Judges 11:37
Judges 11:37
But grant me this one request," she said. "Give me two months to roam the hills and weep with my friends, because I will never marry."

But first let me do this one thing: Let me go up and roam in the hills and weep with my friends for two months, because I will die a virgin."

So she said to her father, “Let this thing be done for me: leave me alone two months, that I may go up and down on the mountains and weep for my virginity, I and my companions.”

She said to her father, "Let this thing be done for me; let me alone two months, that I may go to the mountains and weep because of my virginity, I and my companions."

And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.

She also said to her father, "Let me do this one thing: Let me wander two months through the mountains with my friends and mourn my virginity.""

Then she continued talking with her father, "Do this for me: leave me alone by myself for two months. I'll go up to the mountains and cry there because I'll never marry. My friends and I will go."

She then said to her father, "Please grant me this one wish. For two months allow me to walk through the hills with my friends and mourn my virginity."

Then she said to her father, "Do me a favor. Give me two months for my friends and me to walk in the mountains and mourn that I will never have an opportunity to get married."

And she said again unto her father, Let this thing be done for me; let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains and bewail my virginity, I and my companions.

And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and lament my virginity, I and my companions.

And she said to her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down on the mountains, and mourn my virginity, I and my fellows.

And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may depart and go down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my companions.

And she said to her father: Grant me only this which I desire: Let me go, that I may go about the mountains for two months, and may bewail my virginity with my companions.

And she said to her father, "Let this thing be done for me; let me alone two months, that I may go and wander on the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my companions."

And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may depart and go down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my companions.

And she said to her father, Let this thing be done for me: Let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.

She said to her father, "Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may depart and go down on the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my companions."

And she saith unto her father, 'Let this thing be done to me; desist from me two months, and I go on, and have gone down on the hills, and I weep for my virginity -- I and my friends.'

Gjyqtarët 11:37
Pastaj i tha të atit: "Të më lejohet kjo e drejtë: lermë të lirë dy muaj, në mënyrë që të sillem nëpër male duke qarë virgjërinë time me shoqet e mia".

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 11:37
ثم قالت لابيها فليفعل لي هذا الأمر. اتركني شهرين فاذهب وانزل على الجبال وابكي عذراويتي انا وصاحباتي.

D Richter 11:37
Und weiter gsait s zo irn Vatern: "Laaß myr bittschoen grad non dös Ain: Känntst myr nit non zwai Maanet göbn, dyrmit i eyn s Gebirg einhingee und dort mit meine Freundinnen mein jungs Bluet wain?"

Съдии 11:37
Каза още на баща си: Нека ми се направи това: остави ме два месеца, да ида да ходя по хълмовете, аз и другарките ми, и да оплача девството си.

士 師 記 11:37
又 對 父 親 說 : 有 一 件 事 求 你 允 准 : 容 我 去 兩 個 月 , 與 同 伴 在 山 上 , 好 哀 哭 我 終 為 處 女 。

又 对 父 亲 说 : 有 一 件 事 求 你 允 准 : 容 我 去 两 个 月 , 与 同 伴 在 山 上 , 好 哀 哭 我 终 为 处 女 。



Judges 11:37
Onda zamoli svog oca: "Ispuni mi ovu molbu: pusti me da budem slobodna dva mjeseca; lutat ću po gorama sa svojim drugama i oplakivati svoje djevičanstvo."

Soudců 11:37
Řekla také otci svému: Nechť toliko toto obdržím: Odpusť mne na dva měsíce, ať jdu a vejdu na hory a opláči panenství svého, já i družičky mé.

Dommer 11:37
Men hun sagde til sin Fader: »En Ting maa du unde mig: Giv mig to Maaneders Frist, saa jeg kan gaa omkring i Bjergene for at begræde min Jomfrustand sammen med mine Veninder!«

Richtere 11:37
Voorts zeide zij tot haar vader: Laat deze zaak aan mij geschieden: Laat twee maanden van mij af, dat ik heenga, en ga tot de bergen, en bewene mijn maagdom, ik en mijn gezellinnen.

שופטים 11:37
וַתֹּ֙אמֶר֙ אֶל־אָבִ֔יהָ יֵעָ֥שֶׂה לִּ֖י הַדָּבָ֣ר הַזֶּ֑ה הַרְפֵּ֨ה מִמֶּ֜נִּי שְׁנַ֣יִם חֳדָשִׁ֗ים וְאֵֽלְכָה֙ וְיָרַדְתִּ֣י עַל־הֶֽהָרִ֔ים וְאֶבְכֶּה֙ עַל־בְּתוּלַ֔י אָנֹכִ֖י [וְרַעִיתִי כ] (וְרֵעֹותָֽי׃ ק)

לז ותאמר אל אביה יעשה לי הדבר הזה  הרפה ממני שנים חדשים ואלכה וירדתי על ההרים ואבכה על בתולי אנכי ורעיתי (ורעותי)

ותאמר אל־אביה יעשה לי הדבר הזה הרפה ממני שנים חדשים ואלכה וירדתי על־ההרים ואבכה על־בתולי אנכי [ורעיתי כ] (ורעותי׃ ק)

Birák 11:37
És monda az õ atyjának: Csak azt az egyet tedd meg nékem; ereszsz el engem két hónapra, hadd menjek el és vonulhassak félre a hegyekre, hogy sírjak szûzességemen leánybarátaimmal.

Juĝistoj 11:37
Kaj sxi diris al sia patro:Faru por mi jenon:lasu min for por du monatoj, kaj mi iros, mi iros sur la montojn kaj priploros mian virgecon, mi kune kun miaj amikinoj.

Ja sanoi isällensä: tee se ainoastansa minulle, ettäs soisit minun kaksi kuukautta mennä vuorelle ja itkeä minun neitsyyttäni tuttavain piikain kanssa.

Juges 11:37
Et elle dit à son père: Que cette chose me soit faite: laisse-moi pendant deux mois, et je m'en irai, et je descendrai sur les montagnes, et je pleurerai ma virginité, moi et mes compagnes.

Et elle dit à son père: Que ceci me soit accordé: laisse-moi libre pendant deux mois! Je m'en irai, je descendrai dans les montagnes, et je pleurerai ma virginité avec mes compagnes.

Toutefois elle dit à son père : Que ceci me soit accordé; laisse-moi pour deux mois, afin que je m'en aille, et que je descende par les montagnes, et que je pleure ma virginité, moi et mes compagnes.

Richter 11:37

Und sie sprach zu ihrem Vater: Du wollest mir das tun, daß du mir lassest zwei Monate, daß ich von hinnen hinabgehe auf die Berge und meine Jungfrauschaft beweine mit meinen Gespielen.

Doch bat sie ihren Vater: Das möge mir gewährt sein: laß noch zwei Monate lang von mir ab, daß ich hingehe, hinab nach den Bergen, und mein Sterben im Jungfrauenalter beweine - ich und meine Gespielinnen.

Giudici 11:37
Poi disse a suo padre: "Mi sia concesso questo: lasciami libera per due mesi, ond’io vada e scenda per i monti a piangere la mia verginità con le mie compagne".

Poi disse a suo padre: Facciamisi questo: Lasciami per due mesi, acciocchè io vada su e giù per li monti, e pianga la mia verginità, con le mie compagne.

Dan lagi katanya kepada bapanya: Hanya seperkara ini juga berilah kiranya akan daku, biarkanlah aku dua bulan lamanya, supaya boleh aku pergi ke pegunungan dan menangisi hal perdaraanku di sana, baik aku baik segala taulanku.

사사기 11:37
아비에게 또 이르되 `이 일만 내게 허락하사 나를 두 달만 용납하소서 내가 나의 동무들과 함께 산에 올라가서 나의 처녀로 죽음을 인하여 애곡하겠나이다'

Iudicum 11:37
dixitque ad patrem hoc solum mihi praesta quod deprecor dimitte me ut duobus mensibus circumeam montes et plangam virginitatem meam cum sodalibus meis

Teisëjø knyga 11:37
Ji prašė tėvo duoti jai du mėnesius laiko nueiti į kalnus ir apraudoti savo mergystę kartu su draugėmis.

Judges 11:37
I mea ano ia ki tona papa, Kia meatia tenei mea ki ahau, waiho noa iho ahau, kia rua nga marama, a ka piki ahau, ka heke i nga maunga tangi ai ki toku wahinetanga, matou ko oku hoa.

Dommernes 11:37
Så sa hun til sin far: Bare én ting vil jeg be dig om: La mig være fri to måneder, så jeg kan gå ned på fjellene og gråte over min jomfrustand sammen med mine venninner.

Jueces 11:37
Y ella dijo a su padre: Que se haga esto por mí; déjame sola por dos meses, para que vaya yo a los montes y llore por mi virginidad, yo y mis compañeras.

Y ella dijo a su padre: "Que se haga esto por mí; déjame sola por dos meses, para que vaya yo a los montes y llore por mi virginidad, yo y mis compañeras."

Y además dijo a su padre: Permite que me sea hecho esto; deja que por dos meses vaya yo y descienda por los montes y llore mi virginidad, yo y mis compañeras.

Y tornó á decir á su padre: Hágasme esto: déjame por dos meses que vaya y descienda por los montes, y llore mi virginidad, yo y mis compañeras.

Y volvió a decir a su padre: Concédeme esto: déjame por dos meses que vaya y descienda por los montes, y llore mi virginidad, yo y mis compañeras.

Juízes 11:37
Em seguida ela acrescentou: “Concede-me, meu pai, apenas isto: deixa-me partir com algumas amigas por dois meses. Vagarei e lamentarei pelas colinas na companhia das minhas amigas, pois jamais saberei o que significa casar e ser mãe.”

Disse mais a seu pai: Concede-me somente isto: deixa-me por dois meses para que eu vá, e desça pelos montes, chorando a minha virgindade com as minhas companheiras.   

Judecatori 11:37
Şi ea a zis tatălui său: ,,Atît îngăduie-mi: lasă-mă slobodă două luni, ca să mă duc să mă pogor în munţi, şi să-mi plîng fecioria cu tovarăşele mele.``

Книга Судей 11:37
И сказала отцу своему: сделай мне только вот что: отпусти меня на два месяца; я пойду, взойду на горы и оплачу девствомое с подругами моими.

И сказала отцу своему: сделай мне только вот что: отпусти меня на два месяца; я пойду, взойду на горы и оплачу девство мое с подругами моими.[]

Domarboken 11:37
Och hon sade ytterligare till sin fader: »Uppfyll dock denna min begäran: unna mig två månader, så att jag får gå åstad ned på bergen och begråta min jungfrudom med mina väninnor.

Judges 11:37
At sinabi niya sa kaniyang ama, Ipagawa mo ang bagay na ito sa akin: pahintulutan mo lamang akong dalawang buwan, upang ako'y humayo't yumaon sa mga bundukin at aking itangis ang aking pagkadalaga, ako at ang aking mga kasama.

ผู้วินิจฉัย 11:37
และเธอพูดกับบิดาของเธอว่า "ขอให้ลูกอย่างนี้เถิด ขอปล่อยลูกไว้สักสองเดือน ลูกจะได้จากบ้านและลงไปบนภูเขา ร้องไห้คร่ำครวญถึงความเป็นพรหมจารีของลูก ลูกกับเพื่อนๆของลูก"

Hakimler 11:37
Sonra ekledi: ‹‹Yalnız bir dileğim var: Beni iki ay serbest bırak, gidip arkadaşlarımla kırlarda gezineyim, kızlığıma ağlayayım.››[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 11:37
Ðoạn, nàng lại nói cùng cha mình rằng: Xin cha hãy nhậm cho con lời nầy: Ðể cho con thong thả trong hai tháng, con sẽ đi ở trên núi đặng cùng chị em bạn con khóc về sự đồng trinh của con.

Judges 11:36
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