Judges 17:2
Judges 17:2
said to his mother, "The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you and about which I heard you utter a curse--I have that silver with me; I took it." Then his mother said, "The LORD bless you, my son!"

One day he said to his mother, "I heard you place a curse on the person who stole 1,100 pieces of silver from you. Well, I have the money. I was the one who took it." "The LORD bless you for admitting it," his mother replied.

And he said to his mother, “The 1,100 pieces of silver that were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it.” And his mother said, “Blessed be my son by the LORD.”

He said to his mother, "The eleven hundred pieces of silver which were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse in my hearing, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." And his mother said, "Blessed be my son by the LORD."

And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from thee, about which thou cursedst, and spakest of also in mine ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my son.

He said to his mother, "The 1,100 pieces of silver taken from you, and that I heard you utter a curse about--here, I have the silver with me. I took it. So now I return it to you." Then his mother said, "My son, you are blessed by the LORD!"

He told his mother, "Do you remember those 1,100 silver coins that were stolen from you and about which you uttered a curse when I could hear it? Well, I have the silver. I took it." So she replied, "May my son be blessed by the LORD."

He said to his mother, "You know the eleven hundred pieces of silver which were stolen from you, about which I heard you pronounce a curse? Look here, I have the silver. I stole it, but now I am giving it back to you." His mother said, "May the LORD reward you, my son!"

He told his mother, "You were upset about the 1,100 pieces of silver that were taken from you. I even heard you put a curse on them. Here's the silver. I took it!" His mother said, "The LORD bless you, my son!"

And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were stolen from thee, about which thou didst curse in my hearing, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my son.

And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you, about which you cursed, and spoke of also in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be you of the LORD, my son.

And he said to his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from you, about which you cursed, and spoke of also in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be you of the LORD, my son.

And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred pieces of silver that were taken from thee, about which thou didst utter a curse, and didst also speak it in mine ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be my son of Jehovah.

Who said to his mother: The eleven hundred pieces of silver, which thou hadst put aside for thyself, and concerning which thou didst swear in my hearing, behold I have, and they are with me. And she said to him: Blessed be my son by the Lord.

And he said to his mother, "The eleven hundred pieces of silver which were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." And his mother said, "Blessed be my son by the LORD."

And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred pieces of silver that were taken from thee, about which thou didst utter a curse, and didst also speak it in mine ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be my son of the LORD.

And he said to his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from thee, about which thou didst curse, and speak of also in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my son.

He said to his mother, "The eleven hundred [pieces] of silver that were taken from you, about which you uttered a curse, and also spoke it in my ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it." His mother said, "Blessed be my son of Yahweh."

and he saith to his mother, 'The eleven hundred silverlings which have been taken of thine, and of which thou hast sworn, and also spoken in mine ears; lo, the silver is with me, I have taken it;' and his mother saith, 'Blessed is my son of Jehovah.'

Gjyqtarët 17:2
Ai i tha nënes së tij: "Një mijë e njëqind siklat prej argjendi që të kanë marrë dhe për të cilat ke thënë një mallkim, që e dëgjova me veshët e mi, ja, i kam unë; ato para i kisha marrë unë". Nëna e tij tha: "Im bir qoftë i bekuar nga Zoti!".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 17:2
فقال لامه ان الالف والمئة شاقل الفضة التي أخذت منك وانت لعنت وقلت ايضا في اذنيّ. هوذا الفضة معي انا اخذتها. فقالت امه مبارك انت من الرب يا ابني.

D Richter 17:2
Er gsait zo seiner Mueter: "Mämmy, dir haat doch öbber dreuzöhen Teger Silber gstoln; und i haan ghoert, däßst önn Dieb verfluecht haast. Also, dös Geld haan +i; i bin s gwösn." Sein Mueter gsait: "Dyr Herr müg di sögnen, mein Sun!"

Съдии 17:2
Той каза на майка си: Хилядата и сто сребърника, които ти бяха отнети, за които ти и прокълна, още изговори [клетвата] като слушах аз,- ето, среброто е у мене; аз го взех. А майка му рече: Благословен да е моят син от Господа.

士 師 記 17:2
他 對 母 親 說 : 你 那 一 千 一 百 舍 客 勒 銀 子 被 人 拿 去 , 你 因 此 咒 詛 , 並 且 告 訴 了 我 。 看 哪 , 這 銀 子 在 我 這 裡 , 是 我 拿 去 了 。 他 母 親 說 : 我 兒 啊 , 願 耶 和 華 賜 福 與 你 !

他 对 母 亲 说 : 你 那 一 千 一 百 舍 客 勒 银 子 被 人 拿 去 , 你 因 此 咒 诅 , 并 且 告 诉 了 我 。 看 哪 , 这 银 子 在 我 这 里 , 是 我 拿 去 了 。 他 母 亲 说 : 我 儿 啊 , 愿 耶 和 华 赐 福 与 你 !



Judges 17:2
On reče majci: "Tisuću i sto srebrnih šekela što su ti ukradeni i zbog kojih si izustila kletvu - uši su je moje čule - taj je novac kod mene, ja sam ga uzeo." Mati mu odgovori: "Jahve te blagoslovio, sine moj!"

Soudců 17:2
Kterýž řekl matce své: Ten tisíc a sto stříbrných, kteříž vzati byli tobě, pro něž jsi zlořečila a mluvilas přede mnou, hle, stříbro to u mne jest, já jsem je vzal. I řekla matka jeho: Požehnaný jsi, synu můj, od Hospodina.

Dommer 17:2
Han sagde til sin Moder: »De 1100 Sekel Sølv, du har mistet, og for hvis Skyld du udtalte en Forbandelse, som jeg selv hørte, se, de Penge er hos mig; jeg har taget dem, men nu vil jeg give dig dem tilbage.« Da sagde hans Moder: »HERREN velsigne dig, min Søn!«

Richtere 17:2
Die zeide tot zijn moeder: De duizend en honderd zilverlingen, die u ontnomen zijn, om dewelke gij gevloekt hebt, en ook voor mijn oren gesproken hebt, zie, dat geld is bij mij, ik heb dat genomen. Toen zeide zijn moeder: Gezegend zij mijn zoon den HEERE!

שופטים 17:2
וַיֹּ֣אמֶר לְאִמֹּ֡ו אֶלֶף֩ וּמֵאָ֨ה הַכֶּ֜סֶף אֲשֶׁ֣ר לֻֽקַּֽח־לָ֗ךְ [וְאַתִּי כ] (וְאַ֤תְּ ק) אָלִית֙ וְגַם֙ אָמַ֣רְתְּ בְּאָזְנַ֔י הִנֵּֽה־הַכֶּ֥סֶף אִתִּ֖י אֲנִ֣י לְקַחְתִּ֑יו וַתֹּ֣אמֶר אִמֹּ֔ו בָּר֥וּךְ בְּנִ֖י לַיהוָֽה׃

ב ויאמר לאמו אלף ומאה הכסף אשר לקח לך ואתי (ואת) אלית וגם אמרת באזני הנה הכסף אתי אני לקחתיו ותאמר אמו ברוך בני ליהוה

ויאמר לאמו אלף ומאה הכסף אשר לקח־לך [ואתי כ] (ואת ק) אלית וגם אמרת באזני הנה־הכסף אתי אני לקחתיו ותאמר אמו ברוך בני ליהוה׃

Birák 17:2
És monda az õ anyjának: Az az ezerszáz ezüst, mely tõled elvétetett, és a mely miatt te átkozódál, és füleimbe is mondtad, ímé az az ezüst én nálam van, én vettem el azt. És monda az õ anyja: Légy megáldva, fiam, az Úrtól!

Juĝistoj 17:2
Li diris al sia patrino:La mil kaj cent argxentaj moneroj, kiujn oni prenis de vi kaj pro kiuj vi malbenis antaux miaj oreloj, jen la argxento estas cxe mi; mi prenis gxin. Kaj lia patrino diris:Mia filo estu benata de la Eternulo.

Hän sanoi äidillensä: ne tuhannen ja sata hopiapenninkiä, jotka sinulta otettiin, joiden tähden sinä kirosit ja puhuit minun korvaini kuullen: katso, ne ovat minun tykönäni, minä ne otin. Silloin sanoi hänen äitinsä: siunattu olet sinä, minun poikani, Herralle.

Juges 17:2
et il dit à sa mère: Les onze cents pièces d'argent qui t'ont été prises, et au sujet desquelles tu as fait des imprécations et as aussi parlé à mes oreilles..., voici, l'argent est par devers moi; c'est moi qui l'avais pris. Et sa mère dit: Béni soit mon fils de par l'Éternel!

Il dit à sa mère: Les mille et cent sicles d'argent qu'on t'a pris, et pour lesquels tu as fait des imprécations même à mes oreilles, voici, cet argent est entre mes mains, c'est moi qui l'avais pris. Et sa mère dit: Béni soit mon fils par l'Eternel!

Qui dit à sa mère : Les onze cents [pièces] d'argent qui te furent prises, pour lesquelles tu fis des imprécations, en ma présence, voici, j'ai cet argent-là par-devers moi; je l'avais pris. Alors sa mère dit : Béni soit mon fils par l'Eternel.

Richter 17:2

Der sprach zu seiner Mutter: Die tausendundhundert Silberlinge, die dir genommen worden sind und derenthalben du den Fluch gesprochen und auch vor meinen Ohren gesagt hast, sieh, das Geld ist bei mir; ich habe es genommen. Da sprach sein Mutter: Gesegnet sei mein Sohn dem HERRN!

der sprach zu seiner Mutter: Die elfhundert Silbersekel, die dir entwendet worden sind, daher du eine Verwünschung ausgestoßen und in meiner Gegenwart gesagt hast: - - dieses Geld ist in meiner Verwahrung; ich habe es entwendet: aber nun will ich es dir zurückgeben! Seine Mutter erwiderte: Mögest du von Jahwe gesegnet sein, mein Sohn!

Giudici 17:2
Egli disse a sua madre: "I mille cento sicli d’argento che t’hanno rubato, e a proposito de’ quali hai pronunziato una maledizione, e l’hai pronunziata in mia presenza, ecco, li ho io; quel denaro l’avevo preso io". E sua madre disse: "Benedetto sia dall’Eterno il mio figliuolo!"

Ed esso disse a sua madre: I mille e cento sicli d’argento che ti erano stati tolti, per li quali tu scongiurasti con maledizioni, le quali eziandio tu proferisti in mia presenza; ecco, sono appresso di me; io li avea presi. E sua madre gli disse: Benedetto sia il mio figliuolo appo il Signore.

Maka katanya kepada ibunya: Adapun seribu seratus keping perak, yang telah dicuri dari pada ibuku dan yang telah ibuku sumpahkan di hadapan pendengaranku, sesungguhnya segala uang itu adalah padaku, karena aku yang telah mengambil dia. Maka kata ibunya: Diberkatilah kiranya Tuhan akan dikau, hai anakku!

사사기 17:2
그 어미에게 이르되 `어머니께서 은 일천 일백을 잃어버리셨으므로 저주하시고 내 귀에도 말씀하셨더니 보소서 그 은이 내게 있나이다 내가 그것을 취하였나이다' 어미가 가로되 `내 아들이 여호와께 복 받기를 원하노라' 하니라

Iudicum 17:2
qui dixit matri suae mille centum argenteos quos separaveras tibi et super quibus me audiente iuraveras ecce ego habeo et apud me sunt cui illa respondit benedictus filius meus Domino

Teisëjø knyga 17:2
Jis tarė savo motinai: “Tu prakeikei tą, kuris paėmė iš tavęs tūkstantį šimtą sidabrinių. Tie pinigai yra pas mane. Aš juos paėmiau”. Jo motina tarė: “Viešpats telaimina tave, mano sūnau”.

Judges 17:2
Na ka mea ia ki tona whaea, Ko nga hiriwa kotahi tekau ma tahi rau i tangohia ra i a koe, te mea i kanga ra koe, i korero ai hoki koe ki oku taringa, nana, kei ahau aua hiriwa; naku i tango. Na ka mea tona whaea, Ma Ihowa koe e manaaki, e taku ta ma.

Dommernes 17:2
Han sa til sin mor: De elleve hundre sekel sølv* som blev tatt fra dig, og som du har uttalt forbannelse over, så også jeg hørte på det - disse penger er hos mig; det er jeg som har tatt dem. Da sa hans mor: Velsignet være du, min sønn, av Herren!

Jueces 17:2
Y él dijo a su madre: Las mil cien piezas de plata que te quitaron, acerca de las cuales proferiste una maldición a mis oídos, he aquí, la plata está en mi poder; yo la tomé. Y su madre dijo: Bendito sea mi hijo por el SEÑOR.

Y él dijo a su madre: "Las 1,100 monedas de plata que te quitaron, acerca de las cuales proferiste una maldición a mis oídos, mira, esa plata está en mi poder; yo la tomé." "Bendito sea mi hijo por el SEÑOR," le dijo su madre.

El cual dijo a su madre: Los mil cien siclos de plata que te fueron hurtados, por lo que tú maldecías, y de los cuales me hablaste, he aquí que yo tengo este dinero; yo lo había tomado. Entonces su madre dijo: Bendito seas de Jehová, hijo mío.

El cual dijo á su madre: Los mil y cien siclos de plata que te fueron hurtados, por lo que tú maldecías oyéndolo yo, he aquí que yo tengo este dinero: yo lo había tomado. Entonces la madre dijo: Bendito seas de Jehová, hijo mío.

El cual dijo a su madre: Los mil cien siclos de plata que te fueron hurtados, por lo que tú maldecías oyéndolo yo, he aquí que yo tengo este dinero; yo lo había tomado. Entonces la madre dijo: Bendito seas del SEÑOR, hijo mío.

Juízes 17:2
Em um certo dia ele confessou à sua mãe: “Aqueles teus treze quilos de prata, a propósito dos quais ouvi como pronunciaste uma maldição contra o ladrão, estão aqui comigo, eu os furtei!” Sua mãe então exclamou: “Seja o meu filho bendito de Yahweh!”

Disse este a sua mãe: As mil e cem moedas de prata que te foram tiradas, por cuja causa lançaste maldições, e acerca das quais também me falaste, eis que esse dinheiro está comigo, eu o tomei. Então disse sua mãe: Bendito do Senhor seja meu filho!   

Judecatori 17:2
El a zis mamei sale: ,,Cei o mie o sută de sicli de argint, cari ţi s'au luat, şi pentru cari ai blestemat chiar în auzul urechilor mele, argintul acesta este în mînile mele, eu îl luasem.`` Şi mamă-sa a zis: ,,Binecuvîntat să fie fiul meu de Domnul!``

Книга Судей 17:2
Он сказал матери своей: тысяча сто сиклей серебра, которые у тебя взяты и за которые ты при мне изрекла проклятие, это серебро у меня, я взял его. Мать его сказала: благословен сын мой у Господа!

Он сказал матери своей: тысяча сто [сиклей] серебра, которые у тебя взяты и за которые ты при мне изрекла проклятие, это серебро у меня, я взял его. Мать его сказала: благословен сын мой у Господа![]

Domarboken 17:2
Denne sade till sin moder: »De ett tusen ett hundra silversiklar som blevo dig fråntagna, och för vilkas skull du uttalade en förbannelse, som jag själv hörde, se, de penningarna finnas hos mig. Det var jag som tog dem.» Då sade hans moder: »Välsignad vare du, min son, av HERREN!»

Judges 17:2
At sinabi niya sa kaniyang ina, Ang isang libo at isang daang putol na pilak na kinuha sa iyo, na siyang ikinapagtungayaw mo, at sinalita mo rin sa aking mga pakinig, narito, ang pilak ay nasa akin; aking kinuha. At sinabi ng kaniyang ina, Pagpalain nawa ng Panginoon ang aking anak.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 17:2
เขาพูดกับมารดาของเขาว่า "เงินหนึ่งพันหนึ่งร้อยแผ่น ซึ่งมีคนลักไปจากแม่และแม่ก็ได้สาปแช่ง และพูดเข้าหูฉันนั้น ดูเถิด เงินนั้นอยู่ที่ฉัน ฉันเอาไปเอง" มารดาของเขาจึงพูดว่า "ขอพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงอำนวยพระพรให้ลูกของแม่เถิด"

Hakimler 17:2
Mika annesine, ‹‹Senden çalınan, lanetlediğini duyduğum bin yüz parça gümüş var ya, işte o gümüşler bende, onları ben çaldım›› dedi. Annesi, ‹‹RAB seni kutsasın, oğlum!›› dedi.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 17:2
Người nói cùng mẹ mình rằng: Mười một trăm miếng bạc người ta ăn cắp của mẹ, mà mẹ đã rủa sả trước mặt con, và buông những lời trù ẻo chính tai con đã nghe, nầy bạc đó hiện ở trong tay con, ấy là con đã lấy. Mẹ người đáp rằng: Nguyện Ðức Giê-hô-va ban phước cho con!

Judges 17:1
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