Judges 11:17
Judges 11:17
Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, 'Give us permission to go through your country,' but the king of Edom would not listen. They sent also to the king of Moab, and he refused. So Israel stayed at Kadesh.

they sent messengers to the king of Edom asking for permission to pass through his land. But their request was denied. Then they asked the king of Moab for similar permission, but he wouldn't let them pass through either. So the people of Israel stayed in Kadesh.

Israel then sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, ‘Please let us pass through your land,’ but the king of Edom would not listen. And they sent also to the king of Moab, but he would not consent. So Israel remained at Kadesh.

then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, "Please let us pass through your land," but the king of Edom would not listen. And they also sent to the king of Moab, but he would not consent. So Israel remained at Kadesh.

Then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but the king of Edom would not hearken thereto. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab: but he would not consent: and Israel abode in Kadesh.

Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, 'Please let us travel through your land,' but the king of Edom would not listen. They also sent messengers to the king of Moab, but he refused. So Israel stayed in Kadesh."

Israel sent a delegation to the king of Edom and asked him, "Please let us pass through your territory." 'But the king of Edom wouldn't listen. So they also sent word to the king of Moab, but he wouldn't consent, either. So Israel stayed at Kadesh.

Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, "Please allow us to pass through your land." But the king of Edom rejected the request. Israel sent the same request to the king of Moab, but he was unwilling to cooperate. So Israel stayed at Kadesh.

The people of Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom. They said, 'Please let us go through your country.' But the king of Edom wouldn't listen to them. They also sent messengers to the king of Moab. But he wouldn't allow it, either. So the people of Israel remained at Kadesh.

Then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land. But the king of Edom would not hear them. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab, but he would not consent either; therefore Israel abode in Kadesh.

Then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray you, pass through your land: but the king of Edom would not listen. And in like manner they sent unto the king of Moab: but he would not consent: and Israel abode in Kadesh.

Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray you, pass through your land: but the king of Edom would not listen thereto. And in like manner they sent to the king of Moab: but he would not consent: and Israel stayed in Kadesh.

then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land; but the king of Edom hearkened not. And in like manner he sent unto the king of Moab; but he would not: and Israel abode in Kadesh.

And he sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying: Suffer me to pass through thy land. But he would not condescend to his request. He sent also to the king of Moab, who likewise refused to give him passage. He abode therefore in Cades,

Israel then sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, 'Let us pass, we pray, through your land'; but the king of Edom would not listen. And they sent also to the king of Moab, but he would not consent. So Israel remained at Kadesh.

then Israel sent messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but the king of Edom hearkened not. And in like manner he sent unto the king of Moab: but he would not: and Israel abode in Kadesh.

Then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, Let me, I pray thee, pass through thy land: but the king of Edom would not hearken to it. And in like manner they sent to the king of Moab; but he would not consent. And Israel abode in Kadesh.

then Israel sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, 'Please let me pass through your land;' but the king of Edom didn't listen. In the same way, he sent to the king of Moab; but he would not: and Israel stayed in Kadesh.

and Israel sendeth messengers unto the king of Edom, saying, Let me pass over, I pray thee, through thy land, and the king of Edom hearkened not; and also unto the king of Moab hath Israel sent, and he hath not been willing; and Israel abideth in Kadesh,

Gjyqtarët 11:17
i dërgoi lajmëtarë mbretit të Edomit për t'i thënë: "Të lutem më lër të kaloj nëpër vendin tënd"; por mbreti i Edomit nuk pranoi. I dërgoi lajmëtarë edhe mbretit të Moabit, por edhe ky nuk pranoi. Kështu Izraeli mbeti në Kadesh.

ﺍﻟﻘﻀﺎﺓ 11:17
وارسل اسرائيل رسلا الى ملك ادوم قائلا دعني اعبر في ارضك. فلم يسمع ملك ادوم. فارسل ايضا الى ملك موآب فلم يرض. فاقام اسرائيل في قادش.

D Richter 11:17
Daa gschickt Isryheel Botn zo n Roetemer Künig und gabitt drum, däß s durch sein Land durchhintröchen derf. Aber dyr Künig von dyr Roetem gieng überhaaupt nit drauf ein. Aau bei n Mober Künig gapröblnd s is, und daa war s dös Gleiche. Dösswögn blibnd d Isryheeler z Kädisch.

Съдии 11:17
тогава Израил прати посланици до едомския цар да рекат: Нека премина, моля през земята ти. А едомският цар не послуша. Прати още и до моавския цар; но и той не склони. Затова Израил остана в Кадис.

士 師 記 11:17
就 打 發 使 者 去 見 以 東 王 , 說 : 求 你 容 我 從 你 的 地 經 過 。 以 東 王 卻 不 應 允 。 又 照 樣 打 發 使 者 去 見 摩 押 王 , 他 也 不 允 准 。 以 色 列 人 就 住 在 加 低 斯 。

就 打 发 使 者 去 见 以 东 王 , 说 : 求 你 容 我 从 你 的 地 经 过 。 以 东 王 却 不 应 允 。 又 照 样 打 发 使 者 去 见 摩 押 王 , 他 也 不 允 准 。 以 色 列 人 就 住 在 加 低 斯 。



Judges 11:17
Tada je poslao Izrael poslanike edomskom kralju s molbom: 'Htio bih proći kroz tvoju zemlju!' Ali ga edomski kralj ne posluša. Poslao ih je i moapskom kralju, ali ni on ne htjede, te Izrael ostade u Kadešu.

Soudců 11:17
Odkudž poslal Izrael posly k králi Edomskému, řka: Prosím, nechť projdu skrze zemi tvou. A nechtěl ho slyšeti král Edomský. Poslal také k králi Moábskému, a nechtěl povoliti. A tak zůstal Izrael v Kádes.

Dommer 11:17
Da sendte Israel Sendebud til Edomiternes Konge og lod sige: Lad mig drage igennem dit Land! Men Edomiternes Konge ænsede det ikke. Ligeledes sendte de Bud til Moabiternes Konge, men han var heller ikke villig dertil. Israel blev da boende i Kadesj.

Richtere 11:17
En Israel zond boden tot de koning der Edomieten, zeggende: Laat mij toch door uw land doortrekken; maar de koning der Edomieten gaf geen gehoor. En hij zond ook tot de koning der Moabieten, die ook niet wilde. Alzo bleef Israel in Kades.

שופטים 11:17
וַיִּשְׁלַ֣ח יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל מַלְאָכִ֣ים ׀ אֶל־מֶלֶךְ֩ אֱדֹ֨ום ׀ לֵאמֹ֜ר אֶעְבְּרָה־נָּ֣א בְאַרְצֶ֗ךָ וְלֹ֤א שָׁמַע֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ אֱדֹ֔ום וְגַ֨ם אֶל־מֶ֧לֶךְ מֹואָ֛ב שָׁלַ֖ח וְלֹ֣א אָבָ֑ה וַיֵּ֥שֶׁב יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל בְּקָדֵֽשׁ׃

יז וישלח ישראל מלאכים אל מלך אדום לאמר אעברה נא בארצך ולא שמע מלך אדום וגם אל מלך מואב שלח ולא אבה וישב ישראל בקדש

וישלח ישראל מלאכים ׀ אל־מלך אדום ׀ לאמר אעברה־נא בארצך ולא שמע מלך אדום וגם אל־מלך מואב שלח ולא אבה וישב ישראל בקדש׃

Birák 11:17
Követeket küldött Izráel Edom királyához, mondván: Hadd menjek át, kérlek, országodon; de Edom királya nem hallgatta meg. Majd Moáb királyához is küldött; de ez sem engedé, és [így] Izráel ott maradt Kádesben.

Juĝistoj 11:17
kaj tiam Izrael sendis senditojn al la regxo de Edom, por diri:Permesu al mi trairi vian landon; sed la regxo de Edom ne konsentis; ankaux al la regxo de Moab estis sendite, sed li ne konsentis; tial Izrael restis en Kadesx;

Ja Israel lähetti sanansaattajat Edomilaisten kuninkaan tykö, sanoen: anna minun käydä sinun maas lävitse. Mutta Edomilaisten kuningas ei kuullut heitä. Ja hän lähetti myös Moabilaisten kuninkaan tykö, joka ei myöskään tahtonut. Niin oli Israel Kadeksessa,

Juges 11:17
et Israël envoya des messagers au roi d'Édom, disant: Laisse-moi passer par ton pays; mais le roi d'Édom n'écouta pas. Et il envoya aussi au roi de Moab; mais il ne voulut pas. Et Israël demeura à Kadès.

Alors Israël envoya des messagers au roi d'Edom, pour lui dire: Laisse-moi passer par ton pays. Mais le roi d'Edom n'y consentit pas. Il en envoya aussi au roi de Moab, qui refusa. Et Israël resta à Kadès.

Et qu'il eut envoyé des messagers au Roi d'Edom, pour lui dire : Que je passe, je te prie, par ton pays; à quoi le Roi d'Edom ne voulut point entendre; et qu'il eut aussi envoyé au Roi de Moab, qui ne le voulut point non plus [entendre]; et après qu'Israël ayant demeuré à Kadès,

Richter 11:17

und sandte Boten zum König der Edomiter und sprach: Laß mich durch dein Land ziehen. Aber der Edomiter König erhörte sie nicht. Auch sandten sie zum König der Moabiter; der wollte auch nicht. Also blieb Israel in Kades

schickte Israel Gesandte an den König von Edom mit der Bitte: Laß mich doch durch dein Land ziehen! Aber der König von Edom willfahrte nicht. Ebenso sandte es an den König von Moab; er aber wollte nicht. Da blieb Israel in Kades,

Giudici 11:17
inviò de’ messi al re di Edom per dirgli: Ti prego, lasciami passare per il tuo paese; ma il re di Edom non acconsentì. Mandò anche al re di Moab, il quale pure rifiutò; e Israele rimase a Kades.

mandò ambasciatori al re di Edom, a dirgli: Deh! lascia che io passi per lo tuo paese; ma il re di Edom nol consentì; mandò eziandio al re di Moab, e anch’egli non volle. Laonde, dopo che Israele fu dimorato in Cades,

Maka disuruhkan orang Israel utusan kepada raja Edom, mengatakan: Berilah kiranya kami berjalan terus dari negerimu; tetapi raja orang Edom itu tiada mau dengar. Lalu disuruhkannya pula kepada raja orang Moab, tetapi iapun tiada mau, sehingga orang Israel itu tinggal di Kades.

사사기 11:17
이스라엘이 사자를 에돔 왕에게 보내어 이르기를 청컨대 나를 용납하여 네 땅 가운데로 지나게 하라 하였으나 에돔 왕이 이를 듣지 아니하였고 또 그같이 사람을 모압 왕에게 보내었으나 그도 허락지 아니함으로 이스라엘이 아데스에 유하였더니

Iudicum 11:17
misitque nuntios ad regem Edom dicens dimitte ut transeam per terram tuam qui noluit adquiescere precibus eius misit quoque et ad regem Moab qui et ipse transitum praebere contempsit mansit itaque in Cades

Teisëjø knyga 11:17
Iš čia Izraelis siuntė pasiuntinius pas Edomo karalių, prašydamas leisti jiems pereiti per jo žemę. Bet Edomo karalius nesutiko. Jie kreipėsi taip pat ir į Moabo karalių, bet ir tas nesutiko jų praleisti. Taip Izraelis pasiliko Kadeše.

Judges 11:17
Na ka tono tangata a Iharaira ki te kingi o Eroma, hei mea, Tukua ahau kia tika atu ma tou whenua; na kihai te kingi o Eroma i rongo. I tono ano ia ki te kingi o Moapa: a kihai tera i pai. Na ka noho a Iharaira ki Karehe.

Dommernes 11:17
Da sendte Israel bud til Edoms konge og lot si: La mig få dra gjennem ditt land! Men Edoms konge hørte ikke på dem. Også til Moabs konge sendte de bud; men han vilde heller ikke. Så blev Israel i Kades.

Jueces 11:17
Israel envió mensajeros al rey de Edom, diciendo: `Permítenos, te rogamos, pasar por tu tierra', pero el rey de Edom no les escuchó. También enviaron mensajeros al rey de Moab pero él no consintió, así que Israel permaneció en Cades.

entonces Israel envió mensajeros al rey de Edom diciéndole: "Permítanos, le rogamos, pasar por su tierra," pero el rey de Edom no los escuchó. También enviaron mensajeros al rey de Moab pero él no consintió, así que Israel permaneció en Cades.

Entonces Israel envió embajadores al rey de Edom, diciendo: Yo te ruego que me dejes pasar por tu tierra. Mas el rey de Edom no los escuchó. Envió también al rey de Moab; el cual tampoco quiso. Israel, por tanto, se quedó en Cades.

Entonces Israel envió embajadores al rey de Edom, diciendo: Yo te ruego que me dejes pasar por tu tierra. Mas el rey de Edom no los escuchó. Envió también al rey de Moab; el cual tampoco quiso: quedóse por tanto Israel en Cades.

Entonces Israel envió embajadores al rey de Edom, diciendo: Yo te ruego que me dejes pasar por tu tierra. Mas el rey de Edom no los escuchó. Envió también al rey de Moab; el cual tampoco quiso; se quedó por tanto Israel en Cades.

Juízes 11:17
Nesta época enviou Israel mensageiros ao rei de Edom, solicitando: “Permite, por favor, que eu passe pela tua terra!” Mas o rei de Edom recusou-se e nem quis ouvir mais nada. Então Israel enviou mensageiros com o mesmo pedido ao rei de Moabe, que da mesma maneira não consentiu. E por esse motivo Israel permaneceu em Cades.

dali enviou mensageiros ao rei de Edom, a dizer-lhe: Rogo-te que me deixes passar pela tua terra. Mas o rei de Edom não lhe deu ouvidos. Então enviou ao rei de Moabe, o qual também não consentiu; e assim Israel ficou em Cades.   

Judecatori 11:17
Atunci Israel a trimes soli împăratului Edomului, ca să -i spună: ,Lasă-mă să trec prin ţara ta.` Dar împăratul Edomului n'a voit. A trimes şi la împăratul Moabului, şi nici el n'a vrut. Şi Israel a rămas la Cades.

Книга Судей 11:17
оттуда послал Израиль послов к царю Едомскому сказать: „позволь мнепройти землею твоею"; но царь Едомский не послушал; и к царю Моавитскому он посылал, но и тот не согласился; посему Израиль оставался в Кадесе.

оттуда послал Израиль послов к царю Едомскому сказать: `позволь мне пройти землею твоею`; но царь Едомский не послушал; и к царю Моавитскому он посылал, но и тот не согласился; посему Израиль оставался в Кадесе.[]

Domarboken 11:17
skickade Israel sändebud till konungen i Edom och lät säga: 'Låt mig tåga genom ditt land.' Men konungen i Edom hörde icke därpå. De skickade ock till konungen i Moab, men denne ville icke heller Då stannade Israel i Kades.

Judges 11:17
Nagsugo nga ang Israel ng mga sugo sa hari sa Edom, na nagsasabi, Isinasamo ko sa iyong paraanin mo ako sa iyong lupain: nguni't hindi dininig ng hari sa Edom. At gayon din nagsugo siya sa hari sa Moab; nguni't ayaw siya: at ang Israel ay tumahan sa Cades:

ผู้วินิจฉัย 11:17
อิสราเอลจึงส่งผู้สื่อสารไปยังกษัตริย์เอโดมกล่าวว่า `ข้าพเจ้าขออนุญาตยกผ่านแผ่นดินของท่านไป' แต่กษัตริย์เอโดมไม่ฟัง และก็ได้ส่งคำขอเช่นเดียวกันไปยังกษัตริย์เมืองโมอับด้วย แต่ท่านก็ไม่ตกลง ดังนั้นอิสราเอลจึงยับยั้งอยู่ที่คาเดช

Hakimler 11:17
Sonra Edom Kralına ulaklar göndererek, ‹Lütfen topraklarından geçmemize izin ver› dediler. Edom Kralı kulak asmadı. İsrailliler Moav Kralına da ulaklar gönderdi, ama o da izin vermedi. Bunun üzerine Kadeşte kaldılar.[]

Caùc Quan Xeùt 11:17
Bấy giờ, người sai sứ giả đến vua Ê-đôm đặng tâu rằng: Xin cho tôi đi ngang qua xứ vua. Nhưng vua Ê-đôm không bằng lòng. Người cũng sai sứ giả đến vua Mô-áp, vua Mô-áp cũng không khứng cho, nên Y-sơ-ra-ên cứ ở tại Ca-đe.

Judges 11:16
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