Judges 18:17
Judges 18:17
The five men who had spied out the land went inside and took the idol, the ephod and the household gods while the priest and the six hundred armed men stood at the entrance of the gate.

the five scouts entered the shrine and removed the carved image, the sacred ephod, the household idols, and the cast idol. Meanwhile, the priest was standing at the gate with the 600 armed warriors.

And the five men who had gone to scout out the land went up and entered and took the carved image, the ephod, the household gods, and the metal image, while the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the 600 men armed with weapons of war.

Now the five men who went to spy out the land went up and entered there, and took the graven image and the ephod and household idols and the molten image, while the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men armed with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war.

Then the five men who had gone to scout out the land went in and took the carved image overlaid with silver, the ephod, and the household idols, while the priest was standing by the entrance of the gate with the 600 men armed with weapons of war.

the five men who had gone to scout out the land arrived, entered Micah's home and confiscated the carved image, the ephod, the household idols, and the cast image. Meanwhile, the priest stood outside by the entrance to the gate with the 600 men armed with military weapons.

The five men who had gone to spy out the land broke in and stole the carved image, the ephod, the personal idols, and the metal image, while the priest was standing at the entrance to the gate with the six hundred fully armed men.

The five men who had gone to spy throughout the land went inside. They took the carved idol, the ephod, the household idols, and the metal idol. The priest stood at the entrance to the city with the 600 armed men.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up and went in there and took the graven image and the ephod, and the teraphim and the molten image while the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the household gods, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were armed with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war.

But they that were gone into the house of the young man, went about to take away the graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, and the molten god, and the priest stood before the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not far off.

and the five men who had gone to spy out the land went up, and entered and took the graven image, the ephod, the teraphim, and the molten image, while the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men armed with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to spy out the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entering of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war.

And the five men that went to explore the land went up, and came in thither, and took the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood in the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons of war.

The five men who went to spy out the land went up, and came in there, and took the engraved image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image: and the priest stood by the entrance of the gate with the six hundred men girt with weapons of war.

yea, the five men, those going to traverse the land, go up -- they have come in thither -- they have taken the graven image, and the ephod, and the teraphim, and the molten image -- and the priest is standing at the opening of the gate, and the six hundred men who are girded with weapons of war --

Gjyqtarët 18:17
pesë burrat që kishin vajtur të vëzhgonin vendin u ngjitën lart, hynë në shtëpi, morën shëmbëlltyrën e gdhendur, efodin, shtëpinë e idhujve dhe figurën prej metali të shkrirë. Prifti rrinte para portës bashkë me gjashtëqind njerëzit e armatosur mirë për luftë.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 18:17
فصعد الخمسة الرجال الذين ذهبوا لتجسّس الارض ودخلوا الى هناك واخذوا التمثال المنحوت والافود والترافيم والتمثال المسبوك. والكاهن واقف عند مدخل الباب مع الست مئة الرجل المتسلحين بعدة الحرب.

D Richter 18:17
dyrweil de fümf Kundschafter einhingiengend. Sö naamend syr dös Gotsbild, d Hausgötter und s Humeral mit, dyrweil dyr Priester bei n Toor bei de söxhundert schwaer bewaffnetn Krieger stuendd.

Съдии 18:17
Тогава петимата мъже, които бяха отишли да съгледат земята, отидоха, влязоха там, та взеха изваяния идол, ефода, домашните идоли, и леяния кумир; а свещеникът стоеше във входа на вратата с шестте стотин мъже, които бяха препасани с войнишки оръжия.

士 師 記 18:17
窺 探 地 的 五 個 人 走 進 去 , 將 雕 刻 的 像 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 像 , 並 鑄 成 的 像 , 都 拿 了 去 。 祭 司 和 帶 兵 器 的 六 百 人 , 一 同 站 在 門 口 。

窥 探 地 的 五 个 人 走 进 去 , 将 雕 刻 的 像 、 以 弗 得 、 家 中 的 神 像 , 并 铸 成 的 像 , 都 拿 了 去 。 祭 司 和 带 兵 器 的 六 百 人 , 一 同 站 在 门 口 。



Judges 18:17
ona petorica što su išla izviđati zemlju uđoše, uzeše efod, terafe i ljeveni idol, a svećenik stajaše na pragu pokraj šest stotina naoružanih ljudi.

Soudců 18:17
A šedše pět mužů, kteříž chodili k shlédnutí země, vešli tam a vzali rytinu a efod a terafim a slitinu; kněz pak stál u vrat brány s šesti sty muži oděnými v zbroji.

Dommer 18:17
Og de fem Mænd, der havde været henne at udspejde Landet, gik op og tog det udskaarne og støbte Billede, Efoden og Husguden, medens Præsten og de 600 væbnede Mænd stod ved Porten.

Richtere 18:17
Maar de vijf mannen, die gegaan waren om het land te verspieden, gingen op, kwamen daarhenen in, en namen weg het gesneden beeld, en den efod, en de terafim, en het gegoten beeld; de priester nu bleef staan aan de deur van de poort, met de zeshonderd mannen, die met krijgswapenen aangegord waren.

שופטים 18:17
וַֽיַּעֲל֞וּ חֲמֵ֣שֶׁת הָאֲנָשִׁ֗ים הַהֹלְכִים֮ לְרַגֵּ֣ל אֶת־הָאָרֶץ֒ בָּ֣אוּ שָׁ֔מָּה לָקְח֗וּ אֶת־הַפֶּ֙סֶל֙ וְאֶת־הָ֣אֵפֹ֔וד וְאֶת־הַתְּרָפִ֖ים וְאֶת־הַמַּסֵּכָ֑ה וְהַכֹּהֵ֗ן נִצָּב֙ פֶּ֣תַח הַשַּׁ֔עַר וְשֵׁשׁ־מֵאֹ֣ות הָאִ֔ישׁ הֶחָג֖וּר כְּלֵ֥י הַמִּלְחָמָֽה׃

יז ויעלו חמשת האנשים ההלכים לרגל את הארץ--באו שמה לקחו את הפסל ואת האפוד ואת התרפים ואת המסכה והכהן נצב פתח השער ושש מאות האיש החגור כלי המלחמה

ויעלו חמשת האנשים ההלכים לרגל את־הארץ באו שמה לקחו את־הפסל ואת־האפוד ואת־התרפים ואת־המסכה והכהן נצב פתח השער ושש־מאות האיש החגור כלי המלחמה׃

Birák 18:17
És az az öt férfiú, a ki a föld kikémlelésére ment volt el, mikor felment és megérkezett oda, elvette a faragott képet, az efódot, a teráfot és az öntött bálványt; a pap pedig ott állott a kapu elõtt a hadiszerszámokkal felkészült hatszáz férfiúval.

Juĝistoj 18:17
Kaj la kvin viroj, kiuj iris, por esplorrigardi la landon, eniris tien kaj prenis la figuron kaj la efodon kaj la domajn diojn kaj la idolon. Dume la pastro staris antaux la pordego, kun la sescent viroj, zonitaj per bataliloj.

Ja ne viisi miestä, jotka olivat menneet vakoomaan maata, menivät ylös ja tulivat sinne sisälle, ja ottivat kuvan, päällisvaatteen, pyhyyden ja epäjumalan. Ja pappi seisoi portilla kuudensadan sota-aseilla varustettuin miesten tykönä.

Juges 18:17
Et les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays montèrent, entrèrent là, et prirent l'image taillée, et l'éphod, et les théraphim, et l'image de fonte. Et le sacrificateur se tenait à l'entrée de la porte, ainsi que les six cents hommes qui étaient ceints de leurs armes de guerre.

Et les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour explorer le pays montèrent et entrèrent dans la maison; ils prirent l'image taillée, l'éphod, les théraphim, et l'image en fonte, pendant que le prêtre était à l'entrée de la porte avec les six cents hommes munis de leurs armes de guerre.

Mais les cinq hommes qui étaient allés pour reconnaître le pays, montèrent et entrèrent dans la maison, et prirent l'imagé taillée, l'Ephod, les Théraphims, et l'image de fonte, pendant que le Sacrificateur était à l'entrée de la porte, avec les six cents hommes armés.

Richter 18:17

Und die fünf Männer, die das Land zu erkunden ausgezogen waren, gingen hinauf und kamen dahin und nahmen das Bild, den Leibrock, die Hausgötzen und den Abgott. Dieweil stand der Priester vor dem Tor bei den sechshundert Gerüsteten mit ihren Waffen.

und die fünf Männer, die ausgezogen waren, das Land zu erkunden, stiegen hinauf, drangen dort ein, entwendeten das Schnitzbild, den Ephod und Teraphim und das Gußbild. Der Priester aber stand vor dem Thor, und die 600 Mann mit den Waffen angethan.

Giudici 18:17
Ma i cinque uomini ch’erano andati ad esplorare il paese, salirono, entrarono in casa, presero l’immagine scolpita, l’efod, gl’idoli e l’immagine di getto, mentre il sacerdote stava davanti alla porta coi seicento uomini armati.

Ma que’ cinque uomini, ch’erano andati per ispiar il paese, salirono, ed entrarono là entro, e presero la scultura, e l’Efod, e le immagini, e la statua di getto, mentre il sacerdote era arrestato all’entrata della porta, co’ seicent’uomini armati.

Tetapi kelima orang yang telah pergi mengintai negeri itu langsung masuk ke dalam, lalu diambilnya akan patung yang terukir dan akan efod dan terafim dan akan patung tuangan itu sementara imam itu berdiri di pintu dengan orang enam ratus yang bersandangkan senjata.

사사기 18:17
땅을 탐지하러 갔던 다섯 사람이 그리로 들어가서 새긴 신상과 에봇과 드라빔과 부어 만든 신상을 취할 때에 제사장은 병기를 육백명과 함께 문 입구에 섰더니

Iudicum 18:17
at illi qui ingressi fuerant domum iuvenis sculptile et ephod et therafin atque conflatile tollere nitebantur et sacerdos stabat ante ostium sescentis viris fortissimis haut procul expectantibus

Teisëjø knyga 18:17
Tuo metu vyrai, kurie buvo išžvalgyti krašto, įėjo į Mikajo namus ir paėmė drožtą atvaizdą, efodą, terafimą ir nulietą atvaizdą. Tuo laiku kunigas stovėjo tarpuvartėje su šešiais šimtais apsiginklavusių vyrų.

Judges 18:17
Na haere atu ana nga tangata tokorima i haere ra ki te tutei i te whenua, a ka tae ki reira; kei te tango i te whakapakoko whakairo, i te epora, i nga terapimi, i te whakapakoko hoki i whakarewaina: na ko te tohunga i te tomokanga ki te kuwaha e tu ana, ratou ko nga tangata e ono rau, me a ratou rakau whawhai, whitiki tonu.

Dommernes 18:17
Og de fem menn som hadde draget avsted for å utspeide landet, steg op og gikk inn og tok det utskårne billede og livkjortelen og husgudene og det støpte fotstykke, mens presten stod ved inngangen til porten sammen med de seks hundre fullt væbnede menn.

Jueces 18:17
Y los cinco hombres que fueron a reconocer la tierra subieron y entraron allí, y tomaron la imagen tallada, el efod, los ídolos domésticos y la imagen de fundición, mientras el sacerdote estaba junto a la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres con armas de guerra.

Y los cinco hombres que fueron a reconocer la tierra subieron y entraron allí, y tomaron la imagen tallada, el efod, los ídolos domésticos y la imagen de fundición, mientras el sacerdote estaba junto a la entrada de la puerta con los 600 hombres con armas de guerra.

Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el efod, y el terafim, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote a la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados con armas de guerra.

Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido á reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el ephod, y el teraphim, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote á la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados

Y subiendo los cinco hombres que habían ido a reconocer la tierra, entraron allá, y tomaron la imagen de talla, y el efod, y los terafines, y la imagen de fundición, mientras estaba el sacerdote a la entrada de la puerta con los seiscientos hombres armados de armas de guerra.

Juízes 18:17
os cinco homens que tinham estado antes ali para o reconhecimento do território vieram e entraram na casa, apanharam a imagem de escultura, o efod, os terafim e o ídolo de metal fundido, estando o sacerdote em pé, à entrada da porta, com os seiscentos homens armados para a guerra.

Mas subindo os cinco homens que haviam espiado a terra, entraram ali e tomaram a imagem esculpida, e éfode, os terafins e a imagem de fundição, ficando o sacerdote em pé à entrada da porta, com os seiscentos homens armados.   

Judecatori 18:17
Şi cei cinci oameni cari se duseseră să iscodească ţara, s'au suit şi au intrat în casă; au luat chipul cioplit, efodul, terafimii, şi chipul turnat, în timp ce preotul era la intrarea porţii cu cei şase sute de oameni, încinşi cu armele lor de război.

Книга Судей 18:17
Пять же человек, ходивших осматривать землю, пошли, вошли туда, взяли истукан и ефод и терафим и литый кумир. Священник стоял у ворот с теми шестьюстами человек, препоясанных воинским оружием.

Пять же человек, ходивших осматривать землю, пошли, вошли туда, взяли истукан и ефод и терафим и литый кумир. Священник стоял у ворот с теми шестьюстами человек, препоясанных воинским оружием.[]

Domarboken 18:17
Och de fem män som hade varit åstad för att bespeja landet gingo upp och kommo ditin och togo den skurna gudabilden och efoden, så ock husgudarna och den gjutna gudabilden, under det att prästen stod vid ingången till porten jämte de sex hundra vapenomgjordade männen.

Judges 18:17
At ang limang lalake na yumaong tumiktik ng lupain ay nagsiahon at pumasok doon, at kinuha ang larawang inanyuan, at ang epod, at ang mga terap, at ang larawang binubo, at ang saserdote ay nakatayo sa pasukan ng pintuang-bayan na kasama ng anim na raang lalake na may sandata ng kanilang mga kasakbatang pangdigma.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 18:17
ชายทั้งห้าคนที่ออกไปสอดแนมดูบ้านเมืองก็เดินเข้าไปนำเอารูปแกะสลัก รูปเอโฟด รูปพระ และรูปหล่อไป ฝ่ายปุโรหิตก็ยืนอยู่ที่ทางเข้าประตูรั้วกับทหารถืออาวุธทำสงครามหกร้อยคนนั้น

Hakimler 18:17
Yöreyi araştırmış olan beş adam içeri girip efodu, özel putları, oyma ve dökme putları aldılar. Kâhinle silah kuşanmış altı yüz kişiyse dış kapının önünde duruyordu.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 18:17
Nhưng năm người đã đi do thám xứ, đi lên, vào nhà, và cướp lấy tượng chạm, chơn bằng gang, ê-phót, và những thê-ra-phim, đương khi thầy tế lễ đứng tại cửa cùng sáu trăm người cầm binh khí.

Judges 18:16
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