde tutuyorlardı. ‹‹Yaşasın RABbin ve Gidyonun kılıcı!›› diye bağırdılar.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 7:20
Bấy giờ, ba đội quân thổi kèn, và đập bể bình, tay tả cầm đuốc, tay hữu nắm kèn đặng thổi; đoạn cất tiếng reo lên rằng: Gươm của Ðức Giê-hô-va và của Ghê-đê-ôn!

Judges 7:19
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