Judges 19:6
Judges 19:6
So the two of them sat down to eat and drink together. Afterward the woman's father said, "Please stay tonight and enjoy yourself."

So the two men sat down together and had something to eat and drink. Then the woman's father said, "Please stay another night and enjoy yourself."

So the two of them sat and ate and drank together. And the girl’s father said to the man, “Be pleased to spend the night, and let your heart be merry.”

So both of them sat down and ate and drank together; and the girl's father said to the man, "Please be willing to spend the night, and let your heart be merry."

And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the damsel's father had said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thine heart be merry.

So they sat down and the two of them ate and drank together. Then the girl's father said to the man, "Please agree to stay overnight and enjoy yourself."

So both of them sat down for a bit, ate and drank together, and the young woman's father invited the man, "Please, enjoy yourself and spend another night."

So the two of them sat down and had a meal together. Then the girl's father said to the man, "Why not stay another night and have a good time!"

So they both sat down and ate and drank together. The woman's father said to his son-in-law, "Why don't you spend the night and enjoy yourself?"

And the two of them sat down together and ate and drank. And the damsel's father said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and thy heart shall be merry.

And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the young woman's father had said unto the man, Be content, I pray you, and tarry all night, and let your heart be merry.

And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the damsel's father had said to the man, Be content, I pray you, and tarry all night, and let your heart be merry.

So they sat down, and did eat and drink, both of them together: and the damsel's father said unto the man, Be pleased, I pray thee, to tarry all night, and let thy heart be merry.

And they sat down together, and ate and drank. And the father of the young woman said to his son in law: I beseech thee to stay here to day, and let us make merry together.

So the two men sat and ate and drank together; and the girl's father said to the man, "Be pleased to spend the night, and let your heart be merry."

So they sat down, and did eat and drink, both of them together: and the damsel's father said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thine heart be merry.

And they sat down, and ate and drank both of them together: for the damsel's father had said to the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thy heart be merry.

So they sat down, ate, and drank, both of them together: and the young lady's father said to the man, "Please be pleased to stay all night, and let your heart be merry."

And they sit and eat both of them together, and drink, and the father of the young woman saith unto the man, 'Be willing, I pray thee, and lodge all night, and let thy heart be glad.'

Gjyqtarët 19:6
Kështu u ulën bashkë, hëngrën dhe pinë njeri afër tjetrit. Pastaj i ati së resë i tha burrit të saj: "Të lutem, prano ta kalosh natën këtu, dhe zemra jote të gëzohet".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 19:6
فجلسا وأكلا كلاهما معا وشربا. وقال ابو الفتاة للرجل ارتض وبتّ وليطب قلبك.

D Richter 19:6
Sö gsitznd si hin, und de Zween aassnd und trankend mitaynand. Dyr Vater von n Weiberleut aber gsait zo dönn Man: "Ä, ietz kanst y +glei nonmaal über Nacht daableibn aau. Laaß dyr s guetgeen!"

Съдии 19:6
И така, седнаха та ядоха и пиха двамата заедно; после бащата на младата рече на мъжа: Склони, моля, да пренощуваш, и нека се развесели сърцето ти.

士 師 記 19:6
於 是 二 人 坐 下 一 同 吃 喝 。 女 子 的 父 親 對 那 人 說 : 請 你 再 住 一 夜 , 暢 快 你 的 心 。

於 是 二 人 坐 下 一 同 吃 喝 。 女 子 的 父 亲 对 那 人 说 : 请 你 再 住 一 夜 , 畅 快 你 的 心 。



Judges 19:6
I tako sjedoše te su obojica jela i pila, a onda otac mlade žene reče čovjeku: "Hajde, ostani još noćas i proveseli se!"

Soudců 19:6
Sedli tedy a pojedli oba spolu, a napili se. Potom řekl otec děvky k muži: Posediž medle, nýbrž pobuď přes noc, a buď mysli veselé.

Dommer 19:6
De blev da og spiste og drak begge to sammen, og den unge Kvindes Fader sagde til Manden: »Bestem dig til at blive Natten over og gør dig til gode!«

Richtere 19:6
Zo zaten zij neder, en zij beiden aten te zamen, en dronken. Toen zeide de vader van de jonge vrouw tot den man: Bewillig toch en vernacht, en laat uw hart vrolijk zijn.

שופטים 19:6
וַיֵּשְׁב֗וּ וַיֹּאכְל֧וּ שְׁנֵיהֶ֛ם יַחְדָּ֖ו וַיִּשְׁתּ֑וּ וַיֹּ֜אמֶר אֲבִ֤י הַֽנַּעֲרָה֙ אֶל־הָאִ֔ישׁ הֹֽואֶל־נָ֥א וְלִ֖ין וְיִטַ֥ב לִבֶּֽךָ׃

ו וישבו ויאכלו שניהם יחדו--וישתו ויאמר אבי הנערה אל האיש הואל נא ולין וייטב לבך

וישבו ויאכלו שניהם יחדו וישתו ויאמר אבי הנערה אל־האיש הואל־נא ולין ויטב לבך׃

Birák 19:6
És leültek, és mindketten együtt ettek és ittak, és monda a leány atyja a férfiúnak: Gondold meg és hálj itt az éjjel és gyönyörködjék a te szíved.

Juĝistoj 19:6
Kaj ili restis, kaj ambaux kune mangxis kaj trinkis. Kaj la patro de la juna virino diris al la viro:Mi petas vin, tranoktu kaj gxojigu vian koron.

Ja he istuivat, söivät ja joivat toinen toisensa kanssa. Niin sanoi vaimon isä hänelle: ole tässä yötä, ja iloita sydämes.

Juges 19:6
Et ils s'assirent, et mangèrent et burent, eux deux ensemble; et le père de la jeune femme dit à l'homme: Consens, je te prie, et passe ici la nuit, et que ton coeur se réjouisse.

Et ils s'assirent, et ils mangèrent et burent eux deux ensemble. Puis le père de la jeune femme dit au mari: Décide-toi donc à passer la nuit, et que ton coeur se réjouisse.

Ils s'assirent donc, et mangèrent et burent eux deux ensemble; et le père de la jeune femme dit au mari : Je te prie qu'il te plaise de passer encore ici cette nuit, et que ton cœur se réjouisse.

Richter 19:6

Und sie setzten sich und aßen beide miteinander und tranken. Da sprach der Dirne Vater zu dem Mann: Bleib doch über Nacht und laß dein Herz guter Dinge sein.

So blieben sie denn und die beiden aßen und tranken zusammen; dann aber bat der Vater des Mädchens den Mann: Laß es dir doch gefallen und bleibe über Nacht und sei guter Dinge!

Giudici 19:6
E si posero ambedue a sedere e mangiarono e bevvero assieme. Poi il padre della giovane disse al marito: "Ti prego, acconsenti a passar qui la notte, e il cuor tuo si rallegri".

Così si posero amendue a sedere, e mangiarono, e bevvero insieme; e il padre della giovane disse a quell’uomo: Deh! piacciati star qui questa notte, e il cuor tuo si rallegri.

Maka duduklah mereka itu dan keduanyapun makan minumlah bersama-sama, lalu kata bapa perempuan muda itu kepada yang laki: Baiklah kiranya bermalam lagi di sini, biarlah hatimu bersukacita.

사사기 19:6
두 사람이 앉아서 함께 먹고 마시매 여자의 아비가 그 사람에게 이르되 `청하노니 이 밤을 여기서 유숙하여 그대의 마음을 즐겁게하라'

Iudicum 19:6
sederuntque simul et comederunt ac biberunt dixitque pater puellae ad generum suum quaeso te ut hodie hic maneas pariterque laetemur

Teisëjø knyga 19:6
Jie abu valgė ir gėrė. Po to merginos tėvas tarė: “Pasilik nakčiai! Tegul pasidžiaugia tavo širdis”.

Judges 19:6
Na ka noho raua, ka kai, ka inu tahi to raua tokorua, na ka mea te papa o te kotiro ki taua tangata, Tena koa, noho iho i te po nei, kia koa hoki tou ngakau.

Dommernes 19:6
De satte sig da begge to og åt og drakk sammen, og den unge kvinnes far sa til mannen: Vær nu så snild og bli her natten over og hygg dig her!

Jueces 19:6
Se sentaron, pues, los dos y comieron y bebieron juntos; y el padre de la joven dijo al hombre: Te ruego que te dignes pasar la noche, y que se alegre tu corazón.

Se sentaron, pues, los dos y comieron y bebieron juntos. Y el padre de la joven dijo al hombre: "Te ruego que te dignes pasar la noche, y que se alegre tu corazón."

Y se sentaron ellos dos juntos, y comieron y bebieron. Y el padre de la joven dijo al varón: Yo te ruego que te quieras quedar aquí esta noche, y se alegrará tu corazón.

Y sentáronse ellos dos juntos, y comieron y bebieron. Y el padre de la moza dijo al varón: Yo te ruego que te quieras quedar aquí esta noche, y alegraráse tu corazón.

Y se sentaron ellos dos juntos, y comieron y bebieron. Y el padre de la joven dijo al varón: Yo te ruego que te quieras quedar aquí esta noche, y se alegrará tu corazón.

Juízes 19:6
Estando assentados à mesa, eles comeram e beberam juntos como de costume, e então o pai da jovem pediu ao homem: “Consente, rogo-te, em ficar mais esta noite, e que se alegre o teu coração entre nós!”

Sentando-se, pois, ambos juntos, comeram e beberam; e disse o pai da moça ao homem: Peço-te que fiques ainda esta noite aqui, e alegre-se o teu coração.   

Judecatori 19:6
Şi au şezut de au mîncat şi au băut amîndoi. Apoi tatăl tinerei femei a zis bărbatului: ,,Hotărăşte-te dar să rămîi aici la noapte, şi să ţi se veselească inima.``

Книга Судей 19:6
Они остались, и оба вместе ели и пили. И сказал отец молодой женщины человеку тому: останься еще на ночь, и пусть повеселится сердце твое.

Они остались, и оба вместе ели и пили. И сказал отец молодой женщины человеку тому: останься еще на ночь, и пусть повеселится сердце твое.[]

Domarboken 19:6
Då satte de sig ned och åto båda tillsammans och drucko. Därefter sade kvinnans fader till mannen: »Beslut dig för att stanna här över natten, och låt ditt hjärta vara glatt.»

Judges 19:6
Sa gayo'y naupo sila, at kumain at uminom silang dalawa: at sinabi ng ama ng babae sa lalake, Isinasamo ko sa iyo na magsaya ka, at magpahinga sa buong gabi, at matuwa ang iyong puso.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 19:6
ชายสองคนนั้นก็นั่งลงรับประทานและดื่มด้วยกัน และบิดาของผู้หญิงก็บอกชายนั้นว่า "จงค้างอีกสักคืนเถิด กระทำจิตใจให้เบิกบาน"

Hakimler 19:6
İkisi oturup birlikte yiyip içtiler. Kayınbaba, ‹‹Lütfen bu gece de kal, keyfine bak›› dedi.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 19:6
Vậy, vợ chồng ngồi ăn uống cùng nhau. Cha của người đờn bà trẻ nói cùng người chồng rằng: Con hãy định ở lại đêm nay nữa, cho lòng con vui mừng!

Judges 19:5
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