Judges 6:13
Judges 6:13
"Pardon me, my lord," Gideon replied, "but if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our ancestors told us about when they said, 'Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian."

"Sir," Gideon replied, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about? Didn't they say, 'The LORD brought us up out of Egypt'? But now the LORD has abandoned us and handed us over to the Midianites."

And Gideon said to him, “Please, sir, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us, saying, ‘Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the LORD has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian.”

Then Gideon said to him, "O my lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, 'Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us into the hand of Midian."

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

Gideon said to Him, "Please Sir, if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened? And where are all His wonders that our fathers told us about? They said, 'Hasn't the LORD brought us out of Egypt? But now the LORD has abandoned us and handed us over to Midian."

But Gideon replied, "Right… Sir, if the LORD is with us, then why has all of this happened to us? And where are all of his miraculous works that our ancestors recounted to us when they said, 'The LORD brought us up from Egypt, didn't he?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us over to Midian!"

Gideon said to him, "Pardon me, but if the LORD is with us, why has such disaster overtaken us? Where are all his miraculous deeds our ancestors told us about? They said, 'Did the LORD not bring us up from Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and handed us over to Midian."

Gideon responded, "Excuse me, sir! But if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all the miracles our ancestors have told us about? Didn't they say, 'The LORD brought us out of Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and has handed us over to Midian."

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this befallen us? And where are all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? But now the LORD has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where are all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

And Gideon said to him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD has forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

And Gideon said unto him, Oh, my lord, if Jehovah is with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where are all his wondrous works which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not Jehovah bring us up from Egypt? but now Jehovah hath cast us off, and delivered us into the hand of Midian.

And Gedeon said to him: I beseech thee, my lord, if the Lord be with us, why have these evils fallen upon us? Where are his miracles, which our fathers have told us of, saying: The Lord brought us Out of Egypt? but now the Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the bands of Madian.

And Gideon said to him, "Pray, sir, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this befallen us? And where are all his wonderful deeds which our fathers recounted to us, saying, 'Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?' But now the LORD has cast us off, and given us into the hand of Mid'ian."

And Gideon said unto him, Oh my lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his wondrous works which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath cast us off, and delivered us into the hand of Midian.

And Gideon said to him, O my Lord, if the LORD is with us, why then hath all this befallen us? and where are all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.

Gideon said to him, "Oh, my lord, if Yahweh is with us, why then has all this happened to us? Where are all his wondrous works which our fathers told us of, saying, 'Didn't Yahweh bring us up from Egypt?' But now Yahweh has cast us off, and delivered us into the hand of Midian."

And Gideon saith unto him, 'O, my lord -- and Jehovah is with us! -- and why hath all this found us? and where are all His wonders which our fathers recounted to us, saying, Hath not Jehovah brought us up out of Egypt? and now Jehovah hath left us, and doth give us into the hand of Midian.'

Gjyqtarët 6:13
Gedeoni iu përgjegj: "Imzot, në rast se Zoti është me ne, atëherë pse na ndodhën tërë këto? Ku janë mrekullitë që na kanë treguar etërit tanë duke thënë: "A nuk na nxori Zoti nga Egjipti?". Por tani Zoti na ka braktisur dhe na ka lënë në duart e Madianit".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 6:13
فقال له جدعون اسألك يا سيدي اذا كان الرب معنا فلماذا اصابتنا كل هذه واين كل عجائبه التي اخبرنا بها آباؤنا قائلين ألم يصعدنا الرب من مصر. والآن قد رفضنا الرب وجعلنا في كف مديان.

D Richter 6:13
Aber dyr Gideun gmaint grad: "Mein, gueter Man, aber wenn dyr Trechtein mit üns ist, zwö haat n üns naacherd dös allss troffen? Wo +seind n all seine wunderbaren Taatn, von dene wo üns ünserne Vätter verzölt habnd? Sö gsagnd doch: 'Waarlich, dyr Herr haat üns aus Güptn aufhergfüert.' Aber ietz haat üns dyr Trechtein verstoessn und üns yn de Midjaner ausglifert."

Съдии 6:13
А Гедеон му рече: О господине, ако Господ е с нас, то защо ни постигна всичко това? и къде са всичките Му чудеса, за които бащите ни ни разказваха, като думаха: Не изведе ли ни Господ от Египет? Но сега Господ ни е оставил и ни е предал в ръката на мадиамците.

士 師 記 6:13
基 甸 說 : 主 啊 , 耶 和 華 若 與 我 們 同 在 , 我 們 何 至 遭 遇 這 一 切 事 呢 ? 我 們 的 列 祖 不 是 向 我 們 說 耶 和 華 領 我 們 從 埃 及 上 來 麼 ? 他 那 樣 奇 妙 的 作 為 在 哪 裡 呢 ? 現 在 他 卻 丟 棄 我 們 , 將 我 們 交 在 米 甸 人 手 裡 。

基 甸 说 : 主 啊 , 耶 和 华 若 与 我 们 同 在 , 我 们 何 至 遭 遇 这 一 切 事 呢 ? 我 们 的 列 祖 不 是 向 我 们 说 耶 和 华 领 我 们 从 埃 及 上 来 麽 ? 他 那 样 奇 妙 的 作 为 在 哪 里 呢 ? 现 在 他 却 丢 弃 我 们 , 将 我 们 交 在 米 甸 人 手 里 。



Judges 6:13
Gideon mu odgovori: "Oh, gospodaru, ako je Jahve s nama, zašto nas sve ovo snađe? Gdje su sva ona čudesa njegova o kojima nam pripovijedahu oci naši govoreći: 'Nije li nas Jahve iz Egipta izveo?' A sada nas je Jahve ostavio, predao nas u ruke Midjancima."

Soudců 6:13
Odpověděl jemu Gedeon: Ó Pane můj, jestliže Hospodin s námi jest, pročež pak na nás přišlo všecko toto? A kde jsou všickni divové jeho, o kterýchž vypravovali nám otcové naši, řkouce: Zdaliž nás z Egypta nevyvedl Hospodin? A nyní opustil nás Hospodin a vydal v ruku Madianských.

Dommer 6:13
Men Gideon svarede ham: »Ak, Herre! Hvis HERREN er med os, hvorledes er da alt dette kommet over os? Og hvad er der blevet af alle hans Undergerninger, som vore Fædre fortalte os om, idet de sagde: Førte HERREN os ikke ud af Ægypten? Nu har HERREN forstødt os og givet os i Midjans Haand!«

Richtere 6:13
Maar Gideon zeide tot Hem: Och, mijn Heer! zo de HEERE met ons is, waarom is ons dan dit alles wedervaren? en waar zijn al Zijn wonderen, die onze vaders ons verteld hebben, zeggende: Heeft ons de HEERE niet uit Egypte opgevoerd? Doch nu heeft ons de HEERE verlaten, en heeft ons in der Midianieten hand gegeven.

שופטים 6:13
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֵלָ֤יו גִּדְעֹון֙ בִּ֣י אֲדֹנִ֔י וְיֵ֤שׁ יְהוָה֙ עִמָּ֔נוּ וְלָ֥מָּה מְצָאַ֖תְנוּ כָּל־זֹ֑את וְאַיֵּ֣ה כָֽל־נִפְלְאֹתָ֡יו אֲשֶׁר֩ סִפְּרוּ־לָ֨נוּ אֲבֹותֵ֜ינוּ לֵאמֹ֗ר הֲלֹ֤א מִמִּצְרַ֙יִם֙ הֶעֱלָ֣נוּ יְהוָ֔ה וְעַתָּה֙ נְטָשָׁ֣נוּ יְהוָ֔ה וַֽיִּתְּנֵ֖נוּ בְּכַף־מִדְיָֽן׃

יג ויאמר אליו גדעון בי אדני ויש יהוה עמנו ולמה מצאתנו כל זאת ואיה כל נפלאתיו אשר ספרו לנו אבותינו לאמר הלא ממצרים העלנו יהוה ועתה נטשנו יהוה ויתננו בכף מדין

ויאמר אליו גדעון בי אדני ויש יהוה עמנו ולמה מצאתנו כל־זאת ואיה כל־נפלאתיו אשר ספרו־לנו אבותינו לאמר הלא ממצרים העלנו יהוה ועתה נטשנו יהוה ויתננו בכף־מדין׃

Birák 6:13
Gedeon pedig monda néki: Kérlek uram, ha velünk van az Úr, miért ért bennünket mindez? és hol vannak minden õ csoda dolgai, a melyekrõl beszéltek nékünk atyáink, mondván: Nem az Úr hozott-é fel minket Égyiptomból?! Most pedig elhagyott minket az Úr, és adott a Midiániták kezébe.

Juĝistoj 6:13
Kaj Gideon diris al li:Mia sinjoro! se la Eternulo estas kun ni, tiam kial trafis nin cxio cxi tio? kaj kie estas cxiuj Liaj mirakloj, pri kiuj rakontis al ni niaj patroj, dirante:La Eternulo elkondukis ja nin el Egiptujo? Kaj nun la Eternulo forlasis nin, kaj transdonis nin en la manojn de Midjan.

Niin sanoi Gideon hänelle: minun Herrani, jos Herra on meidän kanssamme, miksi meille siis kaikki nämät tapahtuneet ovat? Kussa ovat kaikki hänen ihmeensä, jotka meidän isämme ilmoittivat meille ja sanoivat: eikö Herra meitä johdattanut Egyptistä? Mutta nyt on Herra meidät hyljännyt ja antanut Midianilaisten käsiin.

Juges 6:13
Et Gédéon lui dit: Ah! mon seigneur, si l'Éternel est avec nous, pourquoi donc toutes ces choses nous sont-elles arrivées? Et où sont toutes ses merveilles que nos pères nous ont racontées, en disant: L'Éternel ne nous a-t-il pas fait monter hors d'Égypte? Et maintenant l'Éternel nous a abandonnés, et nous a livrés en la main de Madian.

Gédéon lui dit: Ah! mon seigneur, si l'Eternel est avec nous, pourquoi toutes ces choses nous sont-elles arrivées? Et où sont tous ces prodiges que nos pères nous racontent, quand ils disent: L'Eternel ne nous a-t-il pas fait monter hors d'Egypte? Maintenant l'Eternel nous abandonne, et il nous livre entre les mains de Madian!

Et Gédeon lui répondit : Hélas mon Seigneur! [est-il possible] que l'Eternel soit avec nous? et pourquoi donc toutes ces choses nous sont-elles arrivées? Et où sont toutes ces merveilles que nos pères nous ont récitées, en disant : L'Eternel ne nous a-t-il pas fait monter hors d'Egypte? car maintenant l'Eternel nous a abandonnés, et nous a livrés entre les mains des Madianites.

Richter 6:13

Gideon aber sprach zu ihm: Mein Herr, ist der HERR mit uns, warum ist uns denn solches alles widerfahren? Und wo sind alle die Wunder, die uns unsre Väter erzählten und sprachen: Der HERR hat uns aus Ägypten geführt? Nun aber hat uns der HERR verlassen und unter der Midianiter Hände gegeben. {~} {~}

Gideon erwiderte ihm: Mit Vergunst, mein Herr! Wenn Jahwe mit uns ist, warum hat uns dann dies alles betroffen? und wo sind alle seine Wunderthaten, von denen unsere Väter uns erzählt haben, indem sie sprachen: Ja, Jahwe hat uns aus Ägypten hergebracht! Aber jetzt hat uns Jahwe verstoßen und hat uns den Midianitern preisgegeben!

Giudici 6:13
E Gedeone gli rispose: "Ahimè, signor mio, se l’Eterno è con noi, perché ci è avvenuto tutto questo? e dove sono tutte quelle sue maraviglie che i nostri padri ci hanno narrate dicendo: L’Eterno non ci trasse egli dall’Egitto? Ma ora l’Eterno ci ha abbandonato e ci ha dato nelle mani di Madian".

E Gedeone gli disse: Ahi! Signor mio; come è possibile che il Signore sia con noi? perchè dunque ci sarebbero avvenute tutte queste cose? E dove son tutte le sue maraviglie, le quali i nostri padri ci hanno raccontate, dicendo: Il Signore non ci ha egli tratti fuor di Egitto? ma ora il Signore ci ha abbandonati, e ci ha dati nelle mani de’ Madianiti.

Tetapi sembah Gideon kepadanya: Aduh! ya tuan! jikalau kiranya adalah Tuhan serta dengan kami, mengapa gerangan sekalian ini berlaku atas kami? Manakah segala perkara ajaib-Nya yang diceriterakan oleh bapa-bapa kami kepada kami, katanya: Bahwasanya Tuhan juga telah menghantar akan kami keluar dari Mesir. Tetapi sekarang Tuhan telah meninggalkan kami dan telah menyerahkan kami kepada tangan orang Midian.

사사기 6:13
기드온이 그에게 대답하되 `나의 주여 ! 여호와께서 우리와 함께 계시면 어찌하여 이 모든 일이 우리에게 미쳤나이까 또 우리 열조가 일찍 우리에게 이르기를 여호와께서 우리를 애굽에서 나오게 하신 것이 아니냐 한 그 모든 이적이 어디 있나이까 ? 이제 여호와께서 우리를 버리사 미디안의 손에 붙이셨나이다'

Iudicum 6:13
dixitque ei Gedeon obsecro Domine si Dominus nobiscum est cur adprehenderunt nos haec omnia ubi sunt mirabilia eius quae narraverunt patres nostri atque dixerunt de Aegypto eduxit nos Dominus nunc autem dereliquit nos et tradidit in manibus Madian

Teisëjø knyga 6:13
Gedeonas jam atsakė: “Viešpatie, jei Viešpats yra su mumis, kodėl mums taip atsitiko? Kur yra visi Jo stebuklai, apie kuriuos pasakojo mūsų tėvai, sakydami: ‘Tikrai, Viešpats išvedė mus iš Egipto’? Dabar Viešpats mus atstūmė ir atidavė į midjaniečių rankas”.

Judges 6:13
Na ka mea a Kiriona ki a ia, Aue, e toku Ariki, me i a matou a Ihowa, na te aha i pono mai ai ki a matou enei mea katoa? kei hea hoki ana merekara i korero mai ai o matou matua ki a matou, i mea ai, Kahore ianei a Ihowa i kawe mai i a tatou i Ih ipa? na kua whakarere nei a Ihowa i a matou, kua tukua ano matou ki te ringa o Miriana.

Dommernes 6:13
Men Gideon sa til ham: Hør på mig, Herre! Er Herren med oss, hvorfor har da alt dette rammet oss, og hvor er alle hans undergjerninger som våre fedre har fortalt oss om, idet de sa: Førte ikke Herren oss op av Egypten? Men nu har Herren forlatt oss og gitt oss i midianittenes hånd.

Jueces 6:13
Entonces Gedeón le respondió: Ah señor mío, si el SEÑOR está con nosotros, ¿por qué nos ha ocurrido todo esto? ¿Y dónde están todas sus maravillas que nuestros padres nos han contado, diciendo: ``¿No nos hizo el SEÑOR subir de Egipto? Pero ahora el SEÑOR nos ha abandonado, y nos ha entregado en mano de los madianitas.

Entonces Gedeón le respondió: "Ah señor mío, si el SEÑOR está con nosotros, ¿por qué nos ha ocurrido todo esto? ¿Y dónde están todas Sus maravillas que nuestros padres nos han contado, diciendo: '¿No nos hizo el SEÑOR subir de Egipto?' Pero ahora el SEÑOR nos ha abandonado, y nos ha entregado en mano de los Madianitas."

Y Gedeón le respondió: Ah, Señor mío, si Jehová es con nosotros, ¿por qué nos ha sobrevenido todo esto? ¿Y dónde están todas sus maravillas, que nuestros padres nos han contado, diciendo: ¿No nos sacó Jehová de Egipto? Y ahora Jehová nos ha desamparado, y nos ha entregado en manos de los madianitas.

Y Gedeón le respondió: Ah, Señor mío, si Jehová es con nosotros, ¿por qué nos ha sobrevenido todo esto? ¿Y dónde están todas sus maravillas, que nuestros padres nos han contado, diciendo: ¿No nos sacó Jehová de Egipto? Y ahora Jehová nos ha desamparado, y

Y Gedeón le respondió: Ah, Señor mío, si el SEÑOR es con nosotros, ¿por qué nos ha sobrevenido todo esto? ¿Y dónde están todas sus maravillas, que nuestros padres nos han contado, diciendo: ¿No nos sacó el SEÑOR de Egipto? Y ahora el SEÑOR nos ha desamparado, y nos ha entregado en manos de los madianitas.

Juízes 6:13
Ao que Gideão declarou: “Ai, meu Senhor! Se Yahwehestá conosco, por que nos sobrevém toda essa calamidade? Onde estão todas as maravilhas que os nossos pais nos contam quando afirmam: ‘Não nos fez Yahwehsubir do Egito?’ Entretanto agora o SENHOR nos abandonou e nos entregou nas mãos de Midiã!”

Gideão lhe respondeu: Ai, senhor meu, se o Senhor é conosco, por que tudo nos sobreveio? e onde estão todas as suas maravilhas que nossos pais nos contaram, dizendo: Não nos fez o Senhor subir do Egito? Agora, porém, o Senhor nos desamparou, e nos entregou na mão de Midiã.   

Judecatori 6:13
Ghedeon I -a zis: ,,Rogu-te, domnul meu, dacă Domnul este cu noi, pentruce ni s'au întîmplat toate aceste lucruri? Şi unde sînt toate minunile acelea pe cari ni le istorisesc părinţii noştri cînd spun: ,Nu ne -a scos oare Domnul din Egipt?` Acum Domnul ne părăseşte, şi ne dă în mînile lui Madian!``

Книга Судей 6:13
Гедеон сказал ему: господин мой! если Господь с нами, то отчего постигло нас все это? и где все чудеса Его, о которых рассказывали нам отцы наши, говоря: „из Египтавывел нас Господь"? Ныне оставил нас Господь и предал нас в рукиМадианитян.

Гедеон сказал ему: господин мой! если Господь с нами, то отчего постигло нас все это? и где все чудеса Его, о которых рассказывали нам отцы наши, говоря: `из Египта вывел нас Господь`? Ныне оставил нас Господь и предал нас в руки Мадианитян.[]

Domarboken 6:13
Gideon svarade honom: »Ack min herre, om HERREN är med oss, varför har då allt detta kommit över oss? Och var äro alla hans under, om vilka våra fäder hava förtäljt för oss och sagt: 'Se, HERREN har fört oss upp ur Egypten'? Nu har ju HERREN förskjutit oss och givit oss i Midjans våld.»

Judges 6:13
At sinabi ni Gedeon sa kaniya, Oh Panginoon ko, kung ang Panginoon ay sumasaamin, bakit nga ang lahat ng ito ay sumapit sa amin? at saan naroon ang lahat niyang kababalaghang gawa na isinaysay sa amin ng aming mga magulang, na sinasabi, Hindi ba tayo iniahon ng Panginoon mula sa Egipto? nguni't ngayo'y hiniwalayan kami ng Panginoon at ibinigay kami sa kamay ng Madian.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 6:13
กิเดโอนจึงทูลท่านผู้นั้นว่า "โอ ท่านเจ้าข้า ถ้าพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงสถิตกับพวกเราแล้ว ไฉนเหตุเหล่านี้จึงเกิดขึ้นแก่เราเล่า และการอัศจรรย์ทั้งหลายของพระองค์ซึ่งบรรพบุรุษเคยเล่าให้เราฟังว่า `พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงนำเราออกจากอียิปต์มิใช่หรือ' แต่สมัยนี้พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงทอดทิ้งเราเสียแล้ว และทรงมอบเราไว้ในมือของพวกมีเดียน"

Hakimler 6:13
Gidyon, ‹‹Ey Efendim, eğer RAB bizimleyse bütün bunlar neden başımıza geldi?›› diye karşılık verdi, ‹‹Atalarımız RABbin bizi Mısırdan çıkardığını söylemediler mi? Bize anlattıkları RABbin bütün o harikaları nerede? RAB bizi terk etti, Midyanlıların eline teslim etti.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 6:13
Ghê-đê-ôn thưa rằng: Ôi! Chúa, nếu Ðức Giê-hô-va ở cùng chúng tôi, sao các điều nầy xảy đến cho chúng tôi? Các phép lạ kia ở đâu mà tổ phụ chúng tôi đã thuật lại rằng: Ðức Giê-hô-va há chẳng có đem chúng ta ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô sao? Vì bây giờ Ðức Giê-hô-va từ bỏ chúng tôi, và phó chúng tôi vào tay dân Ma-đi-an.

Judges 6:12
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