Judges 19:20
Judges 19:20
"You are welcome at my house," the old man said. "Let me supply whatever you need. Only don't spend the night in the square."

"You are welcome to stay with me," the old man said. "I will give you anything you might need. But whatever you do, don't spend the night in the square."

And the old man said, “Peace be to you; I will care for all your wants. Only, do not spend the night in the square.”

The old man said, "Peace to you. Only let me take care of all your needs; however, do not spend the night in the open square."

And the old man said, Peace be with thee; howsoever let all thy wants lie upon me; only lodge not in the street.

Peace to you," said the old man. "I'll take care of everything you need. Only don't spend the night in the square."

The old man replied, "Don't be alarmed. I'll take care of all your needs. Just don't spend the night in the public square."

The old man said, "Everything is just fine! I will take care of all your needs. But don't spend the night in the town square."

Then the old man said, "Welcome! Let me take care of your needs. Just don't spend the night in the city square."

And the old man said, Peace be with thee; let all thy needs be upon me; only do not pass the night in the plaza.

And the old man said, Peace be with you; however let all your needs lie upon me; only lodge not in the street.

And the old man said, Peace be with you; howsoever let all your wants lie on me; only lodge not in the street.

And the old man said, Peace be unto thee; howsoever let all thy wants lie upon me; only lodge not in the street.

And the old man answered him: Peace be with thee: I will furnish all things that are necessary: only I beseech thee, stay not in the street.

And the old man said, "Peace be to you; I will care for all your wants; only, do not spend the night in the square."

And the old man said, Peace be unto thee; howsoever let all thy wants lie upon me; only lodge not in the street.

And the old man said, Peace be with thee; however, let all thy wants lie upon me; only lodge not in the street.

The old man said, "Peace be to you; howsoever let all your wants lie on me; only don't lodge in the street."

And the old man saith, 'Peace to thee; only, all thy lack is on me, only in the broad place lodge not.'

Gjyqtarët 19:20
Plaku i tha: "Paqja qoftë me ty! Megjithatë më lejo të kujdesem për çdo nevojë që ke; por ti nuk duhet ta kalosh natën në shesh".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 19:20
فقال الرجل الشيخ السلام لك. انما كل احتياجك عليّ ولكن لا تبت في الساحة.

D Richter 19:20
Dyr alte Man gaab an: "Gotikam! Wenn dyr non öbbs abgeet, naacherd kümmert mi i schoon drum. Auf dönn Plaz brauchst iednfalls +nit nächtignen!"

Съдии 19:20
И старецът рече: Бъди спокоен; обаче, всичките ти нужди нека понеса аз; само да не пренощуваш на улицата.

士 師 記 19:20
老 年 人 說 : 願 你 平 安 ! 你 所 需 用 的 我 都 給 你 , 只 是 不 可 在 街 上 過 夜 。

老 年 人 说 : 愿 你 平 安 ! 你 所 需 用 的 我 都 给 你 , 只 是 不 可 在 街 上 过 夜 。



Judges 19:20
Mir s tobom i dobro mi došao, odgovori starac. "Moja je briga što ti je potrebno, samo nemoj noćiti na trgu."

Soudců 19:20
I řekl muž ten starý: Měj ty pokoj. Čehoť se koli nedostává, nechť já to opatřím, ty toliko na ulici nezůstávej přes noc.

Dommer 19:20
Da sagde den gamle Mand: »Vær velkommen! Lad kun alt, hvad du trænger til, være min Sag; men paa Torvet maa du ikke overnatte!«

Richtere 19:20
Toen zeide de oude man: Vrede zij u! al wat u ontbreekt, is toch bij mij; alleenlijk vernacht niet op de straat.

שופטים 19:20
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר הָאִ֤ישׁ הַזָּקֵן֙ שָׁלֹ֣ום לָ֔ךְ רַ֥ק כָּל־מַחְסֹורְךָ֖ עָלָ֑י רַ֥ק בָּרְחֹ֖וב אַל־תָּלַֽן׃

כ ויאמר האיש הזקן שלום לך רק כל מחסורך עלי רק ברחוב אל תלן

ויאמר האיש הזקן שלום לך רק כל־מחסורך עלי רק ברחוב אל־תלן׃

Birák 19:20
Ekkor monda a vén ember: Békesség néked! Mindarra, a mi nélkül csak szûkölködöl, nékem lesz gondom. Csak nem hálsz itt az utczán?!

Juĝistoj 19:20
Kaj la maljunulo diris:Paco estu al vi; cxion, kio mankus al vi, mi prenas sur min; nur ne tranoktu sur la strato.

Vanha mies sanoi: rauha olkoon sinulle! kaikkea mitä sinulta puuttuu, on minulla; ainoasti älä ole tässä kujalla yötä.

Juges 19:20
Et le vieillard lui dit: Paix te soit! Seulement que tous tes besoins soient à ma charge; mais ne passe pas la nuit sur la place.

Le vieillard dit: Que la paix soit avec toi! Je me charge de tous tes besoins, tu ne passeras pas la nuit sur la place.

Et le vieillard lui dit : Paix te soit, quoi qu'il en soit je me charge de tout ce dont tu as besoin; [je te prie] seulement de ne passer point la nuit dans la place.

Richter 19:20

Der alte Mann sprach: Friede sei mit dir! Alles was dir mangelt findest du bei mir; bleibe nur nicht über Nacht auf der Gasse.

Da sagte der alte Mann: Willkommen! Nur, wenn es dir an irgend etwas gebricht, überlaß mir die Sorge! Jedenfalls aber darfst du nicht im Freien übernachten.

Giudici 19:20
Il vecchio gli disse: "La pace sia teco! Io m’incarico d’ogni tuo bisogno; ma non devi passar la notte sulla piazza".

E quell’uomo vecchio gli disse: Datti pace; lascia pur la cura a me d’ogni tuo bisogno; sol non istar la notte in su la piazza.

Lalu kata orang tua itu: Salam alaikum! Barang apa yang kurang padamu hamba juga mencukupkannya, sahaja jangan engkau bermalam di lorong ini.

사사기 19:20
노인이 가로되 `그대는 안심하라 그대의 모든 쓸 것은 나의 담책이니 거리에서는 자지 말라' 하고

Iudicum 19:20
cui respondit senex pax tecum sit ego praebebo omnia quae necessaria sunt tantum quaeso ne in platea maneas

Teisëjø knyga 19:20
Senas vyras atsakė: “Ramybė tau. Visa, ko reikia, parūpinsiu, tik nenakvok gatvėje”.

Judges 19:20
Na ka mea taua koroheke, Kia tau te rangimarie ki a koe, He ahakoa ra, waiho mai i ahau nga mea katoa e matea e koe; otiia kaua e moe ki te waharoa.

Dommernes 19:20
Da sa den gamle mann: Fred være med dig! La bare mig sørge for alt det du trenger, men på gaten må du ikke bli natten over.

Jueces 19:20
Y el anciano dijo: Paz sea contigo. Permíteme suplir todas tus necesidades; pero no pases la noche en la plaza.

"Paz sea contigo," dijo el anciano. "Permíteme suplir todas tus necesidades. Pero no pases la noche en la plaza."

Y el hombre viejo dijo: Paz sea contigo; tu necesidad toda sea solamente a mi cargo, con tal que no pases la noche en la plaza.

Y el hombre viejo dijo: Paz sea contigo; tu necesidad toda sea solamente á mi cargo, con tal que no tengas la noche en la plaza.

Y el hombre viejo dijo: Paz sea contigo; tu necesidad toda sea solamente a mi cargo, con tal que no tengas la noche en la plaza.

Juízes 19:20
Então aquele senhor lhe disse: “Sê bem-vindo em minha casa! Deixa-me ajudar-te no que necessitares, mas não passes a noite ao relento.”

Disse-lhe o ancião: Paz seja contigo; tudo quanto te faltar fique ao meu cargo; tão-somente não passes a noite na praça.   

Judecatori 19:20
Bătrînul a zis: ,,Pacea să fie cu tine! Toate nevoile tale le iau asupra mea, numai să nu rămîi în piaţă peste noapte.``

Книга Судей 19:20
Старик сказал ему: будь спокоен: весь недостаток твой на мне, только не ночуй на улице.

Старик сказал ему: будь спокоен: весь недостаток твой на мне, только не ночуй на улице.[]

Domarboken 19:20
Då sade den gamle mannen: »Frid vare med dig! Men låt mig få sörja för allt som kan fattas dig. Härute på den öppna platsen må du icke stanna över natten.»

Judges 19:20
At sinabi ng matandang lalake, Kapayapaan nawa ang sumaiyo; sa anomang paraa'y pabayaan mo sa akin ang lahat ng iyong mga kailangan: at huwag ka lamang tumigil sa lansangan.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 19:20
ชายแก่คนนั้นจึงพูดว่า "ขอท่านเป็นสุขสบายเถิด ถ้าท่านขาดสิ่งใด ข้าพเจ้าขอเป็นธุระทั้งสิ้น ขอแต่อย่านอนที่ถนนนี้เลย"

Hakimler 19:20
Yaşlı adam, ‹‹Gönlün rahat olsun›› dedi, ‹‹Her ihtiyacını ben karşılayacağım. Geceyi meydanda geçirmeyin.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 19:20
Nguời già nói: Bình an cho ngươi! Ta lãnh lo liệu mọi điều ngươi có cần dùng; ngươi sẽ chẳng ngủ đêm tại phố chợ đâu.

Judges 19:19
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